What if: Chris Jericho Signed with TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I'm sure everyone here (or just about) saw the below video where Kurt Angle noted in an interview that not only had TNA "come close" to signing Chris Jericho, but that when he became a free agent they fully intended on signing him to a deal, even if it meant he only performed for the company on a part-time basis, cost be damned.


(A large) part of me fully agrees with Kurt, because frankly there is no one like Jericho in the business, and honestly no one like him in the making either (though a case might be made for Alex Shelley). Jericho is one-of-a-kind and a world class performer who would almost certainly be worth the price he'd demand, but the question arises — what if TNA had signed him at the time?

This was just a month ago this video surfaced, so the current story line with Immortal would still be the top angle in the company. How could Jericho have fit in? Would he have? Would the Immortal story still have worked? Most importantly, would Hardy still be champion?

Angle has been pining for The Worlds Greatest Tag Team for what feels like years now, and he was also reported to have been convinced he could have gotten Rey Mysterio to jump ship as well, but he's also not known to be a liar or a pot-stirrer, either, so there is some merit/value to his word.

Thoughts on all of this? Anyone think there's still a chance Jericho could still join, even at this point?
I'm very very torn on this actually.

From one perspective obviously I'm gonna say " PLEASE GOD NO DON'T DO IT JERICHO!". Because in the end of the day, I will always be a WWE fan over a TNA fan. I hardly ever watch TNA, and I think it's a shame if Jericho "throws what he has away" for TNA. He is a top heel in WWE, he's well paid as Kurt Angle expresses, and he's given all the time in the world he could possibly ask for, I think.

However, there's a lot to gain from a guy like Chris Jericho in TNA. Like Kurt said, it would probably only become a part time thing, even though Chris is on a roll, he's still older, he's 40 if I remember right. And there won't be MANY years remaining for him. However, there will be more than enough time for him to establish himself in TNA if he were to go there.

Chris is a great talent. We all know this, TNA knows this, and the TNA wrestlers knows this. Chris could be used as a great asset to push the younger talent, and obviously without loosing much credibility because he never does that.

Also, Chris will be able to bring in viewers I'm sure of that. He's not a major draw, but he is a big enough name to draw perhaps a 0.1 to 0.3 in increase I'd like to believe, without exaggerating it too much. So obviously TNA would benefit from Chris being in TNA, because of all the things he has to offer.

However, as it looks now, I really, really doubt that Chris will be going to TNA. Sure they almost had him as Kurt Angle tells us. Chris is very high on helping the young talent, which TNA would have a lot of possibilities to do. But I just don't see it happening. Chris has such a big career within WWE, such a long history, and is most definitely well paid.

But I guess if Chris went to TNA, I'd probably openly welcome it. I would most likely tune in to watch more often as well.
Would Chris Jericho have improved the product for TNA Wrestling? Without a doubt. He's one of the best current active wrestlers in history and would be a clear asset to any company with which he were to be associated. Longevity in the business. A well-recognized name. Terrific in-ring abilities and mic skills like few before him or since. The ability to work as a face, as a heel, or as a tweener, equally effectively. Chris Jericho signing would have been significant for TNA.

Would it have made a difference in the grand scheme of things? Probably not. In terms of ratings, PPV sales, etc., I don't necessarily think he would have made much of an impact. Let's face it, when it comes down strictly to a discussion of numbers, there's a long list of accomplished guys who have come to TNA with the expectation of being a Messiah, and while some of them have improved the product (arguably), they haven't impacted the bottom line. Angle, Hardy, RVD, Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Sting, Foley Lashley, Dreamer, Christian, Booker T, the list gooes on and on, and TNA continues to flounder in terms of numbers. Maybe a better product for the wrestling purists to enjoy, but likely still a struggle to remain above the Mendoza line in terms of ratings.

Personally I don't think there's much of a chance, if any at all, to see Jericho in TNA at this stage of his career. I'm sure he's seen guys come and guys go, and yet TNA remains barely a blip on the radar of WWE. I doubt he'd want to be associated with this at this stage of his career. I would imagine he wants to stay in a high profile position on the grandest stage of them all until he finally decides to hang up the boots permanently and pursue non-wrestling avenues. Plus, he's not going to want to compromise his WWE legacy and eventual induction into the WWE Hall of Fame by joining the "competition" for nothing. And I imagine he's had his fill of living in the shadows of other Immortal superstars during his tenure in WCW. Been there, done that, and I doubt he wants to go back there. Let's face it, he was not going to be a major player in the Immortal storyline and upstage the other guys, that's never happened before and likely isn't going to happen now.
Chris Jericho is one of the best people at putting another person over, IF he went TNA it would only be a good thing for TNA but it probably looses some of his credibility in the eyes of WWE fans.

I agree with Ferbian, in a sense that, Jericho has almost always been willing to give up his spot for young talent and help put them over and he's probably one of the best at doing so. But I also think, with Jericho's career nearing an end he would probably want to end it in the place that made him who he is today and not be "dis-loyal".

On a different topic, if he didn't want to wrestle anymore and I was WWE, I'd sure as hell keep him and pay him to develop talent in FCW. His skills are truly priceless, probably the best all round entertainter ever(?!).
The great thing about Jericho, is that if he had gone to TNA he wouldn't necessarily have had to have gone there to wrestle. They have a big enough roster as it is and it took them a while to trim down Fortune, so what would have been great to see would be Jericho sharing the mic work with Ric Flair who has had some great moments, but there is no one who could be the Yin to Flair's Yang just now. Jericho would/could have filled that role perfectly, and there is also the WCW history aspect to not only Jericho and Flair but of course with Hogan, Bischoff etc too.
However, only having him there for a few months would be a bit of an issue, as I'm sure (hypothetically) his debut and opening run would give their ratings a boost due to the fact that he is such an entertaining guy, but I can just as easily see his run fizzle out and TNA being left with a big Y2J hole that would be very hard to replace.
If Chris joined TNA I think I would literally shit my pants and have a massive heart attack on the side. That being said, I personally don't see it happening. But, if he did go, of course he would fit in, and I can garuntee that he would being a small amount of ratings at least.

I mean lets face it, the man got bucket loads of talent, from mic work, to face & heel work, to developing talent, to just plain being funny. He could fit in anywhere in TNA now in my honest opinion, I don't watch it very much but I know a man like Y2J Chris Jericho should be put in somewhere where he is actually noticed. In just saying that it also made me realize, would he even be allowed to call himself "Y2J" or "Chris Jericho"? It's not that big of a deal but it would be pretty lame if he had to make a name change.

Hardy could still be champ, but I think Jericho would get his hands on it at some point in the near future of him joining. The immortal storyline would still be in full effect obviously because I was hearing about "They" for god knows how long, but maybe have Jericho thrown in the mix? It could only make it better.

As for your final question, no. There is no chance Jericho is joining in my mind. Sure anything can happen, but as someone said above me, with this being Jericho's possible last run when he comes back, I think he would wanna finish on a big stage like WWE, where he became the Iatollah of Rock'n'Rollah, Y2J Chris Jericho. Not to bash TNA, but I don't think they could do Jericho justice in terms of giving him a send off that is worthy of him.

Here's to hoping Jericho comes back much sooner than later!
Jericho to TNA probably won't happen. It's not that I don't agree with Angle, but I just don't see it happening. Never say never in this business, though. Here is the scenario I would play out for Jericho should he sign tomorrow, let's say. Dixie Carter on TV recently filed an injunction against Hogan and Bischoff and as of right now, nobody is running TNA. Ultimately, this leads to an in-ring showdown between Immortal and Dixie Carter who comes out with Joe, Angle, Pope, Morgan, Williams, and Anderson. Dixie then tells Jeff Hardy that she has a special someone that she has called in to specifically target him...his brother Matt. Then, if that weren't enough, Dixie tells Hogan and Bischoff that since there are two of them and only one of her, she went out and got some help and it's someone the two of them know very well, especially Bischoff. That person is Jericho. As he winds down his in-ring career, even though he has a lot of outside ventures that he's involved in, I think he would be a very good front-office guy in pro wrestling but it needs to be a role in which he does mic work in the ring. Having Jericho behind the scenes won't work. He's too damn good on the mic and is just good all around.
Chris Jericho going to TNA would be a bad move. WWE is and will always be a company that made Jericho a star. He even said that he will only work for Vince Mcmahon and nobody else. TNA won't do anything with Chris Jericho but put him in shitty storylines.

He really doesn't like Hogon & Bishoff that much so I don't see him going to TNA. WWE IS JERICHO!!!
I think there's no chance of that happening. Jericho has said he'd never work for anyone other than WWE. I know never say never but I highly doubt it. What's the point. It's a shame because the WWE needs competition and I want TNA to succeed but the stuff they put on tv is just plain bad for the most part. Jericho would get a few more lifelong wrestling fans to turn to TNA to watch or maybe some random casual viewer who saw his show or likes Fozzy or whatever else he's done but that's it. Someone else already named the guys who've left WWE and ended up in TNA and it's literally made zero difference in ratings or anything so as great as Jericho is one more won't matter.
I don't think Jericho going to TNA would be a realistic possibility. He just seems like one of those guys who will be loyal to Vince McMahon, and if I remember correctly, Jericho did take a couple of pop shots at some people in TNA this year though his twitter.

But if this did happen, then I wouldn't have a problem with Jericho being in TNA. He is Chris freakin' Jericho, so I'm pretty sure TNA would give him a nice push. They would have to find him a way to fit him into the Immortal storyline, because you don't bring in Jericho to be a mid card guy. I would like to see him be a mentor for Pope, Anderson, and Joe. I don't think he should be the one to take down Hardy and Immortal, because that honor should be saved for someone who is going to remain in TNA for a long time. Jericho can be very entertaining as face, and it wouldn't hurt TNA to have another big name veteran who can actually go in the ring. Also, I'm sure TNA would find a way to book Jericho VS Angle, because you just know everyone would be foaming at the mouth to see that match. I don't think the ratings would jump that much, but it wouldn't hurt to have Chris Jericho on your roster.
Don't think it would ever happen, but if it did I wouldn't be a big fan of it.

Jericho is one of the best right now (even if he's not currently wrestling) and I don't see a move TNA being very beneficial to Jericho at all. First, I don't think he'll be used well. Most people get lost in the shuffle in TNA and personally I think the same would happen to Jericho. He would have a hot first few months, but then move down the ladder after he was done feuding with Hardy (or whoever). He does a great job of putting over talent, but you can only do so much with putting someone over, after he's done putting someone over its up to said talent to run with the momentum, and I don't see that too much in TNA, after 6 months in TNA a win over Jericho would mean nothing unless TNA invests the time and money to make new stars.

Second, I really don't want to see more WWE guys go to TNA. Of course some WWE veterans can help, but I feel TNA's locker room has too many of them as it is and if they screwed up with Hardy (who was the most popular wrestler in the world when he left WWE) then I have a real bad feeling about Jericho, he would just get lost in the shuffle as many former WWE talents do. Unless they have something big planned for Jericho before he comes into TNA he will most likely fall into obscurity.

Lastly, TNA doesn't need Jericho. They have all the talent in the world and with only a few hours of TV every week, hiring Jericho would mean someone else on the roster would lose their spot and the TV time required to get more noticed. They have plenty of people who can build stars in the ring (Angles a great example) so why hire another guy to do essentially the same thing? If Jericho and champ then he'll be used to get others over and if there is 10 guys on the roster already who can accomplish this then why add Jericho?

I love Jericho but at the end of the day he would be nothing more then an extra expense to TNA.
Remember what Steve Austin did when he came to ECW? That's very similar to how I see Chris Jericho being successful (and making others successful by proxy) were he to join up with TNA.

The whole thing could fit in perfectly with the emphasis on "shoots" in TNA that Hogan talked about prior. Jericho could arrive, grab a mic, and do nothing less than to totally run down the TNA product. He would remark that the Hogans, Flairs, and Foley's of the company are nothing more than "has beens" trying to reclaim that last little bit of glory in an industry that doesn't want them anymore. Guys like Pope, Anderson, and Hardy are "never weres" that simply didn't have the talent or charisma to cut it in WWE. That's surely better than the likes of AJ, Joe, and Lethal though... a pack of "never will be's" who are here because they have no place else to go... kinda like Dixie Carter. A woman who feels real powerful at her desk writing checks... checks that mommy and daddy's bank account are backing.

His own back story could be that WWE refused to pay him what he was worth... that at 40+ years old he still has more talent, more charisma, and is more over in the wrestling industry than the entire roster up North... let alone the second-rate scrubs that infest TNA. Dixie has a lot of money to throw around and figured he'd be more than happy to take some of it from her since Vince wasn't willing to comply.

An angle like this could literally go on for a year or better, as individuals from all the different sects of TNA could step up to try and shut Jericho up. Everything from Jericho vs. Flair to Jericho vs. AJ to Jericho vs. Hardy could be done. Jericho certainly has enough talent in multiple key areas to pull something like this off.

That is... if everyone can initially put their egos aside for the betterment of the product as a whole. That's really the only debatable aspect I see in all this.
I personally wouldn't be a fan of Jericho going to TNA, mainly because I plain just don't think he'd fit well with the current TNA product. Would I check it out? Sure! Jericho's my favourite wrestler of all time, I would undoubtedly want to see what was going on with him. Do I think he should? No, quite simply. I think he's loyal to Vince McMahon and I think he'll remain in WWE until he does decide to finally retire.

I also don't think Jericho would want to be back in a company where so many of the men who held him back in WCW (as Jericho himself claims) were running the show. I think he'd always feel uneasy after his experiences in WCW with the likes of Hogan & Bischoff. I'm not saying they wouldn't treat him as a main event star at this moment, but I think Jericho would have a keen enough interest in the future of whatever company he's in, to avoid mixing it up with those he may not trust with power.
I've said this time and time again, and I will say it once more; after watching Bret Hart return to the WWE, and hug Shawn Michaels on Raw, I will never say never again. Anything is possible, including Jericho showing up in TNA.

Do I think it's likely? No, not really. Jericho has a good thing going in WWE, and I doubt he thinks he can get a better shot in TNA. He is a legend, and Hall of Famer in the WWE. However, if he were to go to TNA, I agree he be one of their two or three biggest stars, no question.

Jericho, from everything I've seen over the years, is all about quality. Jericho doesn't mind dropping down to the mid-card, turning heel, turning face, etc. He only wants what's best for his career, and what's best for the wrestling business. I highly doubt Jericho believes he could make a meaningful impact in TNA.

In my opinion, TNA could grab anyone they want (Jericho, Cena, Orton, Batista, etc.) and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. Why? Because TNA's talent-base isn't the problem. TNA's creative direction is the problem. They seem to be completely unable to book a coherent, quality storyline, and I doubt they could even use Jericho properly. As long as Russo, Bischoff and Hogan are around, I have no confidence in TNA's creative direction, and I would bet the freakin' house that Jericho feels the same way.
A story where face Jericho is brought in by Dixie to save TNA from Hogan/Bischoff would be pretty damn sweet. Jericho would be a great addition because he has a fanbase, can still work well and is willing to build the next generation. Jericho cutting promos with the freedom TNA gives would be some great stuff. At the price I have to wonder if he is definitely worth it though. I'd lean towards yes but TNA has a lot of people for not so many spots at the top right now, given their limited amount of programming time. On the at the time question I am not sure how to answer. As best I remember it the way Jericho's contract expired he was going to be eligible to go elsewhere until January. If he somehow could have come in then either a full scale ECW invasion with Heyman might have come to happen which would have been pretty cool or they could have gone the whole nine yards with a WCWification takeover leaving TNA favorites out of work.

WWE clearly has no use for Jericho. He is over 30, has a personality, an established fanbase and can wrestle.
I've said this time and time again, and I will say it once more; after watching Bret Hart return to the WWE, and hug Shawn Michaels on Raw, I will never say never again. Anything is possible, including Jericho showing up in TNA.

Do I think it's likely? No, not really. Jericho has a good thing going in WWE, and I doubt he thinks he can get a better shot in TNA. He is a legend, and Hall of Famer in the WWE. However, if he were to go to TNA, I agree he be one of their two or three biggest stars, no question.

Jericho, from everything I've seen over the years, is all about quality. Jericho doesn't mind dropping down to the mid-card, turning heel, turning face, etc. He only wants what's best for his career, and what's best for the wrestling business. I highly doubt Jericho believes he could make a meaningful impact in TNA.

In my opinion, TNA could grab anyone they want (Jericho, Cena, Orton, Batista, etc.) and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. Why? Because TNA's talent-base isn't the problem. TNA's creative direction is the problem. They seem to be completely unable to book a coherent, quality storyline, and I doubt they could even use Jericho properly. As long as Russo, Bischoff and Hogan are around, I have no confidence in TNA's creative direction, and I would bet the freakin' house that Jericho feels the same way.

I'd let Chris Jericho express how he feels instead of just assuming how he feels. TNA is what it is, I don't expect it to get any better anytime soon but that's not from a standpoint of me thinking the product is horrible, I just don't think the wrestling audience of today really cares for any other TRUE choice in their product than WWE. Vince McMahon's plans at owning the industry were laid out perfectly the day he bought the company from his father.

He started by taking out most of the territories and whatever didn't get absorbed was retained by Verne Gagne, The Von Erichs or the Crockett Family, and even then WWF still basically owned the industry despite organizations like the AWA, WCCW and JCP/WCW still lasting for quite a respectable amount of time. The most impressive of those competitors being WCW as they were at least around into the early 2000s before the corporate changes at AOL Time Warner.

When Vince finally took WCW out of the equation and bought them, he pretty much established the product as we see it today, where you have WWE split up into RAW and Smackdown akin to the MLB's AL and NL and the NFL's AFC and NFC both governing bodies are owned by one single entity and that's how fans usually decide their allegiances (Hence why there's no other professional baseball organization like the MLB or football organization on the same level as the NFL, unless you want to count the XFL but we all know how that ended up.) That's why you have fans that may enjoy both but typically have a preference towards one for a certain reason as opposed to another. For instance many favor National League Baseball because they do not have a Designated Hitter and therefore the strategy of the game changes since a Pitcher must bat in a National League rules baseball game and as far as wrestling goes, people might like SmackDown over RAW since there is more of an emphasis on in ring action on the blue show and less camp with celebrity guest hosts and what not on the red show.

Therefore, I can't see Chris Jericho making a difference in TNA not out of lack of trying or the creative abilities of Russo, Hogan and Bischoff (All too often they get an inaccurate rap for incompetence, when Vince McMahon himself is nowhere near perfect). Don't get me wrong, I've watched a lot of crapiness occur in WCW at the helms of both Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff but I'm not going to join the let's blame them for everything bandwagon, because nothing could be further from the truth. I just think the audiences' identification with wrestling is completely WWE these days, for better or worse they are synonymous with the industry. And like "real" sports, Vince for the better part of a decade has made it where there is only room for one entity in that market. At least in my view, but to TNA's credit and despite your personal opinion on Russo, Hogan and Bischoff, TNA has remained a small but successful entity serving a niche market as opposed to WWE's audience which is broader and loyal to what is an established product.

While TNA might not be the most enjoyable product it is by far nowhere near the worst, just sit down and watch archives of TL Hopper, Duke Droese, and The Godwinns to get what I am saying. Also I find it pretty close minded on your part to completely dismiss TNA's coherence when WWE has completely forgotten about their tag team division and has made throwing together random single stars an artform these past few years. To TNA's credit they have not forgotten what the meaning of a tag team is. While obviously not something that's going to give TNA the bragging rights over WWE, for traditional fans the presence of teams like the Motor City Machine Guns , Beer Money, Inc. and Generation ME is a lot more enthralling for a tag team division than seeing the Hart Dynasty not be utilized and then dismantled. But I guess most people here on the internet forums dare not try to name any positive attributes TNA has and instead just want to play the hate on Hogan and Co. game. Obviously, if these men have the influence they have, I'd think Hogan and Bischoff would abuse such power and they'd have vetoed giving MCM the tag titles and lobbied to get the Nasty Boys back to win them.

But like I said, TNA I feel is in a business that can exist but will not compete, I see their run being very similar to Arena Football where you have a small and loyal following that does not threaten the NFL's existence but serves to please fans where the NFL can't. While I do feel guys like Hogan and Bischoff have overstated things and gone a little in over their head to the press about their hopes for TNA, we can at least say that for all its faults TNA is a product that's lasted and I think will continue to even with the controversial Hogan and Bischoff involved. Chris Jericho would a be nice addition, but I don't think there will be any mega surge in his arrival. WWE is just too damned familiar and even though I don't like the current product, Vince has made it impossible to compete simply because the new generation of fans know nothing else, and to his credit despite this not being the Hogan or Attitude Era anymore, Vince still delivers the gold standard of pro wrestling.

But to be fair to TNA while they don't have WWE's same level of quality in production values and brand familiarity, some young and exciting talent are still on the airwaves and wrestling. Say all you want about the vets supposedly holding them down, but these people are still being given jobs and national TV time. Which some of these aforementioned talents use to go to the next level in wrestling (i.e. guys like Lo-Ki.). I can't speak for Hogan or Bischoff much in the same way you can't speak for Chris Jericho although I noticed you tried, there might come a time where they realize that TNA can't be a WWE, but that doesn't mean they can't continue to contribute positively to the business. By comparison to their later WCW days, I see Hogan and Bischoff working a lot better with the young talent than the pundits ever gave them credit for years ago.

So while TNA may seem like a glorified farm league to WWE, that's not to say they are not good. And even if TNA were to not see any new heights but continue to at least still be around in the next couple years, or if they do end up folding, we can at least say one thing with confidence, Dixie Carter along with her subordinates has done a lot better in wrestling, than Vince McMahon ever did in football.
He really wouldnt have very much to prove on TNA TV and whatever TNA could offer him i'm sure WWE would more than match it. Overall in this current environment I can't see much use for him except maybe teaching Mike and Tazz how to do compelling commentary.

Really other than AJ( who he would kill on the mic) whi would people want him to fued with? Pope maybe?
The first thing that will happen in such situation is: People will start to talk that he is old, useless, passed his prime, boring etc. Whoever part ways with WWE becomes the same in these forums by WWE fanboys, just wait till he part ways (although i wouldn't think so)
If Jericho was to join TNA, then i may end up starting to watch TNA. Jericho is one of the best. He can bring in a crowd and steal the show single handedly. Also I would love to see Jericho and Angle go at it one more time.
I don't think Chris Jericho would improve TNA as much as I think TNA would sink Jericho, for the simple reason that TNA's booking is god-awful, and they haven't had a consistent storyline since the beginning of January. Basically, what would happen is, he'd turn face or heel about 46 times a year into his TNA career while having great matches with ONLY AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Maybe he can scratch and claw a decent match out of Matt Morgan, or Jay Lethal.

TNA needs to make some serious changes before they can start claiming to make people better in their company, because everyone they've brought in from WWE so far hasn't made that happen.
A wrestler of Jericho's overall caliber would be a huge benefit to TNA. Everyone's pretty much already gone over exactly what Jericho would bring to TNA and his presence, if used properly, would only be an improvement to TNA. Jericho's ability to put guys over is unequaled in wrestling today. For instance, he could wrestle a match against Daniel Bryan on Raw and then challenge The Miz for the WWE Championship the very next week and nobody would bat an eye. Nobody can lose and still look like gold the way Jericho can. IF Dixie Carter could get someone like that on the roster, she'd cream herself and with good reason.

I don't think it's all that likely, however, that Jericho will show ever show up in TNA. The last time I read anything regarding Jericho going to TNA, this has been a few months back at least, Jericho said that it wasn't going to happen and that he's a WWE guy. Chris Jericho is extremely loyal to the WWE and I just don't see anything happening that's going to change that. He makes tons of money, he gets all the time off he needs if he asks for it to rest up or pursue outside interests and I think that the guy's just plain having fun doing what he's doing in the WWE right now.

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