What I would do to help SmackDown!

That may be true, but many people do like the different pay per views- if they didn't work out, I think the WWE would have gotten rid of them. I like the brand differerance.

Flames Out
It needs a better woman's divison



Let the shit diva wrestle the shit diva and the good divas wrestle the good divas.
A woman's division is a stupid idea. Sorry to any girl wrestling fans out there but everytime i sit down to watch wrestling and a woman's match comes on i switch the channel and I know a lot of guys do the same thing. Yes woman segments do sometimes get higher ratings - but these ratings come from non-wrestling fans that want to have a good look every now and then. This is damaging to the WWE in the long run because they are turning away real wrestling fans in favor of a passive interest by non-wrestling fans (not sure if that makes sense but couldnt think of a better way to word it). They need to tailor to the needs of the real wrestling fans who as real fans - if provided with something they really like on the show - will continue to return time and time again.

To the ****** who said that the Smackdown! writers were fine and that they should get rif of all the cruiserweights - please shut the fck up and never post a comment on a wrestling forum ever again - you obviously have no friggin clue. The problem with Smackdown! is the writers. It is too cartoonish - the WWF circa 1985 had more serious personalities and was less-gimmicked out. The cruiserweights are the only thing that can save Smackdown! but they have to be built up properly so that the casual fan and marks (i.e. the idiot referenced above) do not see them as simple filler. If the Cruiserweights had any storyline to fit into people would actually give a shit, but at the same time WWE has to take its in-ring limits off of its talent, just let them do their thing. Just look back to the WCW days and the reaction the division would get, but how do you expect a reaction when the Cruiserweights are doing the same moves as the heavyweights. WWE obviously follow ROH, as they keep stealing away their talent, so why can they not understand this. Every wrestler in that division is capable of being a huge star, they just need to be given something to work with as far as storylines go. Making Smackdown! a RAW junior is not going to work.

And BTW anyone has the ability to get over with the fans. The only reason guys like HBK and HHH become such huge stars is because WWE writers and management let them. They give them a story, they give them titles, they give them TV time, they get big promos, they are put in high profile matches and get made by their opponents, they get exposure, they get pushed, they even get talked about during OTHER PEOPLE's matches - and just like that they become the most important part of the show.
Thats funny cause I change the channel when the guy matches are on.. you queer...
this is what i would do:

-bring orton to SD and make him WHC. his first run as WHC might've sucked but i think he'll be a great champ in the future. strip king booker of the WHC(i fuckin hate his gimmick with a passion). at least make king booker US champ.

-move smackdown to tuesdays when it's live

-bring back undertaker with his ABA gimmick(hey its better than the deadman one)

-promote chris benoit from midcarder to maineventer(the guy is one hell of a competitor and he deserves it, just like when he was on raw)

-have an interview segment(ex. highlight reel, cabana, peep show) because they could create feuds.

-bring edge n lita(that sex celebration put up ratings. make edge US champ or WHC which will lead to a sex celebration) or flair(to reform the 4 horsemen wit benoit and two other guys. flair and benoit could make those two guys into maineventers one day)

-bring smackdown girls(just like the nitro girls). i jus came up with this idea outta nowhere.

-and to the writers, DO NOT BE SO FUCKING PREDICTABLE.
mic1742006 said:
smackdown is gonna get better in the next cuple of month they will have cena benoit and angle back wrestling or them

angle wont be back for couple yrs I thought??
i would air live instead of recorded.
i would also seek another day of the week instead of fridays.
smackdown needs more entertainers.
if wrestling is what smackdown is about, then i would focus on the cruiserweights and have them not hold any moves back. i would make the cruiserweights, wwe's answer to tna's x division.
and most of all, i would not let smackdown play second fiddle to raw, instead i would promte it as equal.
Ok! I will tell you why everyone is confused and I will tell you why Raw and Smackdown are losing it!

Everyone watches Raw because it's live and it has good story lines! Smackdown dose not have good story lines because it ended up favoriting the heels! Raw is getting out of control because Mr.McMahon wants to destroy DX after DX formed again on June 12th,2006 and the beging of the reunining on June 19th,2006! On Smackdown it is worst then ever because of JBL's mouth on the lose, Vito wearing a dress, King Booker is winning ever match because of Queen Sharmell, Finlay, and Sir William Regal, Chavo and Vickie Guerrero are harming Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy and Gregory Helms are feuding against each other,Tatanka action like a sore loser, those damm vignettes of Jimmy Wayne Yang being a redneck (COPYING OFF OF LANCE CADE AND TREVOR MURDOCH!),and Mike Mizzan winning his matches! Plus sometimes no one watches Smackdown because they read the spoilers! Also Raw's tag team matches were getting boring because Spirit Squad are not defending the tag team titles! So this is getting out of hand, plus ECW is getting worse because of Paul Heyman is nuts!
smackdown has potential because it has Layla lol...

in all seriousness though they should:

-go live
-send orton back to smackdown
-push the cruiserweights/luchalibra style wrestling
-send benjamin to SD and push him hard
-reunite the hardy's
-take JBL off commentry and get him in the ring
-stop the Rey/Guerrero stuff and let eddie rest in peace
-slow down the constand bringing in of new talent, seriously, if you miss smackdown for a month its like a completely different roster!
Yea put Benjamin on SD. Hurry up and bring back Boogeyman. Undertaker, I love you brother, but go on and give it up. I know I'm not the only one who's tired of seeing him get screwed 50,000 times just to beat up the guy who screwed him then disappear for three months. I'm sick of it!!! And whoever said strip King Booker of the belt obviously doesn't appreciate the things he's done in the ring. I say let him keep the belt because at least he's got charisma and knows how to work. And McMahon needs to appear on SD more, just to shake it up or fire somebody or something.
I see everyone putting up their big ideas, so I figure im gonna tell you all mine.

I agree 200% about pushing the cruiserweights. They're used too much for the Tag Division, which wa sactually pretty good back when Animal and Heidenreich fueded with MNM. Nitro, Orton, and Cena need to go to SD! and for gods sake, ditch The Miz. How many people, when they hear "HO-RAH" wanna bash their t.v with a stale loaf of bread? Its stupid, along with the fact that he fucked up about half his lines during the diva search (which they should also destroy. They focus on these searches more than they do potential superstars from OVW or TNA) When they bring in these huge potential guys, like Umaga or Turkay, they always throw them with some local lame ass, who just gets his ass handed to him, because WWE told them too!! And these local guys, some of them are in great shape. Look at Matt Striker! He was a local dude in the Angle Invitational, nearly won twice, and now hes in ECW! Its pathetic! He should have been IC Champ by now! Undertaker should leave, hes overdone his "Deadman" gimmick way too long. And whoever said its stupid for him to leave 3 months, get screwed over by someone, get them back, and leave again is absolutely right IMO. RAW has legends all the time. The Rock, Hogan, Austin, Piper, and even Hacksaw. Speaking of Hacksaw, if they dont kill off the Eugene character by the Royal Rumble, I am gonna go to WWE Headquarters, log onto Eugenes profile on one of their computers, and smash his pic with their own mouse. He gets NO reaction on RAW, boos at house shows, and its just sad how they have to resort to using a mentally challenged character to bump the ratings an extra quarter point.

Back to SD! though. When you see guys like Helms getting the longest cruiserweight title reign in history, and King booker getting Dqed match after match after match (which I believe is gonna happen this week too) all thanks to Sharmell, it saddens me. Helms im fine with, he has good talent, but give Hardy a shot! That, or put Jeff in SD! where he should be, and make them tag champs. Bring back TLC matches every two weeks! Smackdown has great potential, but they waste it beating the crap out of local guys, and making two bit fueds that always end with some gay little 10 minute PPV match that nobody gives a rats ass about! Look at Vito, they're giving him a push, (yes, I know its in a dress) but hes winning. And yet look what happens, HES BEING THROWN IN WITH REGAL!!!!!! Id put him in with Kennedy, make a nice fued (dress-free) and build it up to a Survivor Series U.S title match. Batistas almost done. Managements pissed at him, hes dating the witless wonder Erica, and he let one ECW crowd get to him. Hes botching simple moves, and yes, he did lose his one shot at a good fued when Henry left and he was forced right into the title hunt before Lashley got his shot (which he is getting now, thank god) Anyway, I need to cut this short. Seperate the tag teams, bring in the Hardys, Orton, Cena, and Nitro. Bring back MNM, they pulled good angles, an MNM vs. Hardy Boyz fued would be perfect right now. Bring back the fan favorite Booker T, and ditch the gay "King" And im gonna say it so everyone will hear me.... BRING BACK TOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!!! DITCH DIVA SEARCH, BRING BACK TOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what Maven got before he left, matches with upper-tier stars, he tagged up with guys like Benoit, Jericho, and other future HOFamers, but he could have been so much more... If we take these local guys we always try out, dif out the 3 best of them, and put them in SD!, the possibilities are endless.

Anyway, thats my take. Peace out all
Inferno Prince said:
I see everyone putting up their big ideas, so I figure im gonna tell you all mine.

I agree 200% about pushing the cruiserweights. They're used too much for the Tag Division, which wa sactually pretty good back when Animal and Heidenreich fueded with MNM. Nitro, Orton, and Cena need to go to SD! and for gods sake, ditch The Miz. How many people, when they hear "HO-RAH" wanna bash their t.v with a stale loaf of bread? Its stupid, along with the fact that he fucked up about half his lines during the diva search (which they should also destroy. They focus on these searches more than they do potential superstars from OVW or TNA) When they bring in these huge potential guys, like Umaga or Turkay, they always throw them with some local lame ass, who just gets his ass handed to him, because WWE told them too!! And these local guys, some of them are in great shape. Look at Matt Striker! He was a local dude in the Angle Invitational, nearly won twice, and now hes in ECW! Its pathetic! He should have been IC Champ by now! Undertaker should leave, hes overdone his "Deadman" gimmick way too long. And whoever said its stupid for him to leave 3 months, get screwed over by someone, get them back, and leave again is absolutely right IMO. RAW has legends all the time. The Rock, Hogan, Austin, Piper, and even Hacksaw. Speaking of Hacksaw, if they dont kill off the Eugene character by the Royal Rumble, I am gonna go to WWE Headquarters, log onto Eugenes profile on one of their computers, and smash his pic with their own mouse. He gets NO reaction on RAW, boos at house shows, and its just sad how they have to resort to using a mentally challenged character to bump the ratings an extra quarter point.

Back to SD! though. When you see guys like Helms getting the longest cruiserweight title reign in history, and King booker getting Dqed match after match after match (which I believe is gonna happen this week too) all thanks to Sharmell, it saddens me. Helms im fine with, he has good talent, but give Hardy a shot! That, or put Jeff in SD! where he should be, and make them tag champs. Bring back TLC matches every two weeks! Smackdown has great potential, but they waste it beating the crap out of local guys, and making two bit fueds that always end with some gay little 10 minute PPV match that nobody gives a rats ass about! Look at Vito, they're giving him a push, (yes, I know its in a dress) but hes winning. And yet look what happens, HES BEING THROWN IN WITH REGAL!!!!!! Id put him in with Kennedy, make a nice fued (dress-free) and build it up to a Survivor Series U.S title match. Batistas almost done. Managements pissed at him, hes dating the witless wonder Erica, and he let one ECW crowd get to him. Hes botching simple moves, and yes, he did lose his one shot at a good fued when Henry left and he was forced right into the title hunt before Lashley got his shot (which he is getting now, thank god) Anyway, I need to cut this short. Seperate the tag teams, bring in the Hardys, Orton, Cena, and Nitro. Bring back MNM, they pulled good angles, an MNM vs. Hardy Boyz fued would be perfect right now. Bring back the fan favorite Booker T, and ditch the gay "King" And im gonna say it so everyone will hear me.... BRING BACK TOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!!! DITCH DIVA SEARCH, BRING BACK TOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at what Maven got before he left, matches with upper-tier stars, he tagged up with guys like Benoit, Jericho, and other future HOFamers, but he could have been so much more... If we take these local guys we always try out, dif out the 3 best of them, and put them in SD!, the possibilities are endless.

Anyway, thats my take. Peace out all

Not to bad
SmackDown is going now where and really lossing rateings/fans fast. What you ppl think about canceling SmackDown, and mb trying a whole new show?

Take the thre rosters. ECW, SD, RAW... do a lottry thing to shake things up.. and go from there... or get Eric Bishoff back and mb try bring back WCW?

What you ppl thing? Or what direction shoul Vince and the WWE gp in top make things better ?
I think the writer need some major help, used to like to watching smackdown. *When they had Undertaker Vs Brock* and why'd they shut out the Taker vs Agle *again* that was cool and wanted to see that finish for a long time

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