What happens to the New Nexus after Wrestlemania??

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From the day they interfered in the Orton v/s Miz match at Royal Rumble I got the feeling that the end for Nexus might be near.. I mean yes, before that they were feuding with SUPERCENA, but the guy still puts over talent[ Bash him all you want but you can't simply deny this point. It's just the way he is booked.]

yet now they had stepped into the territory of THE VIPER, THE APEX PREDATOR, THE CONSTIPATED, HUMAN BROTHER OF DAMIEN [Jake Roberts' snake] Forget Cena, Orton has been booked as an inhuman human being. RKO has felled many a opponents, especially since he has turned face and now he has started to use the punt on a weekly basis.

With that in mind and the fact that Perfect Jr and Husky Harris are treading the path back to FCW, what d o you think are the future plans for David Otunga and Mason Ryan.. Now that David is out of the contest will he be sent back to FCW?? I know that this guy extracts polar reactions.. Either you hate him or love him.. And what about Mason Ryan and his monster push..?? Will they appear post Mania.. And if yes then what capacity??
they needed to be scrapped, and they are being used as fodder to fuel the punk orton fued. Punk doesnt need them and i think the E realized that and they wanna book punk on his own. its just timing that orton is the one to do it. and cena was the one who single handedly killed all their momentum by eliminating them all from the rumble making them look super weak. most of them need work
and who loves otunga? some people see potential in him, but no one loves him.
he needs the most work
henning needs a lil work
ryan is good but nothing more than that
harris was the best one but he got dumped first
hopefully husky comes back sometime this year
but the rest of them might not be seen for awhile
It seems as if the group is nearing it's end, doesn't it? Yet, the beauty of the whole Nexus program has been the way the writers kept us guessing all Summer and Fall of last year. Whenever we thought we knew what was coming, something else happened. That's what made the program so entertaining.

So far, I've been wrong about everything I've predicted about Nexus, but I'll take another stab at it: After Wrestlemania, I think CM Punk will be leading a reconstituted Nexus with Sheffield, Tarver and Otunga all returning at the same time to join Mason Ryan. I believe that guys like Husky Harris and Joe Hennig were used only to fill in for the injured guys.....and they knew it from the beginning.

It's going to look a lot like the original Nexus.....and the first thing they'll do is go after Wade Barrett on the other brand.
I mean yes, before that they were feuding with SUPERCENA, but the guy still puts over talent[ Bash him all you want but you can't simply deny this point. It's just the way he is booked.]

I will deny your point until the day i die and millions of people will agree with me...John Cena is terrible at putting people over!!

He killed The (Barrett Led) Nexus all through their feud. Sure he sold the first night they debuted but after that 'SuperCena' as you put it destroyed them week in week out

He then destroyed any credibility Wade Barrett and an established star like Randy Orton had when he turned up every single night between the time he was fired and the time he was rehired.

He then killed The (Punk Led) New Nexus during the Royal Rumble eliminating every single one of them after they had spent the first half hour eliminating everybody from Tyler Reks to Kevin Nash!

In response to your original question, i can see Nexus falling apart judged on what WWE has been doing with them ala punting all of them bar Ryan in the skull.

I can see maybe a bodyguard role for Ryan and staying with Punk after Mania
i think the new nexus will be gona before wrestlemania, from what we've learned from the orton punt is that people dont come back for a while. so that means otunga, migillicutty and the fat guy are gone. that only leaves the big guy and i think he's going to abandon punk before wrestlemania comes around or he's going to get punted too
They will all show up @ Mania w/ "TICKETS". This is how they do it just go back and look at The Four Horsemen, DX, nWo, Heenan Family, Jimmy Hart's Heartbreakers, The Dungeon Of Doom, Evolution, The Cabinent. This is all text book they show up cause Punk is always talking "have Faith" and he will get Randy to agree to a street fight or something.
LOL Mayson will win that shoulder breaker on Orton was awesome haven't seen one like that in years i think mayson will be the only one to win, i think husky n Perfect jr will comeback as a teg team of sorts it could work then work there way up but right now mayson needs punk to speak for him and to groom his mic skills. Otunga could stop wrestling lol he is cool on the mic but hes annoying but oh well
I would love to see an NWO-esque type swerve and have Orton lead the group beating and kicking out Punk whom nexus turn on. That would be cool and give orton something to do and let Punk crawl his way back against all odds. I'd prefer to see punk as a lone warrior rather than a cowardly guy who needs back up. Orton fits the coward role better with the cheap wins. It would however turn Orton heel and Punk face.
I think Nexus could live on "forever" (well relatively forever) like the NWO did without a set faction but introduce and kick out members as the need arises with power struggle for leader etc. We already have the break away wolfpack style faction with Corre and the same thing could go down with that group. Don't disband either group until we have a final blowout Corre vs Nexus match with the winning reigning supreme and merging the factions again. Key players could even jump back forth between Corre and Nexus like the old NWO/Wolfpack days.
I have to agree with Sally on this, the Nexus by far has been utilised perfectly, from their near destruction to their resurrection and current formation as the new nexus they have gone leaps and bounds mostly due to the way that the group has been utilised on raw.

Yes Orton has placed every member by Ryan on the shelf but i think this has been done to make us as the wrestling fans believe that Punk may have to go it alone, I see this as a way to insure that Orton remains strong, and may lead to a reformed Nexus at mania with Ryan and Otunga remaining alongisde their leader CM Punk with two new members filling in for Mcguilicutty and Harris.

I dont see this ending anytime soon as i believed the Nexus itself has reinvigorated Punks wrestling career and could lead the Straight Edge saviour to another world title, hence the reason they have been placed with him, to insure that he remains a constant threat to the title and all that challenge it.

This group still has legs on it and i dont see it dying anytime soon.
Not that I'm a big Otunga fan (I'm not), but I found it utterly ridiculous that Randy Orton kicked out of his finish and then immediately RKO'd him for the win. This after getting the shit beat out of him beforehand, which included a GTS on concrete. It's like the WWE only knows one way to book a top face: make them superman.

To answer the question, my guess is that the group will disband. Husky, Otunga, and Perfect Jr. will vanish from TV indefinitely, which will leave Punk and Ryan. I doubt the Nexus name will live on, but I see Ryan sticking alongside Punk as an enforcer figure.

They might as well end it after Wrestlemania. The New Nexus is a joke to begin with. CM Punk can't carry four Darren Youngs.
I mean yes, before that they were feuding with SUPERCENA, but the guy still puts over talent[ Bash him all you want but you can't simply deny this point. It's just the way he is booked.

Really? It seems as if Cena beat Nexus at nearly every turn if ya ask me.

- He ended their "dominant" streak WAY too soon.
- He beat Barrett head to head consistently (did Barrett ever beat Cena?).
- He "ended" one or more members of Nexus.

Nope, can't say Cena put Nexus over a bit. In all honesty, he all but killed the group's momentum before it ever really got off the ground.

I'm not naive enough to blame Cena for how poorly Nexus was booked, but I won't act as if he gave them a good rub either...
Really? It seems as if Cena beat Nexus at nearly every turn if ya ask me.

- He ended their "dominant" streak WAY too soon.
- He beat Barrett head to head consistently (did Barrett ever beat Cena?).
- He "ended" one or more members of Nexus.

Nope, can't say Cena put Nexus over a bit. In all honesty, he all but killed the group's momentum before it ever really got off the ground.

I'm not naive enough to blame Cena for how poorly Nexus was booked, but I won't act as if he gave them a good rub either...

Yeah but Cena did get Nexus relevance and got them in the main event. Whether or not they won you at least know who they are now and that is giving a rub really. They got over feuding with Cena, I dont know if he neccessarally PUT them over but they got over due to him. If they debuted and feuded with say Chavo and Hornswoggle would you have cared. NO! but you did watch cause they feuded with cena in the Main Event. So yeah they got over.
I had hopes for Perfect Jr to have a career when he was on NXT, but after the finale promo he cut, I was shocked to see him with Nexus. I mean, I don't we'd ever seen somebody with any potential destroy their career with one promo that quickly, before him. I'm sure somebody did, but I can't remember it being that devastatingly catastrophic. I still can't look at my roommate without saying, "THA MASTA OF THE MCGILLICUTTY," every time he's on TV (I know Kofi said that, but it was all apart of that terrible night, for him). I'd once again be pretty surprised to see him come back and be anything more than a jobber.

Husky Harris: Look at what I said about McGillicutty, take out the stuff where he ruined his career with one promo, but keep the end result the same.
Honestly, The IRS Boy might, might get a chance to come back and have a midcard feud, but that would mean that WWE really believes in him. I just don't see Harris being anything more than his partner, Perfect Jr.

I think you could take Harris, McGillicutty, and Ted DiBiase and start the, "Fortunate Sons," stable that was being rumored. Add Brett DiBiase and maybe Steamboat's kid to the stable and you'd probably pour more fuel to the fire, but by then you wouldn't really even need Harris and McGillicutty for the group. I don't know, I'm taking the, "wait and see," approach to the duo. I don't have any expectations at all, so if they do anything at all worth a damn, I'll be impressed.

As for the other two, I've said before that I think Otunga could be a decent addition to the Raw midcard picture. I mean, if you keep DBD and (I hate that I'm saying this) JoMo in the situation, and then add guys like Bourne and maybe Tyson Kidd as legit contenders for the strap, then adding Otunga would help balance it out as he's a more traditional looking wrestler compared to the others mentioned, and it would also add depth. I'm not one of these people that feels that Otunga is a future world champion, but I think he has enough potential to keep working at it and maybe earn a single's title.

Finally, we have Mason Ryan. I think that they could (best case scenario for Ryan) have him win the US title from DBD, dominate with that for a few months, and then get injected into the main event picture, especially if the Draft swaps some guys around at the top. I agree with the complaints: he's really green, he's brand new, he's Welsh (I've been to Wales; it's actually a beautiful, beautiful place), but they've already established him as a possible monster, so I say keep building on that. He probably doesn't deserve to just have the strap thrown on him right away, but a lot of people haven't deserved it over the years. If you ask me, it's not so much about how you win it the first time, it's what you do after it. If Ryan were to win the belt in the next year or two...well, it wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen.

That's all I got. Feel free to disagree, most people do. lol.
Yeah but Cena did get Nexus relevance and got them in the main event. Whether or not they won you at least know who they are now and that is giving a rub really. They got over feuding with Cena, I dont know if he neccessarally PUT them over but they got over due to him. If they debuted and feuded with say Chavo and Hornswoggle would you have cared. NO! but you did watch cause they feuded with cena in the Main Event. So yeah they got over.

No, they never really got over. Members came and went, and the group's leader jumped ship to Smackdown. If anything, Nexus did the exact opposite of "getting over".

Cena snuffing out all things Nexus for a ridiculous period of time wasn't really a "rub". Had Nexus, or any of it's members, actually gotten one over on Cena on a semi-consistent basis, the group might have actually been successful. As it stands, Nexus is/was a failure of epic proportions.

Once again, I'm not blaming any of this on Cena. The guy just does what he's told to do. But let's not pretend he actually helped Nexus or Wade Barrett. Barrett could be a bonafide main eventer right now had they let him go over Cena once in a great while. The whole Cena/Nexus angle was horrible.
Hopefully, the Nexus ends for good and we never see it, or any other versions of it ever again. The angle was red hot and highly entertaining, until CM Punk became the Nexus leader. At this point there really isn't anything else the Nexus can do, so to just keep it around would be useless. WWE has already scrapped all but two of its members, and I think the nexus will end, but Punk will still have Ryan at his side for a while after.

What a shame though, Cena vs Nexus should have been the marquee match heading into Mania.
My hope is CM Punk goes over Orton and then turns on Nexus or something to put his career on track as a singles heel in the ME picture. I liked Nexus, but no longer.
I really wish people would stop comparing nexus to nWo, I understand people are entitled to their own opinions and all but nexus is NOTHING like the nWo.

The nWo had established stars join the faction at a time and it had such shock value because of less access to the internet back then that people were surprised on a week to week basis of what was going to happen next.

I liked Nexus a great deal for a number of months but as someone stated John Cena never made me believe he was going to loose the battle. The only time I thought maybe Nexus would be strong is when Cena was "fired" but they had him show up every week.

To answer the question new nexus will be sent down to FCW for more training. Mason Ryan will be kept on the main roster because of his size but I don't see much more out of the other members other then more training and maybe a few releases. Maybe "Mr. Perfect 2" will feud with Daniel Bryan some day for the US Belt or we'll just mention him as we do Ted Dibiase Jr.

Everything about the whole nexus angle looking back now is really just a waste of time, there will be no feuds or angles other then Wade Barrett that carry over or will be remembered. Nexus didn't even survive a year after being built so strong in June.... pathetic... So one more time nexus never will be in the category of nWo... Heck even Legacy lasted longer
I think they could possibly have a scenario where The Corre regains the rights of Nexus. When you think of Nexus you think of Barrett, Gabriel, and Slater. So why not let them be Nexus again? it I doubt "The Corre" T shirts are flying off the shelves.
They could maybe have The Corre ambush Punk and Mason Ryan have Barrett take back the wrist band and regain control of the Nexus.
Yeah but Cena did get Nexus relevance and got them in the main event. Whether or not they won you at least know who they are now and that is giving a rub really. They got over feuding with Cena, I dont know if he neccessarally PUT them over but they got over due to him. If they debuted and feuded with say Chavo and Hornswoggle would you have cared. NO! but you did watch cause they feuded with cena in the Main Event. So yeah they got over.

Actually, I think Nexus got relevance when they destroyed the whole ring and beat the crap out of everyone (ironically, CM Punk was one of those people) and Justin Roberts got choked out by a tie.

The program they had with Cena destroyed any potential Nexus had worked for. They have never again been taken seriously and now they're just falling apart. I don't expect them to last much longer, if at all, after WM.

I think that if the Nexus angle was booked properly, they would've been a dominating force up until WM, in which I would've then had a match - Nexus vs. The Undertaker - with the stipulation to disband the team or end the Streak.

I'm a genious... :la:
The New Nexus is just about gone now. However, I do think that Mason Ryan will remain in Punk's corner, acting like an enforcer or something in similar fashion, while Otunga, Harris and Hennig gets punted all the way to FCW. The New Nexus angle has gone stale, it will disband after Mania and it has been long overdue. Who are The New Nexus going to feud with? Other than Orton, and Cena if you will, there are no more alternatives. You can't have Orton punting them every single week and have them come back after Mania, it doesn't make sense. So, IMO The New Nexus will definitely be gone after Wrestlemania 27.
This “New Nexus” just isn’t working for me. Bringing in CM Punk, in my opinion took the focus away from the “N” and pretty much just created the “Straight Edge Society V.2”. After Mania, I think Wade Barrett should do something about all of this. Here’s my proposal for the Nexus in 12 easy steps.

Step one – After Mason Ryan was the only one who “beat” Orton to be in Punk’s corner at Mania, the S.E.S leader decides to drop Mr. Hudson, Mr. Perfect Jr. and I.R.S Jr. for being “weak-minded”.

Step two – after losing to the Smackdown All-Star team at Mania, the Corre decides a realignment is necessary, thus dropping the “one that doesn’t fit”, Ezekiel Jackson.

Step three – Ryan vs. Jackson. After the match, Punk inducts Jackson to his new stable (yet to be named). Now Punk has aligned himself with Batista and Lashley…2.0, who the hell in their right mind is going to stop him now??

Step four – Wade and David run into each other backstage. Otunga is impressed with Barrett’s change of heart and his change in philosophy of how a Stable should be. They reform the Nexus with every NXT season one and season two rookie including A. Ri. turning on the Miz, but with two exceptions, Daniel Bryan and Kaval.

Step five – the Nexus, now a Tweener Stable consisting of half Faces and half Heels, are joined by Daniel Bryan and Kaval. That’s 16 members right there.

Step six – the NXT season 3 Divas join the Nexus and go straight after all the current WWE Divas, Face and Heel alike. With the 6 NXT Divas, that’s 22 members right there.

Step seven – the NXT season 4 rookies join the Nexus as back up to the back up. 22 + 6 = 28.

Step eight – the NXT season 6 rookies decided enough is enough and that their fathers have built this industry and they are not going to let the Nexus takeover without a fight.

Step nine – the Next Generation Stars within the Nexus turn, and form Legacy / Fortunate Sons / whatever other awesome name they can come up with depicting that they are Sons of Wrestling Legends.

Step ten – go for the gold. Why be in Sports Entertainment, if you’re not gunning for Championships.

Step eleven – get rid of NXT the show. (Just cause)

…and last but not least…actually, last but most importantly…

Step twelve – at that year’s Royal Rumble, have the Nexus, however many at that point in time, win the Royal Rumble match together. This would be the first time there are more than 2 winners (Bret and Lex), and have them all challenge the Undertaker for his World Title. Say there’s about 10 of them for example. Undertaker in a Gauntlet match at Mania vs. about 10 members of the Nexus, with the rest in the corner, and with the Streak on the line, yeah, that will make the “20-0” match worth every minute. I’d have run-ins by all of his former Tag Team Championship partners, Kane, Big Show, Rock, Austin. That’s how you give the future a rub. That’s how you make the Undertaker look like a Phenom. That’s how you make an Impact.
I think personally that the New Nexus should definately split up. There has just been no proper feuds for them. It always seemed to revolve around whoever CM Punk is feuding with, which obviously makes sense because the group follow Punk's commands.
Usually however, there are few feuds between different members of the group and other superstars which normally makes a stable last longer so New Nexus was never going to last.

As for the direction afterwards, they need to give Otunga, Harris and Hennig more ring time. Otunga should just go back to FCW and Hennig they should develop a character for him as he doesn't have one. I like Harris so I wouldn't mind him staying on as a singles competitor.
As for Ryan I think he should stay as CM Punk's ally. It does work and can makes CM Punk look a much stronger force to challenge for the title.

This is suppoedly the first official poster released for Extreme Rules next month, it was leaked by WWE's Australian PPV provider.

As you can see, the "Extreme Rules" logo is in yellow and black, which has got people saying that the New Nexus won't be over until at least ER.
I think Nexus has run it's course now. Under Wade Barrett, they had lots of potential to take over as a group but ever since CM Punk has taken over, the rest of the group became his slave to overpower whoever he is fighting or feuding with. I'm glad Orton is taking them out one by one. I hope Mason Ryan will also get a punt tomorrow so they can put this to rest. Besides that, I'm rooting for Orton seeing he's my favorite and all.
i think that the nexus faction needs to disband. these wrestlers are making bad names for themselves (otrher then otunga and husky they just arent very good and cm sucks is obviously a heel so no need to go on about him). it was good for awhile, but now its over, time to make these guys singles wrestlers not groups.

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