What Feuds Do You Want To See In 2012?

Definitely Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Alberto Del Rio, with Ricardo as a babyface. Make it different from DiBiase Sr. vs. Virgil and Miz vs. Riley and turn Ricardo into a legit badass, like he is in FCW and when he wrestled as Chimaera. And have him, after a year of storyline abuse and degradation, unload on ADR the night after the ROYAL RUMBLE.

And then let the madness begin.
I would love to see Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara because both their wrestling styles are much alike so I would love to see some of the moves they could come up with when against each other.

I would also love to see a feud with C M Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin because I think they are two of the biggest rule breakers so I can imagine all hell breaking lose.
Beth Phoenix vs Natalya - Beth being the "Divas" Champion was/is a great step in building the division, but having Natalya playing her side kick isn't working since the whole Divas of Destruction is a dud. I say have these two feud up till WM, and turn one of them face. They can keep feuding till the draft, and whoever looses goes to Smackdown.

Then you'll have two credible womens wrestlers on each brand. Whichever diva gets sent to Smackdown can play Randy Orton and elevate the less notived divas who have some skill, lets say AJ Lee ?

Natalya/Beth.P vs Layla - Going along with my scenario above, whichever diva wins the feud and stays on Raw should face the returning Layla El. Should see to it that we have some good matches and open the gateway to some feuds.
John Cena v Dolph Ziggler

Man, I would love for Ziggler to kick Cena's ass, Ziggler is a show off and Cena kinda abhors people who like to show off. Somewhat of a different angle, but I just would like to see this match especially on a BIG FOUR PPV..

CM Punk v Chris Jericho

I don't want it to only be a Wrestlemania match, it should be something that they can build up and keep building up. It's really a battle of promos and a battle of wrestling abilities, the more I see it, the more I'll be entertained

Daniel Bryan v Christian

I would love to see Christian make fun of D-Bry.. Plus these two could pull of great matches, where Christian could actually gain the upper hand by winning the title back but still be challenged by Bryan.. It could be like Edge v Ziggler, but LONGER in terms of months..

Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne v ????

I appreciate WWE actually trying but they can't hold the belts with AirBoom (giggle) forever! And at least they should have one credible feud during their reign as champions or something, at least have a real feud with the Usos, Kings of Wrestling (if they eventually debut) or even Mcintrye/Rollins.. Why not make a combination of undercard guys and make them a STABLE... At least have a feud for the titles and take the titles of the current championn...
Heel Cena vs Rock (27)
Heel Cena vs Rey (retirement, major heat)
Heel Cena vs Orton
Heel Cena vs Taker (WM28)

3 fresh feuds, one which is starting soon (against Rock), never had a big feud against Rey or Taker both which will make ton of money

Now that enough time has passed and a new dynamic has entered (roles switched) i think a Cena vs Orton feud could be fantastic, people would be alot more into it than they used to be because both guys are more over.

Its a pipe dream but hey its what i want to see
Swagger vs. Ziggler-I feel like this has been building for a while ever since Vicki took Swagger into her camp. Ziggler looks like he is being set up for a title run but if they just want to tease the fans with it and see how they react to him possibly taking a top heel role I think you could turn Swagger on him and then have Ziggler ultimately come out on top. Would really give him a boost imo

I like the suggestion the guy made earlier of The Usos vs. Anyone. I love the Usos. They have a good entrance, gets a decent pop, they are 2nd generation stars and they work well as a team. Neither of these guys will eve be big solo draws but maybe have them feud with Epico and Primo for a bit, give them some attention. They don't even have to win, just get them on TV more.

Here is a random one
When del Rio comes back team him up with Barret and have them have a feud with Orton and Punk for a while. You could even rotate the WWE and World title between the guys, or if Cena is champ again by this time it would be a good way to get del Rio some heat
Heel Daniel Bryan vs. Face Miz. Have the two of them double turn with Bryan saying that he resents Miz for getting into the WWE "the easy way." Miz should be the face trying to prove he worked just as hard as Bryan or any of the other indy gods.

Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger. Aside from rehashing a feud with The Miz, this absolutely needs to be the program for Riley's comeback. They could say that ever since the botched powerbomb, Riley has "never been the same." Swagger can brag about "crushing Riley's career." Ideally Riley should challenge Swagger to a one on one match at one of the Big Four in order to "redeem himself."
Barrett and Sheamus feuding over the WHC.

Would love to see Punk and Bryan team up (and be the Rated RKO of 2012), against Miz and Jericho, or Henry and Kane. I might be alone but I miss big tag-team main events.

Christian (when he comes back) and Cody Rhodes, giving Cody a great rub before his inevitable elevation to main event status.

Brodus Clay and Santino in weekly squash matches.
unless there going to be in the world championship match have cody rodes v sheamus for the intercontinental title at mania they both need fueds and both on way to top
Thought of another one, and I'll even book it, because I'm in a creative sort of mood!

Feud: Sheamus (face) vs. Randy Orton (heel)

The backstory here is that Randy Orton is injured. You could easily edit this to happen on the Road to WrestleMania, culminating in the big event, but we're just going to pretend like Orton is returning afterwards, for the sake of ease. Promos for his return play a few weeks in advance, building anticipation for "the Viper" and hyping what he will do to Wade Barrett.

Week 1: Sheamus vs. Mark Henry in the main event to determine the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight championship. Wade Barrett eventually cases the DQ and attacks Sheamus because he's mad about being left out of the picture. Randy Orton makes his big return and saves Sheamus from the attack. RKO on Barrett to end the night.

Week 2: Sheamus & Orton vs. Henry & Barrett in the main event. The heels get the upper hand and beat down the faces after the match to end the night. Barrett with the final attack on Orton.

Week 3: Sheamus confronts Orton backstage and says that Orton is a shell of his former self, and the Superstar that he remembers could have fought off both Barrett and Henry. He says that Orton has gone soft, and if he was truly "the Viper" Barrett couldn't have injured him in the first place. Orton tells Sheamus to watch what happens later on. Mark Henry vs Orton in the main event. Henry pins Orton clean and beats him down post match. Sheamus makes the save and Orton shoves him away, getting frustrated at himself.

Week 4: It is announced that Sheamus, Barrett, Orton, and Henry will face off in a 4-way match at the PPV to determine the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight championship, and that Orton would face Barrett in the main event of Smackdown that night. Sheamus confronts Orton backstage and says he was only trying to help last week. Orton stares him down but eventually shakes his hand. Before he leaves Sheamus reminds Orton that Barrett almost ended his career. Orton vs. Barrett ends in DQ when Orton goes insane and hits him with the chair over and over again. He goes for the punt but Sheamus tells him to calm down. Orton with the RKO on Sheamus, but then realizes what he did and calls for help, looking apologetic and angry at himself.

PPV: Orton finds Sheamus backstage and apologizes for attacking him on Smackdown. The two make up, but say it's every man for himself in their match later on. Orton agrees, but as long as Barrett doesn't win he says he's a happy man. In their match, Wade Barrett wins and becomes the new #1 contender because Sheamus couldn't get in the ring to break up the pin fast enough. Afterwards Orton gets in his face and Sheamus shoves him. The two come to blows and Orton drops him with another RKO. He gives the heel smile he used to do, and walks off.

Week 1: Sheamus comes down and talks about how in his country men get into brawls all the time, and he'd be willing to let bygones by bygones if Orton came out and shook his hand. Orton came out, and talked about how while he was gone Sheamus became a huge star. He says he finds it interesting that he couldn't get to the top with Orton in the picture, and wonders what will happen now that he's back. Sheamus tells Orton that he's not back, because the "real Viper" wouldn't have come out and shook his hand, but he'd drop him in the middle of the ring. Orton looks to attack, but backs off and lets him leave. In the main event, Sheamus defeats Cody Rhodes (or some other heel). After the match Orton attacks Sheamus and hits the RKO out of nowhere. He lines up for the punt, but stops, and spits in his face instead. He grabs a mic and says "you wanted the Viper, you got the Viper, and everything that comes with it!"

Week 2: Orton comes out and talks about how Sheamus is still recovering from that RKO, and won't be there. He says that Sheamus, and the crowd all wanted the "Viper" back in the WWE. He tried to place nice, he tried to be the good guy, but all he did was lose the WOrld title and allow Barrett to injure him. He says he understands Barrett clearly now, and says his real target is Sheamus, and all that he stands for. He vows to take his place back on top, become World champion, and do it without any of the WWE Universe.

That's pretty much as far as I've gotten at the moment. But that's my idea for how to get Sheamus to the top face spot on Smackdown, and how to turn Orton back into that heel we all know and love. I'm not saying they'll do it, but I would love to see the feud happen in 2012. It would also give Barrett a title opportunity, Henry time in the main event, and the champion a chance to face a random opponent in a non-title match at the PPV. Maybe a champions match against Cody RHodes to get them both over? I don't know, but there's what I got!
Christian and Rey Mysterio: I would LOVE to see a feud between these two. Both of these veterans can put on great matches and get the crowds behind them. This feud may be face-face or face-heel, but if it could be for the IC title, we could get a great mid-card feud.

R-Truth and Zack Ryder: Two guys who rejuvenated their careers in 2011. A feud between them would be hilarious.

Kane and Orton: Surprisingly, these two have never feuded. They could have a few good matches and a great feud.
tons of potential feuds in 2012

CM punk vs. The miz
- both great on the mic. classic iwc style wrestling vs. sports entertainment

Miz Vs. Jericho
- again, great promo's would build this feud.

Jericho vs. dolph ziggler
- ziggler reminds me of jericho in his younger days, his ability, look and he's good enough on the mic to handle a confrontation with y2j. book it liek y2j vs hbk, dolph looked up to jericho, but now he doesn't wan to be the next jericho, but the first dolph ziggler

Randy Orton vs. Kane
- two lunatics trying to destroy each other. kane tries his mind games on orton but to no avail
CM Punk and Barrett
they were both leaders of Nexus, y not

Kane and the entire locker-room
remember when Austin had the entire locker room on edge before the RR and Taker use to aswell. He just needs to dominate one more time.

Undertaker vs Heel Cena at WM (hear me out) Cena beats Taker ends the streak and now undertaker can RIP/Retire. Only thing is Cena is cursed and can never be top Champ again or something of that nature.( kill 2birds W/ 1stone, Streak finally comes to an end and Cena is never champ so no more complaints)

Jericho vs Orton
just has the chemistry to be a great fued

Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger
both can wrestle great good way to break up the stable to that makes no sense. Winner gets belt loser gets viki.

Vince McMahon vs John Laurinaitis
for getting Vince fired and John Laurinaitis has to join the Kiss My Ass Club

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