What Feuds Do You Want To See In 2012?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
2011 is nearly over and 2012 is a new year. Which fueds are you wanting WWE to run in 2012? My realistic wish list is as follows....

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho
I am pretty certain this will happen. It could happen leading up to Wrestlemania 28 but if not, I am pretty sure we will see it one day. This fued is an IWC's wet dream.

CM Punk vs Steve Austin
So Austin is retired, but in countless interviews he has said he could have one last run and the man he wants to work with is CM Punk. I think if The Rock vs John Cena is possible then this is also very possible. Won't happen anytime soon as I see Austin busy with TE2 but maybe at Summerslam 2012. A huge main event for WWE's 2nd biggest PPV.

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara
Unfortunately it looks like WM28 has being robbed of this strong mid card fued. People say it will be a botch fest but I am not convinced. I think their styles would work superbly together and would allow Rey to pass the torch.

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio
I really liked ADR when he was on the blue show, but since moving to Raw I dont think he has been utilised as a top heel. He has become really stale and moving him back to Smackdown would be a good move. Feuding with Orton interests me as both are very good in the ring.

Sheamus vs Kane
I would like to see Kane return as a heel and get involved with Sheamus. Both are big string guys who can work in the ring. I think this would elevate Sheamus to the next level who could then maybe go after the streak at WM29. WM28 is too early in my opinion.

Undertaker vs Mick Foley
I would love to see this match at WM28 with no DQ. Both are legends and loved by fans. They also have alot of history. Right now, I dont see anyone on the roster ready to have a go at the streak as they are going to be busy with other matches at Wrestlemania.
Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk: At some point I want to see CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler have a legitimate feud. We saw a glimpse of what they can put together in just a single match, so imagine a whole feud with the two of them... I just made a case in another thread for Ziggler to win the Rumble and face Punk at WrestleMana for the WWE title. That may be a bit too soon for the strong upper-mid card talent, but at the very least I want to see the feud happen at some point in 2012.

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk: I don't know how they could logistically put this one together without Bryan making a heel turn, but maybe if they are both champion at the same time it could work... Honestly I just want to see the match! As a big Ring of Honor fan who has followed both these guys, it's kind of a dream match in my opinion...

The Usos vs. ANYBODY: These young boys are the best thing to happen to tag wrestling in the WWE since Miz and Morrison split. WHY are they not being utilized? I don't care if Vince doesn't "get them", somebody needs to book them in a few matches, and let them have an actual go at reigniting tag team wrestling within the WWE! Anybody that has seen half of one of their matches knows how good they are, and how much better they can be given good opponents!

John Cena vs. The Rock: I don't care what anyone says, this is going to be huge! The Rock electrifies, and I really don't think Vince is going to drop the ball with Cena when it comes to WrestleMania this time around. Something interesting will come of it, and if nothing else we'll have the moment of two generation leaders colliding for the first time on the biggest stage of them all.

The Rock vs. CM Punk: Because honestly...who wouldn't want to see this? IF Punk/Austin happens, I don't see it happening until 2013 at Wrestlemania 29... What excited me about that, is if they really want to make it happen they will keep Punk in the main event for the next two years...
CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler

- A fully fledged battle for the title.

John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler

- We had a sample of what they can do earlier this year. Would be epic I think.

(heel) Cena vs (face) Orton

- yes.. they've fueded before, blah blah. ALWAYS as Orton the heel.

CM Punk vs Heel Cena

- enough said really.

Brothers of Destruction vs Mark Henry & Brodus Clay

- random right?? Just imagine a masked kane w/ undertaker!!
Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes

I wouldn't mind seeing them feud for a few months, and then cap it off at 'Mania.

Cody Rhodes vs. Dolph Ziggler

Battle of the Upper-Midcard. It probably won't happen next year, but it would be an awesome feud.
CM Punk vs Ziggler

I think everyone knows that this one would have the potential to be a money feud over the title. Would love to see Ziggler win the Rumble and challenge Punk at Wrestlemania.

Undertaker vs Kane

Masked and silent Kane coming back and destorying everyone, the only person that can stop him is the Undertaker who could be a shell of his former self. Feud and story done before, the added mask/aura for Kane would have me interested

Cena vs Rock

Cause it's Cena vs Rock and we know what we're getting. Honestly I don't think Cena gets enough credit for coming out all guns blazing when people think he can't hang, I expect a great one at Wrestlemania
Punk vs. Jericho The best in the world vs. The best in the world at what he does! These are two of the greatest in-ring performers in WWE history. Also, two of the best mic workers in WWE history. Everything between them will be amazing.

Punk vs. Miz Pure epicness. Miz may not be as good as Punk, but they'll have a great match! And the build-up promos. Dude. Those build-up promos will be amazing.

Punk vs. Ziggler Did you see their Raw match? Forking AMAZING!

Bryan vs. Sheamus Just because it was left off of WM last year. I'd love to see Sheamus carry the World Title to 'Mania. Then have Bryan cash in on him. They could have an incredible feud after that. And we all know Bryan is the best. ;D
Mick Foley vs. Undertaker - To me it would be fitting to have Foley end 'takers streak.

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz/Cody Rhodes - Big egos clashing would be fun if executed properly. Hell, make it a triple threat match somewhere down the road.

CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - First Half of 2012

CM Punk vs. Stone Cold - Second half, leading into WM29

The Rock vs. Cena - Idc what people think this will be great even if it's just for one night.

Also I want to see more of the Usos. :)

the only thing with Rock and Cena is the outcome of the match is becoming too predictable with how weak Cena is looking and Rock getting the best of him everytime they meet its looking more like Cena is going to win clean not that i mind that its just wwe is making it too predictable its going to happen that way. Jericho being the ego man that he is i think will try to go after the undertakers streak which is the only reason why he would come back. the Usos i think should fight for the tag team titles and win them here to have a legit tag team with the gold and then bring in other legit teams for them to fight.
CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler These two guys work awesome together both are good with the mic would be a awesome WM28 title match

Sheamus vs Kane If Kane returns with the mask which almost everyone wants hopefully he comes back as heel Kane as a heel with the mask as a awesome heel with Sheamus a face and both big guys being good to watch would be a entertaining match and fued

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk probably the most wanted to see match The Best in the World at what he does vs The Best in the World 2 great performers in the ring and on the Mic

Chris Jericho vs The Miz If Jericho comes back and CM Punk isn't going to have a match with Jericho the next best guy for him to fued with is The Miz he might not be as good as punk but Miz is a good in ring performer and good on the mic would make this interesting.
Fueds for 2012.....hmmmmmmm

Miz vs Ziggler (face) - This could be a very well done program. Ziggler has a strong following, and I can see a face turn within a year. We all know The Zigster is WWE/World Champ material, and just waiting. Miz, being on of the top guys on Raw would be the perfect stepping stone.

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan - DB, although I dont care for him, is talented and can hang. I think a good run with Punk would be entertaining.

Undertaker vs Mark Henry - This has WM28 written all over it. Henry on this path of destruction he is on, putting people out. Undertaker would be a likley target for Henry at 28.

ADR vs JBL - I have heard JBL MIGHT do one more run. The keyword might. IF this were to happen I would love to see him as a face go against ADR.
Cody Rhodes vs Goldust - Brother vs brother, mixed with real life stories like how Cody did not get to spend time together with his brother when he was young. Throw Dusty in and this can be easily turned into an epic feud.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk - Great wrestlers, great mic workers, best in the world vs best in the world in what he does. Will be an amazing feud.

The Rock vs John Cena - Clash of the titans. Cena heel turn is likely too after watching the Piper's Pit recently.

Kane (Masked) vs Mark Henry - I've been dying to see the mask back for a while now. After the recent videos hyping up Kane's return I've been excited. Mark Henry is having a great run as a monster but his current character pale in comparison to the destruction that Masked Kane caused.
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan tries to cash in once again, but this time he fails. He goes all rabid wolverine and becomes ruthless in his wrestling style. Have him overcome the odds of the royal rumble as an early entrant and challenge CM Punk to a match at Wrestlemania 28.

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust

Goldust has lived in the shadow of his father his whole entire career. On top of that his brother has no respect for him. Goldust goes into this feud as a vengeful face and gets a proper retirement match against his brother. Cody Rhodes obviously wins and looks good. There is a lot of psychological aspects to this feud that can be exploited.

Sheamus vs. Kane

Sheamus is the tough guy that will take on the bully. Have the newly revised Kane come back and begin reeking havoc on the roster. Someone has to stop the big red machine, who else other than the great white?

Wade Barret(As WHC) vs. ?

It could be Randy Orton, Big Show, Sheamus, or even someone else. I just think Wade Barret should get a chance to carry the strap on the blue brand. He is obviously already getting a push out of his current feud with Randy Orton. Hopefully he will eave the feud looking like a legitimate contender for the WHC.
Some of the feuds that everyone mention are good, but a lot of people are overlooking a few, for example: the rattlesnake vs the viper, two guys that don't take crap from anyone,that would be awesome, jericho vs the miz looks good too as some people mention, a lot of the feuds on the other threads are too predictible, but the point is to see a feud that is shocking or no one can see coming, for example, i know it's a long shot,but that's exactly the point i'm trying to make, now that the Miz is taking out people,to keep that ball rolling why not go after the Undertaker's streak, at this moment he is being pushed, maybe hold the thought of giving him the title for later,just keep pushing him untill he gets to the Undertaker, if he's to retire,then do something like if Taker loses the streak he will retire, that way Taker has one last great match and the Miz gets big and gets the recognition of being a top heel, as big as Shawn Michaels or HHH.............
Chris Jericho vs. C.M.Punk for Wrestlemania 28. I 'd love to see Jericho return and try to show punk who is the best in the world at what they do. It would be an awesome feud for the Rumble, where Jericho would win, up until their match at Mania. I would predict Chris would pass the torch to Punk for best in the world.

Undertaker vs. Triple H. at Mania 28, in a Streak vs. Career match. Undertaker can finally go 20-0, and the Game can retire the same way his good friend HBK did. HBK could even be the special guest ref. The build up could be will HBK get revenge on Taker for ending his career or will HBK stop the Game from doing what he couldn't do. I think it would be an epic match and a great way for all three to wrap up there careers in the ring.

I would, as well, love to see a feud between Orton and Sheamus to see who is the top Face on Smackdown with Sheamus winning and Orton turning back into a psychotic heel.

Plus would love to see Punk and cena feud to restart after Mania to see who really is the best in the company with cena finally going heel and Punk taking over as the #1 good guy in the business.

One more would be to see Austin return to the ring and face Punk. Maybe at Mania 29 if it is in Texas.
CM Punk Vs Dolph Ziggler - Would be a great feud. I'm a big fan on both and, from what we've seen so far, I think they have great chemistry. I think this feud will indeed take place in 2012 as the final step to get over Dolph Ziggler more than ever. What we saw with Ziggler cutting a promo on Punk and then facing him in a great match I think was just a preview of things to come. Both are great in the ring and on the mic. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think a Punk/Ziggler feud would be gold.

Kane Vs Sheamus - A heel Kane Vs a face Sheamus "The Big Red Monster Vs The Great White" would be a great feud. It can all lead to an epic street fight match at a Wrestlemania or a Summerslam if booked right. I'm not sure if this feud has any chance of happening, but if it does then I'll be more than happy to see it.

The Undertaker Vs The Miz - The Miz is my personal pick for The Undertaker's next, and quite possibly final, Wrestlemania opponent. I'd really much rather see Taker go out with a bang by feuding with someone fresh and making them look good instead of a Triple H or a Kane rematch. I pick The Miz because I think a Taker feud would not only do wonders for him, but would be very entertaining to watch. Just the thought of The Miz bragging and screaming "I'm Awesome!" at Taker's face makes me wanna see just how good they can go on the mic together.
Miz vs Jericho-This would just be a great fued
Punk Vs Jericho- This would be even better
Punk vs Barrett- Can bring up nexus in this fued and could really elevate barrett as a top contender in the WWE periiod.
Ezekial Jackson vs Mason Ryan- the two buggest muhfucka's in the WWE right now this would be a good monster fued with Jackson as the heel
Sheamus vs Mason ryan
Mark Henry vs Brodus Clay- i could really see this happening and if it does it'll be pretty damn interesting imo.
Alberto Del Rio vs Jinder Mahal- if they really wanna do something with Mahal then they need to do something with him ALREADY. idk what i see in this fued but it would be good and i see del rio as the face in this fued.
Punk vs D.bryan-enough said, would be epic for WM 29 or SUMMERSLAM, OR SURVIVOR SERIES
Randy orton vs Sheamus- once sheamus gets the title and a majooooor push i can see orton turning heel and saying hes the top guy not sheamus would be a great fued even tho they've fueded already in 2010!
Dolph Ziggler vs CM Punk, these two had me going crazy during their amazing match last week and frankly I need to see more. I'm loving Ziggler's cocky new #Heel gimmick, it fits his personality perfectly and I think that with him being himself out there he will be able to perform to his true potential, both in ring and while delivering promos. Punk has been lighting the WWE on fire with his bold statements and exciting character who wants to give the fans what they deserve from a champion and I've been loving every minute of it. These two are in my opinion the top heel and top face of Raw and their feud could be very intense and very entertaining, Dolph is ready for a step up in competition.
CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler

- The work would speak for itself, and that's saying something the way these guys can cut on the mic.

Cody Rhodes vs. Chris Jericho

- I'm doing this with a face Jericho. Cody is on a roll and I feel a program between these two would be fantastic.

Christian vs. Daniel Bryan

- Two of the best workers in the business today. Feel like this would be a great feud.

Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger

- It's an absolute shame how Swagger is getting booked. A guy with his size and talent is getting absolutely wasted right now and I hope that changes. Ryder deserves the US Title after all the work he's done and how over he has got himself and I think it would be perfect to have Swagger start a feud with him. Have Vickie stick with him and convince him that he is The All-American American and that nobody else should be the US Champion besides The All-American American. I feel like they would put on some great matches together.
This is ONLY because I'm a lover of the underdog (Pirates, Gabriel, hell yes)

Wade Barrett vs Justin Gabriel- I think it would be a ood mix of two good talents and would build them both up with the crowd. Wade is doing antastic right now and Justin isn't doing too bad himself. Plus WWE could make a good feud out of it by pulling stuff from Nexus and Corre into the mix. Besides, it's something I think people would enjoy to see.

But if I'm the only one then I'll just shut up...
Miz vs. Alex Riley
I think that once Riley gets better, the two of them could be like HHH and HBK. They could have an on and off rivalry. Maybe some time down the line, when Miz turns face, they could reunite much like HHH and Michaels did and be a super face team.

Cena (Heel) vs. Miz (Face)
I think Miz has the makings of a great face. I'd like to see a face Miz feud with a heel Cena. Cena can be the big bully who picks on the smaller Miz, bringing up their past feuds. Cena can brag that Miz got lucky at Wrestlemania and that Miz "can't beat him." The much smaller Miz would be booked as the underdog who now has to overcome the challenge of beating SuperCena.

Zack Ryder vs. Curt Hawkins
I think Ryder needs to be a heel for this feud to work. It should play off similarly to the Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase angle. Ryder would reunite with Hawkins in an attempt to get his former partner over and push him around whenever he loses. Eventually Hawkins would turn on Ryder and turn face.
CM Punk vs. Bryan is my first feud. It won't be everyones cup of tea, we can give anyone whose against seeing these two feud that, but it would still make for some stellar work. Within the ring they'd probably put on solid to above-solid matches, they could even do some rare things in a WWE ring fans haven't seen in a long time, if my money was on any two guys to start busting out high impact moves that they used on the indys It'd be these two. My heart still desires a Pepsi Plunge on WWE television.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Cody Rhodes is another, of course this is based off the fact one will inevitably have to turn face. Ziggler would be the best bet as the heel persona Rhodes has going for him is taking him places, these two are the two brightest young guys on WWE's main roster, Ziggler as I have stated before is on metaphorical fire and as a former hater on Cody Rhodes and his undashing gimmick when he first unveiled it, the guy has even turned me around. Both very talented in the ring so It'd produce good things and I believe there would be a good amount of people who'd enjoy watching it.

Sin Cara vs. Rey Mysterio is a match that I was looking forward to, whether they planned to do it at Mania or before or beyond I just wanted to see Mistico against Rey Mysterio. With Rey's legacy in Mexico and the fact Mistico was held in such a high regard by the Mexican fans I think that alone brings out an interest in some people. Take the fact they're luchadors, take the fact they've both got high-octane offense's and finally take into regard that when you have two masked wrestlers feuding the one thing everyone states is mask vs. mask, I think the entire thing spells nothing but good. Slim chances of it happening at Wrestlemania now due to the sudden injury to Cara, however I look forward to seeing it in 2012 whenever it happens.
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan - find a way to get DB on raw (maybe after a failed cash in he turns heel and moves)

CM Punk vs Dolph Ziggler - I'm basically agreeing with everyone who has already psoted.

Sheamus vs The Miz - weird one I know, but they showed hints of feuding when they were both heels and Miz had the MITB briefcase. I think they could put on great promos and good matches.

John Cena vs CM Punk - I would love Punk to beat (face) Cena cleanly and really establish himself as a top guy. Trust me, these two will have a lot more matches, especially if Cena ever turns heel.

John Cena (heel) vs Randy Orton (face) I wasn't a fan of their last two feuds but I think with Cena as a heel and Orton as a face they could have a great feud. I think WWE want Cena and Orton to be a feud that lasts years and simemrs away in the background only to come to the forefront every couple of years, just like with Rock/Stone Cold.
Rhodes vs. Kane

It'll be a cool little fued that could last a month and end at a PPV. The whole cornerstone of the fued would revolve around Kanes mask.

Sheamus vs Barrett

After they finish up with the Barrett/Orton fued and Orton wins I'd like to see Barrett take on Sheamus. That would be a nice brawl. Their match on SD! was good weeks back.

Christian vs. Bryant

When Christian returns I won't be shocked if he's put into a program with Bryant. I think it would be entertaining and some nice spots if they faced off in a PPV.
I really want to see there feuds as main events:
Orton/Del Rio
Undertaker/Del Rio
Punk/Rock - I reckon this is more likely to happen than Austin/Punk at any point in time. Thinking more end of the year after Cena/Rock and building towards to WM29.

Other feuds I want to see happen anywhere on the card:
Rhodes/Goldust - IC title vs. Career at Mania like has been mentioned could be good. Can always easily throw Dusty in there at sometime as well.
Ziggler/Foley - Could be a half decent way of putting Ziggler over en route to the main events ala Orton in 2004.
Beth/Kharma - Bring something to the Diva's side of things that would/could be interesting.
Clay/Kane - Two monsters of WWE not in the main event. Can see it happening in the Mania undercard perhaps.
Clay/Mysterio - The David vs. Goliath feud of the year.
CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho The obvious #1. These guys will have an epic match at Mania that should go on last because it will steal the f'n show. The buildup will also be terrific if done properly because both men can obviously promo as great as they can wrestle.

CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler Maybe the SummerSlam main event? Please do not turn Ziggler face, Vince. Again, 2 guys who can deliver great promos and really perform in the ring. We've already seen they can work together well when they met on Raw a few weeks back. I think Ziggler should go over as WWE Champ sometime between June and August of next year.

Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes I think these 2 will be feuding over the World Heavyweight Title for a long while after Mark Henry loses it. I think Sheamus wins it at the Rumble and we'll see a Triple Threat at Mania between Sheamus/Orton/Rhodes where Rhodes (my pick to win the Rumble) walks out the winner. Should be a nice back and forth feud between the 2 of them for the next couple months after that at least.

Triple H vs. Wade Barrett We all know Triple H is part-time. What better way to get Barrett completely over as a major threat to the title than to have Barrett put HHH on the shelf after a nice feud? Much like Sheamus did to him a couple years back. Barrett will be World Champion before 2012 ends.

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton There's nothing that would make me happier than to see Orton return to a sadistic heel. The Undertaker could come back and feud with Mark Henry, Kane, Wade Barrett, etc. But the one that would carry a feud the best and make it the most entertaining is without a doubt Orton. He's so damn boring as a face. Fix this, Vince.
One feud I wouldn't mind seeing is Orton vs Cena, just once more, cuz if WWE can turn Cena heel successfully, Orton could come back to raw to take him on, maybe not for a title, but just a good feud maybe after mania

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