What exactly is your definition of trolling?


semi-retired from WZ
Simple idea, really...

We see all kinds of arguments back and forth between posters, especially in the Bar Room, where various people are accused of trolling...That's all fine and good, but what exactly is it, in your opinion? Sometimes I see the word used as a compliment, such as "SlyFox696 is the greatest troller on these forums, and he is the Admin", and sometimes its an insult, like "So and so is just trolling for attention" or whatever. I have seen the term being used to apply to both situations.

Is a troll only someone who just goes deliberately out of his or her way to piss people off, without any concern for the actual topic at hand? Or can it be someone who takes a controversial position on something NOT to piss people off, even though they know it will, but because they know it will provoke discussion and bring new life to a dying thread? IE, it may appear to be trolling, but really serves a much more benign higher purpose? (I suspect a lot of the "trolling" that Sly does is in fact closer to this than to just be a douche)

Essentially, do you see trolling as a specific thing where one person goes out of their way to just be insulting and stupid, or do you define the term in a more general stir-the-pot kind of way as well?

Personally, I tend to think of trolling in both ways, that it's not automatically an insult, but that it depends on the context. Trolling can be either destructive or constructive.
Depends on the context really. Sometimes playing the Devil's Advocate like Sly does in non spam threads can be an example of trolling being used constructively. Following a guy around and flaming him for every post that he makes serves no purpose really other than possibly a sadistic form of pleasure. In such a case the word troll can be used as an insult.

That is why I always take an exception to guys like Coco hiding behind the "Sly is a troll too" excuse. Sly does not go after any one person in general with the intention to take pleasure out of his agony. Shattered Dreams is possibly the only exception but I do not think Sly intended to hurt him, just prove him wrong. There are others who just live to hurt people which is something entirely different.
Isn't it true that flaming and trolling are totally different things, even though some guys discuss them like they are one and the same? Flaming pretty much has to be negative and confined to the Bar Room, whereas trolling can be bad but doesn't have to be if done properly?

Of course, I will need some other guys to chime in on this one, as there's no one who has posted in this thread so far that would know very much about trolling.
Basically following someone around on the forum for the sole intention to piss off and annoy a poster.

For example, debating with someone who you feel is wrong isn't trolling (which would be Slyfox), but following a poster around and constantly messaging them to be an asshole would be trolling.
For example, debating with someone who you feel is wrong isn't trolling (which would be Slyfox)

That wasn't really what I was talking about with Sly...Debating is not trolling, it's just debating. I was thinking more of when Sly says provocative things, that at first glance, look like he is just ripping someone or an opinion, but when you look at it again, it's clearer that there was much more to it, that the comment was purposeful. It's kind of difficult to explain, you sort of just have to experience it to get the idea. It's like trolling for a greater cause, I guess. It's not trolling just for the sake of trolling. I am thinking of his contributions to the Wrestlezone Elections threads. (not the final 1-on-1 debates he had with Dagger, Coco and Crock, but the rest of it)
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