What ex-WWE superstar would you like see return to the company?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Just over a year now since the Authority angle started Triple H has been bringing back guys from the infamous attitude era into the "Reality era" including his friends from the Kliq to DX. And with the rise of WWE NXT the company has brought back those same guys to be trainers or other kinds of WWE agent. But with this new reign with Triple H taking over NXT (no pun intended) and bringing newer talent. What ex-WWE superstar would you like see return to the company?

If I had to give an answer I'd say that I would love to see...Al Snow. He his still currently signed with TNA as a agent backstage. But I would just love to see Snow return to the WWE as the general manager of NXT. Now I know that William Regal is the new GM of NXT. But remember what Al Snow did in WWE Tough Enough? He was Mr. TE! He helped carry that show for 3 season's straight as the head trainer! He's straight forward with the rookies he's real, he's head strong, he's...tough! So I would have Al Snow as the commissioner of NXT or something? It's head trainer?

But what about you? What ex-WWE superstar would you like see return to the company?
John Morrison, I have no idea why he ever even left. Physically he's great, he's a decent in ring guy and I loved him on the mic. Bring him back.

I'll also say because I know it'll come up, CM Punk...because let's be real most of us would enjoy seeing him return.

Another internet favorite, Shelton Benjamin. If these three came back we'd have quite a few good matches
Seeing the Hardy Boyz return would be kind of cool as would the Dudleys but I’d rather they be brought back to put over young talent than wrestle each other if that were the case. A 3 way with Edge and Christian would be a whole different story but for the Hardyz to just wrestle the Dudleys at say WrestleMania 31/32 would be kind of lame in my opinion. Matt Hardy and Bubba are both pretty awesome on the mic though so they might be able to prove me wrong on that one if given the chance. Kurt Angle coming back would be pretty awesome too but I don’t know if he’ll ever be healthy enough or reliable for the WWE to take a chance on him again. Angle vs. Bryan, Rollins or Sami Zayn are all something to think about. At the end of the day I wouldn't be too upset with just a hall of fame induction for the five of them, and Christian. If the Hardy's are going in, and the Dudleys go in, and Edge is in, Christian should get to go in too.

I wouldn’t waste my time or resources on guys like John Morrison, Ken Anderson, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Londrick, ect. if given the chance for the reason that right now the WWE currently has a roster assembled with more potential than ever, all those names I feel would be a step back despite all them being solid performers.
There are a lot of losers mentioned in this thread.

Hardy Boyz - Fat, Druggies, Untalented
Dudleys - Fat
Ken Kennedy - Fat Fattedy
John Morrison - Cuckold
Carlito - Loud mouthed never-was from a decade ago
CM Punk - douchebag
"Londrick"- yeah let's revisit the year 2007 or whatever, lovely

Kurt Angle - the one decent suggestion so far. Kurt on a part time schedule would be excellent, especially in a match against Lesnar.
Well my top three ex WWE superstars I would like to see back in the WWE are;

1) Jeff Hardy - what can I say, I grew up and was cemented into the wrestling world as a fan when Jeff Hardy was on his rise and seeing him win the WWE championship is to date one of my favorite moments. I feel right now if Jeff were to return there are just an abundant amount of great feuds to insert him in including one with Bray Wyatt.

2) John Morrison - not quite sure why this dude left but when he turned face it seemed like WWE was finally going places with him. He was often times found in the main title hunt but never quite got the win. His final moment in the WWE with the Miz was just one which I did not enjoy because of the way they used him to get Miz over. Now he's joined Lucha Underground so who know's what will happen.

3) I'd like to see CM Punk back but he's not going to be my pick, I'd much rather see Kurt Angle return. I feel like Punk has done all that there is to do in the WWE right now, he fought Wyatt, Authority, really thats all going on in the WWE. Kurt Angle has a whole list of options for who to feud with ranging from Rusev to Brock Lesnar.
John Morrison - I hated when he left he was so great to watch in the ring. I'm hopeful that he will return soon.

Carlito - I know this may not happen but hes was very entertaining "I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool" is just awesome.

Chris Masters & Luke Gallows both I think would be awesome for WWE to bring back. Both talented guys.

He had the asshole entitled gimmick down, his face "baller" gimmick was easy to get behind, and his mic work was better than most midcarders. His VIP Lounge was an arrogantly funnier prop mini-show idea than Highlight Reel, Cutting Edge, or MizTV.

His moveset was solid, he had crisp suplexes, and his finishers were simplistic yet WWE-worthy. (Playmaker, Big boot, "Ballin'!!" elbow drop). A midcard with faces such as Kofi, Mark Henry, Sheamus, and Dolph Ziggler, could use a heel other than Miz who can actually carry a verbal interaction in a promo.
To be perfectly honest, I can't say that there's anybody running around out there that I'd be all that excited to see. A one time appearance every so often by some past stars for an "Old School" Raw, or something along those lines is fine. I enjoy a good bout of nostalgia as much as anyone else, but I'm not really interested in nostalgia acts being centerpieces of the show.

Former stars returning, usually as part of a part time deal, is yet another of the various double edged swords that internet smarks and dirtsheet writers have taken upon themselves to assign to WWE. For instance, some fans like the notion of RVD or Jericho returning for a while, yet they get pissed off when neither of them wind up in title feuds or title runs while simultaneously ignoring the fact that it makes absolutely no sense for them to be serious title contenders or have runs since they'll only be around for 3 or 4 months before going on hiatus. At the same time, some writers say that it's poor use of the name brand of these veterans, yet I'd bet both my nuts many of those same writers would complain even harder if those veterans ultimately went over the younger guys instead of it being the other way around.

If The Dudleys or Hardys returned, it could be an interesting development for the tag team division in the long term if they were back working full time schedules. Otherwise, they'd come back for a handful of months, feud with a few of the top tag teams, have a title feud in which they ultimately put over the younger teams and then go on hiatus for another 3 months or so. It'd be entertaining for a while, it could result in some new buzz for the tag team division, some strong matches and strong feuds. Given the nature of the part time deals, it's really the only formula that can be used effectively. I think it's fair to say that most people, myself included, aren't interested in a bunch of hot potato runs with the tag titles done only so a few fans can experience a nostalgic thrill of seeing The Dudley Boyz or Hardy Boys have another run as tag champs. However, within maybe a year, the same sort of complaints lodged against part timers like Jericho and RVD would become par for the course for them as well.

If they wanted to come back full time, then I might be excited to see them return to add some star power to the tag team division. If it's business as usual pertaining to a "part timer" deal, meh. :shrug: Use 'em for what can be gotten out of them, give the fans a bit of a thrill, etc.

I have absolutely ZERO interest in nobodies like Al Snow, D-Lo Brown, MVP, Val Venis, Steve Blackman, etc. returning in any sort of role, especially as an on-air authority figure. Aside from the fact that it's a gimmick that's been done to death, I'd prefer someone like Regal any day. At least he's remained somewhat relevant and has a ton of credibility within the business. There are some wrestlers who're well suited for such a role, but not when it's someone that's most famous for carrying around a mannequin head & talking to it or for paralyzing another wrestler.
The only guy that I think I'd really like to see come back at this point is Kurt Angle. It's been 8 years, there's a lot of new guys that he can work with, and even matches with Cena and Lesnar would feel fresh. I'm sure if he did come back it would be on a very limited schedule, but that's okay IMO since it would simply lend to the "big event" feel of the matches he has.
Apart from the obligatory Punk and Angle... I'd go for the following:-

Harry Smith - Definitely deserves another shot and has gotten a lot better since embracing the Davey Boy Smith Jr name... bring him in to team with Neville as the new British Bulldogs, gives Neville a good run in the tags and a heel turn down the line. Harry can then work the mid card like his dad.

Shelton:- Mr. Benjamin should come back, even for a short run as a prelude to Angle's return... I could see first Charlie, then Shelton then both going up against Rusev and coming up short only for Kurt to return and complete "Team Angle" and make the save. After that you can add him to an MITB match or put him back in the US or IC title hunt, or even use him on NXT where he'd be really valuable indeed.

Matt Hardy - Forget Jeff for now... Matt is doing some of the best work on his own of his career, he seems in shape, motivated and there is a ready made feud in Bo Dallas... Mattitude vs Bo-Leiving is a great idea... V.2.015 would be an interesting thing to see... after a while, bring Jeff back and you have the Hardyz reunion, have both guys enter the Rumble and end up against each other for 2 minutes for example...

I think Morrison is shop windowing himself with the AAA stuff but if it works out for him there then I don't see him coming back. It'd be great to see him vs Neville though.
Lots of good guys listed here, and all of them really should be back. MVP, Hardy's, Dudley's, Angle, and Lashley, It's just not the same seeing them in TNA, without all the fanfare of WWE. Watching great stars in TNA just isn't the same as seeing them with in huge, packed arena's with all the fireworks, titan-trons, and thousands of fans.

I agree with most, Kurt Angle is the main guy I want to see back now. An Angle return would have to be big, and history making. The situation is just too perfect not to bring him back. Supposedly, Angle will not be able to wrestle until January. This could set up for 3 big possibilities...

1. Angle could return a few weeks before Royal Rumble and challenge Rusev, who will have "crushed" all of his American opponents, and Angle could be the guy to finally beat him at the Rumble.

2. Angle could return for the Royal Rumble match and be a surprise entry, and possibly win for a WM title shot.

3. He could be the one to take down Brock in a royal rumble title match. This could be Kurt Angle's final title reign, and could possibly set up a Brock vs Taker rematch, if Brock has no title by then.

oh... another good return now would be Alberto Del Rio. He could start over as a baby face. The crowd would cheer him just because he's back, then he could take his aggression out on the authority.
I think Rusev should defeat Sheamus one day and win the United States Championship Title. I’d like to see him have a nice 3 month run with it. Then when it seems all hope is lost, I’d like to see Kurt Angle return and win the United States Championship. I think the U. S. Belt would look great on the real Captain America. Kurt Angle needs to come back to the WWE and I wouldn’t mind if it was on a part time schedule, similar to all the other Hall Of Famers / Legends that are making short term / part time returns.
There are tons of people I'd like to see back.

Firstly, I'd like to see Mickie James, Melina, Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Maryse and Serena back on TV. They are all pretty great workers and they could help the current crop of divas get over. Plus, if they all extend their runs for just a little bit longer, they could all get fulfill Hall of Fame-worthy careers. Serena especially is only 28 years old and never got a shot at showing what she could do in the ring. I'd love to see what she can bring to the table with a comeback.

I'd also love to see John Morrison back. He's only 34 and he's prime for another run. Miz and Morrison should reunite with both Melina and Maryse as their eye-candy. That would get them some huge heel heat.

And speaking of eye-candy, I'd also like to see Stacy Keibler, Maria and Kelly Kelly back. Yeah, they aren't great workers or anything like that, but their sex appeal is unquestionable. Raw is just better to look at when Kelly is in the ring.

But it's not all about the looks since I'd also like to see Kharma back on TV. She never got a proper run, and I'd love to see her go for it. She's slimmed down now, which changes the whole dynamic, but she still towers over all the other small divas so it will still be a nice contrast.

I also think Drew McIntyre, Daivari, Paul Burchill, David Hart Smith and Carlito should get another chance at the midcard. Drew, Daivari and David are all still 29 years old so they have a lot left in the tank, while Carlito is 35 so it's either now or never. We saw his charisma at the Hall of Fame ceremony, he definitely deserves another shot, especially now that Del Rio is gone. Burchill is currently retired as a firefighter, but I'd love it if he came back to WWE.

And aside from all of them joining the main roster, I'd like to see some other guys just show up, like Matt Hardy, The Dudley Boyz, MVP, Gregory Helms, Hardcore Holly, D'Lo Brown, Lance Storm, Kid Kash, Chavo Guerrero, Spike Dudley, Val Venis and Shelton Benjamin. Neither of these guys were HUGE stars, but they were worked plenty top programs and got over on different occasions. I think they could teach the current crop of NXT stars a thing or two so bringing them back for occasional matches wouldn't be a bad idea.

As for bringing back an already established name to rejoin the main roster, I don't know. I have no interest in seeing most of them take the spot of up-and-coming talents. I would much rather see WWE build up Adrian Neville and Jack Swagger for main event spots than giving it to Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle. I would love to see them work occasional matches on NXT, but they probably won't enjoy ending their career on such a low scale. I just think the main programs should be for the current generation.

I'd definitely like to see CM Punk back, because he's still just 35 years old and could have 3 more years left in the tank if he came back right now. I still don't understand exactly why he left, but I hope they can fix that soon enough.
I don't care what anyone else says. I was a fan of X-Pac back in the day, and I'd like to see him back for a bit. Just a cup of coffee like the New Age Outlaws had. I always liked X-Pac's matches, the whole kicking style.

Also, I feel like D'Lo Brown never got a fair shake, although some people might attribute that to the whole Droz incident.
Kurt Angle is the correct answer.

He's one of the all time greats in WWE history. He needs to come back before the time runs out. The fans will pop like crazy when his classic "Medal" theme hits.

I hope he returns on the milk truck.
Kurt Angle. Would LOVE to see him brought in for a run. Give him a Jericho type deal for short runs with breaks, or a Lesnar type. He doesn't need to do all the shows and travel......but there's some BIG PPV matches that would be awesome. Would love to see Angle-Bryan(when he's back), Angle-Cesaro could be great too.

Shelton Benjamin. Probably won't happen, he's almost 40 now. But he was so good IMO. Incredible in ring talent. They ruined him as a face with that 2005 losing streak and then the heel turn and Momma Benjamin BS. I don't understand why he couldn't just get the Chris Benoit type face push and sustain it.....just push him as a great wrestler! He was over on his athletic ability and wrestling ability.....until they made him lose every match for like 4 months straight. He never recovered.

Michelle McCool. I became a big fan in her last 2 years or so in the company. I thought she had really hit her stride, and had plenty of gas left in the tank. That was the last time the divas division was any good was when she was champ, IMO.

Jeff Hardy. Would love to see another run. I could see a Hardy-Rollins feud being really entertaining.
John Morrison for sure. It wouldn't have to be in the main event scene. He was always a reliable mid card guy that you could get a decent match out of.

London & Kendrick to help with the tag division. I know there's pretty much no chance of it but if they ever were to come back I'd like to see them against the Usos at least.

I wouldn't be opposed to an Angle return on a limited basis. I don't know what kind of shape he's in with recent injuries and stuff but assuming he's still sober and if he was given some time to relax and get healthy it would be nice for him to end his career in the WWE.
I don't care what anyone else says. I was a fan of X-Pac back in the day, and I'd like to see him back for a bit. Just a cup of coffee like the New Age Outlaws had. I always liked X-Pac's matches, the whole kicking style.

I'm with you 100%. I wasn't a member of the IWC until well after his run in the WWE so I never got the whole "X-Pac Heat" concept until much later. I always liked him, even as a heel. I'd love to see him come back for a couple of months. I think he could do wonders with a guy like Ziggler who needs some guidance.
I would love to see John Morrison back. He would be a great investment. I would also love to see Shelton Benjamin back. He could even team with Morrison and they could be called the High Flyers/ Dirty Boys. Then you could have Miz join them and be the pretty boy and have him be the planner type person for them. Then you could have Ric Flair work with them as the manager and they all be dressed up nice but they will do anythinng to get what they want. The High Flyer name is to show how classy the are. And it pretty much means that they ride higher then everyone esle. The Dirty Boys name is showing how Ric Flair changed them to the right life style.

I would also like to see Eric Bishoff to return. I know most prople won't agree with me but he is great on the mic and I could see him as a manager. He could assemble a group to take down the authority. Or make a group called NWO2.

Also I would like to see Goldberg and Stone cold to come back. I know they would be on legends contracts or what not but think about it. Stone Cold could have feuds with Triple H and the Authority. And think about the matchs they could have against each other.
Then Goldberg could be the Beast to take down the beast after WM. Brock would just get mad after WM and no one can stop this construction, but one person. You have Vince come out and say he is tired of Brock Lesnar and he has signed someone to a contract to stop him. Brock comes out and trys to attack Vince but then Goldbergs music hits and Brock and him go at it for months. Think about it they could make goldberg say that he was the first beast and he is going to be the only beast left after he gets done with Brock Lesnar. Just imagine how many good matches they could have together.
Other than the names already mentioned, I'd like to see Taryn Terrell, aka Tiffany, back in WWE. Apart from being one of the most gorgeous women to step through the ropes, she has grown exponentially as a wrestler in TNA - witness her Last Knockout Standing match last year against Gail Kim, match of the night on the ppv it was on.

There's no doubt the divas division is at its strongest right now - multiple logical storylines and strong wrestling ability from the likes of Paige, AJ, Emma, Naomi and the NXT divas waiting for the call. Terrell would only compliment that.
Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison are my top two, and there's really nothing I can say that hasn't already been said by someone else.

But my third choice would be one I don't think anyone else would mention, Rob Conway. In my book he was the best wrestler in the La Resistance faction. He had a great look and was very gifted in the ring. When he transitioned into the "Con Man" gimmick, I saw nothing but dollar signs, and predicted he'd become a World Champion someday. Since leaving WWE, Conway has become NWA World Heavyweight Champion twice, but I think he could still do well in the big leagues and I'd love to see him come back to WWE.

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