What does Obamacare mean for me?

Your robbing me of my money for the common good. The common good is not my responsibility in a capitalistic free market. It is about a competitive market fueled by the individual consumer.
Entitlements had taken place long before that happened, but since you mention it the entitlement mentality helped lead to the subprime crisis. Bush immediately increased the rates at which housing loans were going out because everyone is entitled to have a home. When it didn't work quick enough they immediately started lowering the rates so that people that couldn't afford homes could get loans, all the while knowing they couldn't pay for it, which leads to what? Foreclosure.
Entitlements had taken place long before that happened, but since you mention it the entitlement mentality helped lead to the subprime crisis. Bush immediately increased the rates at which housing loans were going out because everyone is entitled to have a home. When it didn't work quick enough they immediately started lowering the rates so that people that couldn't afford homes could get loans, all the while knowing they couldn't pay for it, which leads to what? Foreclosure.

Umm, no. Not really it at all.


Read that. You don't even have to read the whole thing, just the Conclusions at the beginning. It's about 15 pages. And for the record, shelter is not an entitlement, it's a basic human necessity.
Klunderbunker, I don't think you fully understand individual rights and most importantly, freedom.

And to whoever wants to know why our country's economy turned out so bad, look up the Federal Reserve. That's a good starter.
Klunderbunker, I don't think you fully understand individual rights and most importantly, freedom.

And to whoever wants to know why our country's economy turned out so bad, look up the Federal Reserve. That's a good starter.

I understand them and I have no issue with giving up a bit of it if it increases the security my life has and if it takes away some of the uncertainty that I would have with having no insurance. I didn't have any for awhile and now I do under the new law. I'm very happy it went into effect and I feel safer as a result. It's called the Social Contract. It's worked for centuries and it still works now.
Your robbing me of my money for the common good. The common good is not my responsibility in a capitalistic free market. It is about a competitive market fueled by the individual consumer.

When the individual actions are harming the masses, it's time for someone to step in and fix it. That's what's going on here. It's a way to cheat the system, and that is being fixed. This is no different than closing a loophole in a program that someone is exploiting. You're basically complaining because your loophole has been closed. Get over it.
OH NO! A DEBT THAT IS NEVER GOING TO BE CALLED IN IS A BIT HIGHER! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BECAUSE.......BECAUSE.......wait why is this such a huge deal? Every country owes every country a fortune but no major country is psycho/stupid enough to call it in because it would cripple the world economy. It's a conservative scare tactic that means very little, especially when they scream that we can't raise a tax to help pay for any of the debt, even though that's the #1 way to bring in money to a government.

Can't tax what isn't there to tax.
True, but big companies such as Exxon Mobil, pay little to no taxes. Write offs must be nice.

Asfor those who make 250,000 have more tax breaks than a person making less money. Way, way, way less money.

Can't tax product any higher or no-one will ever buy it. There is a way but avoding it seems to be the answer right now from the world and our lovely GOP.
I don't mean on products. I mean let the Bust tax breaks on the rich expire. The middle class still needs them but when you're making 250k a year, you're not going to starve. You're getting a break with these already so taking them away isn't a punishment.
True. I agree with what you are saying. Odds of that happening though, to me seem slim to none. You think the President and GOP want to make a tax higher for themselves? My guess is no. They clearly have enough money and as you said, they won't starve to death unlike someone like me.

Look what the mayor of Scranton PA did. He cut all city workers down to minimum wage. A smart move sure, but an illegal one. You think he cut his pay from what 200k a year down?

To me, the tax on the rich will never happen. We need to tax the big fortune 500 companies and stop allowing them so many write offs to warrant off the taxes they could be paying.

We are a Democracy country with a lot of Capitalism ways to us. (America) It is crazy that the Great Depression was only 12 years long (please correct me if I am wrong) and that this recession has been going on for nearly ten years. (Give or take, I am tired and barley processing a thought) What we need is a way for us to have more jobs out there to put the unemployed back in the work force to create income for themselves so the government can make money off of them.
The word you're looking for is infrastructure.

I don't think the masses would complain about the rich being taxed more.
Yes, that was the word lol

No they wouldn't complain as I know damn well I wouldn't be complaning. I say it on a regular basis that the rich need to be taxed more. It isn't fair to the middle and low class citizens. Especially when the majority of America is classified as Middle class.
True. I agree with what you are saying. Odds of that happening though, to me seem slim to none. You think the President and GOP want to make a tax higher for themselves? My guess is no.
The President has already said he does not want to sign another extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

To me, the tax on the rich will never happen. We need to tax the big fortune 500 companies and stop allowing them so many write offs to warrant off the taxes they could be paying.
In today's global economy, it's just not that easy.

However, you're on the right track. Most of the time when people talk about the "wealthy not paying taxes", they're speaking more about Fortune 500 companies and their high ranking executives than they anyone else.

(Give or take, I am tired and barley processing a thought) What we need is a way for us to have more jobs out there to put the unemployed back in the work force to create income for themselves so the government can make money off of them.
Republicans will not allow it. They don't want government to create jobs, they want the private sector to create jobs. Which, in theory, is fine, except in reality, the private sector isn't creating jobs. So we need to change our approach, and Republicans are refusing to do so.
The President has already said he does not want to sign another extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

In today's global economy, it's just not that easy.

However, you're on the right track. Most of the time when people talk about the "wealthy not paying taxes", they're speaking more about Fortune 500 companies and their high ranking executives than they anyone else.

Republicans will not allow it. They don't want government to create jobs, they want the private sector to create jobs. Which, in theory, is fine, except in reality, the private sector isn't creating jobs. So we need to change our approach, and Republicans are refusing to do so.

Even though the Republicans are refusing to give out jobs or create jobs we still need a change somewhere inbetween. We know the republicans don't want to put a higher tax on the rich, especially since they too are rich. If we have no jobs, taxes, high cost of production and a constant inflation what other way can this be fixed?

Do we have another civil war and become a country like Egypt/Sybria and have the people take on the government for a total change? Something needs to give.

Anywho, ya post is speaks the truth Sly.
The President has already said he does not want to sign another extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

In today's global economy, it's just not that easy.

However, you're on the right track. Most of the time when people talk about the "wealthy not paying taxes", they're speaking more about Fortune 500 companies and their high ranking executives than they anyone else.

Republicans will not allow it. They don't want government to create jobs, they want the private sector to create jobs. Which, in theory, is fine, except in reality, the private sector isn't creating jobs. So we need to change our approach, and Republicans are refusing to do so.

I dun care if you talk shit bout me bra, but dont be talkin shit bout Obama!

Btw, un ignorgant people realize that we all in this mess because of Bush. You can spin all you politics you want, but the people know that Obama helps us while govament destroys us. Obama 2012 or bust. If Romney became Pres, he'd prolly send all non-white immigrants back to where they from.

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