What Do You Hate In Wrestling?

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mat 1011 why do you hate cena i mean im sure i already know but add more to your posts so its not considered spam
I agree with everyone about the whole dropping storylines thing. TNA used to do all the time before they got on Spike TV and it WWE is also very notorious for doing it.

I hate more than one gimmick match in a PPV. I especially hate gimmicks inside of gimmicks like Lockdowns's blindfold match. They overuse so many gimmick matches and I get tired of seeing them.

I also hate that there really is no more wrestling...well at least for the most part in WWE. This whole Sports entertainment thing is okay but they need to focus on more wrestling and less promos, because half of the wrestlers dont know how to give good ones anyways.
i hate the wwe due to the fact that they bring up things from the past thats been dead already e.g ECW, DX, recycled gimmicks (papa shango=boogeyman) not trying to start a huge TNA vs wwe debate just stating a fact
Okay okay I understand WWE' logic here, but I still hate it, I hate they put the most over guy with the crowd, (John Cena in this case), as the champ, and not the best guy in the business at wrestling, such as your benoits, edge as a champ is good tho :)
I also hate the big guys with no heart for the business, such as Goldberg and arguably Lesnar, who are just in it for money and others who might like the business but are just pushed because they are big but suck in the ring, like A Train, Batista, and Mark Henry.
I also hate Hogan for not putting over new up and coming talent, he could have put Orton over, but no, could have put Jarret over, but No, could have put HBK, not up and coming, but still, No
Also, I hate Vinnie Mac pushing his storylines HE likes only on tv
And most of all, I understand the logic to the different brands but hate the different brands. Ie Smackdown, Raw, ECW, I wish there was one WWE like old days or just WWE and ECW! Too many champs that way and matches and feuds which should happen many times dont because of this. Many say it is good to help talents develop, if talents need to develop, then they should be in OVW imo!
I hate....

Storylines that fizzle off and are never explained.
When WWE don't acknowledge real life happenings in the company storyline's (are they gonna mention rob van dam leaving or just take him off tv and leave it at that?? and just never mention his name again)
Stagnant segments in a tv show such as Arm wrestling, bikini contests, contract signings (why is it we don't hear of contracts for lower card matches, or for every title match.)
which brings it to the next one....Continuity, Why is Kane not horribly burnt on his face? etc etc
The new WWE trend of developing talent on TV and PPV not in OVW.
Masses of security that are available 24/7 in all wrestling companys.
Racial Stereotypes used to push/bury chracters
Hardcore matches....in the old hardcore title sense...where trash cans full of random shit would be used. just pointless item after item then a chair and then pin.
50 Billion different names for a No dq/Street fight match.
The fact that non of WWE's creative team seem to have the balls to speak there mind.
Dear lord I haven't thought about G-TV in years! lol I remember that, right, so there was just some random camera guy going around backstage taping important moments in storylines. lol, Anybody remember that woman in black that used to interfere in Raven's matches when he first debuted? Don't remember them ever telling us who she was either.

And I too hate writers who have little toys they play with for a month and then forget about forever (Cryme Tyme anyone? They used to be on TV every single week and usually in a match too, now the only time we ever see them is when they're randomly chillin' with Eugene)

G-TV was meant to be Goldust, but then he was released and they continued it on for a bit after his release but then it fizzled out.
I thought the necrophelia angle about 4/5 years ago was a bit sick/dodgy.
I hate how at the moment the WWE isn't investing enough in tag teams. During the attitude era, the New Age Outlaws sold like the 2nd or 3rd most merch in the company, that should be enough proof to them that tag teams are important.
I truly hate the $250 000 Diva search. It's more a waste of time than time than Vince McMahon talking about how big his balls are.
i hate how most of the time
titles cant be won by D.Q. it is
so dumb if u lose the match
u should lose the title same with countout

well to be fair if 2 guys (say a tag team) had a fued with someone (say the ic champ) in a 1v1 bout the other parter could just cause the champ to get dq'ed so his buddy could be the new champ (lame, but you know how heels are :icon_evil: )
I hate the breakdown of logic with some of the things that have been done. Here are some fine examples of this:

1. During the WCW Invasion, they actually had a Titantron graphic ready. How spontaneous is that? For how to do this type of thing correctly, see Scott Hall's entrance into WCW during the middle of a match. THAT was cool. No music, no announcement. He just came through the crowd and screwed up the show. THAT was a little slice of reality TV.

2. Horribly telegraphed promos in which the general manager or authority figure announces a match because of an apparent situation in the ring (people fighting or talking smack)...but we all can tell what the match is going to be from a mile away. No surprise. No intrigue. Just telegraphed stupidity for the average ******** in the audience. Insulting and just plain dumb. See this last week's Smackdown main event.

3. Selective ending changes due to video tape. Sometimes, instead of the usual screwjob ending where someone gets a fall by holding the ropes or hooking tights, the referee will be notified by someone in the back (i.e. another ref or authority figure) and the match will be ordered to restart. Other times, the match will just go down in the books. Now we all know that video tape machines are running through numerous points in the arena and EVERYONE in back can see. It's like they think that no one back there even notices when something up in the ring is happening and that everyone in the back is just playing Monopoly or some shit.

4. Predictable match endings. These are the worst. I can't stand the same boring Superman routine where a guy makes the comeback and always wins via a kickout and then performing his own finisher when you can see it coming from a mile away. This crap worked for me when I was five and Hulkamania was running wild in its original incarnation, but I'm not five anymore...and this crap sucks!

5. Non-title matches featuring champions. London and Kendrick. Benoit. These are some of the latest fine examples of champions fighting in their standard element (L & K in a tag team match against Douche and Dumbino, and Benoit against MVP in a singles encounter) but not defending their title?!? What kind of $hit is that? Why even put a belt on them?

6. Storyline changes that go against continuity. Christian and Edge being "brothers" for so long and then being split apart only to be referred to as a tag team down the line. Kane's situation with being in hiding and being "horribly burned" until 1997. Only to be subjected to the Katie Vick storyline (stupid in and of itself) which completely ruins continuity in Kane's character. Also, Kane having his mask taken off to reveal that he isn't really scarred...just a homely fellow?!? This crap sucks.

6. Repetitive DQ/Schmoz finishes. This devalues the spirit of competition that all wrestling should have. I don't want to watch a match that in the end is pointless because nobody gets a win. Somebody needs to be pinned or submit because that's what I pay to see...not this other crap where someone doesn't want to do the job and a damn run-in always takes place (thanks NWO!).

7. Squash matches that feature "Superstars" doing the light-speed job. This takes the value of the roster and flushes a majority of it down the toilet. It also makes it seem that much more implausible when said jobber gets a big push and starts to get some wins. This is one of the worst by-products of the nineties wrestling boom.

8. Short matches featuring talent that can definitely work longer. The average attention-span for a wrestling fan these days is microscopic compared to what it was years back. They only wait for the signature spots and aren't even interested in watching an actual match most times.

9. Redundant cliches in mic work. Randy Orton has been the posterboy for this as of recent. Every time someone threatens him he always replies with: "Well, we'll have to see, won't we?" That's the best comeback you can find?!? The youngest Champion in company history and that's it? Pathetic. I'm also glad that most of the wrestlers have phased out using the phrase "sick and tired." That one was so overused in the eighties and nineties that it nearly enacted a kill reflex in my brain.

9. Overly rehearsed mic work. You can tell typically when someone has their stuff spoonfed to them and doesn't have a remotely creative, on-the-fly, bone in their body. That's why a majority of the talent in the major companies these days has trouble speaking on their own. This is why they have to rely on Austin to come back and rock the mic every year or so.

10. One dimensional gimmicks. Stuff like Cryme Tyme, The Highlanders, Eugene, The Boogeyman, Abyss, Burchill's pirate gimmick, Kane, and The Undertaker's gimmicks all leave a rotten taste in my mouth. Very hollow, and not much dimension to the characters. As much as the novelty is there the first couple of times, the gimmick runs out of steam quickly and they're all left back at square one fishing for pops from a non-receptive audience. Thankfully for Abyss, he was saddled with Mitchell, who is a genius on the mic.

Anyhoo, these are all I can think of right now. If I can think of some more, I'll probably list them. Good thread.

you saved me from thinking up all this stuff on my own, perfect! love the monopoly comment, priceless, always wondered the same shit if they sat back there having a sausage fest and once in a blue moon a ref notices a moniter and sees a heel cheating.

edit: not that it would do any good or get where it needs to go, but someone should email this to the wwe corporate offices.
I dont question his desire his bad attitude is well documented though I have n't heard about any problems since his suspension well except the steriod thing but he wasn't the only one I m not trying to kiss up to orton or anything Im just stating facts that I know I think he proves his desire in the quality of his matches I mean does anyone remember him ever having a terrible match? But all that said his attitude is his problem for the sake of wwe and him more importantly hopefully he s gotten better about his attitude it seems like he has but according to some people backstage it han't so who knows

I don't think Randy Ortan is a good wrestler at all and I find a lot of his matches to be either average or pretty bad...I think the fact that his lack of in ring talent, his bad attitude and his use of steroids...should be enough to fire him from the WWE.
Wrestling has become bad in general. All the things listed in the long list of wrongs with wrestling are valid... but there is more to that.

For starters... John Cena. I HATE this guy. His mic work sucks, his wrestling sucks, his finisher sucks and him having the world title and being 'invincible'... sucks. Him being the franchise of the WWE should tell you how bad the WWE has gotten. He would be a midcarder or at best, chasing someone for a US title belt back in the 80's and 90's. He can't carry Ric Flair's jock strap.

Another thing is the 'roster-split'. The ratings for each show are down since this happened. The best thing to do is to have everyone compete on all shows... except ECW. Vince McMahon has succeeded in making ECW a second rate program. It's not even ECW anymore. Extreme rules matches? ALL matches in the old ECW was an 'extreme' rule match. The best thing to do is make this a minor league for good wrestlers that can't make it on Raw or Smackdown. ECW is scrap.

Batista, MVP, Randy Orton, and the crappy tag teams on Smackdown are terrible, too. The lack of talent is the downfall of the WWE. The Divas and Kennedy, Edge, Triple HHH, Shawn Michaels, and Undertaker are the only reason I bother to keep up with wrestling.

If TNA had the money the WWE has... it'd be no contest as to who would be the better brand to watch. TNA has the talent, better workers, better storylines, and are just flat better than the WWE. And if RVD ends up going to TNA... the WWE will lose more viewers.
Shitty PPVs, if someone pays $35-$50(I haven't actully payed for a PPV since WM17, uselly just wait till they're on DVD then I buy them when they are on-sale), they deserve a good show, a just a bunch of crap matches that belong on HeAt
I'll stick to the topic at first, but I have to do the unthinkable and defend Cena at the bottom of this post... sorry in advance. :)

-I hate the massive amount of roster turnover that WWE has. I see this as 4 problems in one:
-WWE seems to have a lot of backstage politics going on.
-Guys reach the top, and try to parlay that into more money via an easier lifestyle (acting, music, etc.) If we still had guys like Rocky and Jericho around, I guarantee you guys like Cena and Batista could do their thing and get appreciated for it, rather than stick out and become resented for being crammed down our throats.
-The rash of injuries, which I guess is worse now than normal, but it sucks nontheless.
-With prominent indy feds (like ROH) and the Japan feds, coupled with TNA, there's just a lot of competition where guys get drawn away from WWE, which like it or not is the best vehicle for us to watch these guys. If you could get all of these great wrestlers into one or two companies and let them go, we'd have a much better product out there. Also with this instant-results driven world we live in, guys aren't being given the time to develop onscreen and build heat or fan bases.

Okay, onto the part where I'm probably going to make an ass out of myself. I realize I'm in the minority here, but I feel compelled to defend Cena to a degree. There are some things that I would point to as the reason why he's locked in at the top of WWE right now, other than the rash of injuries and dillution of talent.

-he has a good physical build and has a good overall look, which is clearly important
-I think he has a lot more in ring talent than a lot of people give him credit for. He does have 2 or 3 sequences / moves that show up in every match, because the fans expect it, but I would argue the same is true of many other wrestlers.
-I can't say his mic work is the best, but I certainly wouldn't call it bad, and compared to his peers at the moment, he's certainly near the top.
-Cena is charismatic and clearly hard-working and dedicated to the industry. He may not be used properly all the time, and perhaps he's been built up as far too invincible, but I can't blame WWE one bit for building around the guy. If they could get more guys like him, and keep them healthy, it would create for a much more level playing field, and I doubt people would hate him so much.
i hate shitbags in wwe that are racist (list)
jbl-against hispanics and him saying all of them are illegal(wwe didnt think hed go that far)also the germany incindent
vince-didnt sign guys like konnan full time deals because why he wasnt white
wwe-never made not one black guy a champ besides like the rock and hes mix.if youre a die hard wwe fan or a tna hater youre prolly thinkin of some dumbass informationless respond such as "so does tna" or "jeff jarretts been the only champion ever" WRONG theres been alot of black slash non white champions such as ron killings,monty brown etc.
lol not tryin to start a huge wwe vs. tna discussion jus statin a fact
You probably have a point to an extent with race, but there are several examples of latinos or african americans that WWE has pushed.

They're pushing Lashley very hard, they push Mysterio hard despite his size when he's healthy, they pushed Eddie Guerrero (granted he wasn't in the top of the card for very long, but given his size, it's pretty common to see a guy take longer to work his way up, and when he was on the mid-card he was always pushed very hard), and Chavo gets a fair push despite not having the greatest character on earth. D-Von Dudley did OK, and so did Farooq in his time. Hell, they put a a few titles on D'Lo Brown for heaven's sake, and gave Orlando Jordan the US title for a while.

I would attribute most of JBL's stuff to trying to get and maintain heat, but of course the german thing went too far, from what I've heard about it.

Other factors may have been involved with Konnan. I would have thought twice about hiring him due to age (I'm not sure when you're talking about exactly but that would've been my opinion for a few years now), plus his mic skills were good, but when you look at the fact that Eddie had a similar gimmick, at least for a while, they probably figured they had been there, done that, and couldn't really do much else creatively with Konnan.

Still, you'd still like to see minorities (african americans more than latinos, b/c imo they do push latin americans hard enough) worked in more, but that's true in major league baseball and other sports just as it is in wrestling. I personally don't see enough of a bias to consider WWE racist, but I would agree that there need to be more minority wrestlers developed. Let's see what they do with Marcus Cor-Von and Elijah Burke, b/c at the moment it at least looks like they're trying with them and Lashley.
i hate shitbags in wwe that are racist (list)
jbl-against hispanics and him saying all of them are illegal(wwe didnt think hed go that far)also the germany incindent
vince-didnt sign guys like konnan full time deals because why he wasnt white
wwe-never made not one black guy a champ besides like the rock and hes mix.if youre a die hard wwe fan or a tna hater youre prolly thinkin of some dumbass informationless respond such as "so does tna" or "jeff jarretts been the only champion ever" WRONG theres been alot of black slash non white champions such as ron killings,monty brown etc.
lol not tryin to start a huge wwe vs. tna discussion jus statin a fact

I will break this down one by one here. JBL is a character, the Germany thing was so he would get Heat, nothing more nothing less. Konnan was signed to a full time deal, he was Max Moon originally, he got dropped for some reason that I don't know. They made Ron Simmons the First Black Champion, The Rock is half Black and half Samoan, So there is little basis in saying what you are saying there. Oh and Vince doesn't have the job of Hiring people, that job has been done by guys like JR, Johnny Ace and Stephanie McMahon Levesque now, I don't know who was before JR but if they discriminate on Race in hiring then they would get their asses sued by a shit load of People.
vince-didnt sign guys like konnan full time deals because why he wasnt white
wwe-never made not one black guy a champ besides like the rock and hes mix.

I think you're so SO mistaken. Bobby Lashley is black and he's being pushed like crazy. Never seen somebody pushed to that extent except maybe Hogan or Cena... Booker is black and he was World Champion... Hell, they're even pushing two of the worst wrestlers of all-time in Khali and Mark Henry at a main event level... What the hell ? What you're saying makes no sense.

If this isn't enough for you, think of guys like MVP, Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von ... that are all on their way up.
i didnt mean that they dont push other minorities i meant they dont push them higher then mid card. and by the way im talking about konnan in 1993 when he was an awesome wrestler and was healthy and stuff WAYYY before eddie came into wwe.
p.s when african americans slash latinos did have a title reign they only held the title once and for like a small ass time. (possibly for wwe seeing that it was wrong but then they kept doing it lol)
This is probably a pretty obscure complaint, but I often find myself getting irritated by the numerous too-early pins that occur during a match. It's just pointless to have a pin attempt just a minute and a half into a match (especially when following something such as a scoop slam), only to have the person being pinned kick out at two... which everyone watching knows will happen. It's particularly annoying when, after the pinned wrestler kicks out, the opponent gets frustrated and tries again two or three more times without even doing anything else to, perhaps, make his enemy stay down longer. It takes you out of the experience and carries NO level of suspense or excitement because you're always distracted by the thought "Oh, why do they ever bother doing that?"
Mark Henry's World title reign is long over due. He's one of the only wrestlers who have been on the roster since the mid 90's who never had a major title run.( the European Title doesn't count)
Diva story lines are horrible. Needs more women wrestlers not models.Models are not wrestlers. Wrestlers aren't necessarily models. Divas are a waste of money and space on rosters with the exception of Victoria,Mickie James,Kristal and Melina. All the great female talent in WWE are gone fired or Retired. (Jackie, Lita,Jazz,Trish, and Luna)
John Cena's Title reign is too long,Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas' talent is often complimented but still over looked.
Recycled storylines are the worse. Too many backstage politics. Stupid gimmicks also plague pro wrestling. Boogey man, Crime Tyme, Jillian's Pop Star Wannabe
Too many to complain about.
well, I mean if you guys don't like it then DON'T WATCH IT. Seriously, all I hear on this board is:
-John Cena/Batista/Lashley sucks
-Most of the divas can't wrestle
-WWE sucks
-The storylines are getting boring/stale/tasteless
-CM Punk/Paul Birchill/Shelton Benjamin should be champion
-The gimmicks are crap
-ECW isn't the same

Instead of bitching about it you guys should seriously consider CHANGING THE CHANNEL. When I see something on tv I don't like, do you know what I do? I CHANGE THE CHANNEL, AND WATCH SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
well, I mean if you guys don't like it then DON'T WATCH IT. Seriously, all I hear on this board is:
-John Cena/Batista/Lashley sucks
-Most of the divas can't wrestle
-WWE sucks
-The storylines are getting boring/stale/tasteless
-CM Punk/Paul Birchill/Shelton Benjamin should be champion
-The gimmicks are crap
-ECW isn't the same

Instead of bitching about it you guys should seriously consider CHANGING THE CHANNEL. When I see something on tv I don't like, do you know what I do? I CHANGE THE CHANNEL, AND WATCH SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

Well said!
I was thinking the exact same thing.
First off...to put some truth in there, (and forgive me if you already knew this, but the post didn't seem like it) JBL is not really racist in real life. The gimmick against immigrants was not only a work, but JBL was either best man or at least part of the groomsman in Eddie Guerrero's wedding to Vicky. Plus, I doubt he'd be running around with Ron Simmons in the APA if he was.

As for things I hate, there's not much I hate in wrestling honestly. Being a HUGE Undertaker fan, I've followed his career and am always impressed by the moves he does. He changes and adapts to the times, he uses great technical holds (i.e. - Dragon Sleeper, called T.C.B., the Triangle Choke, Single Leglock, etc.), and he's always putting on very entertaining matches. He can play the giant monster towering over smaller wrestlers, or the quicker crusierweight type fighting larger wrestlers. Every match he's in is a special event (name one throwaway match he's had on a PPV) and every loss (the few) he has is a big moment. Even when Vince wanted him to drop the biker gimmick and go back to the Dead Man, he basically told him that it was outdated and did his own comprised version.

I said all of that because wrestling is a story, and we obviously enjoy it week in and week out, or we wouldn't be writing and reading in this forum. John Cena, who seems to get crazy amounts of heat from almost anyone not female or hitting puberty, is still entertaining to watch, and if we spend a whole thread talking about how much he rules/sucks, that's part of the story. To make it a good story, we have to hate something about it. We have to want the story to continue. If we the fans wrote the story, we couldn't agree on who the World champions are. We'd be arguing if Benoit, Kane, C.M. Punk, Orton, Edge, Taker, Nitro and Shelton should be the champs, and it would never end. The WWE writes stories to make us hate people, love people, and give a crap about what happens to them.

The only thing I can say that I hate about wrestling are the disgusting storylines, which includes just about anything involving Mae Young getting naked, that Katie Vick crap, people giving birth, and those strange types. I'm not crazy about anti-American storylines either, if only because it stirs up too much racism about a certain group. Those stories are written for shock value only, which I'm definitely not a fan of, but when the Katie Vick storyline began and I saw where it was going, I did change the channel. Then, I changed it back to see if it was over. I didn't give up on the WWE for doing it.
well, I mean if you guys don't like it then DON'T WATCH IT. Seriously, all I hear on this board is:
-John Cena/Batista/Lashley sucks
-Most of the divas can't wrestle
-WWE sucks
-The storylines are getting boring/stale/tasteless
-CM Punk/Paul Birchill/Shelton Benjamin should be champion
-The gimmicks are crap
-ECW isn't the same

Instead of bitching about it you guys should seriously consider CHANGING THE CHANNEL. When I see something on tv I don't like, do you know what I do? I CHANGE THE CHANNEL, AND WATCH SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

Lets see here, We want to watch wrestling and watching WWEs product allows us to do so. There is nothing wrong with what is said on this board, we can criticise and point ot what should be done better, Ill address these points one by one.

-Cena/Batista/Lashley suck. you will find this everywhere you go, but to varying degrees but the main complaint against Lashley is that he was pushed far to soon, whereas there are threads devoted to how much Batista and Cena suck but this is more venting about these two more than anything.

-This is true, you can't find female Wrestlers through a Diva search, the main aim of the womens division right now is Tits and Ass. If I wanted to watch womens wrestling Ill go and watch Shimmer, or some other promotion devoted to womens wrestling.

-The only people that say that are ignorant and are more than likely going to spam and be banned. There are parts of the WWE that suck and some parts that do well, so your point here is what.

-The Vince carbomb one is Tasteless but it is the most original one they have come up with in a while. yeah they aren't stale story lines when the majority start because of some imagined wrong done to a wrestler and there is interference by the Heel in a match, or their is a promo by the Heel. If you can't make storylines different in the way they start they get seen as stale.

-This one is just based on peoples tastes in what Wrestlers should be on top, and these three are three talented individuals: CM Punk pulled off the first five star match in the US in a long time; Paul Burchill is an awesome wrestler shades of the Dynamite Kid shades of the British Bulldog he could make it if he is given the right kind of push; Shelton Benjamin is a phenomenal athlete that with improvements in his promo skills could be a main eventer. So it is personal tastes but they could and some will be champs.

-So you don't call the Boogeyman a crap gimmick, the WWF/E does crap gimmicks when they are downturn which is what they are at the moment, The Gobbledegooker took a fully competent wrestler in Hector Guerrero and put him in a giant Turkey suit where he danced around, this is the kind of crap that the WWE will probably try and pull soon.

-We have established that and have accepted it you should move on with that one.

Bitching about it as you so eloquently said is the point of forums if you really think about it, not many people think that everything that the WWE is great, if they do then I would be worried for them. ive addressed this before, WWE has Wrestling, Wrestling fans watch Wrestling, therefore Wrestling Fans watch WWE for the Wrestling. Wrestling fans also watch other wrestling and you see where Im going here so I won't continue.
I just wanted to post what I think about "changing the channel" when you see something you dont like on WWE programming. I dont think us fans should have to change the damn channel. For those of us who grew up on it, its not that simple. We are die hard WWE fans, who have shelled out our hard earned cash for WWE product and ppvs, and we feel as if WWE is a part of our family. Some say Vince doesnt owe particular fans anything, well i say he does. The very least he could do is give us Champions who can atleast do the basics the right way. Cena cant even throw a punch without going down to one knee, or even do an Irish Whip without falling on his ass. Thank God for Mr. Kennedy. Just hope H doesnt bury him
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