What do you do whilst you are sick?

911 JP

Love the sig!
I am sick, on my lap-top with a fully fledged head cold, be a week tomorow:disappointed:

I am as bored as shit, as you usually are when being sick. I sleep, watch TV, movies, played the PS3, surfed the web, in my state im out of options!

If I had to do something right now that I couldnt I'd download or install Photoshop and start making Sigs, Ive been wanting to begin making Sigs for a while now... Might start soon Ei? But back to topic...

What do you do when you are sick?
I typically lay in bed and feel sorry for myself, in between sleeping. Often times, I'll call one of my exes and have her come over to take care of me.
I very rarely get sick and when I do I feel like I'm gonna die so I do what you've already done only switch PS3 with 360.
Depends what kind of ill. If it's a cold I get on with things. If it's a bug and it lasts a few days I'll roll up in bed and watch movies or a box set, I watches all of Angel one time when I was sick. I was sick from illness not that long ago actually.
Bash my bishop
Choke my chicken
Fire my yoghurt slinger

Generally enjoy myself with my one eyed purple headed, blue veined trouser trout

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