What country/state has the best posters?

By proxy the people from the Commonwealth and the USA belong to the UK.

I win!
We need more Danes.

I'd probably say New Jersey as well, but I'm not really sure where the most of people lives so I'm gonna have to stick with what I know of people.
I know all about the jersey triad and they all seem like cool guys and good posters.But you gotta admit alot of people suck up to Norcal.
I guess you can include me in the 5% then, cause I'd never suck up to anybody, I just generally enjoy all 3 of those guys, entertaining guys with great posting skills, and great moderators.
Nothing against them as they do alot for the site but IC and D man do just as much for the site.I just think that people think if they compliment Norcs and get noticed by him it suddenly makes them feel important.Nothing against Norcal as he just takes it in his stride.
It would seem so.Those kiddies hang on your every word lol.

EDIT. Misread post was speaking of the norcalmaniacs
Sure, Norcal does certainly come off as one of the guys (nothing against you Norc, you know that) and I agree IC and D-man does a lot for the site, which is why I also consider them to be great, 3 of my favorite people on this forum actually.

I don't really consider myself a suck-up to say the least, I don't know what others think, I just like talking to these 3 so I tend to pop up often in the Norcal and D-man threads.

NorCamaniacs, that was awful really, couldn't have come up with something better?
Has to be the UK, the differences in mental age between American teenagers and British teenagers is quite staggering really.
What state has the best posters?


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