What Are You Known For On Wrestlezone?


The Cerebral Assassin
Hopefully this thread will catch on, post what you think you're best known for here on Wrestlezone. It can be answered in any way you see fit: however you think people see you as or associate you with.

For me, I would say I'm best known for creating threads both in the WWE section and in the GSD (usually about sports) that usually spark a good deal of debate and draw a decent amount of attention/views/responses. And being supportive of the Lakers and Patriots.

What are you known for on Wrestlezone?
I'm known for being brown. WZF is a racist place.

I spread my buttcheeks when they ask for username and password. Can never get it saved because of the color of my skin.

I hope this catches on.
Uh. WZCW, I guess. I'm a decent wrestling poster if I take my mind to it. Probably mostly hanging out in the bar these days, though.

I also like to think that I have more or less a monopoly on my avatar.
Nada. Prolly for being bland and repping a lot. Maybe for using my avatar multiple times throughout my WZF life or being formerly known as Psicosis' ring name in Mexico, but now I'm just grasping straws. I think of myself as a dime-a-dozen average Joe, nothing more and nothing less.
Nada. Prolly for being bland and repping a lot. Maybe for using my avatar multiple times throughout my WZF life or being formerly known as Psicosis' ring name in Mexico, but now I'm just grasping straws. I think of myself as a dime-a-dozen average Joe, nothing more and nothing less.

You have all the ingredients to go down as our first suicide victim.
Who am I? said in the tune of who are you? Not the needy you tell me... But that would be nice too.

Really, though? My undying love for Randall Orton (the real best wrestler on the planet), winning the Debate League (less known than the other), and moderating the WWE section like a strict Nazi.
For my drooling, erection causing love of TNA's Tara......

And I think for posting pretty well on a wide range of areas. I don't really have a defined area of this site that I spend most of my time like some others.
Probably for being the greatest thing that ever happened to it.

For sleeping with poster's moms.

For my drooling, erection causing love of TNA's Tara......

And I think for posting pretty well on a wide range of areas. I don't really have a defined area of this site that I spend most of my time like some others.

Best never to be a mod.


Really, though? My undying love for Randall Orton (the real best wrestler on the planet), winning the Debate League (less known than the other), and moderating the WWE section like a strict Nazi.

The Marilyn Monroe of WZF.

That's my thing on twitter. #tweetingonthepooper

Leader of the MMA.

Mall Monkey Association.

They should call this thread 'PaperG Reads Your Life To You'.
I'm known for being an avid Cigar Lounge poster and having a thing for tattooed chicks.
Probably posting really dumb shit in the Bar. Usually even dumber than the posts usually are.

If not that, I'm known for NOTHING.
I have no idea what you people think. It always amazes me what gets me rep/feedback and what doesn't. Penis jokes seem get some attention.

I will go with I am known for not being able to make an obnoxious post without PaperGhost following it by trying to make a more obnoxious post. At least I think he does it out of love.

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