We're 1.5 Months Away...

Sidious VS D-Man will win feud of the year. Why even discuss it? Nothing else came close. The poll should be for what was the second best, as nothing can top that one. Since rookie of the year is also being discussed.... I'd say Blue Cardinal and Armbar are the best newcomers.
I'd be happy with that. Some great guys in this class, I'd be honored to be nominated. But I'm upping my game, the next month an a half will be huge.
The Dirty One has my vote. I have a soft spot for those of the Mexican persuasion when I don't actually have to see or smell them.
The Dirty One has my vote. I have a soft spot for those of the Mexican persuasion when I don't actually have to see or smell them.

Or hear our weekend-long mariachi parties! Nothing like hearing the same trumpet sections hour after hour after hour.

Sid vs D-Man is damn tough to beat.
Tenta is dead!

The hernia inside his ass (Doc) killed him over time.

I'm kidding, fellas.

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