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Week 2 of UCW

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Nobody saw the last time I posted it so I'm posting it again.
VERY good show! Please read all of it.

Week 6 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Goldberg


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 6! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Dallas, Texas and last night in LA was one of the biggest night's in UCW history thus far. I don't know if UCW can ever out do what happened last night.

Vince's music hits and he walks down to the ring with a microphone.

(The following lines that Vince says are NOT my thoughts. I put them there for entertainment purposes only.)

Vince- Last night at Extreme Suffering, we made history. That event last night may have just been the greatest event in wrestling history. Now there are other brands out there on the Wrestlezone television network and I don't know if there able to measure up to the action last night that we had! They are B-minus type shows, unlike our A+ show and events that UCW has! Let's see some photos of the event last night.

*Photos of Extreme Suffering are shown on the Titantron and the photos are interupted by ECW music and titontron video.*

*Paul Heyman comes out to the ring with the UCW Hardcore Champion, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer.*

Heyman- Vince, I don't mean to interupt but I am out here to call out Goldberg! ECW's goal tonight is to take him out and I gurantee that our goal will be fufilled! Now Goldberg get your ass out here and...........

Goldberg jumps from the audience and gets into the ring behind them with a steel chair and lays out Tommy Dreamer and Sandman! Vince gets out of the ring as fast as he can. Goldberg then stares down Heyman, drops the chair and charges at him with a HUGE Spear! Goldberg gets up and yells to the crowd while the rest of the ECW wrestlers run down to the ring. Goldberg then picks up the chair and throws it at Sabu who is the first one in the ring and it connects right on his head. Goldberg then quickly gets out of the back of the ring and gets out via audience. ECW wrestlers then check on Heyman, Sandman, and Dreamer.


As the show comes back from commercial, Heyman is being help to the ECW bus by his wrestlers and they all get on the bus and leave the arena.

Non-Title Match
UCW U.S. Champion Edge w/ Lita v.s. Carlito

Edge makes his way to the ring with Lita and he yells trash to the fans. Carlito comes out from behind Edge and attacks him as the fans cheer and the match begins. Carlito powers him with right hands until he retreats to the outside of the ring. Edge was standing outside resting when Carlito hit a Springboard Senton Splash over the top rope! Edge moved at the last second causing Carlito's back to slam on the outside. Carlito gets picked up by Edge and puts him him the ring. Edge hits a DDT and tells off the booing fans. Edge backs up in the corner, calling for a Spear. Carlito gets up, turns around, and when Edge ran at him he moved out of the way, causing Edge to Spear the ring post. Carlito pulls him out of the corner and jumps on his back for the BackCracker but Edge grabs the ropes in the corner and holds himself up while Carlito crashes to the mat! Edge then rolls up Carlito and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin, 1..............2..............the ref see's his feet on the ropes and stops the count! Edge gets up and is furious when Carlito Dropkicks Edge in the back and causes Edge to fall into the reffere, knocking him out. Lita then runs over and grabs a chair and hands it to Edge. Carlito grabs Edge and him turns around were Edge goes for a chair shot over the head of Carlito but Carlito ducked and kicked Edge in the gut, nailing a DDT on the chair! Lita then gets in the ring and hits a low blow on Carlito. Carlito falls and Lita tries to wake up Edge. Edge starts to move and gets up ready to hit the Spear as Lita rolled out of the ring. Carlito grabbed the chair as he turned around and when Edge ran towards him for the Spear, Carlito moved out of the way and held the chair out. Edge Speared the chair and Carlito threw the chair out of the ring and pinned Edge while the ref recovered, 1.............2.............3!

Winner: Carlito

Carlito rolled out of the ring and hand his hand raised by the referre while Edge was still down in the ring with him being attended by Lita.


When the show comes back on the air, Vince is sitting in his office and about to address the fans.

Vince- Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to talk about the issues around UCW. First, I would like to address the ECW situation with Goldberg. He attacked Sabu at Extreme Suffering and attacked him earlier tonight before fleeing the ring. Now the ECW bus is gone but if I see them next week then I will inform them that at UCW's Purgatory Goldberg will take on Sabu. But being since Goldberg likes to use chairs when he beat up Sabu, The Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer and since Sabu likes to use chairs in his matches as well, then they will go one-on-one in the first ever Steel Chair Massacre! Where in that match, there will be chairs set up and stacked on top of one another surrounding outside the ring. Basically, if you get thrown out of the ring, you will go through a wall of chairs and get buried underneath them. Pinfalls and submissions count anywhere. Now onto the next issue I want to address, I want to address the U.S. Title Match we just saw. Since Carlito beat the champion, he has automatically earned a shot at the Title, which he will get at UCW's PPV, Purgatory. Now the final issue I would like to address is that I have an idea for the next #1 contender for the World Title. Starting tonight, we will have a 12-man tournament and the finals for this tournament will be a Triple-Threat Match and the winner of this tournament will face the World Champion for the World Title at next month's UCW Pay-per-view, Hardcore Heaven. Thank you for your time.


#1 Contender Tournament Quarterfinal
Chris Masters v.s. Rey Mysterio

Masters makes his way to the ring with his muscle flexing entrance, followed by Mysterio.

Rey and Masters stare each other down and Masters hits a cheap punch to start the match. Masters powers Rey to the corner and knees him in the gut a few times. He pulls Rey out and gets to his back where he goes for the Masterlock in the early going but he only gets one arm through when Rey spins out of it and bounces against the where he is met with a big Clothesline. Masters picks up Rey who runs through his legs, runs against the ropes and dropkicks Masters. Masters goes down while Rey goes to the top rope and hits a Cross Body Splash on Masters when he got up. Masters caught Rey in mid-air and hit a Fallaway Slam on Mysterio. Masters got up and walked over to Rey he picked him up and Powerslammed him. Masters flexes his muscles to the audience when Rey gets up and Dropkicks Masters in the back, causing him to get caught on the second rope! Rey bounces off of the ropes and hits the 6-1-9! Rey hit the Dropping the Dime Leg Drop and covers Masters, 1............2...........KICKOUT! Rey then gets up and goes on the apron when masters got up he jumped at him by bouncing off of the top rope and hit the Sitting Senton! Rey pins again, 1..............2..............KICKOUT! Masters got up slowly with Rey Dropkicking him in the back again and when he was caught on the second rope, Rey bounced off of the ropes and went to hit the 6-1-9 but Masters ducked and Rey missed! He landed on his feet in ring while spinning around and trying to regain his footing and stopped with his back facing Masters, giving him the chance to lock in the Masterlock! Masters starts swinging Mysterio around like a rag doll and Mysterio loses conciousness. The ref lifts Rey's hand and it dropped, ending the match.

Winner: Chris Masters

Masters threw Rey down and laughed as the ref raised his hand in the air.


*A promo shows for a new wrestler, Pit Bull. A normal looking person with short, spiky hair, and a mean sadistic look on his face. A former K-1 fighter and street fighter. Pit Bull debuts next week.*

#1 Contender Tournament Quarterfinal
Shelton Benjamin v.s. Mark Henry

Shelton makes his way into the ring with cheers and is shocked to find out that he is facing Mark Henry. Henry walks down the ramp with a big bandage patch on his forehead. Henry gets into the ring and walks toward Shelton but he starts punching Henry in the face, and bounces off of the ropes and goes for a Cross Body but Henry catches him and hits the World's Strongest Slam! Henry gets up and looks at the fans with anger as the fans boo. He then grabs walks over to the corner of the ring and yells at the timekeepers table to give him a microphone.

Henry- KURT ANGLE! You may have won the World Title match this past Sunday at Extreme Suffering, but that will never happen again! I will dominate everybody in this tournament and face you or whoever has the World Title, and beat them for it! This tournament is nothing but a warm up untill I get back to you! This tournament will be mine for the taking!

Shelton then dropkicks Henry in the back, causing him to spill through the ropes and to the outside. Shelton then hits a Vaulting Body Press over the top rope and lands on Mark Henry on the outside. Shelton then begins to kick Henry repeatedly, keeping him down. He slowly picks up Henry and uses all his force to throw Henry into the steel stairs! The refferre is up to a 6 count now and Shelton gets back into the ring. Henry is still down on the outside and gets up at a 9-count and tries to get back in the ring under the bottom rope, but Shelton hits a Baseball slide, knocking him back to the outside and having the refferre count the 10-count!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via count out

J.R.- Oh My God! Shelton Benjamin has beaten Mark Henry by count out! Oh My! What an upset!

Shelton jumps all over the ring, celebrating while Henry stands up on the outside with shock and anger exprssions on his face. Henry gets into the ring and attacks Shelton. He lifts him up and hits the World's Strongest Slam on Shelton. He the bounces off of the ropes and hits the World's Strongest Splash on Shelton. Henry then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and brings it in the ring. He lifts it in the air ready to beat Shelton with it, when out of nowhere, Angle runs down the ramp and slides quickly into the ring. Henry swings the chair at Angle but he ducked under it and hit the Angle Slam on Mark Henry! Angle then pulls down the straps and screams to the fans. Shelton gets up to his feet and looks at Angle. They both go toe-to-toe and stare each other down. Angle then extends his hand and Shelton shakes his hand. Angle then grabs Shelton's arm and raises it in the air and walks backstage as Shelton still celebrates in the ring.


When the show comes back on the air, Angle is seen walking in the parking lot with a duffel bag in one hand and his title in the other. He walks up to his rent-a-car and Mark henry attacks Angle from behind!

Henry- You want to get involved in my buisness!? Huh!? Your gonna learn, boy! Your gonna learn not to mess with me!

Mark Henry then proceded to kick stomp Angle many times with his foot. Henry then picked up Angle and pulled him away from his car. Henry then hit the World's Strongest Slam on Angle on the asphalt in the parking lot! Henry then picked up Angle, grabbed him by the back of the head and charged him at his rent-a-car and threw Angle right through the car window sending him crashing in the backseat! Henry then walked over to the far side of the parking lot and pulled a key out of his boot. He used it to open the door of a H2 Hummer and started the car. He floored the Hummer, speeding right toward Angle's rent-a-car while Angle was still in the backseat! Then SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Henry crashed the Hummer right into Angle's car!!!!! He kept the Hummer going and it proceded to push his car until Henry crashed the Hummer right into the parking lot wall, causing Angle's car to get sandwiched with him still inside it!!!!! Henry then got out of the Hummer and opened the trunk of it and pulled out a container of gas!!!! Henry then walked around to Angle's totaled car and was about to pour it on the car but a bunch of arena security guards, staff and even some UCW Wrestlers ran into the parking lot with the EMT's. Henry then dropped the can of gas and ran out of the parking lot. All of the people who ran in the parking lot ran over to the crash and scrambled to get get whatever was left of Angle out of his car.


J.R.- Welcome back to UCW ladies and gentlemen. Moments ago Mark Henry assaulted Kurt Angle in the arena parking lot when he was trying to leave. He then threw him into his own rent-a-car and used a Hummer to ram into Angle's rent-a-car and pin it up against a wall, crushing Angle inside of it.

*A video replay of the attack is then shown on the titantron.*
*Then you can still see the crew trying to rip the car open and get Angle out.*

Back in the arena, Goldberg's music hits and fans cheer and do the old "GOLDBERG" chant.

Goldberg comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Goldberg- YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The fans cheer loudly.*

Goldberg- Last Sunday at Extreme Suffering, I sent a message. I sent a message to all those in ECW and those thinking of joining that ECW is old news. ECW is full of washed-up wannabe's who think they still have what it takes to make it in wrestling. They fight with weapons and that's the main reason why they can't make it because they can't handle the physicallity and the intensity of actual wrestling. I was contacted by Paul Heyman a few weeks ago and he asked me if I wanted to join ECW. He told me that they were planning an invasion on UCW and thought that I would be a great surprise addition to there company. Well, I told Heyman that I would get back to him. I felt furious! ECW is reuniting while my former company WCW has to remain dead? No way. I wasn't going to have it. So I contacted him back and told him that if he ever called me again and asked me such a ridiculous question, I would find him and shove my boot straight up his ass and any of his ECW "buddies" that think they can stop me. This reuniting of ECW makes me sick just thinking about it. I will not have it! I will not...................

Goldberg turned around while talking and Sabu threw a steel chair across the ring and it connected right over the skull of Goldberg!
J.R.- Oh My God! Sabu! Where the hell did he come from?
Sabu then locked in the Camel Clutch on Goldberg. Goldberg somehow reached his arm up, grabbed Sabu's head and flipped him over onto his back like a Snapmare! Goldberg the walked over to the chair and picked it up. He smacked it on the canvas with power and waited for Sabu to get up so he could hit him with it. But then out of nowhere, The Sandman stormed the ring and when Goldberg saw him, he swung the chair at him but he ducked. Then when Goldberg turned back around, Sanman leveled him with a HUGE shot over the head with his patented Kendo Stick! Then Paul Heyman and the rest of the ECW Extremists head down to the ring and Heyman has a huge smile on his face.
J.R.- What the hell is going on here? I thought ECW left!
When they got into the ring, Heyman instructed Sandman to beat the hell out out of Goldberg with his Kendo Stick. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 nonstop shots to Goldberg with the Kendo Stick! Sandman held up the Kendo Stick and looked at the fans as the fans gave mixed reactions. Balls Mahoney then smacked Goldberg with his patented black steel chair while he was still down. He put the chair on the mat and told Tommy Dreamer to hit a Dreamer Driver on Goldberg right on the chair. He picked him up and had his arm wrapped around his head in a DDT position ready to hit the move when all of a sudden.......................


The Shane McMahon's music hits and he comes out to the stage with Big Show, Chris Beniot, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, and Diamond Dallas Page!!!!!!!!!!!

The WCW wrestlers stare down the ECW wrestlers from the stage. The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Rey Mysterio, RVD, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley stand in the ring yelling for them to come down to the ring. They all then charge down to the ring and a HUGE BRAWL begins with ECW and WCW!!! Goldberg recovers from the attack by ECW and helps his partners. ECW guys are getting thrown out of the ring left and right! Then the nine WCW wrestlers are standing in a circle in the ring, surrounding Sabu. Sabu looks around at the WCW wrestlers and picks up a chair at his feet. He then yells at them to come and get some. They all then proceed to beat the hell out of Sabu. Goldberg then charges at Sabu and hits a HUGE SPEAR! He then picks up the steel chair and tells the WCW guys to lift up Sabu. They lift him up and Goldberg throws the chair down, kicks Sabu in the gut, and holds him in the Jackhammer position! The WCW guys yell crap to the ECW guys who can do nothing but watch the beating of Sabu. Sabu is then lifted up in a Vertical Suplex and hits the Jackhammer onto the chair on Sabu! Goldberg's music plays as the WCW guys celebrate in the ring and stand over Sabu's laid out body. The ECW guys retreat slowly up the ramp with Paul Heyman pointing his finger at the WCW guys and yelling stuff. Shane McMahon then gets put on the WCW guys' shoulders and has a microphone.

Shane- Hey Paul, do you remember March 26, 2001 when I purchased WCW? Well I still own WCW! If you think that you can win, well you got another thing coming because one phone call from me and I can have more former WCW Wrestlers joining forces with us! This day marks the resurection of W.......C.......W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J.R.- My God! WCW has also returned! What can we expect next week!? What a night! Ladies and Gentlemen, we will see you next week in Miami, Flordia for UCW Week 7! Goodnight from Dallas!

*Heyman and the ECW Wrestlers are furious going up the ramp while Shane celebrates in the ring with his WCW guys over Sabu's body as the show goes off the air.*

Give full review for this Edition Please.

UCW Week 7 out soon!
BTW, the poll showed that more were in favor of me keeping this brand.
hey sorry... last night i saw it, but i was so tired and had no time to comment it... so i'm reading right now ;)...........................

Nice segment to open the show... a lot of excitment with ECW!

Edge vs Carlito- Great match! I liked how it was fast paced

Nice matches announced for Purgatory

Mysterio vs Masters- again another good match

Henry vs Benjamon- decent match, with a better aftermath. I see you're continuing the Angle/Henry rivalry

Nice with WWE.WCW, and ECW

good show.
Overall rating: 91/100
Could've been better if there were more matches
Yeah, I figured that but I couldn't figure anything else to put but Next week:

More Tournament Qualifying Matches

The ECW and WCW rivalry continues

and The Fallout of Henry's Attack on Angle with an update on his injuries.
It was a decent show
Best match-Carlito vs. Edge
Worst match-Mark Henry vs. Shelton Benjamin
(I posted this on the last one by mistake)

I like it dude!! The matches are nicely done, and the stories are cool. Hopefully we get to see the stories turn into matches in the near future!! But its good man...keep it up!

Best match: Edge vs Carlito
Worst match: Rey vs Masters

Best Angle: Probably WCW/ECW!!
But i am into the Henry Angle story!!!

Week 7 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Pitbull

Members of Team ECW- Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, RVD, Rey Mysterio

Members of Team WCW- Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Big Show, Chris Beniot, Chris Jericho


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Vince is shown sitting in his office about to address the fans.*

Vince- Good evening. I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon and need to update you on the current health status of The UCW Champion, Kurt Angle. He has hurt his neck and back and was inches away from being impaled through the chest with a car part. He will be out of action.....indefinitely.

*The fans booed very loudly.*

Vince- Therefore, I have no other alternative but to vacate the UCW World Championship.

*The fans booed even louder.*

Vince- Not to worry though, because the current tournament that is supposed to crown a #1 Contender for the UCW World Title, will instead crown a new UCW World Champion!

*The crowd cheers.*

Vince- Thank you for your time.

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 7! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Denver, Colorado! Last week Team ECW got a little surprise after there beatdown on Goldberg.......

*A video shows of last week when Team WCW came out to defend Goldberg and beat up Sabu.*

ECW's music plays and Paul Heyman heads down to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Heyman- Last week, ECW got a surprise from an old company friend, Shane McMahon. He showed up and brought WCW Alumni with him to attack ECW and nearly kill Sabu. I am so glad that Sabu is taking on Goldberg in that Steel Chair Massacre match in two weeks because Sabu will destroy the monster that is Goldberg, ONCE AND FOR ALL! Earlier tonight, Mr. McMahon made a special 6-Man Tag Match for the main event. It will involve 3 men from ECW and 3 men from WCW and the team that wins will pick two of their members to be in the UCW World Title Tournament for next week!
J.R.- Oh wow! What a match!
Heyman- Tonight will mark the beginning of the end for W........C........W!

Paul Heyman then threw the microphone down and walked up the ramp with ECW music playing but Shane's music cut his music off and he came out to the ramp with WCW wrestlers.

Shane- Paul, you have no idea what your ECW guys will go through tonight in the 6-man Tag Match. You pick your best three, and I'll pick my best three! But for now, these WCW guys are going to show you, first hand, a sample of tonight.

The WCW guys walk down the ramp towards Hayman who's standing on the outside of the ring and he backs up slowly with a shocked look on his face. Then the ECW guys hop over the audience barriers and all come to defend Heyman. The WCW guys stop and both teams have a staredown and provoke each other until it goes to a commercial.


Non-Title Match
Christian v.s. The Pitbull

Christian heads out to the ring with his Crusierweight title around his waist.
J.R.- Here comes the ****y and arrogant Christian with his Crusierweight Title. Now remember, Christian just makes the cutoff for this belt because he weighs 184 lbs and the cutoff is 190 lbs.

Christian waits in the ring taunting the fans while they boo loudly at him. Then his entrance music, This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage, is heard throughout the arena. Smoke comes up from the stage and The Pitbull emerged from the smoke. He walked down the ring quickly but calmly.

The Pitbull slides in the ring under the bottom rope, walks up to Christian and gives Christian a solid Jab Punch to the face. Christian holds his face in pain and turns his back towards him as The Pitbull wraps his arms around his waist, lifts him up in the air and slams him down to the mat as hard as he could. The Pitbull then mounts Christians back and proceeds to pound him with left and rights. When Christian appeared knocked out, The Pitbull then wrapped one of his arms around his neck and locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Christian then passes out and the refferre stopped the match.

Winner: The Pitbull

The Pitbull then released the hold and quickly but calmly got out of the ring and walked back up the ramp without looking back as the refferre checked on Christian and tried to wake him up.
J.R.- Oh my God, this man named The Pitbull just completley dominated Christian and made him pass out by a Rear Naked Choke! This man is a force to be reckoned with!


When the show comes back on the air, the Ring Announcer is standing in the ring with a microphone.

Ring Announcer- The following contest is a special Tag-Team Double Qualifying match for the UCW Championship tournament.

Double Qualifying Tag-Team Match
DX v.s. Kane and Undertaker

The music of DX plays through the arena and the fans go nuts! They emerge from the stage after "Break It Down!" They come down to the ring for there second match after reuniting in UCW Week 1.

HHH gets in the ring with HBK and they do the triple crotch chops as the green X fireworks go off behind them. HHH then grabs a microphone.

HHH- ...........................Are you ready?

The fans go crazy!

HHH- I can't hear you Denver! I said ARE YOU READY!!!!!????

The fans scream even louder!


The fans are going insane!

HHH then hands HBK the microphone.

HBK- The following ass beating on the Brothers of Destruction is a public service announcement from your friends here at, D-Generation-X. Reminding each and every one of you that if your not down with that, then we've got two words for ya, SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!

The fans cheer as they stand in the ring, ready for there opponents.

The lights go out as Undertaker walks out to the ring with his erie music playing. He gets near the ring and raises his hands slowly in the air. A lighting bolt then hits the stage from the sky, causing fire to explode on the stage and Kane's music hits and he walks down to the ring. The Undertaker then gets in the ring and takes off his hat with his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Kane then gets in the ring over the top rope and stands in the middle of the ring, raises his hands up and brings them down with the turnbuckle posts exploding.

They back up into there corner as well as DX and start the match. The bell rings and it's underway!

Both teams start the match by exchanging punches back and forth. The refferre tries to get one man from each team back in there corner but they all keep fighting. HHH then rakes Kane in the eye and kicks him in the gut. He backs him up into a corner and stomps him repeatedly. HBK then calls HHH over and they both whip Undertaker into the ropes and hit a Double Flapjack. Undertaker gets up slowly as DX scream at the fans and HHH points over to HBK as he "tunes up the band" in the corner. HHH went to beat up on Kane on the outside. Undertaker gets up, turns around, and when HBK side stepped toward Undertaker for the Sweet Chin Music, Undertaker grabbed HBK's foot and slapped his hand onto the throat of HBK, lifted him up and Chokeslam! He then went for the cover, 1........2........NO! HHH came up from behind and stopped the count. HHH then kicked Taker in the knee and noticed that it weakened him. So he back him up into the corner and kick him in the side of the knee many times. HHH then pulled Taker out of the corner and Taker punched HHH, causing him to back up and have Taker get the advantage. Taker quickly hit HHH with many shots of his fists to his head. 1...2...3...4..5..6..7,8,9,10,11,12 shots to the head! Kane picked up HBK from the Chokeslam by Undertaker and went for his Finishing Powerbomb. He lifted HBK up and was ready to finish the move but HBK countered it into a Hurracanrana! Kane went forward and crashed into Undertaker, causing him to fall through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. Kane then got up, turned around and got hit with the Sweet Chin Music! He then stumbled, still on his feet, and turned into a kick from HHH right in the gut and hit the Pedigree! HHH covers while HBK points at the pin, 1.............2.............3!

Winners: D-Generation-X

DX celebrate with each other in the ring and a few moments later, the Under Taker gets into the ring and stares at DX. They look back at him and Kane gets up from the Pedigree. Kane and Undertaker are standing on each side of them and ready to attack. When HHH and HBK back up to the ropes and get out of the ring as fast as they could. Undertaker or Kane couldn't stop them and DX made there way up the ramp laughing. Undertaker then stared at them and raised his hands in the air with his eyes rolled in the back of his head. A lighting bolt then struck the stage, causing a big fire. HHH and HBK couldn't get around the fire to get away and Undertaker and Kane got out of the ring and started to walk up the ramp towards DX. HHH and HBK were pleading with them to show mercy. They were about a few feet away from DX when HHH and HBK attacked Kane and Undertaker out of desperation. The Brothers of Destruction got the upper hand on the attack. Undertaker then grabbed HHH by the throat and Chokeslammed him off of the side of the ramp and onto the floor! HBK then had an advantage on Kane but Undertaker came up from behind and help Kane attack HBK then they picked him up and hit a Double Chokeslam on the metal ramp! Undertaker held his hands up and the fire turned into smoke, Kane and Undertaker then walked through the smoke and went backstage.


The show comes back on the air and all of the ECW wrestlers are shown in there locker room.

*Paul Heyman walks in the locker room.*

Heyman- Well guys, tonight you finally get your hands on that damn WCW. Make sure, no matter what, you show no mercy!

ECW Wrestlers- YEAH!!!

Heyman- Now tonight when we go out there, if WCW interfere in the match at all, that will be the spark that will ignite the fire into an all out war between WCW and the the Extremists of E......C......W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ECW Wrestlers- YEAH!!! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW!

Back in the arena, Mark Henry's music plays and he walks down to the ring. When he gets in the ring, he grabs a microphone.

Henry- Last Week, I showed the world what happens when you mess with The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

*The fans boo.*

Henry- I took Kurt Angle and put him out of action for getting in my business. Now I wanted to come out here and call out Shelton Benjamin. He beat me by count out last week but if he thinks he's the better athlete, then he should face me again for a spot in that tournament and we'll see what happens. So come on Shelton, get your ass out here!

*After a few seconds, Shelton's music hits and he comes out to ringside.*

Shelton- You want me to go down there and put my UCW Title tournament spot on the line against you. Now why would I do that? You have nothing to lose, but I will lose my spot in that Tournament over what? Nothing, just because your angry I beat you last week. Your not facing me for this opportunity at the UCW Title because I worked hard all my life for this opportunity and I'm not screwing this up.

Henry- Ok, I see your point. Your not facing for that opportunity because you don't want to lose it. Well, I figured you were going to say that. That's why I made a little insurance policy today. Your family was here today in Denver to watch you compete, right?

Shelton- Yeah, what about them?

Henry- Well, your brother was at the local gym today and I decided to pay him a little visit.

*A video appears on the titontron showing Henry walking into a gym.*

Shelton's brother is shown sitting on a bench and tieing his shoes. He gets up off of the bench and turns around right into a steel folding chair that belonged to the gym. People around were confused at what was going on. He picked up Shelton's brother and threw him into a nearby bathroom. Henry then ripped a hand dryer off of the wall and whacked Shelton's brother across the face with it. Henry then ripped off a door that was attached to one of the toliet stalls and smashed it against his brother's back. He then picked him back up, took him out of the bathroom, and Body Slammed him through the bench he was sitting on. A man who was working out tried to attack Henry, but he overpowered him and pushed him into a barricade, causing him to flip over it and fall down 10 feet to the lower level of the gym! Then another man tried to attack Henry but Henry threw him over the recepionists counter.
Everybody backed up as he walked out the front door of the gym, ending the segment.

Shelton, with a shocked look on his face, turned back around at Henry.

Shelton- FINE! I gonna kick your ass!

Henry- You ain't taking me on until you agree to put your tournament spot on the line!

Shelton- ...................You got it!

Shelton then dropped the microphone and quickly got in the ring.

UCW Title Tournament spot on the line
Shelton Benjamin v.s. Mark Henry

The bell rang as Shelton ran towards Henry in the ring. Henry went for a Clothesline but Shelton ducked under it, kept his momentum going as he bounced off of the ropes and when Henry turned around, Shelton went for a Shoulder Block but Henry didn't fall down. Shelton then hesitated and ran against the ropes and jumped at Henry but Henry caught him and slammed him in a big Spinebuster. Henry then yelled trash at the fans and picked up Shelton. Henry got Shelton in position and about to hit the World's Strongest Slam, but Shelton kicked his feet and escaped the manuever to counter it into a DDT! Shelton goes for the cover, 1..............2..............NO! Henry gets the shoulder up! Shelton then backed up and waited for Henry to get back to his feet and when he did, Shelton hit the Roundhouse Kick right to the head of Mark Henry! Henry was then stunned a moment and fell flat on his face. Shelton turned him over and went for the cover again, 1................2..............NO! Henry kicked out again! Shelton waited for Henry to get up again and when he did, Shelton went for the Roundhouse Kick again but Henry caught his foot and used it to spin him around and hit his Spinning Roundhouse Kick! He goes for the cover again, 1............2............NO! Henry won't stay down! Shelton picked up Henry but Henry regained his composure and started beating on Shelton. He then lifted him up and locked in a Bearhug. He shook Shelton around but he elbowed Henry in the head repeatedly until henry dropped him. Shelton then bounced off of the ropes and went for the Shoulder Block again and hit it, causing Henry to fall down!
J.R.- Shelton Benjamin has knocked The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry off of his feet!
Henry then crawled to the corner and pulled himself up by grabbing the ropes. Henry then stood up in the corner with his back facing the rest of the ring and Shelton hit his Signature Splash in on Mark Henry in the corner! Henry then turned around while he was dazed and Shelton went for the T-Bone Suplex, but he couldn't lift Henry up. Shelton turned away from Henry and held his back in pain but when he turned back to Hnery, he walked right into The World's Strongest Slam! Henry then got up and bounced off of the ropes and hit The World's Strongest Splash! Henry went for the cover, 1.............2.............3!

Winner: Mark Henry

J.R.- You have to give Shelton alot of credit. He gave it his best.

Henry then went to the outside of the ring and grabbed a microphone and a steel chair. Henry got back in the ring and started to speak.

Henry- Hey Angle! Where are you now? Remember last time, when I was about to beat Shelton with a chair, and you came down to the ring and stopped me? Where are you? Oh yeah, your in a hospital back in your hometown of Pittsburgh!

Henry then dropped the microphone and lifted the chair in the air and then smashed it across the chest of Shelton. Henry hit Shelton a few more times whle he was down and dropped the chair. Henry then picked up Shelton and hit The World's Strongest Slam on the chair! Henry's music hits and he leaves as the fans chanted for Kurt Angle to come out, but he never showed up. Henry screamed trash to the fans as he walked backstage.


Team ECW makes there way out to the ring with Paul Heyman and Heyman grabs a microphone.

Heyman- It's time for the 6-man tag Team Match!

*The fans cheer*

Heyman- So I think it's time for the WCW losers to make there ways out to the ring.

Team WCW comes down to the ring with Shane McMahon and he grabs a microphone as well.

Shane- We're here! Now it's time to stop this ECW "cult" once and for all. So the three men that will represent WCW are The Big Show, Sting, and Goldberg!

*The fans cheer*

Heyman- That sounds good. But my A+ team will consist of Sabu, Rhino, and Rob.....Van.....Dam!

*The fans cheer wildly!*

Heyman- Let's get it started, and see who the better team really is!

6-Man Tag Team Triple Qualifyer Match for UCW Title Tournament
Sabu, Rhino, RVD v.s. Big Show, Sting, Goldberg

Rhino and Sting begin the match with a lock-up. Sting throws Rhino in the WCW corner and tags in Big Show. Big Show then holds Rhino in the corner with a hand on his neck and puts his finger up to his mouth, Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Big Show then hits the Biggest Chop righ on the chest of Rhino, who is holding his chest in pain. Big Show grabbed Rhino by the neck with both hands and threw him across the ring. Rhino then quickly tagged in Sabu before the Big Show got his hands on him again. Sabu ran in the ring and attacked Big Show but Big Show overpowered him and lifted him up into a Military Press. Big Show was about to finished the move, but RVD got in the ring and Dropkicked Big Show in the back of his knee. Big Show fell back with Sabu landing on top of him. Sabu was on top for the cover, 1............2............NO! Big Show pushed Sabu of off him and he flew next to the ropes and out of the ring under the bottom rope onto WCW's side of the ring. They surrounded him, looking to beat him down but it would have been a disquailification. The ECW wrestlers rushed around the ring and defended him until Sabu got back into the ring. Big Show started exchanging punches with Sabu, but Big Show nailed him with a Headbutt. Big Show turned around and taunted, but when he turned back, Rhino came out of nowhere and hit a HUGE GORE!
J.R- GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhino with the Gore on the Big Show!
Goldberg then got into the ring and ran at Rhino but Rhino slid out of the ring underneath the ropes. Goldberg turned back around and RVD hit a Roundhouse Kick to his head. Rhino got back in, and all 6 men in the match were fighting it out in the ring. The referre was trying to break it up but Big Show grabbed RVD and threw him across the ring, crashing into the referre. Noticing that the ref was down, all of the ECW and WCW guys got into the ring and each took a side. They were all provoking each other, trying to get the opposition to hit first. Shane and Heyman were on the outside of the ring, commanding there wrestlers. Then the Sandman struck Sting over the head with his Kendo Stick and an all out brawl between the two factions began! Some of them fell to the outside of the ring and continued fighting but remaining in the ring was Big Show, Sabu, Goldberg, and RVD. They where fighting in the ring when Sabu got pushed down by Big Show. Balls Mahoney slid his signature black steel chair into the ring so Sabu could get it. He picked it up and when Big Show grabbed him, Sabu turned around and struck Big Show right over the head with the chair. He stumbled back and Sabu hit him again. Big Show was dazed and still standing when Sabu backed up and did his signature chair throw right into the skull of the Big Show. Big Show then tipped over and landed flat on his back. Sabu then picked up the chair and hit an Arabian Facebuster with the chair, right onto the head of the Big Show. Sabu turned around and Goldberg hit the Spear! Goldberg stood up and screamed to the fans but he turned around and RVD tossed the chair to Goldberg and when he caught it, he hit the Vandaminator! RVD went for the cover but the ref was still down. RVD then shook the ref to wake him up and he started moving. RVD put the chair on Goldberg's chest and climbed the turnbuckle he went for the Five-Star Frog Splash but Goldberg pushed the chair up and rolled out of the way.The chair hit RVD while he was in mid-air and he crashed hard on the mat. Goldberg got up and Rhino hit the Gore on Goldberg! Rhino went for the cover but the dazed ref said that Sabu and Big Show were still the legal men! Rhino was arguing with the ref when Big Show finally recovered from the Arabian Facebuster. He got up and RVD tried to keep him down with punches but Big Show pushed him furiously right out of the ring. Balls Mahoney ran into the ring and at the Big Show with a steel chair but Big Show grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up to hit the Chokeslam but Sandman came up from behind and hit him in the groin with the kendo stick. Big Show dropped Balls and he rolled out of the ring. Big Show turned around holding his groin and Sandman struck him over the head with his stick a second time! Big Show fell flat on his back and Sabu quickly hopped up the turnbuckle and hit an Arabian Facebuster off of the top turnbuckle with a chair onto Big Show's head again! Sabu tossed the chair to Sandman as he got out of the ring and Sabu covered Big Show. Rhino stopped distracting the ref and he counted the pin, 1.................2..................3!

Winners: Sabu, Rhino, RVD

Sabu celebrated in the ring as WCW stormed the ring and attacked him. ECW then got into the ring and started to attack WCW.
J.R.- All hell is breaking loose! ECW wins which means that they picked two guys from their team to be in the UCW Tournament next week! We need some security out here!

Security guards rushed the ring and tried to seperate the two teams but they started attacking the security! More and more security stormed the ring and tried to regain order.

J.R.- Chaos is erupting here in the ring and at ringside! The security can't seem to stop this! What will the fallout of this be? We'll see you next week in Seattle, Washington!

*The WCW wrestlers are fighting the ECW wrestlers with tons of security trying to break it up as the show goes off the air.*

Please Give Full Review.

UCW Week 8 Coming Soon!
- I've never been a fan of titles being vacated...but if it's for the betterment of the company, I guess it's necessary.

- The ECW/ WCW promo in the beginning was pretty cool. You've got some chaos brewing in this fed.

- Wow, Christian is actually like 220 I think, you must have a lot of really light guys in your fed. The Pitbull seems like a cool character, if he's in the weight class I wouldn't be surprised to see him face Christian again.

- DX defeating the Brothers of Destruction was pretty cool. The aftermath rocked!

- This Henry/ Shelton feud is great. I was so pissed to see Henry defeat Benjamin...but hey, that's what every good heel should be doing.

- Both ECW and WCW made wise choices for their teams. The match was well written and the brawl after was insane. I can't wait to see what this is leading up to.

All in all, another well written show.


- Vertan
Nice opening ECW/WCW segment... I'm bummed that Angle's out, but I bet when he returns, it'll be a hell of a return and I know he'll want the title back!

Christain vs The Pitbull
Decent match, could've been longer, but good if you're trying to promote Pitbull

DX vs B.O.D.
Great match! Tons of action, and of course with 4 of the best wrestlers ever all in the ring at the same time, it was full of action! Nice ending... seems like a very DX finish lol (HBK pointing to the pin)

Henry vs Benjamon
Good match with a great start! The action started right away... I would've rather see Benjamon win, but w/e lol

6 man tag
2 words... HELL YEA!
that was a great match... You can always be counted on for a hell of a main event!

Great show! 82/100
Week 8 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Pitbull

Members of Team ECW- Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, RVD, Rey Mysterio

Members of Team WCW- Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Big Show, Chris Beniot, Chris Jericho


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 8! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Seattle, Washington! Last week Team ECW and Team WCW had an all out brawl in the ring but in the 6-man Tag Team match, ECW was victorious and it has been announced off air that the two ECW wrestlers that will compete in the UCW Title Tournament are Rob Van Dam and Rhino. Sabu will have a match with Goldberg at Purgatory so he cannot be chosen in case he would have to have two matches that night. Because there are only 6 men in the 12-man UCW tournament so far, Vince McMahon made a match earlier tonight before the show went on the air that there will be a special Battle Royal with 10 men. If a man scores a pinfall or submission, he qualifys and leaves the ring. The man that got pinned or submitted is not eliminated and still competes in the match. The first 6 men to get a win, qualify for the second part of the bracket. Let's show you the bracket so far up on the titantron

*The bracket is shown*

J.R- I've just been informed that this Tournament qualifyer Battle Royal will kick off the show tonight!

Shelton Benjamin's music hits and the people are shocked! Shelton gets to participate in this match and get another chance in the tournament! He makes his way down to the ring and waits for his opponents.

John Cena's music hits and he comes out to the stage screaming with extreme intensity. The fans are going nuts as he makes his way down to the ring.

Batista's music hits and the fans go crazy! Batista comes out to the stage to taunt and scream to the fans. He then has his big firework display while he's on the ramp and he comes down to the ring.

J.R.- As the wrestler's make there way to the ring, we'll be right back with the start of this match.


When the show comes back on the air, all 10 men are in the ring and waiting for the bell to begin the match.

Ring Announcer- Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the Special Qualifying Battle Royal for the UCW Title Tournament! The rules are as followed, If a man scores a pinfall or submission, he qualifys and leaves the ring. The man that got pinned or submitted is not eliminated and still competes in the match. The first 6 men to get a win, qualify for the second part of the tournament bracket.

10 Man UCW Championship Tournament Qualifying Battle Royal
John Cena v.s. Kane v.s. Randy Orton v.s. Bobby Lashley v.s. Undertaker v.s. Batista v.s. JBL v.s. Shelton Benjamin v.s. Charlie Haas v.s. Christian

The bell rings and the match is underway! John Cena starts exchanging left and rights with Randy Orton. Orton gets the advantage and throws Cena to the outside of the ring. Orton goes to the outside and throws Cena into the steel ring steps. Orton got back into the ring and attacked Christian. Kane and Undertaker were both double teaming on Batista to take him out but Batista overpowered them and hit each of them with punches. Undertaker then hit Batista with a HUGE Uppercut and Batista went flying back into the ropes. Kane and Undertaker grabbed Batista by the neck and hit a Double Chokeslam! Kane covers Batista, 1...........2...........NO! JBL broke up the pinfall. Undertaker attacked JBL while Kane worked on Batista. Shelton Benjamin and Chrlie Haas both helped Orton beat on Christian. Orton started to fight Shelton and Haas away from Christian so he could work on him alone. Orton then pulled him away from the ropes and went for an RKO, but Christian pushed Orton before he jumped and Orton got pushed right into an F-U by Cena! Cena goes for the cover, 1............2...........NO! Haas broke up the pin. Cena then got up and attacked Haas.In all of the chaos, Batista eventually crossed paths with Bobby Lashley. Batista and Lashley stepped forward and stared each other down face-to-face in the center of the ring. Shelton Dropkicked Lashley in the back and he went forward, knocking Batista out of the ring and Lashley against the second rope. Lashley got up and turned around into and F-U! Cena hit the F-U over the top rope and caused Lashley to crash down to the ringside floor next to Batista. Cena screamed at the fans but when he turned around, Kane slapped his hand on his neck and hit a Chokeslam! Kane went for the cover, 1............2............NO! Charlie Haas interupted the pin. Haas repeatadly punched Kane in the face when he got up but Kane kneed him in the gut and threw him through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. Kane turned back around and got hit with a Clothesline From Hell by JBL! JBL quickly covers Kane, 1............2............3!
*JBL Qualifies*
JBL rolled out of the ring quickly as Undertaker just saw what happened. JBL walked up the ramp with his hands raised as the Undertaker stared at JBL as he was leaving. Undertaker turned around and Orton hit him with an RKO! Orton went for the cover, 1............2............NO! Cena pulled Orton off of Undertaker by his foot and locked in the STF-U! Cena wasn't letting go and Orton was about to tap! Orton reached for the ropes and he was only inches away! Orton took one last burst of energy and grabbed onto the ropes! The ref said he had to break the hold and he did. Cena got up and looked down at Orton. He put his hands in the air, giving the Chain Gang Symbol with his pinky and thumb on both hands. Orton got up and Cena lifted him up for the F-U but Orton managed his way off of his shoulders and to his back. He pushed Cena into the turnbuckle and Orton rolled up Cena with a handful of tights and his feet on the ropes, 1............2............3!
*Randy Orton Qualifies*
Orton rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp. Cena pointed at Orton and yelled crap at him. Cena turned around and Undertaker picked him up and hit a Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker covers, 1............2............3!
*Undertaker Qualifies*
Undertaker left the ring and walked up the ramp without looking back. Charlie Haas went for the cover on Cena while he was still down, 1............2............NO! Cena just barely got the shoulder up! Haas picked up Cena and started to work on him. Batista was beating on Christian and put his head between his legs and ready for the Batista Bomb but Lashley came up from behind Batista and locked him in a Sleeper Hold! Batista tried to fight it off but Lashley had it in tight. Batista was fading and was eventually on one knee. Batista appeared to be out so the refferre lifted Batista's hand up and counted one. The refferre lifted his hand up a second time and counted two. The refferre lifted his hand up and dropped it for a three count but Batista stopped his hand only inches from the mat! Batista got back up to both feet and elbowed Lashley in the gut. Lashley still had a hold of his head and Batista elbowed him a second time. Lashley realeased the hold and Batista ran against the ropes and came back with a Clothesline but Lashley ducked under it and when Batista turned around, Lashley kicked him in the gut and lifted him up for the Dominator but Batista wiggled his way off of his shoulder and got to his back and hit a HUGE German Suplex! Batista got up and screamed with intensity while shaking the top rope. Batista then stood next to Lashley's body and gave a thumbs up......then a thumbs down! Lashley got up and Batista lifted him up and hit the Batista Bomb! Batista covers Lashley, 1............2...........3!
*Batista Qualifies*
Batista got in Lashley's face while he was down and talked trash to him. Batista then left the ring area and went backstage. Cena and Haas were exchanging punches back and forth and Haas bounced off of the ropes and went for a Cross Body but Cena ducked and Haas hit the mat and rolled out of the ring. Christian came up from behind Cena and went for the Unprettier but when Christian turned around during the move, Cena got out of it and pushed him into Kane who was fighting Shelton Benjamin. Kane turned around and gave and Uppercut to Christian. Cena went over and started to beat on lashley who was still getting up from the Batista Bomb. Cena began punching Lashley and Lashley came back with some punches of his own. They started exchanging punches back and forth.
J.R.- This has turned into a good ol' fashion, slugfest!
Lashely then hugged the midsection of Cena and lifted him up and gave him a big Spinebuster. Lashley did his entrance taunt where he points left and right. He then picked up Cena and lifted him up for a Dominator but Christian crawled over to Lashley and gave him a Low Blow. Lashley dropped Cena and fell down, holding his groin. Cena was getting up when Christian grabbed him and went to whip him into the ropes but Cena stopped himself and pulled Christian towards him and kneed him in the gut. Cena then lifted him up into a Back Body Drop position gave him Spinning Back Body Powerbomb and jolted straight up to his feet and stared at the fans. He then bent over.....
Cena then bounced off the ropes, shook his shoulders, dusted it off and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena then raised his hands in the air and did his Chain Gang Symbol with his hands. When Christian got up, he lifted him up and hit the F-U! Cena didn't go for the cover! Instead, he walked over to Kane who was beating on Shelton and flipped him over the top rope! He then ran at Haas and Clotheslined him over the top. Then he walked back over to Christian and locked in the STF-U! Christian couldn't get to the ropes and tapped out!
*John Cena Qualifies*
Cena screamed the to the fans and left the ring area and went backstage. Kane got back in the ring and attacked Shelton again. Haas got back in and attacked the recovering Lashley. Christian helped Haas attacked Lashley and they both threw him out of the ring and went on the outside to keep him down. Kane and Shelton were fightng in the ring and Kane gave an Uppercut to Shelton. Shelton stumbled back and Kane gave him a boot to the face. Kane put Shelton in the corner and lifted him up on the top turnbuckle. Kane then grabbed his neck and went to hit a Chokeslam with him coming off of the top turnbuckle but Shelton raked him in the eye. Kane turned away and rubbed his eye but when he turned back Shelton went for a Cross Body off of the top turnbuckle but Kane caught him in a Fallaway Slam. He then lifted him up on his shoulder, ready to hit a Tombstone Piledriver! But then HHH came down the ramp and jumped on the apron to distracted the referre. Kane turned around and SWEET CHIN MUSIC! Shawn Micheals came out of nowhere and hit the Sweet Chin Music! Kane fell back and Shelton landed on him. HHH got off of the apron and the ref saw the pin and counted, 1.............2.............3!
*Shelton Benjamin Qualifies*

J.R.- Oh my God! It's all over! Shelton pins Kane! I don't believe it! DX got some revenge on the Brothers of Destruction! What a match!

DX went backstage with smiles on there faces and Shelton celebrated in the ring that he got his Tournament spot back.

J.R.- Let's show you the newly revised Tournament bracket up on the titantron......

*The revised bracket is shown*

J.R.- The Quarterfinals for the tournament start tonight on UCW!


Carlito v.s. The Pitbull

Carlito comes out to the ring with the fans cheering and awaits his opponent. Edge's music hits and Carlito becomes confused. Edge walks down to the ring holding his U.S. Title and Lita by his side. Edge walks over to the announcer's table with Lita and they sit down and do commentary with J.R.

J.R.- Well it seems that were going to be joined by the U.S. Champion Edge and Lita here at Commentary.
Edge- Don't even worry about me because I'm not going to be here long. I've seen the Pitbull's debut match last week and he will tear Carlito apart!

The Pitbull's music hits and he walks down to the ring with a determined look on his face. He gets in the ring and stares at Carlito. The bell rang and Carlito locks up with the Pitbull. Carlito gets Pitbull in a Side Headlock but Pitbull pushes Carlito into the ropes. Carlito bounces back and Pitbull hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Pitbull Picks up Carlito but Carlito rams his shoudler into Pitbull's gut and rams him all the way into the corner. Carlito then hits Pitbull with a few knees and lifts him onto the top turnbuckle. Carlito climbs up the turnbuckle and goes for a Superplex but Pitbull grabs the top rope and Carlito can't lift him up for the Superplex. Pitbull then hits him with some body punches to the ribs. Then while they were still clinched on the top turnbuckle, Pitbull hit a strong, sharp uppercut and Carlito fell off of the top turnbuckle and to the mat.
Edge- You see that JR, he's out cold! It's over!
Pitbull then climbed down the turnbuckle and mounted on Carlito's body. He then punched Carlito repeatadly in the head and face with both hands. Carlito was trying to cover up, but he was overwhelmed. Carlito then grabbed the wrists of the Pitbull and pulled him down close to his body. Carlito hugged him and flipped him over, giving him the top position. Carlito went to punch Pitbull but he caught his punch and quickly wrapped his legs around his head and locked in a Triangle Hold! Carlito was trying to escape, but couldn't. He then tried to stand up and lifted Pitnull in the air and held him in a Powerbomb position.
J.R- Look at the strength of Carlito!
Edge- No! He's not gonna win! He can't!
Carlito then went to Powerbomb Pitbull over the top rope but Pitbull's legs were still locked around his neck and they both spilled over the top rope and right in front of the announcer's table. Pitbull punched Carlito in the face when they both got up and Carlito fell onto the announcer's table. Pitbull smashed Carlito's head on the table and got into the ring. The ref yelled at Pitbull because he smashed his head on the table. While the ref's attention was on Pitbull, Edge punched Carlito in the face when he was leaning over on the table to rest and he fell down to his back. Edge took off his headset and started to kick Carlito.
J.R.- Oh come on! What the Hell, Edge!? Stop that!
Edge put Carlito in the ring and walked back over to the table and put his headset on.
Edge- Shut up JR! I'll do whatever I want! I'm the U.S. Champion!
Pitbull walked over to Carlito and wrapped his arms around him and hit the big Lifting Slam Takedown! Pitbull then had a ground and pound on Carlito and when Carlito appeared out, he turned him over and locked in the Rear Naked Choke! Carlito couldn't defend it and was forced to submit before he passes out.
Winner: The Pitbull

Pitbull walked out of the ring and up the ramp without looking back.

Edge- That's right! You tapped the hell out! You piece of crap! He'll never beat me again JR, can't you understand that? There's no chance he'll beat me at UCW's Purgatory! He used a chair to beat me!
J.R.- You were going to use the chair!
Edge- I'm the United States Champion! I'm currently holding the highest title title that anybody can hold! Nobody is World Champion, which means I'm the king of this show! So I can do whatever the hell I want and you can shut your mouth!

After Edge's trash talk, Carlito recovered from the Choke and without even giving a second to think, Carlito slid out of the ring and dove over the annouce table and landed on Edge!
J.R.- Get him Carlito! Give him just what he deserves!
Carlito started to beat the hell out of Edge and they had to get security down to ringside to break up the fight.


When the show comes back on the air, Big Show is shown standing backstage.

Big Show- Sandman, I want your full, undivided attention! Last week, you cost me and WCW our match because you hit me with a low blow from your kendo stick, then you hit me over the head with it and that gave Sabu the chance to capitalize for the win. You think you are hardcore? You think you can mess with me like that and get away with it? Well you can't! I'll show you that WCW can be just as hardcore as you "phony" wreslters! Sandman, I'm throwing down a challenge at UCW's Purgatory. I'll take you on for your Hardcore Championship! I'm giving you one week to decide. After that, I'm coming to find you and beat the answer out of you. I'll rip you apart! I'll murder you! I'll destroy you! You can't beat the Big Sho..........SMACK!

Sandman attacks Big Show with his Kendo Stick and gets on his knees to beat him. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13,14 shots! Big Show is hurt bad when Sandman bends down and speaks.

Sandman- I accept your challenge.

The fans go nuts as Sandman laughs when he walks away.

UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Mark Henry v.s. Chris Masters

Mark Henry comes out to the ring with his "Some Bodies Gonna Get" by Three 6 Mafia playing. He gets booed as he waits in the ring for Chris Masters. He makes his muscle flexing entrance and enters the ring.

The bell rings and Masters and Henry lock up. Henry powers Masters in the corner and knees him in the gut. Henry then punches Masters a few times in the face. Henry whips Masters across the ring and into the opposite corner. Henry charged at him and hit a big splash, crushing Masters in the corner. Henry lifted him up onto the top turnbuckle and Henry took a few steps back and got a running start and punched him in the face and caused him to fall off of the top turnbuckle and spill out to the ringside floor. Henry went to the outside, picked Masters up and threw him into the steel audience barricade. Henry picked up Masters and smashed his head against the ring post. He then rolled him into the ring when the referre's count was at 8. Henry rolled in and rolled out to restart the count. Masters legs were near the ring post and Henry pull his leg's through and smashed Masters' knee against the ring post. He pulled it back and did it again. The refferre was yelling at Henry while he got back into the ring. Henry picked up Masters and when Masters was on his knees, he threw some punches to the gut of Henry. Masters started to unload on Henry as he got back into the corner. The fans hated Henry so much that the fans were cheering for Masters! Masters pulled Henry out of the corner and kicked him in the back of the knee, causing Henry to fall to his knees. Masters threw some punches but Henry picked up Masters and locked in the Bearhug! He tightened the hold and had it for about 10 seconds but Masters elbowed him in the head multiple times. Henry loosened his arms and Masters leaned over Henry's back and rolled down, trying to do a Sunset Flip Rollup. Henry was swinging his arms, trying to stay on his feet. Henry then caught his balance and looked down at Masters. Masters quickly rolled out from under him and Henry sat right down onto the mat, trying to land on Masters chest. Masters swung a big kick right into Henry's chest. Henry grabbed his chest in pain while he was sitting on the mat. Masters ran against the ropes and flipped over Henry, pulling his head down to the mat for a Throw Back. Masters then walked to Henry's back and held his arms up, calling for the Masterlock! The fans were cheering as Henry stood up and Masters went to lock it in but Henry was so big that he couldn't fully lock in the move. Henry then screamed with power and pulled his arms down to prevent Masters from locking it in. Henry then elbowed Masters in the face and Masters turned to hold his face. When Masters turned back, Henry lifted him up and hit The World's Strongest Slam! Henry then got up, bounced off of the ropes, and hit The World's Strongest Splash! Henry went for the cover, 1............2............3!

Winner: Mark Henry (Moves to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

Henry leaves the ring and walks up the ramp with the fans booing loudly.


UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Triple H w/ HBK v.s. Rhino w/ The Dudley Boyz

DX's music hits and the fans are on there feet! HHH and HBK make there way down to the ring and HHH grabs a microphone.

HHH- ...................are you ready?

*The fans screamed*

HHH- I can't here you Seattle, I said ARE....YOU.... READY!!!!???

*The fans go insane!*

HHH- Then for the thousands in attendance.........and for the millions watching at home.........LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The fans cheer very loud*

HHH then hands the microphone to HBK.

HBK- The following ass-beatings and advacement of DX into the Semifinals of the UCW Tournament is a public service announcement brought to you by your friends from, D-Generation-X. Reminding each and everyone of you that if your not down with that, then we've got TWO WORDS FOR YA...SUCK IT!!!!!!!!

ECW's music hits and Rhino comes down to the ring with The Dudley Boyz.

He gets into the ring and HHH goes on the attack almost as soon as he got into the ring. The bell rings to start the match and HHH hits with left and right hands to Rhino in the corner. HHH pulls him out for the corner and kicks him in the gut. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Rhino tackles him to the ground. Rhino and HHH roll on the mat and exchange punches until they rolled under the bottom rope and onto the outside of the ring. HHH and Rhino get to their feet and exchange more punches. HHH throws Rhino into the steel ring stairs. HHH went over and picked up Rhino and put him in the ring. HHH went to get into the ring but The Dudleys were yelling crap at HHH when he was standing on the apron. HHH started to yell crap back to them and Rhino bounced off of the ropes and hit HHH when he was on the apron, causing him to fly off and crash onto the audience barricade. Rhino went to the outside of the ring and started to kick the wounded HHH. He picked him up and hit a Snap Suplex onto the outside ring floor. Then he picked him back up and put him in the ring. After Rhino got into the ring, HBK got onto the apron and tried to get into the ring. The ref tried to get HBK off of the apron. Rhino turned and saw HBK trying to get into the ring and HHH capitalized on the distraction and hit a Chop Block to the back of his knee, causing him to fall to the mat. HHH then picked up Rhino and locked in a Sleeper Hold from behind. Rhino went to one knee and started to fade out and the referre lifted the hand up and dropped it for a count of one. He lifted the hand again and dropped it for a two. The Dudleys got up onto the apron and the ref ran over to get them off. HHH then threw down Rhino and punched Bubba Ray in the face, knocking him off the apron. D-von went to get in the ring and HHH hit him with a few punches and clotheslined him over the ropes. HHH then turned around and Rhino hit the GORE!
J.R.- GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhino hit the GORE!
Rhino went for the cover but HBK ran in the ring and the ref got up and tried to keep him out of the ring. Rhino got up and ran at HBK but he moved and Rhino knocked the ref over. He was stunned for a few moments and was on the ground, trying to recover. Rhino ran back at HHH and HHH hit a Drop Toe Hold and Rhino's face crashed on the second turnbuckle. HHH lifted him up and put his head between his legs, calling for the Pedigree. HBK was on the outside of the ring fighting The Dudleys. HHH hooked up both of the arms and was about to finish the move but Rhino unhooked an arm and hit a Low Blow. HHH grabbed his groin and turned around into a slapped hand on the throat and a CHOKESLAM! It was the Undertaker! HBK threw Bubba Ray into the audience barricade and turned into a Big Boot by Kane! Jane and Undertaker walked up the ramp and left while The Dudleys assualted the wounded HBK. Rhino then crawled over and covered HHH. The referre recovered and counted, 1...........2...........3!

Winner: Rhino (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

J.R.- I don't believe it! Rhino beat HHH! He moves on to the Semifinals!

Rhino rolled out of the ring and celebrated with the Dudleys on the way up the ramp.

RVD then ran down to the ring and picked up HBK from the outside of the ring and put him in the ring.

UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Rob Van Dam v.s. Shawn Micheals

RVD then bounced off of the ropes and hit the Rolling Thunder! He rolled HBK out of the ring again and he fell to the arena floor. RVD stood in the ring as the ref started to count out HBK. 1....2....3...4...5...6...7...8...HBK then got up and was pulling himself in the ring and RVD went for the Baseball Slide to keep him on the outside but HBK moved and RVD slid under the ropes and to the outside, restarting the count. HBK then hit RVD with repeated punches to the face. HBK then threw RVD into the steel ring steps HBK rolled into the ring and RVD got back into the ring when the ref's count was up to seven. RVD and HBK exchanged punches in the ring and RVD bounced off of the ropes and went for a Spinning Wheel Kick but HBK ducked a inadvertenly hit the ref. The ref went down yet again and RVD turned around and caught HBK's foot when he went for Sweet Chin Music. RVD then stepped over his leg and hit the Spinning Wheel one legged Kick to the face. RVD went to the top rope and was setting up for the Five-Star Frog Splash but HHH who was still at ringside recovering from the chokeslam, hit RVD with a SledgeHammer, causing him to fall down to the mat. The ref recovered and HBK back up in the corner and "tuned up the band!" RVD used the ropes to pull himself up and turned around into the SWEET CHIN MUSIC! HBK covers, 1............2............3!

Winner: Shawn Micheals (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

HHH gets into the ring and celebrates with HBK. Some ECW Wrestlers ran down to the ring and DX left the ring area via audience.

J.R.- Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just been informed that at UCW's Purgatory, D-Generation-X will take on The Brothers of Destruction in a rematch! I can't wait to see that!


Big Show comes down to the ring and has a microphone.

Big Show- SANDMAN! Get your ass down here, NOW!

After a few moments, The Sandman comes down with his Kendo Stick and stands on the outside of the ring. He then waves his hand down and The Dudleys are back and come down to aide Sandman. They get into the ring and Sandman holds up his Kendo Stick and cracks Big Show over the head with it. Big Show holds his head and falls down. Sandman then hits Big Show repeatadly with the Kendo Stick while he's down. The Dudleys then throw him into the ropes and go for the 3-D, but Bubba Ray can't lift Big Show and the 500-pounder crashes down on Bubba Ray. He unloaded with punches on him and when D-von started to punch Big Show, he grabbed him by the neck and threw him back, causing him to knock over Sandman. Big Show then gets on his feet and picks up D-von. He uses all of his force and throws him back into the ropes and D-von went through them and fell to the outside of the ring. Big Show then picked up the Kendo Stick and held it in the air as the fans cheered. He then beat Sandman with it multiple times. Big Show held it in both hands and broke it in half over his knee. He then picked up the Sandman and hit a HUGE Chokeslam!

Then Sabu ran down to the ring and did his steel chair throw to the head of the Big Show but Big Show put his forearms up and blocked the chair. He grabbed Sabu by the throat and threw him over the top rope. Balls Mahoney ran at him with a chair and Big Show grabbed him by the neck and Balls hit him over the head wiith the chair. Big Show then fought through the pain and Chokeslammed him. Rhino came out of nowhere and went for a Gore but Big Show just lifted up his leg and hit a Big Boot into the face of Rhino when he ran at him. RVD then appeared and jumped off of the top rope for a Cross Body and Big Show caught him in the Cross Body position and hit a Fallaway Slam, causing RVD to roll to the outside of the ring. Then Rey Mysterio jumped off of the top turnbuckle and went for the Sitting Senton but Big Show caught him and slammed Rey down into a HUGE Powerbomb! Then Big Show yell to the fans and Tommy Dreamer hit him in the back of the knee with a lead pipe.

Paul Heyman walked down to the ring with a smile on his face as the ECW guys got into the ring and attacked Big Show until WCW came down to help, causing ECW to retreat through the audience. WCW provoked ECW as the kept retreating. Paul Heyman grabbed a microphone and hopped over the audience barricade.

Heyman- Shane! Instead of having these repeated attacks on each others brand, we should settle this at UCW's Puragatory! You get 4 guys together and I'll get for guys together and we'll have a no Disquailification 8-man tag match! I'll give you until next week to accept the challenge and pick your wrestlers!

Heyman dropped the microphone and left with ECW through the crowd with the WCW wrestlers in the ring with Shane McMahon staring them down.

J.R- Oh My God! What a match that will be! Will WCW accept the challenge? I'll see you next week on UCW!

*The WCW guys stand in the ring taunt as the show goes off the air.*

Please give Full review.

UCW Week 9 Coming Soon!

UCW Purgatory's Card

Pitbull in action!

United States Championship
Carlito v.s. Edge w/ Lita

UCW Hardcore Championship
The Sandman v.s. Big Show

D-Generation-X v.s. Brothers of Destruction

1st Ever Steel Chair Massacre
Sabu v.s. Goldberg

(Not Official)
No DQ 8-man Tag Team Match
Team ECW v.s. Team WCW

Triple-Threat Match for the UCW World Championship
TBA v.s. TBA v.s. TBA

Great way to kick off the show with an EXCELENT battle royal

The Pitbull vs Carlito-good match, nice aftermath with Edge and Carlito

Henry vs Masters-anothe good match, but I was rootin' for Masters lol

Triple H vs Rhyno-wow! Triple H lost!
nice way to go from ^ to v (<---best down arrow i can get lol a "v")

RVD vs Shawn Michaels-good match that started off nice & quick! nice seeing HBK win after RVD had the big beginning lead.

nice way to end the show with ECW!
Nice show man!
Overall Rating: 90/100

Can everyone please check out Fusion week 12 and give it a FULL REVIEW (not you Sabu24, you're the only person who checked it out! lol)

The Opening battle royal was very suspensefull. I like the way you set it up. I'd like to see more of this style of battle royal in the future I mean don't over do it you know but every once in a while would be nice.

The Pitbull vs Carlito-solid match man. I enjoy Pitbull. I think the Carlito vs. Edge feud is a great one can't wait to see the Purg match

Henry vs Masters-you turned what could be a slow and sloppy match into a good match.

Triple H vs Rhyno- Rhino wins? AWESOME. I like how you turn around what we think is going to happen.

RVD vs Shawn Michaels- Again a solid match.

I like how you have a WCW vs. ECW faction war. You have a solid card here with many stars in your fed but they all work well together. Can't wait for PPV and Week 9 keep em coming.

Getting better every week
Week 9 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Pitbull

Members of Team ECW- Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, RVD, Rey Mysterio

Members of Team WCW- Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Big Show, Chris Beniot, Chris Jericho


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 9! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Chicago, Illinois! Tonight, the quarterfinals in the UCW World Title tournament will conclude and the Tag Team Titles will be on the line tonight in a Triple-threat tag team match! Two members of WCW, two members of ECW, and MNM will be in the match with MNM defending their titles for the first time!

JBL's music hits and walks through the curtain and onto the stage. He takes off his cowboy hit and holds his hands in the air. He walked down to the ring with a big smile on his face. He gets into the ring and the arena lights go out. Undertaker's music hits and he walks slowly down to the ring. He walks up the ring stairs raises his arms up slowly, causing the lights to go back on. He gets into the ring and JBL backs up into his corner.

Undertaker takes his hat off and his eyes roll into the back of his head. He then takes his trenchcoat and puts them onto the outside of the ring.

UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
The Undertaker v.s. JBL

The bell rings and Undertaker slowly walks toward JBL, who is backed into his corner still. JBL then comes out of the corner with punches to Undertaker's face. JBL then runs back, bounces off of the ropes but when he came back to Undertaker, he shoved JBL back into the ropes. Undertaker then repeatadly struck JBL with left and right hands. JBL raked Undertaker in the eye and ran against the opposite set of ropes and Undertaker grabbed JBL when he came back and hit a Sidewalk Slam. Undertaker then picked up JBL and hit a Vertical Suplex. Undertaker lifted up JBL again and pushed him into the turnbuckle. JBL hit Undertaker with a back Elbow to the face and turned around to punch him. JBL then kneed him in the stomach and pushed him into the corner. JBL ran against the ropes and when Undertaker backed up and turned around, JBL went for the Clothesline from Halle but Undertaker ducked under it and JBL turned around into a slap on the throat. Undertaker lifted JBL for theChokeslam but JBL somehow countered it in a HUGE DDT! JBL rolled on top of Undertaker, 1..............2...............NO! Undertaker barely got the shoulder up! JBL was livid and went to the outside of the ring and grabbed a chair. The ref went to the outside of the ring and tried to get JBL to put down the chair. Undertaker got up from the DDT and turned around into a kick to the gut and a PEDIGREE! HHH gave a Pedigree to Undertaker!
J.R.- Oh my God! HHH just gave a Pedigree to Undertaker!
HHH rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp laughing. JBL then threw the chair down and got into the ring. JBL picked up Undertaker and hit a BIG Powerbomb! JBL goes for the cover, 1.............2..............3!

Winner: JBL (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

JBL couldn't believe he won. He had his hand raised by the ref and celebrated the win and the fans booed.

Undertaker sat up and the fans started to cheer. Undertaker got up off of the mat and stared at JBL with an angry look on his face. JBL turned around and slapped his hand on his throat. He then lifted him up and hit the Chokeslam! Undertaker then turned at the ref. The ref tried to reason with him but Undertaker grabbed him by the throat and gave him a Chokeslam! Undertaker left the ring and walked up the ramp with a furious look on his face.


UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Batista v.s. John Cena

John Cena's music hit and he came out to the stage with intensity and the fans cheering. After he got into the ring, Batista's music hit and the fans went nuts! He made his way to the ring and stood across from John Cena. The bell rang and they both started with a lock up. Batista pushed Cena back with big force and he flew back into the corner. Cena then came back at Batista and lock up again. Batista once again threw him back into the corner. Cena then ran out of the corner and started exchanging punches with Batista. Cena got the upper hand in the exchange and he ran against the ropes and hit a Shoulder Block. Cena then ran against the ropes again while Batista was down and hit a Running Forearm across the forehead of Batista. Cena then picked up Batista and hit a Vertical Suplex. Cena was building alot of momentum and grabbed Batista from behind after he lifted him up. Cena went for a German Suplex but Batista was holding onto the top rope and Cena couldn't lift him for the move. Batista then let go of the rope and elbowed Cena in the face multiple times. Cena let go around his waist and Batista kicked him in the gut, setting up for the Batista Bomb! But Cena flipped him over his shoulders and over the top rope! Batista was on the outside of the ring when Cena went on the apron and waited for Batista to get up. When he got up and turned around, Cena jumped off of the apron and hit a Flying Clothesline! Cena picked up Batista and put him in the ring. After Cena got in the ring, he continued to beat on Batista and whipped him into the ropes and when Batista came back, he went for a Clothesline but Cena ducked under it and hit the Spinning Back Body Drop. Cena shot his body straight up onto his feet and stared at the fans. The fans went nuts as Cena bent over and looked into Batista's face.
Cena then bounced off of the ropes and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena then stood up and did the Chain Gang Signs with his hands. Batista got up and Cena lifted him up and hit the F-U! Cena went for the cover, 1...........2............NO! Batista kicked out! Cena couldn't believe it! Cena yelled for him to get up and he rose to his feet slowly. He turned around and Cena went for the F-U again but Batista managed to slide off of his shoulders and get to his back. Batista then lifted him up for a Back Body Drop and walked him over to the corner. Batista put Cena on the top turnbuckle and Batista climbed up it as well. Batista went for a Back Body Drop off of the top turnbuckle but Cena elbowed Batista in the face and when Batista put his hands on his face, Cena turned slightly and got Batista in position for the F-U and somehow lifted him up onto his shoulders while standing with one foot on the back top turnbuckle and his other foot on the back second turnbuckle and hit the F-U with Batista flying down 8 feet from the top turnbuckle and crashing down to the ring floor!
J.R.- Oh my God!, What an impact! Batista is out cold!
Cena climbed down and rested in the ring with the fans screaming, "UCW! UCW! UCW! UCW!"
The ref ended up counting out Batista who was still knocked out on the outside of the ring.

Winner via Count Out: John Cena (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

John Cena's music hit and the ref held his hand up with the fans cheering and Batista still knocked out on the outside of the ring.

*Shane McMahon was shown standing in his locker room with the WCW Wrestlers standing behind him.*

Shane- Paul Heyman, last week you challenged WCW to a No Disquailification 8-Man Tag Team Match for UCW's Purgatory. Well, WE ACCEPT! The ones that will represent WCW will be DDP, Booker T, Sting, and Billy Kidman. I expect you to have your picks ready by tonight. WCW will reign supreme over ECW at Purgatory!

WCW Wrestlers- YEAH!!!!!


UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Randy Orton v.s. Shelton Banjamin

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes down to the ring with loud boos.

J.R.- This is the last Quarterfinal of the tournament and the semifinals will take place next week!

Shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring and gets attacked as soon as he got in the ring.

The bell rings and Orton has the upperhand after the attack on Shelton. Orton picks up and pushes Shelton into the corner and continues the beatdown with right and left hands. Orton pulls him out of the corner and throws him on the mat. Orton proceeded to kick Shelton and slap him across the face. Orton picks up Shelton and puts him on his shoulder, going for a Running Powerslam but Shelton slides off of his back and pushes him forward. Orton tuns around and goes for a Clothesline but Shelton ducked and countered with a Back Body Drop! Shelton got to his feet and bounces against the ropes, hitting a Running Elbow Drop onto the chest of Orton. Shelton then mounted on Orton and unloaded punches to his forehead. Shelton picked him up and hit a Vertical Suplex. Shelton went to pick up Orton again but Orton hit Shelton in the stomach. Orton popped up and hit a DDT on Shelton and immeadatly goes for the cover, 1.............2...........NO! Shelton kicks out. Orton picks up Shelton and whipped him into the ropes. Shelton comes back and hit a Cross Body. Shelton got up and waited for Orton to get to his feet as well. Orton got up and Shelton went for his big Roundhouse Kick to the head but Orton ducked and got to Shelton's back, locking in a Slepper Hold. Shelton stepped to the side and elbowed Orton in the gut. Shelton then wrapped up Orton and went for the T-Bone Suplex but Orton nailed a forearm to the face. Shelton turned away from Orton and rubbed his face, but when he turned back, Orton hit the RKO! Orton laid on the mat for a few seconds and sat up slowly. Orton looked at Shelton and covered him, 1.............2..............NO! Shelton kicked out! Orton couldn't believe it! He stood up and yelled at the ref. He looked back at Shelton and yelled for him to get up. Shelton got up slowly, turned around and when Orton went for the RKO, Shelton pushed him foreward before he jumped up. Orton went into the ropes and came back, looking for a Clothesline. Shelton ducked and when they turned towards each other, Shelton hit the T-Bone Suplex! Shelton covers, 1..............2...............3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)


Shelton jumped all over the ring in astonishment! He couldn't believe what happened! Shelton walked up the ramp with a huge smile on his face while Randy Orton was just recovering in the ring.

J.R.- Well ladies and gentlemen, the semifinals are set! Only 3 matches to go and then the finals will be all ready! We'll be right back.


When the show comes back on, Hardcore Holly is standing in the ring, waiting for his opponent. The Pitbull's music hits and he emerges from the smoke filled stage, holds his fists in the air, and walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring and the ref called for the bell to ring.

Hardcore Holly v.s. The Pitbull

Hardcore Holly and The Pitbull lock up to begin the match. Holly wraps Pitbull in a side headlock and Pitbull pushes Holly into the ropes. Holly came back and Pitbull hit a Spinebuster. Pitbull lifted up Holly and pushed him into the corner. Holly tried to defend himself as Pitbull unloaded his fists on him. Pitbull lifted Holly up, walked him away from the corner and hit a big Lifting Slam Takedown! Pitbull mounted Holly and hit him with a vicious ground and pound of left and right hands. When Holly appeared out, Pitbull turned him onto his stomach and wrapped him up in the Rear Naked Choke! Holly was passed out wasn't responding, so the ref called for the bell to stop the match.

Winner: The Pitbull

J.R.- Well, the unstoppable Pitbull is still undefeated!

Pitbull had his hand raised by the ref and was about to leave the ring when a Cuban man with a white suit walked out to the stage with a microphone.

Cuban Man- Hello, Pitbull!

Pitbull stood in the ring with a confused look on his face.

Cuban Man- Everybody listen, ha ha, to me! For those of you who don't know.......My Name is Armando.......Alejandro......Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada!

Estrada- You, Pitbull, are in a match at Purgatory in two weeks But you don't know who your opponent is, do you?

Pitbull continued stood in the ring staring at Estrada.

Estrada- Well look no further, because I have the perfect opponent, ha ha, for you! At Purgatory, you will face.....The Samoan Bulldozer, OooooooomAgA!!! (Umaga)

Pitbull still had a confused look on his face, not knowing who Umaga is.

J.R.- Umaga? Who's Umaga?

Estrada- Pitbull, next week on UCW, Umaga will make his debut so you, and everbody else, will feel his wrath and the impact he will make here in UCW! Ha Ha!

Estrada walked backstage as Pitbull stood in the ring with the fans chanting his name.

J.R.- Who is Umaga? Who is the man that just came out here? I guess our questions will be answered, next week!


Triple Team Tag Match for the UCW Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz v.s. Chris Beniot & Chris Jericho v.s. MNM w/ Melina

The Dudley Boyz make there ways down to the ring, awaiting the other opponents. Chris Beniot & Chris Jericho make there ways down to the ring and stand across from The Dudleys with determined looks on there faces. MNM's music plays and they come out to the ring with loud boos from the audience. They make there usual paparazzi entrance and the bell rings to start the match.
Everyone in the match starts to attack each other and the Dudleys get the upperhand on their opponents. Johnny Nitro gets attacked by D-von Dudley in the corner and pounds away at him with right and left hands. D-von then grabs Nitro by the neck and switches positions, putting Nitro in the corner. D-von hits Nitro a few times and pulls him out of the corner, hitting a Vertical Suplex.Nitro rolls out of the ring while D-von the helps Bubba Ray with Beniot. He helps him hit a Double Suplex on Beniot. They both attack Joey Mercury and Chris Jericho and get them out of the ring. When Beniot got up, they hit a Double Flapjack and D-von popped up, doing his spinning hand across the face and chest taunt. Bubba Ray then pushed D-von.......

Bubba Ray- D-Von!

D-Von- WHAT!?

Bubba Ray- ....................GET THE TABLES!!!

The fans went crazy as the Dudley went to seperate sides of the ring and searched under the ring for tables to set up.

J.R- The Dudleys are looking for tables to use but this isn't a No Disqualification match! There going to get themselves Disqualified!

Bubba Ray sets up his table and gets attacked from Nitro from behind. Nitro then put Bubba Ray on the table and Melina got into the ring, distracting the ref. Nitro grabbed one of the Tag Team Titles and struck Bubba Ray over the head with it while he was laying on the table. Nitro struck Bubba Ray again in the head, then one more time in the head to keep him down. Nitro got attacked by D-von after he saw the cheap shot on Bubba Ray. He punched Nitro and he dropped the belt. D-von picked up the belt and held it in the air. He went to hit Nitro with it but Nitro ducked and kicked him in the knee. D-von dropped the belt and Nitro picked it up. D-von was holding on to the ring post when Nitro ran at him and smashed the belt over his head, sandwiching it against the steel ring post. Melina was finally forced outside of the ring and Nitro put the belt back on the timekeepers table. Nitro then got back into the ring and helped Mercury with Beniot and Jericho. Beniot and Jericho were attacking MNM and MNM was trying to fight them off. Beniot got raked in the eye by Mercury and then ran to help out Nitro. Beniot collected himself and got back into it and attacked Mercury again. D-von finally recovered and got back into the ring. He attack Nitro and Jericho helped out Nitro. Jericho held D-von and Nitro went for a dropkick but D-von ducked and he inadvertanly struck Jericho, knocking him through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. D-von and Nitro started exchanging punches and Nitro got kneed in the gut by D-von. D-von then ran back against the ropes and when he came back, he went for a Clothesline but Nitro ducked and when D-von turned around, Nitro hit him with a Superkick that caused D-von to go flipping over the top rope and go crashing through the table that Bubba Ray was still laying on!

J.R.- Oh My! What an impact through the table! The Dudleys are not moving and appear to be out cold!

The Dudleys were laying on the outside of the ring with a wooden mess around them. Mercury raked the eye of Beniot and Nitro came up from behind and pushed Beniot into the ropes. When he came back, MNM hit the Snapshot! Nitro went for the cover, 1.............2.............NO! Jericho got into the ring and broke up the pin at the last second. MNM attacked Jericho and he couldn't fight them off. Mercury held Jericho as Nitro backed up and held out his hands like he was adjusting a camera to get the perfect picture. Nitro then went for the Superkick but Jericho ducked and he hit Mercury instead! Nitro then got knocked out of the ring by Jericho and he got Beniot up. He whispered somthing to him and Beniot smiled. He then scaled the turnbuckle as the fans cheered and hit the Flying Headbut! Melina then hopped onto the apron and distracted the ref. Jericho turned around and Nitro came out of nowhere and nailed Jericho over the head with one of the Tag Team Titles! Nitro slid the belt out of the ring and cover him as Melina got off of the apron. The ref saw the pin and counted, 1.............2..............3!

Winner and still UCW Tag Team Champions: MNM

Nitro rolled out of the ring and grabbed the belt that was at the timekeepers table and also picked up the belt he used to win the match. Him, Mercury, and Melina walked up the ramp celebrating and smiling.

J.R.- I can't believe it! MNM stole one! Dammit!

MNM backed up the ramp and when they got to the stage, they turned around and the rest of the WCW wrestlers were staring at them. MNM had a stunned look on there face as MNM got attacked by Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, and Big Show! Melina got away and ran backstage by going through the black curtain on the side of the ramp and stage. MNM rolled down the ramp as WCW continued to attack them. They were on the outside of the ring and next to the table that D-Von set up but was never used. Big Show grabbed a chair from underneath the ring and set it up at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Big Show then lifted up Mercury in a Military Drop and drop him down, having his face smash off of the chair. Mercury got picked up and thrown into the ring. WCW kept kicking and beating Nitro until out of nowhere, Sabu ran down the ramp and used the chair that was set up to jump on and launch himself into the group of WCW wrestlers and causing a few of them to crash through the table that was set up by D-von! The rest of the ECW wrestlers came down to the ring and took the advantage over WCW. ECW beat them with weapons that they were carrying and left them all beaten on the outside of the ring. Paul Heyman came out with them and walk over to the timekeepers table to get a microphone.

Heyman- Shane, if your listening backstage, I have already decided on the 4 men who will represent ECW in the 8-man No Disqualification match at Purgatory. The 4 men will be Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, and Rob....Van....Dam!

The fans went nuts as ECW walked up the ramp with the WCW wrestlers laying all over the outside of the ring.

J.R.- Wow! ECW gets some momentum going into next week! What a card we have set for UCW's Purgatory! I can't wait until the PPV in two weeks. I'll see you next week in Boston, Massachusetts!

ECW walks up the ramp with smiles on there faces as the show goes off the air.

UCW Week 10 coming soon!

UCW Purgatory's Card

Pitbull v.s. Umaga

United States Championship
Carlito v.s. Edge w/ Lita

UCW Hardcore Championship
The Sandman v.s. Big Show

D-Generation-X v.s. Brothers of Destruction

1st Ever Steel Chair Massacre
Sabu v.s. Goldberg

No DQ 8-man Tag Team Match
Team ECW v.s. Team WCW

Triple-Threat Match for the UCW World Championship
TBA v.s. TBA v.s. TBA
Awesome!! still a wicked show! great stories and matches!!

Best match: main event; dudleyz vs benoit + jericho ve mnm, followed closely by orton benjamin

worst match: probably holly vs pitbull - but only cos its short!

best angle: wcw/ecw, but i like umaga/pitbull :thumbsup: !!

keep em coming :headbanger:
like always, great show man! There were some great matches on your card! Keep em' coming! The only match I didnt really like was Pitbull/Holly, you should try to lengthen it a little, but great show! cant wait till next week and Purgatory! I cant wait for the steel chair massacure and the 8 man tag mainly!
I'm reposting this for a few more reviews.

Week 9 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Pitbull

Members of Team ECW- Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, RVD, Rey Mysterio

Members of Team WCW- Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, Big Show, Chris Beniot, Chris Jericho


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 9! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Chicago, Illinois! Tonight, the quarterfinals in the UCW World Title tournament will conclude and the Tag Team Titles will be on the line tonight in a Triple-threat tag team match! Two members of WCW, two members of ECW, and MNM will be in the match with MNM defending their titles for the first time!

JBL's music hits and walks through the curtain and onto the stage. He takes off his cowboy hit and holds his hands in the air. He walked down to the ring with a big smile on his face. He gets into the ring and the arena lights go out. Undertaker's music hits and he walks slowly down to the ring. He walks up the ring stairs raises his arms up slowly, causing the lights to go back on. He gets into the ring and JBL backs up into his corner.

Undertaker takes his hat off and his eyes roll into the back of his head. He then takes his trenchcoat and puts them onto the outside of the ring.

UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
The Undertaker v.s. JBL

The bell rings and Undertaker slowly walks toward JBL, who is backed into his corner still. JBL then comes out of the corner with punches to Undertaker's face. JBL then runs back, bounces off of the ropes but when he came back to Undertaker, he shoved JBL back into the ropes. Undertaker then repeatadly struck JBL with left and right hands. JBL raked Undertaker in the eye and ran against the opposite set of ropes and Undertaker grabbed JBL when he came back and hit a Sidewalk Slam. Undertaker then picked up JBL and hit a Vertical Suplex. Undertaker lifted up JBL again and pushed him into the turnbuckle. JBL hit Undertaker with a back Elbow to the face and turned around to punch him. JBL then kneed him in the stomach and pushed him into the corner. JBL ran against the ropes and when Undertaker backed up and turned around, JBL went for the Clothesline from Halle but Undertaker ducked under it and JBL turned around into a slap on the throat. Undertaker lifted JBL for theChokeslam but JBL somehow countered it in a HUGE DDT! JBL rolled on top of Undertaker, 1..............2...............NO! Undertaker barely got the shoulder up! JBL was livid and went to the outside of the ring and grabbed a chair. The ref went to the outside of the ring and tried to get JBL to put down the chair. Undertaker got up from the DDT and turned around into a kick to the gut and a PEDIGREE! HHH gave a Pedigree to Undertaker!
J.R.- Oh my God! HHH just gave a Pedigree to Undertaker!
HHH rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp laughing. JBL then threw the chair down and got into the ring. JBL picked up Undertaker and hit a BIG Powerbomb! JBL goes for the cover, 1.............2..............3!

Winner: JBL (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

JBL couldn't believe he won. He had his hand raised by the ref and celebrated the win and the fans booed.

Undertaker sat up and the fans started to cheer. Undertaker got up off of the mat and stared at JBL with an angry look on his face. JBL turned around and slapped his hand on his throat. He then lifted him up and hit the Chokeslam! Undertaker then turned at the ref. The ref tried to reason with him but Undertaker grabbed him by the throat and gave him a Chokeslam! Undertaker left the ring and walked up the ramp with a furious look on his face.


UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Batista v.s. John Cena

John Cena's music hit and he came out to the stage with intensity and the fans cheering. After he got into the ring, Batista's music hit and the fans went nuts! He made his way to the ring and stood across from John Cena. The bell rang and they both started with a lock up. Batista pushed Cena back with big force and he flew back into the corner. Cena then came back at Batista and lock up again. Batista once again threw him back into the corner. Cena then ran out of the corner and started exchanging punches with Batista. Cena got the upper hand in the exchange and he ran against the ropes and hit a Shoulder Block. Cena then ran against the ropes again while Batista was down and hit a Running Forearm across the forehead of Batista. Cena then picked up Batista and hit a Vertical Suplex. Cena was building alot of momentum and grabbed Batista from behind after he lifted him up. Cena went for a German Suplex but Batista was holding onto the top rope and Cena couldn't lift him for the move. Batista then let go of the rope and elbowed Cena in the face multiple times. Cena let go around his waist and Batista kicked him in the gut, setting up for the Batista Bomb! But Cena flipped him over his shoulders and over the top rope! Batista was on the outside of the ring when Cena went on the apron and waited for Batista to get up. When he got up and turned around, Cena jumped off of the apron and hit a Flying Clothesline! Cena picked up Batista and put him in the ring. After Cena got in the ring, he continued to beat on Batista and whipped him into the ropes and when Batista came back, he went for a Clothesline but Cena ducked under it and hit the Spinning Back Body Drop. Cena shot his body straight up onto his feet and stared at the fans. The fans went nuts as Cena bent over and looked into Batista's face.
Cena then bounced off of the ropes and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena then stood up and did the Chain Gang Signs with his hands. Batista got up and Cena lifted him up and hit the F-U! Cena went for the cover, 1...........2............NO! Batista kicked out! Cena couldn't believe it! Cena yelled for him to get up and he rose to his feet slowly. He turned around and Cena went for the F-U again but Batista managed to slide off of his shoulders and get to his back. Batista then lifted him up for a Back Body Drop and walked him over to the corner. Batista put Cena on the top turnbuckle and Batista climbed up it as well. Batista went for a Back Body Drop off of the top turnbuckle but Cena elbowed Batista in the face and when Batista put his hands on his face, Cena turned slightly and got Batista in position for the F-U and somehow lifted him up onto his shoulders while standing with one foot on the back top turnbuckle and his other foot on the back second turnbuckle and hit the F-U with Batista flying down 8 feet from the top turnbuckle and crashing down to the ring floor!
J.R.- Oh my God!, What an impact! Batista is out cold!
Cena climbed down and rested in the ring with the fans screaming, "UCW! UCW! UCW! UCW!"
The ref ended up counting out Batista who was still knocked out on the outside of the ring.

Winner via Count Out: John Cena (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)

John Cena's music hit and the ref held his hand up with the fans cheering and Batista still knocked out on the outside of the ring.

*Shane McMahon was shown standing in his locker room with the WCW Wrestlers standing behind him.*

Shane- Paul Heyman, last week you challenged WCW to a No Disquailification 8-Man Tag Team Match for UCW's Purgatory. Well, WE ACCEPT! The ones that will represent WCW will be DDP, Booker T, Sting, and Billy Kidman. I expect you to have your picks ready by tonight. WCW will reign supreme over ECW at Purgatory!

WCW Wrestlers- YEAH!!!!!


UCW World Championship Tournament Quarterfinals
Randy Orton v.s. Shelton Banjamin

Randy Orton's music hits and he comes down to the ring with loud boos.

J.R.- This is the last Quarterfinal of the tournament and the semifinals will take place next week!

Shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring and gets attacked as soon as he got in the ring.

The bell rings and Orton has the upperhand after the attack on Shelton. Orton picks up and pushes Shelton into the corner and continues the beatdown with right and left hands. Orton pulls him out of the corner and throws him on the mat. Orton proceeded to kick Shelton and slap him across the face. Orton picks up Shelton and puts him on his shoulder, going for a Running Powerslam but Shelton slides off of his back and pushes him forward. Orton tuns around and goes for a Clothesline but Shelton ducked and countered with a Back Body Drop! Shelton got to his feet and bounces against the ropes, hitting a Running Elbow Drop onto the chest of Orton. Shelton then mounted on Orton and unloaded punches to his forehead. Shelton picked him up and hit a Vertical Suplex. Shelton went to pick up Orton again but Orton hit Shelton in the stomach. Orton popped up and hit a DDT on Shelton and immeadatly goes for the cover, 1.............2...........NO! Shelton kicks out. Orton picks up Shelton and whipped him into the ropes. Shelton comes back and hit a Cross Body. Shelton got up and waited for Orton to get to his feet as well. Orton got up and Shelton went for his big Roundhouse Kick to the head but Orton ducked and got to Shelton's back, locking in a Slepper Hold. Shelton stepped to the side and elbowed Orton in the gut. Shelton then wrapped up Orton and went for the T-Bone Suplex but Orton nailed a forearm to the face. Shelton turned away from Orton and rubbed his face, but when he turned back, Orton hit the RKO! Orton laid on the mat for a few seconds and sat up slowly. Orton looked at Shelton and covered him, 1.............2..............NO! Shelton kicked out! Orton couldn't believe it! He stood up and yelled at the ref. He looked back at Shelton and yelled for him to get up. Shelton got up slowly, turned around and when Orton went for the RKO, Shelton pushed him foreward before he jumped up. Orton went into the ropes and came back, looking for a Clothesline. Shelton ducked and when they turned towards each other, Shelton hit the T-Bone Suplex! Shelton covers, 1..............2...............3!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (Moves on to Semifinals of UCW World Title Tournament)


Shelton jumped all over the ring in astonishment! He couldn't believe what happened! Shelton walked up the ramp with a huge smile on his face while Randy Orton was just recovering in the ring.

J.R.- Well ladies and gentlemen, the semifinals are set! Only 3 matches to go and then the finals will be all ready! We'll be right back.


When the show comes back on, Hardcore Holly is standing in the ring, waiting for his opponent. The Pitbull's music hits and he emerges from the smoke filled stage, holds his fists in the air, and walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring and the ref called for the bell to ring.

Hardcore Holly v.s. The Pitbull

Hardcore Holly and The Pitbull lock up to begin the match. Holly wraps Pitbull in a side headlock and Pitbull pushes Holly into the ropes. Holly came back and Pitbull hit a Spinebuster. Pitbull lifted up Holly and pushed him into the corner. Holly tried to defend himself as Pitbull unloaded his fists on him. Pitbull lifted Holly up, walked him away from the corner and hit a big Lifting Slam Takedown! Pitbull mounted Holly and hit him with a vicious ground and pound of left and right hands. When Holly appeared out, Pitbull turned him onto his stomach and wrapped him up in the Rear Naked Choke! Holly was passed out wasn't responding, so the ref called for the bell to stop the match.

Winner: The Pitbull

J.R.- Well, the unstoppable Pitbull is still undefeated!

Pitbull had his hand raised by the ref and was about to leave the ring when a Cuban man with a white suit walked out to the stage with a microphone.

Cuban Man- Hello, Pitbull!

Pitbull stood in the ring with a confused look on his face.

Cuban Man- Everybody listen, ha ha, to me! For those of you who don't know.......My Name is Armando.......Alejandro......Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada!

Estrada- You, Pitbull, are in a match at Purgatory in two weeks But you don't know who your opponent is, do you?

Pitbull continued stood in the ring staring at Estrada.

Estrada- Well look no further, because I have the perfect opponent, ha ha, for you! At Purgatory, you will face.....The Samoan Bulldozer, OooooooomAgA!!! (Umaga)

Pitbull still had a confused look on his face, not knowing who Umaga is.

J.R.- Umaga? Who's Umaga?

Estrada- Pitbull, next week on UCW, Umaga will make his debut so you, and everbody else, will feel his wrath and the impact he will make here in UCW! Ha Ha!

Estrada walked backstage as Pitbull stood in the ring with the fans chanting his name.

J.R.- Who is Umaga? Who is the man that just came out here? I guess our questions will be answered, next week!


Triple Team Tag Match for the UCW Tag Team Championship
The Dudley Boyz v.s. Chris Beniot & Chris Jericho v.s. MNM w/ Melina

The Dudley Boyz make there ways down to the ring, awaiting the other opponents. Chris Beniot & Chris Jericho make there ways down to the ring and stand across from The Dudleys with determined looks on there faces. MNM's music plays and they come out to the ring with loud boos from the audience. They make there usual paparazzi entrance and the bell rings to start the match.

Everyone in the match starts to attack each other and the Dudleys get the upperhand on their opponents. Johnny Nitro gets attacked by D-von Dudley in the corner and pounds away at him with right and left hands. D-von then grabs Nitro by the neck and switches positions, putting Nitro in the corner. D-von hits Nitro a few times and pulls him out of the corner, hitting a Vertical Suplex.Nitro rolls out of the ring while D-von the helps Bubba Ray with Beniot. He helps him hit a Double Suplex on Beniot. They both attack Joey Mercury and Chris Jericho and get them out of the ring. When Beniot got up, they hit a Double Flapjack and D-von popped up, doing his spinning hand across the face and chest taunt. Bubba Ray then pushed D-von.......

Bubba Ray- D-Von!

D-Von- WHAT!?

Bubba Ray- ....................GET THE TABLES!!!

The fans went crazy as the Dudley went to seperate sides of the ring and searched under the ring for tables to set up.
J.R- The Dudleys are looking for tables to use but this isn't a No Disqualification match! There going to get themselves Disqualified!
Bubba Ray sets up his table and gets attacked from Nitro from behind. Nitro then put Bubba Ray on the table and Melina got into the ring, distracting the ref. Nitro grabbed one of the Tag Team Titles and struck Bubba Ray over the head with it while he was laying on the table. Nitro struck Bubba Ray again in the head, then one more time in the head to keep him down. Nitro got attacked by D-von after he saw the cheap shot on Bubba Ray. He punched Nitro and he dropped the belt. D-von picked up the belt and held it in the air. He went to hit Nitro with it but Nitro ducked and kicked him in the knee. D-von dropped the belt and Nitro picked it up. D-von was holding on to the ring post when Nitro ran at him and smashed the belt over his head, sandwiching it against the steel ring post. Melina was finally forced outside of the ring and Nitro put the belt back on the timekeepers table. Nitro then got back into the ring and helped Mercury with Beniot and Jericho. Beniot and Jericho were attacking MNM and MNM was trying to fight them off. Beniot got raked in the eye by Mercury and then ran to help out Nitro. Beniot collected himself and got back into it and attacked Mercury again. D-von finally recovered and got back into the ring. He attack Nitro and Jericho helped out Nitro. Jericho held D-von and Nitro went for a dropkick but D-von ducked and he inadvertanly struck Jericho, knocking him through the ropes and to the outside of the ring. D-von and Nitro started exchanging punches and Nitro got kneed in the gut by D-von. D-von then ran back against the ropes and when he came back, he went for a Clothesline but Nitro ducked and when D-von turned around, Nitro hit him with a Superkick that caused D-von to go flipping over the top rope and go crashing through the table that Bubba Ray was still laying on!
J.R.- Oh My! What an impact through the table! The Dudleys are not moving and appear to be out cold!
The Dudleys were laying on the outside of the ring with a wooden mess around them. Mercury raked the eye of Beniot and Nitro came up from behind and pushed Beniot into the ropes. When he came back, MNM hit the Snapshot! Nitro went for the cover, 1.............2.............NO! Jericho got into the ring and broke up the pin at the last second. MNM attacked Jericho and he couldn't fight them off. Mercury held Jericho as Nitro backed up and held out his hands like he was adjusting a camera to get the perfect picture. Nitro then went for the Superkick but Jericho ducked and he hit Mercury instead! Nitro then got knocked out of the ring by Jericho and he got Beniot up. He whispered somthing to him and Beniot smiled. He then scaled the turnbuckle as the fans cheered and hit the Flying Headbut! Melina then hopped onto the apron and distracted the ref. Jericho turned around and Nitro came out of nowhere and nailed Jericho over the head with one of the Tag Team Titles! Nitro slid the belt out of the ring and cover him as Melina got off of the apron. The ref saw the pin and counted, 1.............2..............3!

Winner and still UCW Tag Team Champions: MNM

Nitro rolled out of the ring and grabbed the belt that was at the timekeepers table and also picked up the belt he used to win the match. Him, Mercury, and Melina walked up the ramp celebrating and smiling.
J.R.- I can't believe it! MNM stole one! Dammit!
MNM backed up the ramp and when they got to the stage, they turned around and the rest of the WCW wrestlers were staring at them. MNM had a stunned look on there face as MNM got attacked by Goldberg, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, Diamond Dallas Page, Booker T, and Big Show! Melina got away and ran backstage by going through the black curtain on the side of the ramp and stage. MNM rolled down the ramp as WCW continued to attack them. They were on the outside of the ring and next to the table that D-Von set up but was never used. Big Show grabbed a chair from underneath the ring and set it up at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Big Show then lifted up Mercury in a Military Drop and drop him down, having his face smash off of the chair. Mercury got picked up and thrown into the ring. WCW kept kicking and beating Nitro until out of nowhere, Sabu ran down the ramp and used the chair that was set up to jump on and launch himself into the group of WCW wrestlers and causing a few of them to crash through the table that was set up by D-von! The rest of the ECW wrestlers came down to the ring and took the advantage over WCW. ECW beat them with weapons that they were carrying and left them all beaten on the outside of the ring. Paul Heyman came out with them and walk over to the timekeepers table to get a microphone.

Heyman- Shane, if your listening backstage, I have already decided on the 4 men who will represent ECW in the 8-man No Disqualification match at Purgatory. The 4 men will be Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, and Rob....Van....Dam!

The fans went nuts as ECW walked up the ramp with the WCW wrestlers laying all over the outside of the ring.

J.R.- Wow! ECW gets some momentum going into next week! What a card we have set for UCW's Purgatory! I can't wait until the PPV in two weeks. I'll see you next week in Boston, Massachusetts!

ECW walks up the ramp with smiles on there faces as the show goes off the air.

UCW Week 10 coming soon!

UCW Purgatory's Card

Pitbull v.s. Umaga

United States Championship
Carlito v.s. Edge w/ Lita

UCW Hardcore Championship
The Sandman v.s. Big Show

D-Generation-X v.s. Brothers of Destruction

1st Ever Steel Chair Massacre
Sabu v.s. Goldberg

No DQ 8-man Tag Team Match
Team ECW v.s. Team WCW

Triple-Threat Match for the UCW World Championship
TBA v.s. TBA v.s. TBA
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