UCW Week 6!!!

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Week 6 of UCW


Kurt Angle, Edge, Kane, Big Show, RVD, John Cena, HHH, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, JBL, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Booker T, Chris Masters, Randy Orton, Carlito, Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Bobby Lashley, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, Paul London, Christian, Mark Henry, Hardcore Holly, Balls Mahoney, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Goldberg


Melina, Lita, Paul Heyman

A promo starts showing wrestlers walking to the ring.

"Many of the wrestlers dream about their chance at glory. There are 5 Titles you can earn and only one can be called World Champion. To be the best, some put there bodies and careers on the line. When they finally get their chance, it's do or die. This is Ultimate Championship Wrestling , and this is there life!"

*Fireworks shoot off into the air while Bodies by Drowning Pool plays*

J.R.- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to UCW week 6! We are here live in front of a sold out crowd in Dallas, Texas and last night in LA was one of the biggest night's in UCW history thus far. I don't know if UCW can ever out do what happened last night.

Vince's music hits and he walks down to the ring with a microphone.

(The following lines that Vince says are NOT my thoughts. I put them there for entertainment purposes only.)

Vince- Last night at Extreme Suffering, we made history. That event last night may have just been the greatest event in wrestling history. Now there are other brands out there on the Wrestlezone television network and I don't know if there able to measure up to the action last night that we had! They are B-minus type shows, unlike our A+ show and events that UCW has! Let's see some photos of the event last night.

*Photos of Extreme Suffering are shown on the Titantron and the photos are interupted by ECW music and titontron video.*

*Paul Heyman comes out to the ring with the UCW Hardcore Champion, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer.*

Heyman- Vince, I don't mean to interupt but I am out here to call out Goldberg! ECW's goal tonight is to take him out and I gurantee that our goal will be fufilled! Now Goldberg get your ass out here and...........

Goldberg jumps from the audience and gets into the ring behind them with a steel chair and lays out Tommy Dreamer and Sandman! Vince gets out of the ring as fast as he can. Goldberg then stares down Heyman, drops the chair and charges at him with a HUGE Spear! Goldberg gets up and yells to the crowd while the rest of the ECW wrestlers run down to the ring. Goldberg then picks up the chair and throws it at Sabu who is the first one in the ring and it connects right on his head. Goldberg then quickly gets out of the back of the ring and gets out via audience. ECW wrestlers then check on Heyman, Sandman, and Dreamer.


As the show comes back from commercial, Heyman is being help to the ECW bus by his wrestlers and they all get on the bus and leave the arena.

Non-Title Match
UCW U.S. Champion Edge w/ Lita v.s. Carlito

Edge makes his way to the ring with Lita and he yells trash to the fans. Carlito comes out from behind Edge and attacks him as the fans cheer and the match begins. Carlito powers him with right hands until he retreats to the outside of the ring. Edge was standing outside resting when Carlito hit a Springboard Senton Splash over the top rope! Edge moved at the last second causing Carlito's back to slam on the outside. Carlito gets picked up by Edge and puts him him the ring. Edge hits a DDT and tells off the booing fans. Edge backs up in the corner, calling for a Spear. Carlito gets up, turns around, and when Edge ran at him he moved out of the way, causing Edge to Spear the ring post. Carlito pulls him out of the corner and jumps on his back for the BackCracker but Edge grabs the ropes in the corner and holds himself up while Carlito crashes to the mat! Edge then rolls up Carlito and puts his feet on the ropes for the pin, 1..............2..............the ref see's his feet on the ropes and stops the count! Edge gets up and is furious when Carlito Dropkicks Edge in the back and causes Edge to fall into the reffere, knocking him out. Lita then runs over and grabs a chair and hands it to Edge. Carlito grabs Edge and him turns around were Edge goes for a chair shot over the head of Carlito but Carlito ducked and kicked Edge in the gut, nailing a DDT on the chair! Lita then gets in the ring and hits a low blow on Carlito. Carlito falls and Lita tries to wake up Edge. Edge starts to move and gets up ready to hit the Spear as Lita rolled out of the ring. Carlito grabbed the chair as he turned around and when Edge ran towards him for the Spear, Carlito moved out of the way and held the chair out. Edge Speared the chair and Carlito threw the chair out of the ring and pinned Edge while the ref recovered, 1.............2.............3!

Winner: Carlito

Carlito rolled out of the ring and hand his hand raised by the referre while Edge was still down in the ring with him being attended by Lita.


When the show comes back on the air, Vince is sitting in his office and about to address the fans.

Vince- Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to talk about the issues around UCW. First, I would like to address the ECW situation with Goldberg. He attacked Sabu at Extreme Suffering and attacked him earlier tonight before fleeing the ring. Now the ECW bus is gone but if I see them next week then I will inform them that at UCW's Purgatory Goldberg will take on Sabu. But being since Goldberg likes to use chairs when he beat up Sabu, The Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer and since Sabu likes to use chairs in his matches as well, then they will go one-on-one in the first ever Steel Chair Massacre! Where in that match, there will be chairs set up and stacked on top of one another surrounding outside the ring. Basically, if you get thrown out of the ring, you will go through a wall of chairs and get buried underneath them. Pinfalls and submissions count anywhere. Now onto the next issue I want to address, I want to address the U.S. Title Match we just saw. Since Carlito beat the champion, he has automatically earned a shot at the Title, which he will get at UCW's PPV, Purgatory. Now the final issue I would like to address is that I have an idea for the next #1 contender for the World Title. Starting tonight, we will have a 12-man tournament and the finals for this tournament will be a Triple-Threat Match and the winner of this tournament will face the World Champion for the World Title at next month's UCW Pay-per-view, Hardcore Heaven. Thank you for your time.


#1 Contender Tournament Quarterfinal
Chris Masters v.s. Rey Mysterio

Masters makes his way to the ring with his muscle flexing entrance, followed by Mysterio.

Rey and Masters stare each other down and Masters hits a cheap punch to start the match. Masters powers Rey to the corner and knees him in the gut a few times. He pulls Rey out and gets to his back where he goes for the Masterlock in the early going but he only gets one arm through when Rey spins out of it and bounces against the where he is met with a big Clothesline. Masters picks up Rey who runs through his legs, runs against the ropes and dropkicks Masters. Masters goes down while Rey goes to the top rope and hits a Cross Body Splash on Masters when he got up. Masters caught Rey in mid-air and hit a Fallaway Slam on Mysterio. Masters got up and walked over to Rey he picked him up and Powerslammed him. Masters flexes his muscles to the audience when Rey gets up and Dropkicks Masters in the back, causing him to get caught on the second rope! Rey bounces off of the ropes and hits the 6-1-9! Rey hit the Dropping the Dime Leg Drop and covers Masters, 1............2...........KICKOUT! Rey then gets up and goes on the apron when masters got up he jumped at him by bouncing off of the top rope and hit the Sitting Senton! Rey pins again, 1..............2..............KICKOUT! Masters got up slowly with Rey Dropkicking him in the back again and when he was caught on the second rope, Rey bounced off of the ropes and went to hit the 6-1-9 but Masters ducked and Rey missed! He landed on his feet in ring while spinning around and trying to regain his footing and stopped with his back facing Masters, giving him the chance to lock in the Masterlock! Masters starts swinging Mysterio around like a rag doll and Mysterio loses conciousness. The ref lifts Rey's hand and it dropped, ending the match.

Winner: Chris Masters

Masters threw Rey down and laughed as the ref raised his hand in the air.


*A promo shows for a new wrestler, Pit Bull. A normal looking person with short, spiky hair, and a mean sadistic look on his face. A former K-1 fighter and street fighter. Pit Bull debuts next week.*

#1 Contender Tournament Quarterfinal
Shelton Benjamin v.s. Mark Henry

Shelton makes his way into the ring with cheers and is shocked to find out that he is facing Mark Henry. Henry walks down the ramp with a big bandage patch on his forehead. Henry gets into the ring and walks toward Shelton but he starts punching Henry in the face, and bounces off of the ropes and goes for a Cross Body but Henry catches him and hits the World's Strongest Slam! Henry gets up and looks at the fans with anger as the fans boo. He then grabs walks over to the corner of the ring and yells at the timekeepers table to give him a microphone.

Henry- KURT ANGLE! You may have won the World Title match this past Sunday at Extreme Suffering, but that will never happen again! I will dominate everybody in this tournament and face you or whoever has the World Title, and beat them for it! This tournament is nothing but a warm up untill I get back to you! This tournament will be mine for the taking!

Shelton then dropkicks Henry in the back, causing him to spill through the ropes and to the outside. Shelton then hits a Vaulting Body Press over the top rope and lands on Mark Henry on the outside. Shelton then begins to kick Henry repeatedly, keeping him down. He slowly picks up Henry and uses all his force to throw Henry into the steel stairs! The refferre is up to a 6 count now and Shelton gets back into the ring. Henry is still down on the outside and gets up at a 9-count and tries to get back in the ring under the bottom rope, but Shelton hits a Baseball slide, knocking him back to the outside and having the refferre count the 10-count!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via count out

J.R.- Oh My God! Shelton Benjamin has beaten Mark Henry by count out! Oh My! What an upset!

Shelton jumps all over the ring, celebrating while Henry stands up on the outside with shock and anger exprssions on his face. Henry gets into the ring and attacks Shelton. He lifts him up and hits the World's Strongest Slam on Shelton. He the bounces off of the ropes and hits the World's Strongest Splash on Shelton. Henry then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair and brings it in the ring. He lifts it in the air ready to beat Shelton with it, when out of nowhere, Angle runs down the ramp and slides quickly into the ring. Henry swings the chair at Angle but he ducked under it and hit the Angle Slam on Mark Henry! Angle then pulls down the straps and screams to the fans. Shelton gets up to his feet and looks at Angle. They both go toe-to-toe and stare each other down. Angle then extends his hand and Shelton shakes his hand. Angle then grabs Shelton's arm and raises it in the air and walks backstage as Shelton still celebrates in the ring.


When the show comes back n the air, Angle is seen walking in the parking lot with a duffel bag in one hand and his title in the other. He walks up to his rent-a-car and Mark henry attacks Angle from behind!

Henry- You want to get involved in my buisness!? Huh!? Your gonna learn, boy! Your gonna learn not to mess with me!

Mark Henry then proceded to kick stomp Angle many times with his foot. Henry then picked up Angle and pulled him away from his car. Henry then hit the World's Strongest Slam on Angle on the asphalt in the parking lot! Henry then picked up Angle, grabbed him by the back of the head and charged him at his rent-a-car and threw Angle right through the car window sending him crashing in the backseat! Henry then walked over to the far side of the parking lot and pulled a key out of his boot. He used it to open the door of a H2 Hummer and started the car. He floored the Hummer, speeding right toward Angle's rent-a-car while Angle was still in the backseat! Then SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Henry crashed the Hummer right into Angle's car!!!!! He kept the Hummer going and it proceded to push his car until Henry crashed the Hummer right into the parking lot wall, causing Angle's car to get sandwiched with him still inside it!!!!! Henry then got out of the Hummer and opened the trunk of it and pulled out a container of gas!!!! Henry then walked around to Angle's totaled car and was about to pour it on the car but a bunch of arena security guards, staff and even some UCW Wrestlers ran into the parking lot with the EMT's. Henry then dropped the can of gas and ran out of the parking lot. All of the people who ran in the parking lot ran over to the crash and scrambled to get get whatever was left of Angle out of his car.


J.R.- Welcome back to UCW ladies and gentlemen. Moments ago Mark Henry assaulted Kurt Angle in the arena parking lot when he was trying to leave. He then threw him into his own rent-a-car and used a Hummer to ram into Angle's rent-a-car and pin it up against a wall, crushing Angle inside of it.

*A video replay of the attack is then shown on the titantron.*
*Then you can still see the crew trying to rip the car open and get Angle out.*

Back in the arena, Goldberg's music hits and fans cheer and do the old "GOLDBERG" chant.

Goldberg comes out to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Goldberg- YEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The fans cheer loudly.*

Goldberg- Last Sunday at Extreme Suffering, I sent a message. I sent a message to all those in ECW and those thinking of joining that ECW is old news. ECW is full of washed-up wannabe's who think they still have what it takes to make it in wrestling. They fight with weapons and that's the main reason why they can't make it because they can't handle the physicallity and the intensity of actual wrestling. I was contacted by Paul Heyman a few weeks ago and he asked me if I wanted to join ECW. He told me that they were planning an invasion on UCW and thought that I would be a great surprise addition to there company. Well, I told Heyman that I would get back to him. I felt furious! ECW is reuniting while my former company WCW has to remain dead? No way. I wasn't going to have it. So I contacted him back and told him that if he ever called me again and asked me such a ridiculous question, I would find him and shove my boot straight up his ass and any of his ECW "buddies" that think they can stop me. This reuniting of ECW makes me sick just thinking about it. I will not have it! I will not...................

Goldberg turned around while talking and Sabu threw a steel chair across the ring and it connected right over the skull of Goldberg!
J.R.- Oh My God! Sabu! Where the hell did he come from?
Sabu then locked in the Camel Clutch on Goldberg. Goldberg somehow reached his arm up, grabbed Sabu's head and flipped him over onto his back like a Snapmare! Goldberg the walked over to the chair and picked it up. He smacked it on the canvas with power and waited for Sabu to get up so he could hit him with it. But then out of nowhere, The Sandman stormed the ring and when Goldberg saw him, he swung the chair at him but he ducked. Then when Goldberg turned back around, Sanman leveled him with a HUGE shot over the head with his patented Kendo Stick! Then Paul Heyman and the rest of the ECW Extremists head down to the ring and Heyman has a huge smile on his face.
J.R.- What the hell is going on here? I thought ECW left!
When they got into the ring, Heyman instructed Sandman to beat the hell out out of Goldberg with his Kendo Stick. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 nonstop shots to Goldberg with the Kendo Stick! Sandman held up the Kendo Stick and looked at the fans as the fans gave mixed reactions. Balls Mahoney then smacked Goldberg with his patented black steel chair while he was still down. He put the chair on the mat and told Tommy Dreamer to hit a Dreamer Driver on Goldberg right on the chair. He picked him up and had his arm wrapped around his head in a DDT position ready to hit the move when all of a sudden.......................


The Shane McMahon's music hits and he comes out to the stage with Big Show, Chris Beniot, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Sting, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman, and Diamond Dallas Page!!!!!!!!!!!

The WCW wrestlers stare down the ECW wrestlers from the stage. The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Rey Mysterio, RVD, Rhino, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley stand in the ring yelling for them to come down to the ring. They all then charge down to the ring and a HUGE BRAWL begins with ECW and WCW!!! Goldberg recovers from the attack by ECW and helps his partners. ECW guys are getting thrown out of the ring left and right! Then the nine WCW wrestlers are standing in a circle in the ring, surrounding Sabu. Sabu looks around at the WCW wrestlers and picks up a chair at his feet. He then yells at them to come and get some. They all then proceed to beat the hell out of Sabu. Goldberg then charges at Sabu and hits a HUGE SPEAR! He then picks up the steel chair and tells the WCW guys to lift up Sabu. They lift him up and Goldberg throws the chair down, kicks Sabu in the gut, and holds him in the Jackhammer position! The WCW guys yell crap to the ECW guys who can do nothing but watch the beating of Sabu. Sabu is then lifted up in a Vertical Suplex and hits the Jackhammer onto the chair on Sabu! Goldberg's music plays as the WCW guys celebrate in the ring and stand over Sabu's laid out body. The ECW guys retreat slowly up the ramp with Paul Heyman pointing his finger at the WCW guys and yelling stuff. Shane McMahon then gets put on the WCW guys' shoulders and has a microphone.

Shane- Hey Paul, do you remember March 26, 2001when I purchased WCW? Well I still own WCW! If you think that you can win, well you got another thing coming because one phone call from me and I can have more former WCW Wrestlers joining forces with us! This day marks the resurection of W.......C.......W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J.R.- My God! WCW has also returned! What can we expect next week!? What a night! Ladies and Gentlemen, we will see you next week in Miami, Flordia for UCW Week 7! Goodnight from Dallas!

*Heyman and the ECW Wrestlers are furious going up the ramp while Shane celebrates in the ring with his WCW guys over Sabu's body as the show goes off the air.*

Give full review for this Edition Please.

UCW Week 7 out soon!
I like it dude!! The matches are nicely done, and the stories are cool. Hopefully we get to see the stories turn into matches in the near future!! But its good man...keep it up!

Best match: Edge vs Carlito
Worst match: Rey vs Masters

Best Angle: Probably WCW/ECW!!
- Looks like you have a pretty good sized roster. I would have a few more divas...but they're just not really some people's thing. To each his own in that respect.

- I think having Goldberg spear Heyman made ECW look a little weak. Dreamer and Sandman should have beat that bald piece of crap's ass.

- It looks like Carlito is on his way to the US title. This match got chaotic...and I kind of liked it. Lita and Edge are always a classic pairing.

- Heh, I was right. Vince's little promo was pretty good.

- Rey VS. Masters was an action packed match. I was hoping for a big upset victory, but Masters is pretty dominating.

- Pitbull sounds pretty cool, can't wait to see their debut next week.

- Henry as the dominating monster...eh. I liked that Shelton beat him, but with Benjamin being the better athlete it should have been by pinfall. Angle helping out Shelton was cool. I like that pairing.

- The ending of the show was pretty cool. Awesome to see WCW back in action.

All in all, a pretty good written show. I enjoyed the segments and you've got some solid feuds going on.


- Vertan
I liked when Rey lost to the MasterLock but Masters needs to go 1 on 1 with a better wrestler.
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