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WCW Region, Houston Region, Second Round: (6) Edge vs. (11) CM Punk

Who Wins This Match?

  • Edge

  • CM Punk

Results are only viewable after voting.
I can't think of anything Punk does better than Edge. Edge has a better career, has more impressive wins, has more titles, drew more at his height, probably draws more now even though he can't even wrestle, is bigger, was a better wrestler, was better on the mic, was a better character, definitely better at portraying a face etc. etc.
Here's what it comes down to for me: who wins in a match between Punk and Edge, with both men in their primes? I don't know. It's damn close. Punk is fantastic in the ring, and has some huge victories under his belt that proves he CAN win this match. But Edge has one or two big moments in his arsenal as well (once you've gone over Booker T for a shampoo commercial, you can pretty much do anything)...

Edge has a huge legacy. He accomplished a lot, and put down dozens of great opponents in the process. Some he beat by capitalizing on questionable opportunity...others he beat clean. To be fair, some of Punk's big wins on his rise to the top came as a heel, through various underhanded tactics. How many times did he win via interference from the S.E.S., pull the tights, or hold the ropes? His track record isn't exactly spotless either.

Coco, you've done a great job of swaying me to Punk's side. I was always on the fence about it anyways. I'm just saying, I'm really surprised that Edge hasn't gotten more support in this match-up. It's not like it would be an EASY victory for PUnk by any stretch of the imagination. In their primes, we're talking a WWE Champ vs World Champ match-up, with two guys of similar size, speed, and ring work. Edge is a bit bigger, taller, and has more experience in a WWE ring in high-pressure situations. I guess, since you've swayed me with your usual dickery, I'll vote for my home-town boy. But I'm not happy about it. :suspic:
Punk is my current favorite wrestler. I absolutely love what he does, both in the ring and on the mic. I would love to vote for him here but I can't put him over Edge just yet.

From his early days in E&C to his world title reigns Edge almost always put on a great show. I fully believe that if it weren't for his injuries he would still be out there today putting on great shows and adding to his list of accomplishments.

Give him another 5 or 10 years and I would be more willing to put Punk over Edge here but as it stands Punk is still in the prime of his career and still has time to accomplish things
Tag team wrestling was Edge's typecast for me. He never escaped that stigma for his whole career. I was thrilled for him when Vince finally gave him the green light to be his own Superstar but I never bought in to it once it was in motion. That may be my problem that I didn't see what others saw in him as a single's competitor but that is what it is and no argument here has convinced me otherwise. Full disclosure: I took some time off from watching wrestling at the height of Edge's success but I kind of blame that on Edge not being a convincing champion for me.

Punk, on the other hand is probably ranked too high in this tourney but still belongs above Edge. He has overcome a lot to become a convincing competitor and someone that deserves a high level of success. His matches with Cena last year are definitely what puts him over the top here.

Edge: Punk (See what I did there? Did ya?)
Before July 17th 2011, Punk never stood a chance in these things. At his peak - and I've said it before in almost these exact words - a scrappy, underachieving face that could conceivably beat most of the roster but conceivably lose to them on another night. At his lowest - in kayfabe terms anyway - a glorified jobber to the stars. He proved that wins and losses don't matter; by losing several hundred matches and still remaining entirely relevant. Like I said, not exactly tournament material.

After July 17th 2011, I'd say that Punk is nearly up there with the Batistas, Ortons and, indeed, Cenas in terms of tournament worthiness. Actually, wait, Ortons? I think that's underselling it a bit actually. Yeah - I'd say he's above Edge.

And I was totally on board with you. I was cheering your name the whole way, which I assume was different that many months ago, I didn't give too much of a fuck to remember. I was lauding your praises in the streets, and Punk's, as well, and lauding that this may be the shot in the arm the business needs to get itself right.

Then, 5 weeks later, the buyrate came in. Punk did about 185,000 buys, 141,000 domestic, about 20,000 buys better than last year.

I want to contextualize that number for a second, because I don't think people are going to get why that isn't so great. It's decent, but nothing earth shattering. For a B Show PPV, I'm sure Vince would have taken. For a B-Show with the hottest angle that the company had in years, and with more people talking about the company than people ever had before, with all of us hardcore fans really wondering what the actual fuck is going on in the WWE? Needless to say, not the best numbers, when you really take the time to contextualize it. Then, we have Summerslam. This is where we find out if the interest in Punk was still there, and whether or not Punk had that same hot hold on the world of Professional Wrestling.

Summerslam came in at a 301,000 buys. It actually did a 14% decrease from the year before. In fact, The Nexus was a bigger draw than the rematch to one of the most important matches in the history of the WWE.

Look, I don't want to completely shit on Punk, because his promos are good. They aren't as good as Edge's, but hey, he tells a good story. Him as a draw is still probably best described as "to be continued". But right now, I'd have to say Edge is still a better draw then he was, I'd say he's a better worker, and he's more accomplished. CM Punk is a good wrestler, and maybe five years down the line, I'll say he's better than Edge.

Just not this year.
I love to say in light of fairly recent circumstances, that this is going to strain me somewhat. But splicing through false praise and an attempt to heighten my opinion of said superstar in order not to totally alienate the undecided, I know it just simply won't.

Edge is, by championships, the most 'decorated' superstar in the history of the WWE. Indisputable. He's a key figure when you want to consider the landscape of the WWE over the past 5 and a bit years. What is far and away more disputable, is as to how deserving the man is to hold such a legendary accolade.

I stopped watching wrestling (not a conscious choice, just something I fell out of when I was younger) about 2001 and commenced again in 2007. Ergo I missed a large portion of the rise of Edge and his memorable feuds with John Cena, Matt Hardy and ....? Be sure, I've caught up on those things since and have the information required to make an informed decision. Edge is one of those guys who could just as easily never broken through to become a main event fixture, in much the same way as Christian (who seemed closer to the verge of breaking through at the time of his departure) may never have, and it would have felt justified. Instead, we're in a position where we're talking about the plus 10 time world champion, all reigns which came in a 5 year space more or less. Now, of course he benefited from his gimmick, being the ultimate opportunist surely help him in situation like MITB where he successfully captured the title multiple times. So what about the other times?

So, when I judge a wrestler's work I don;t like to consider as heavily their body of work, and more what I can remember them doing like and acting like in and outside of the ring. I remember Edge as a comfortable speaker, but one who's words never shook the audience into a vibrating frenzy. I'll remember him for being a competent worker, for pushing through in matches with greats and not looking out of place, and not for being someone who caught my eye in the ring and made me think 'gotta watch this match again sometime'. I'll remember the guy who had a handful of big feuds in his 10+ years career, but not a guy who stole the show any arena, any match, any segment, ever.

Edge wasn't bad, but he was't great. So then the question is, is CM Punk?

In all fairness now, in not watching ROH, some TNA, the rest of the place where CM Punk made himself an indy household name, I've missed as much of the rise of Punk as I have Edge. My first real recollection from when I began watching are, who is this kid and why is he the WWE champion. And I wouldn't know the answer for a good long while, up until he came to be locked into a feud with Jeffrey freaking Nero Hardy. He went from a little guy with a strange name to, 'WOAH, where's this guy been hiding?'. And it could be argued, as Hardy himself so in-eloquently attempted to, that Punk rode the chants of the fans to an easy spot as a heel, putting Hardy out of the WWE would be destined to get him heat one way or t'other. True. It isn't as simple as that though. People aren't going to buy a story with one good player, doesn't happen. If John Cena was a man on fire, and Lesnar was just a lame duck, even with his accomplishments, the interest would quickly dwindle. Punk took the ball, ran with it and never passed it back.

He practically augmented his own rise to fame almost a year ago now after being put in the dog house with a poorly organized second run of The Nexus, or Nexus light as you may remember it. He tried and tried to do good work, but even the best workman can't make what he desires without the right tools. From the get-go, the group was doomed. They were never going to be the Nexus of old, they contained fewer and more inferior members and served only to act act kicking practice for Randy Orton's right foot. Before that he was pushed into the comfortable SES stable which he did well with, although looking back at how they were booked, it was never meant to be anything more than a mid-card group of brigands, sort of like The Corre but with talented people. Still, he did well there as the commander and managed to maintain belief that under his hairy exterior was rough raw talent, smoothed down to suit what the WWE wished him to do.

Nobody predicted what happened when Punk grabbed a live mic before Money In The Bank last year, but looking back we shouldn't have been half as surprised. What did happen was the month long highlight before the event culminating in a match regarded by many as a 5 star classic, and it proved something as 'The Fire Burns' blared through a speaker set in Chicago. Punk succeeded in doing something that nobody has been able to do, even if only for a few months, since probably The Rock was kicking it a decade ago. CM Punk became, for a little while, mainstream, relevant and mostly important cool to an army of demoralized wrestling fans clinging to hope. The reason being, he is a once in a generation wrestler who had that raw talent from whichever source it happened to be.

Edge was one of the guys in one of the most difficult 'grin and bear it' eras in wrestling history, a time when HHH was still being booked on top despite the majority of people being tired of him but simply having no alternative. That's the brand of competition he was saddled with. Punk did something unprecedented, he bucked the trend. He's, on occasion, sensational in the ring, he probably the guy most comfortable with a microphone of any superstar WWE has, an that may include Cena or Chris Jericho. The Kevin Nash, little sister text line a while back proved that he just isn't afraid to say what he wants or has to, and that he's effortlessly comfortable doing so.

Edge's career could've lasted another five years, it wouldn't have mattered, he just isn't in the same league as the self-made man who captivated the world and will not hesitate to do so again.
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Instead, we're in a position where we're talking about the plus 10 time world champion, all reigns which came in a 5 year space more or less. Now, of course he benefited from his gimmick, being the ultimate opportunist surely help him in situation like MITB where he successfully captured the title multiple times. So what about the other times?

I've criticized Edge on a lot of fronts but this I will never criticize him for. I don't care about his 10 titles in 5 years and how that is a negative. The Rock had 9 in less than 4 years and I've never seen it once held against him so I'm not going to do it on the account of Edge.

Nobody predicted what happened when Punk grabbed a live mic before Money In The Bank last year, but looking back we shouldn't have been half as surprised. What did happen was the month long highlight before the event culminating in a match regarded by many as a 5 star classic, and it proved something as 'The Fire Burns' blared through a speaker set in Chicago. Punk succeeded in doing something that nobody has been able to do, even if only for a few months, since probably The Rock was kicking it a decade ago. CM Punk became, for a little while, mainstream, relevant and mostly important cool to an army of demoralized wrestling fans clinging to hope. The reason being, he is a once in a generation wrestler who had that raw talent from whichever source it happened to be.

Punk was white hot for about a couple of months and then it fizzled out. I remember him saying that he was going to make the belt interesting again. I'm still waiting on it.

Edge was one of the guys in one of the most difficult 'grin and bear it' eras in wrestling history, a time when HHH was still being booked on top despite the majority of people being tired of him but simply having no alternative. That's the brand of competition he was saddled with. Punk did something unprecedented, he bucked the trend. He's, on occasion, sensational in the ring, he probably the guy most comfortable with a microphone of any superstar WWE has, an that may include Cena or Chris Jericho. The Kevin Nash, little sister text line a while back proved that he just isn't afraid to say what he wants or has to, and that he's effortlessly comfortable doing so.

Actually when HHH was being booked on top, Edge was feuding over the IC Title and turned heel. Other than WM 22, HHH wasn't booked on top while Edge was becoming a main eventer.

Edge's career could've lasted another five years, it wouldn't have mattered, he just isn't in the same league as the self-made man who captivated the world and will not hesitate to do so again.

I'm just going to admit it. I've never found Punk interesting. He just seemed to me one of those guys who can go out and have a match and I'll forget it the next week. I may be in the minority with this statement but I don't care: I liked Paul Heyman's shoot on Smackdown in 2001 better than I did Punk's. I just can't invest in the guy and say that I have to see one of his matches. Even though I'm not an Edge fan, I can say that he was entertaining throughout his career. Edge was my favorite wrestler for a period of three years. There are just matches of his I can watch over and over and over and still be entertained. I just can't say the same about Punk.

I'm voting for Edge.
This isn't an argument for either man, really, but too many people want to come in here and completely neglect everything save for the period between Punk's amazing promo and his "return" back to Monday Night Raw after winning the WWE Championship. Look, don't get me wrong, I LOVE CM Punk. CM Punk is one of the best in the business today, and given a few more years of stellar performances, he'll possibly even be seen as an all-time great. The thing is, Punk was a footnote until June 27th, 2011. He had a few World Heavyweight Championship reigns, which largely flopped, and he floundered for the most part. Punk had the talent, he had the ability, he just never seemed to click -- until he finally broke out of his shell and dropped what will go down in history as one of the greatest promos of all time, probably.

Edge, on the other hand, was a solid performer for years. He stole the show even when he was just coming in -- he had a connection with the fans, and while he wasn't yet as good of a wrestler as he would one day become, he was a star in the making. I wouldn't say he ever really floundered, that he ever really struggled in the WWE. There were stretches of time where he wasn't featured heavily on the card, but he always seemed to be reliable. The WWE finally got behind him, as they'd seen the star potential, and he never looked back. Edge became one of the top guys of his era (in his later years), featuring on cards with the likes of John Cena, Undertaker, Batista, Randy Orton. Edge was a bonafide star.

People are shunning his accomplishments because he didn't have that one moment where he absolutely rocked the business. Then again, how many people have had that one moment that almost redefines an era? That speaks volumes to the talent CM Punk has, but ever since that infamous promo, he's been overrated by the IWC. Even I, a longtime Punk fan, have gotten slightly sick of the adoration people have given him, regarding him as a "savior" from today's product. He's had one moment -- give it a rest. If people still regard Punk as highly as they do now in five years, I'll be a happy man. Happy because he'd have been putting on great performances night in and night out for an extended period of time, rather than being adored for a few months of success.

I don't want to seem like I'm making a ringing endorsement of Edge, either. His accolades and all his titles are largely trumped up by the fact that he was, at times, the only guy they had to give the title to. Ever since his retirement, Edge has seen an increase in fanfare just like Shawn Michaels did, maybe even moreso, because Edge's retirement was so premature. Edge was great, but does he really deserve the resume he has? Does he deserve to have all those championships? I can't say for certain, but he's definitely a product of his era, not that there's anything wrong with that.

It seems to me that CM Punk and Edge oddly mirror each other. They're both great performers, but they're at the height of they're fanfare right now, for reasons that might not be entirely legitimate. Both men are being made out to be a lot better than they are, and this is coming from a HUGE fan of both. As such, I'm undecided on who to vote. I've seen good arguments in this thread, but I personally still don't know which way to lean.

In their primes, both men are very closely matched up, more than the seeding really shows. The match would probably be one of the better matches of the tournament, but I just don't know who would come out on top. Both men have been able to huge reactions out of the crowd, both men have provided me with much entertainment, both men put on good matches, both men are very deserving of their successes. At first, I was leaning to Edge, but I realized that this tournament is about determining the better wrestler in their prime -- CM Punk immediately evened the score. Punk has wins over Cena, Del Rio, Hardy, Triple H, Undertaker (less than clean, but still), Jericho, and so on. His resume -- in his prime, which he is still in -- is nothing to sneeze at. Sure, Edge has way more title wins, but CM Punk -- at his very best -- would be a challenge for nearly anybody.

Vote: I just BARELY decided to give it to Edge.
It's funny, of all the matches in this tournament, there won't be any where I've as full an idea of both wrestlers as this one, and yet the way I've voted could have been by reading their Wikipedia and nothing else. I love them both, so I couldn't even just pick my favourite, so I've done it on raw titles won. It's not fair on Punk to simplify it to that, but ultimately Edge has, as it stands, achieved more than Punk, so gets my vote.
CM Punk is the current WWE Champion on RAW, the A-show (a place Edge didn't go often), which means he's effectively the top wrestler, and has been for a while. He's overcome the odds plenty of times already and succeeded in fantastic title defenses against the likes of Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry and of course Chris Jericho (someone Edge couldn't beat). He's also successfully defended his title in an Elimination Chamber match. Let's not forget during the entirety of CM Punk's title reign he's had to deal with interference from The RAW GM, Johnny Laurinitus several times. This has made his reign rather tempestistuous. He's up against not only every wrestler that wants his title but also the establishment, this means that he'll always have to do things the hard way, which can only make his title reign more impressive. I don't believe Edge has ever had such a good WWE Championship title reign.

CM Punk is in his prime right now, actually, he's probably not even reached it yet and he's in a spot Edge could never reach as a heel or face. He's taking on all-comers as WWE Champion and is usually up against the odds. Edge's best times was as a heel where he needed to cheat to win. CM Punk is a clearly better wrestler who beats this type of enemy on a regular basis and more. CM Punk's already held the WWE Championship longer than Edge ever has and would do what he does best which means overcoming the odds and winning. CM Punk dominates in every aspect of their match in the ring and hits the GTS after about 15 minutes.
Well.... That was more nut hugging than I ever need to see again, in my life.

People keep telling me CM Punk is the "top guy" in the WWE.... Can someone please tell me when that happened? He's become a top guy, sure. Not that he draws like one, because as I've shown before, Punk's doesn't draw in buys, and if I really have to, I'll show that he doesn't draw ratings either. But he isn't the "top guy"; John Cena is, and will be for as long as he needs to be. Think about it; if CM Punk were the "top" guy, wouldn't he be the one feuding with The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and the like? He's a big deal on Raw, sure, but he's no more the top guy than Edge was when he was in the WWE.

This whole "Punk's the top guy" is an extraordinary crock of shit, that we really need to stop saying. He's a main event guy, in spite of that whole not drawing issue, but he isn't the top guy in the company, and he probably never will. It's still Cena, and after that, it's Orton. CM Punk is currently the fourth best star on the roster, if we're counting Lesnar. If we're counting the part timers, he's even lower.
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People keep telling me CM Punk is the "top guy" in the WWE.... Can someone please tell me when that happened?.

My entire post was kayfabe. In terms of kayfabe, whoever is WWE Champion is the best wrestler (with the exception of legendary part-timers like The Undertaker and Triple H) until there is a new champion. I didn't actually mean that he's the current face of the company, although I'd rank CM Punk above Orton, Cena is number one in terms of importance.
My entire post was kayfabe. In terms of kayfabe, whoever is WWE Champion is the best wrestler (with the exception of legendary part-timers like The Undertaker and Triple H) until there is a new champion. I didn't actually mean that he's the current face of the company, although I'd rank CM Punk above Orton, Cena is number one in terms of importance.

Fair enough. I don't agree, and even if you qare using kayfabe, I don't believe that's any bit true, either. Do you mean to tell me, even in kayfabe, that last year, The Miz was seen by everyone as the best wrestler in the company? Even in kayfabe?

I'm sorry, but if you really believe Punk is above Orton in terms of stardom, I don't know what to tell you. I may not like that he's stuck working with Kane, but at the moment, Orton is far and away the biggest star on Smackdown. Just because they put the title on him, doesn't mean Punk is even close to being the top star of the company.

By the argument you've placed, by that I mean a completely kayfabe one, I'm in line to say Santino Marella is the #1 Contender to the Raw Title, because he's the US Champion (Always the way it was, in kayfabe). And, if I might ask, how many of the PPV's in which Punk has been champion has he actually main evented the show?

I'll give you a hint: One-a-show. He headlined TLC. Other than that, The Rumble main evented Royal Rumble (totally understandable, I will admit), Cena and Kane main evented EC, Rock and Cena main evented Mania, and I will bet you cash money that Brock and Cena will headline Extreme Rules.

Don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like a top guy, even in kayfabe
Tough Pick.

You got my favorite (since late 2007) in CM Punk vs. The guy I think should win it all in Edge. I have to go with Edge because he has done more in and for the business then Punk has, so far anyway. Punk hasn't reached his peak yet, and it is still to early in his career to beat a big name in the Tournament.

Punk may very well be a future WZT Winner, but he cannot beat Edge here and now.
Lets look at this:

Who was booked clean over Cena for the belt? Not Edge. That is a big thing for Punk. He might not have as many titles as Edge, but that win over Cena is something few can claim. Edge was a thorn in the side of Cena, but Punk had the better storyline. Hell I dare to say, he brought out the best in Cena. Historic situation. In my opinion, better than the Cena\Edge battles.

2 MITB wins- Punk. Edge won the match once and beat Kennedy for his second breifacase. The advantage goes to Punk on that accolade being the real 2x winner there. Remember when Punk cashed in on Edge? Magic moment right?. Edge, the ultimate opportunist, was bested at his own game by Punk. He even beat JBL the same night he won. That was also something Edge never did, cashed in and defended in the same night.

Edge is a HOF guy and a legend in my eyes. Those eyes were brought to tears upon his retirement. Those same eyes witnessed the biggest star in this business today (Cena) get his ass handed to him by Punk. A match with so much on the line and it lived up to my expectations, dare I say exceeded them. Edge has never done that for me. He never made me want to buy a PPV because of a feud the way Punk has.

Edge definately has given us big moments and great matches, but this one is a win for Punk. He proved he can beat Edge and excell in a high profile match like this. Edge may be sneaky and great at playing dirty, but Punk is very smart; tricky and talented enough to back it up. He will hang toe to toe with Edge, probably take a spear or two, but will come out on top. They are very evenly matched but Punk will use his kicks and great submissions to his advantage here.

Edge stops Punk from hitting the Elbow Drop and goes for a superplex. Punk battles and hits a Pepsi Plunge but Edge kicks out. The crowd erupts. Edge sets up for the Edgecution but Punk reverses into the GTS. Edge slinks out and pushes Punk to the ropes for a rebound spear; but eats a boot to the face. GTS attempt again, reversed into the Edge-o-matic. He sets up for the big spear. Punk gets up and dodges sending Edge to the turnbuckle face first, he turns around right into Punk who hits the GTS. Punk jumps on him and applies the Anaconda Vice.

Edge taps after a 30 minute war. Punk moves on.
Think about it; if CM Punk were the "top" guy, wouldn't he be the one feuding with The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and the like? He's a big deal on Raw, sure, but he's no more the top guy than Edge was when he was in the WWE.

Well, as a guy that never was even certain to return to wrestling again, Chris Jericho did handpick the guy and came to speak to Vince specifically about working a programme with him. There's also been calls for as long back as, to have him and Stone Cold work an almost self-written programme. There's a good chance Lesnar will working with him later this year. I would argue he's closer, but not all the way, to being THE GUY now than Edge ever managed to achieve.

I'd have to say in terms of how important Edge was to the WWE, the time when he was most significant and dominant is when he was essentially in control of Smackdown with Vicky. In that time he had undisputed high profile battles with guys like HHH, Cena, Big Show and even The Undertaker. Punk's high time has only dawned recently and he has worked a programme with Cena, one with HHH, another with Jericho Del Rio in lesser news, he's feuded with the corporate heel in Johnny Laurenitis.

But the deciding factor is that, we know what Edge has accomplished up to this point, we know the feuds he's had and we can retell his tale word for word is he had to. Punk's career is in it's television prime right now, the chance that he's going to do more and more amazing things is high. If I didn't already think that he was just better, that thought would sway me, because let's be honest, both guys are pretty similar. They both took a while to get to the top and you can't say whether either was or will be THE MAN in the company, but they weren't far away. I'm just basing it off the fact that it took WWE far sooner to give the mythical ball to Punk than the 5 or so years it took them to 'realise' that Edge had what, they deemed, it took. But otherwise, I just think he's better at what he does, heel or, evidently, face.
Fair enough. I don't agree, and even if you qare using kayfabe, I don't believe that's any bit true, either. Do you mean to tell me, even in kayfabe, that last year, The Miz was seen by everyone as the best wrestler in the company? Even in kayfabe?

Well yes. Isn't that why it's frowned upon by everyone when a heel that cheats to win is WWE Champion and must be acknowledged as such?

I'm sorry, but if you really believe Punk is above Orton in terms of stardom, I don't know what to tell you. I may not like that he's stuck working with Kane, but at the moment, Orton is far and away the biggest star on Smackdown. Just because they put the title on him, doesn't mean Punk is even close to being the top star of the company.

CM Punk regularly receives louder pops than Orton and just beat Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXVIII, where Orton lost to Kane, clean. Being the number one name on Smackdown doesn't necessarily make him bigger than the WWE Champion. Holding the most prestigious championship in the company and holding it for as long as CM Punk has surely puts him up there for the moment.

By the argument you've placed, by that I mean a completely kayfabe one, I'm in line to say Santino Marella is the #1 Contender to the Raw Title, because he's the US Champion (Always the way it was, in kayfabe). And, if I might ask, how many of the PPV's in which Punk has been champion has he actually main evented the show?

It's not that way anymore. I thought that was rather obvious.

He's only wrestled in four PPVs since becoming WWE Champion for the second time, two of those was the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania XXVIII. Rock v Cena and the Royal Rumble was always going to headline, no matter who was WWE Champion.

I'll give you a hint: One-a-show. He headlined TLC. Other than that, The Rumble main evented Royal Rumble (totally understandable, I will admit), Cena and Kane main evented EC, Rock and Cena main evented Mania, and I will bet you cash money that Brock and Cena will headline Extreme Rules.

It's not his fault that names as big as Brock Lesnar and The Rock have featured since the beginning of his second reign. Orton and Edge would not have managed any better. The only PPV he didn't and maybe should have headlined is the Elimination Chamber. Even then though the number one star in the company was involved in a great feud with the returning masked Kane and CM Punk was in match with five other wrestlers.

Don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like a top guy, even in kayfabe

Being the WWE Champion for as long as CM Punk has been doesn't make you a top guy, in kayfabe. Now that just sounds silly.
For me, this is Edge's match to lose. Why? Because these two have faced off before, and Edge has picked up clean victories over Punk. For all the crying that Edge needs "Ultimate Opportunities" to beat Punk, he hasn't in the past. \


Granted, Edge was the World Champion here, and Punk had just lost the ECW Championship. This was 2008, and Punk was just 2 months away from winning his first Money in the Bank match. You would figure he would lose in dirty fashion, but Edge reversed a Punk mistake, hit the speak, 1,2,3, in the center of the ring.

But LSN, that was 2008! Punk had yet to win a World Championship, and Edge was an 8 time champ. Well, they faced off in 2010, where Punk at this point was a former three time World Champion.


Again, Edge with the win here. Granted, it was by DQ, but that was only due to Riley and Miz interfering in the match right as Edge was about to deliver a spear to Punk.

Yes, Punk has taken a page out of Edge's playbook, and he cashed ion his first MITB on Edge. But as far as clean victories over Edge in one on one competition? Never happened. Edge has, even as a heel, beat Punk multiple times, and clean at that.

Punk is one of the hottest commodities in the company right now, but let's not pretend Edge as a top face lost much. For all the complaints of Cena never losing, neither did Edge much in single's competition, even with the deck stacked against him. His feud with Ziggler is proof of that. This would be a helluva war, between two incredibly intelligent commodities. As faces, both rarely made mistakes. But Edge has had Punk's number before, and one can't help but wonder if that doesn't weigh on Punk's mind just a little bit.

In the end, I see Edge avoiding the GTS, bouncing off the ropes, and hitting the spear out of nowhere for the pin. Give Punk another year and I could see him possibly beating Edge, but not right now. Edge is simply the better man, heel or face.
I'm going for Edge here for the simple reason that I've enjoyed his work in the WWE more than Punk's. When he was tagging with Christian against the Hardyz and Dudleys, I enjoyed it. When he won KOTR and InterContinental gold and breaking from Christian, I enjoyed it. When he had to leave for a while due to injury, I didn't enjoy it. When he came back, acted like a super dick, won his Money in the Banks, messed up Cena's life etc, I simply enjoyed it more.

Punk over last summer was great, but since October-ish I've just not been as fussed about catching what he says every week. Some of his SES stuff was pretty good and at times quite under-rated, but when he had been WHC before it just never totally clicked for me.
This is another tough one and it’s too bad we didn’t get a long program with these two. I think CM Punk entered his prime in 2011. If Edge were still able to compete today I think he would be on the losing end of a feud with Punk this summer. Edge has a better resume. There’s no doubt about that but his career is over and CM Punk is just getting into his prime. If you take Edge’s resume from 1998-2004 it’s not as good as Punk’s from 2006-2012. And that’s not counting anything Punk did prior to WWE. I know some people here are arguing that Punk is not the top guy right now but it’s not like Edge was ever the top guy either. I think the CM Punk of 2012 would beat the Edge of 2005-2010. Realistically they would probably trade a lot of wins and losses but I think Punk would get the last laugh.
I am gonna have to go with Edge, i think it is a close match up. I think Punk could win for sure but I remember watching Edge & Christian vs The Hardy's on Raw and on PPV's. (throw The Dudley's in there) They werent the top guys of the company but they damn sure put on the best matches.
I am gonna have to go with Edge, i think it is a close match up. I think Punk could win for sure but I remember watching Edge & Christian vs The Hardy's on Raw and on PPV's. (throw The Dudley's in there) They werent the top guys of the company but they damn sure put on the best matches.

Using his TLC matches with Christian/Hardys/Dudleys is a cheap excuse. CM Punk deserves to win this based off the fact like may have said before Edge never reached the point where Punk is now. Not even as a heel. I like Edge and all but I can't remember there ever being a time where he as important as Punk was this past summer. I also think Punk is a better heel than Edge.

Punk gets my vote.
This may be a year too soon, but I am voting C.M. Punk.... barely. It is a shame that this one couldn't happen in real life post-C.M. Punk shoot. I'm practically salivating over the potential of a heel Edge going at it both in the ring and on the mic.

In the end, kayfab wise I see Punk going over in the match. Punk portrays and intelligent face (something pretty rare if you think about it) and I think that really hurts Edge as he usually can pull a fast one on an unsuspecting face. Don't see that happening in this match up and Punk advances in a fantastic match/build.

Vote Punk. Barely.

P.S. I am unable to vote on any polls. Is that because I have no posts and just read? I can start posting more if it gets me a vote :)
This is the toughest one so far. I feel that this answer five years from now could be different, but for now I have to vote Edge. Edge was a guy who has had memorable matches all the way back to when he was in a tag team with Christian.

From 2006 until he retired, Edge was one of the top guys in WWE. He was a great heel, and he eventually became so popular that they had to make him back into a babyface. The facial expressions, the storylines, the matches, CM Punk is the man, but I have to give the vote to Edge in a long 30 minute match where Edge hits that spear to win.
I have to go with Edge. Edge has achieved more than what Punk has currently achieved. Punk may achieve much more in his career, but that is a discussion for the future tournaments.

Edge has beaten much bigger stars as a champion than Punk. Edge has beaten the likes of Undertaker, Cena, Batista while Punk has beaten Jericho, Miz , del Rio. As for the fact that Edge did not beat these guys cleanly, neither would Punk. Also, Edge's gimmick was 'The ultimate opportunist', not 'The unstoppable monster'.

Winner: Edge

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