WCW Region, Houston Region, First Round: (6) Edge vs. (27) Pat Patterson

Who Wins This Match?

  • Edge

  • Pat Patterson

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Turn Bayley heel
This is a first round match in the WCW Region, Houston Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Toyota Center, Houston, Texas



#6. Edge



#27. Pat Patterson

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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Edge may be the winner of it all this year, and he certainly wins this one for me. Edge has done it all in the wrestling business, and defeating this legend would be another mark on his record. Edge can nail Pat with the Spear and bring home the victory.
Pat Patterson was good but Edge was an all time great in the last 5 years of his career he went from 0 world title wins to 11 world title wins.
I think Edge wins this match regardless of stipulation, but the fact that weapons are allowed just tips the scales even further in his favor.

Edge is simply better in Pat Patterson in every category you look at, except maybe being a gay man in wrestling, but he might even have Patterson beat at that (I see the way he and Christian look at each other, there's love in them eyes).

But seriously, Edge has the championships, the matches, the wins over the biggest names in the business, and the overall ability to put Pat Patterson down for 3. Add in the fact that he can use his beloved chairs, and this match just screams Edge victory.
Edge is facing a tough foe in Pat Patterson. But Edge has many more tools to his arsenal seeing as it is the ECW promotion. Edge is tough as nails and has proved this by beating Mick Foley of all people in a hardcore match. Name any match where the rule book is out the window, and Edge will take any all advantage he can take to beat Pat.

Edge wins this.
Edge, by a wide margin.

Patterson is thought to be something more special than he actually was... or so my uncle tells me. Obviously I wasn't around. I've seen somewhere between one and two dozen PP matches, and they weren't anything to write home about. Most importantly, he isn't a threat.

I'm not a big Edge fan, but he's too big, too strong, too fast and too agile for Pat. Just too much...

Edge wins.
I've been mostly voting for the older guys this year not by a rule of thumb but just for the fact that they've been the better choice but this time around it's the Ultimate Opportunist. Pat may be the greatest IC Champ or something but Edge has everything else.
Edge.... this is ecw region with ecw rules, while pat patterson was good in his day, he can hang in hardcore, edge can... ask mick foley
Edge has more accolades and is awesome under extreme rules. The Ultimate opportunist picks his spot and takes this one with a spear
Definitely Edge's game here. Some people might've had something to say about it had this not been in ECW under ECW Rules, but it isn't. It's going to be hardcore if Edge is around and he's gonna win it. Spear through a table that's extravagantly placed somewhere leads to the win for Mr. Copeland.

JS votes Edge
Edge for the easy win in this.

Edge is synonymous with Tables, Ladders and Chairs so would feel perfectly at home in an Extreme Rules match, Patterson would be completely out of his comfort zone in this one.

Edge has the advantage in speed also, and would win this one pretty comfortably. He has beaten bigger and better than Pat Patterson and I have no doubt that he would win this match and move on to the next round.
It's not about title belts, or how long they held them. It's about simple facts, I've seen edge go through burning tables, spear people off of a ladder, put his body through hell. Ecw would have had a great star in Adam. His Tables, ladders, and chairs tag team matches scream out on their own.

I see this match winding down with a spear, and a one man Con-chair-to to end it, with a message to the rest of Ecw region. Edge is here.
Yeah, I am inclined to go with Edge here too. The fact that it's the ECW region is important here. If this was in another region, where it would a straight up wrestling match, I would be tempted to go with Patterson for the early round upset. But, between the two, Edge is far more prepared and comfortable in a hardcore style environment, having participated and excelled in many hardcore type matches. Edge's experience in hardcore/specialty matches gives him a clear advantage here.
In WWE, I'd make a case for Patterson. He was a solid wrestler, but he's no Edge, and couldn't handle these stipulations as well. Edge would wipe the floor with him, weapons or not, throughout the arena. His career speaks enough for him here. Patterson was the original IC champ, but Edge held the belt many more times, as well as practically everything else.
The fact that the match takes place in ECW only reaffirms that Edge takes it easily. On top of having the better resume, Edge was also one of the most intense wrestlers I have ever seen. The guy nearly killed Mick Foley at Wrestlemania in an extreme rules match and every single time I watched Edge wrestle, I got the feeling that he truly wanted to hurt somebody. With this match taking place in ECW, he has that chance.

I'll admit, I don't know as much about Patterson as i'd like, but from the few matches I have watched, nothing has stood out to me which would indicate that he has a chance at beating Edge in ECW. Edge advances and fairly easily at that.
Patterson is arguably the greatest Intercontinental Champion in history and a fantastic technical wrestler, but as many have stated here, this is ECW, and Edge would have thrived in ECW. Between helping innovate the TLC match, spearing Foley through a flaming table, trading brutal spots with Jeff Hardy, and actually winning in an ECW ring at ONS 2006, Patterson stands little chance, especially if it's heel Edge, who wouldn't hesitate to use every weapon at his disposal quickly and frequently.

Vote Edge.
Edge would win this. When it comes to gimmick matches, few have achieved what he has in that department. When it comes to winning world titles, few have achieved what he has in that department. When it comes to beating the biggest names of his time, well a few match that too, but Patterson is in none of those groups. Edge wins.
A combination of far more major singles reigns and experience in every conceivable hardcore environment means that the first ever IC Champ is simply stranded in the first round as the 'Ultimate Opportunist' eases into the second.
Edge will obviously win this. Its not eve fair. Edge just retired. And not a whole lot of people know much about Pat today. Which is kind of a shame honestly. But even though, i hate to go with my own stereotype, I pick Edge.
I voted for Edge and I figured he would win but I'm a little surprised by how much of a blowout it is. Anyway, Patterson was kind of a workhorse and was the first ever IC champ but he never made it quite to the top. Edge worked his way from the tag division through the midcard and eventually became a main event guy. He excelled at everything he did. Honestly I do find him to be a little overrated but he gets by Patterson.
This will be and should be an absolute blowout.

We have Edge: an 11 time World Champion, 14 time Tag Team Champion, 5 time Intercontinental Champion, 2001 KOTR Winner, 2010 Royal Rumble Winner, 2 time MITB Winner & brand new member of the WWE Hall of Fame.

We have Patt Patterson: 1st Intercontinental Champion, 1 time AWA World Tag Team Champion, 25 NWA Regional Championships & WWE Hall of Famer

Both guys have had memorable careers but, let's face it, Edge is just someone that reached a level that Patterson could have never reached in his wildest dreams. Edge was involved in so many great feuds & matches, gave fans so many incredible moments and won more major wrestling titles than damn near anybody of his generation. Edge takes this and takes if pretty easily.

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