WCW Quarter Finals: Triple H vs. Randy Orton: Steel Cage Match

Triple H vs. Randy Orton: Steel Cage

  • Triple H

  • Randy Orton

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Game Triple H vs. The Legend Killer Randy Orton

The Following matchup takes place in Atlanta, GA, in the Georgia Dome. The ring is on the same level as the entrance ramp.

Steel Cage Match: The ring is surrounded by a WCW Style steel cage. The winner of the match will be the first one to score a pinfall or submission. Plus victory can occur with an escape from the cage either over the top of the cage or out the cage door.
I can't possibly imagine the game not moving on. He's just better than orton in all aspects. He's a natural evil wrestler, with the cage working perfectly if he's in cerebral assassin mode. Even in face mode the game is superior, not to say orton's bad. HHH in a match never really in doubt, in about 12 minutes.
This should have been Orton vs Andre. Legend Killer vs TRUE legend. In a cage. But no, you mainstream marks had to send HHH ahead and this is the result.

HHH wins in a formulaic HHH vs Orton match. It's a good match, but the idea of the Orton vs Andre fantasy overshadows what this match is. I hope HHH blows a quad on his way out of the cage.
Orton doesn't stand a chance in this. Triple H has way more experience in cage structures and has beaten Orton on numerous occasions in the past. It should be a good 15-20 minute battle with Triple H winning with the Pedigree.

Originally posted by IrishCanadian25
This should have been Orton vs Andre. Legend Killer vs TRUE legend. In a cage. But no, you mainstream marks had to send HHH ahead and this is the result.

Lol, if this was Orton vs Andre, it wouldn't of been a dream match, it would have been a total massacre. Andre will tear Orton apart, limb from limb in a cage match because Randy will have nowhere to go and he does not have enough strength to keep Andre down long enough to escape the cage.
Well the 15 year olds got their way and HHH went over Andre. I feel bad for all of you that have never seen Andre wrestle outside Mania. Oh well, your loss. Enjoy Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Kennedy.

This match will be a solid 20 minute cage match with HHH being the clear winner. Orton's run in this tourny has been about on par with his stature.
Agreed. The stipulation favours an already favourable Triple H, and there'll be literally no escape for Orton. Hopefully Triple H will yet have his lesson taught to him, but for now we'll have to make do with him teaching Orton his. Lesson one: he won't be winning this unless the cage gives way when the Legend Killer is tossed into it for the umpteenth time. And so it came to be, the Game buries another star.
Triple H is only entertaining in gimmick matches. Orton would carry his ass to a half decent cage match. But would lose at the final hurdle. Instead of escaping out of the cage. HHH would Pedigree Orton and pin him. Thus making himself look far more dominant.
Triple H in a cage is dangerous to almost everyone. Randy Orton simply has no shot at all in this match. This match is about as one sided as it gets and the Game moves on with relative ease. This is going to set up a rather intriguing matchup next round with Hogan vs. Triple H.

One guy is a guy that smarks think ruined the business, while the other guy is the guy that ruined the business.
Not much to say here one of the easiest ones to pick I go with trips. He will use Orton face as shredder. Trips advances after making Orton look good for 16 or 17 minutes.
Pretty much a walk for trips here, honestly, and not a very exciting one at that. Orton would never go over Trips in a cage, not ever. The particularly brutal setting benefits trips, as he has defeated the likes of Mick Foley in HIAC, and carried Batista in the same match (the only reason Tista wins is becuase they were in the process of making him. I doubt it happens now.)
If Triple H doesn't beat Orton in this match there is something wrong. Like someone said above me, Triple H looks pretty good in gimmick matches and this looks like 2004 with Triple H going over Orton once again. Triple H wins by pedigree in 12 minutes.
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