Watching Breaking Bad

I never cared for you. But lately, it seems like you've embarked on a one man race to the bottom.
Into season 3 now. Just want to ask if anyone found the lack of a background score a bit unsettling. I mean, some music would be nice during the dramatic moments.

Why is it unsettling? I find it to be cheap, at times, as movies/TV rely on background music too much, which can distract rather then enhance. I know that in the most dramatic moments of life, instrumental music is the last thing to pop into my head.

Are you simply not that high on BB, or do you critique such things with even your favorite shows? Seems like nitpicking here.
Not nitpicking and I'm certainly not trying to find fault with it. That is something that I reserve for when I have watched the entire season, as you can see from my reviews of the previous 2 seasons. ;)

Just mentioned it because I noticed it.
If you want unnecessary music, Sons of Anarchy is the show for you. I love it dearly, but fuck off with the unnecessary montages of everyone going to bed to Katey Sagal's horsehit music.

Really liked BB's ending.
If you want unnecessary music, Sons of Anarchy is the show for you. I love it dearly, but fuck off with the unnecessary montages of everyone going to bed to Katey Sagal's horsehit music.

Really liked BB's ending.

It wasn't complicated, it just simply fit. Fantastic job of bringing closure to every open plot line, and just about every character as well. The other thing I really liked is the show assumed its audience is intelligent, so they didn't spend too much time doing Paint-By-Numbers with the closing angles.

Katey Segal is fantastic in S.O.A., and just about everything else she does, but I've never been able to get into S.O.A.
Good to hear. I judge the quality of the shows I watch almost exclusively through your opinion.

That probably sounds sarcastic, but I assure you it's not.
LOL. The criticism makes me feel that Breaking Bad has been deemed as holy scripture.

Anyhow, it's just a minor thing. Plenty of good shows make a great use of a background score. Just started on House of Cards, and it uses background music fantastically.

Speaking of Dexter, can you imagine how anticlimatic this scene would be without the music.

Subverting expectations is a no-no for you. So is using silence to build tension and atmosphere. Got it.
It works sometimes, I'll give you that. Like in 3x02 of BB, when the creepy bald brothers are sitting in Walt's room while he's having a shower. Great scene, that one.

No wait, Walt was singing, so that may have worked as background music for me. Different folks, different strokes, I guess.

Anyhow, what do you think of House of Cards, Coco? I think it's fantastic, though mainly for Spacey.
Needing background music to tell you the scene is supposed to be tense is as insulting as a laugh track.
I just finished the third season. It's the first great season that the show has had upto this point. The first 2 were OK, but I watched them mostly because the show was supposed to be good, rather than liking what I was watching. The 3rd season makes you want to watch what's coming next, aside from being great in itself.

I think Skyler finding out about Walt made a huge difference to the story. Tuco's cousins were great characters and the whole story culminated in a very good showdown in 3x07. The other high point was Jesse finally getting to know about his buddy's death. That was the moment that I started rooting for Jesse.

One question. In the final episode we come to know that Walt was working for some company and doing well for himself even when he was with Skyler. I was under the assumption that Walt became a high school chemistry teacher immediately after breaking up with Gretchen and leaving Gray Matter. But it seems that he had moved on just fine even after he left Gretchen. So how did he end up as a chemistry teacher? Has that question been answered in the show?
I just finished the third season. It's the first great season that the show has had upto this point. The first 2 were OK, but I watched them mostly because the show was supposed to be good, rather than liking what I was watching. The 3rd season makes you want to watch what's coming next, aside from being great in itself.

I think Skyler finding out about Walt made a huge difference to the story. Tuco's cousins were great characters and the whole story culminated in a very good showdown in 3x07. The other high point was Jesse finally getting to know about his buddy's death. That was the moment that I started rooting for Jesse.

One question. In the final episode we come to know that Walt was working for some company and doing well for himself even when he was with Skyler. I was under the assumption that Walt became a high school chemistry teacher immediately after breaking up with Gretchen and leaving Gray Matter. But it seems that he had moved on just fine even after he left Gretchen. So how did he end up as a chemistry teacher? Has that question been answered in the show?

I believe Walt talks about it with Jesse in the 4th season.

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