Was The EV2.0 Faction Completely Pointless?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now I'm still big on TNA. Some of the storyline's right now are really intriguing me, including Ken Anderson's return and Jeff Hardy's gimmick.

But one of the storyline's that just didn't seem to pan out was the reforming of the old ECW guys. EV2.0 were bought together on the back of the HardCORE Justice PPV and were plunged into what looked like a main event feud with Fortune. Many people were up in arms about the fact that these guys had just come in and were taking up TV time that could have gone to younger/better performers. Now I'm not going to get into that argument, but in the months that have followed, the entire group seems to have combusted. Now obviously, its a mixture of injuries, and contracts being up, but EV2.0 are now represented by Tommy Dreamer and RVD, that's it.

My question is, was it worth it? Sure it got Fortune over a little, but everyone knew that EV2.0 were for enhancing Fortune's grip over TNA wrestling. What was the point of EV2.0 and could we have done without the two month on and off feuding between the two factions? Could TV time have been given to more deserving talent? Your thoughts?
EV 2 IMO was a bust. I wasn't a fan of it to begin with and the way the group panned out, I seem to have been right to hate it. Hardcore Justice was no where near as good as One Night Stand 05 or 06. Everyone involved except for Dreamer and RVD are already gone from the company. As stated above, they basically served as jobbers for Fortune. EV 2 was just another case of Dixie wasting TNA's $$ and having no clue about anything in the business.
Ev2.0 wasn't nothin but a filler story where crazy old guys were made to bleed and blast each other with ridiculous chair shots. And what's the reason for it? 1 word. Spotfest. It was a bland story to say the least and TNA just needed suthin to fill a couple of the many holes they have in their booking.
I my opinion it was a completely failure, waste of time, and killed so many storylines that were forming or already running smoothly. Nothing was gained from it but a momentary spike in the ratings and now most of those guys are done with the company and pissed about how the whole thing played out. None of it was needed it all came about supposedly because they failed to bring in Paul Heyman like they were hoping for and thats what happens when you count your chickens before they hatch.
I wouldn't call them a bust, but they certainly didn't mean much. At the end of the day they were a large pawn in the Fourtune angle. They had their own PPV for some reason and then after that they feuded with Fourtune for awhile and then just fell off the map. It wasn't anything special at all for the most part though as it was a nostalgia angle that had been done far better already. I wouldn't call them completely pointless but they didn't mean much at all in the big picture of things.
You're asking two very different questions here — the first being whether they were "pointless", which would reference whether they ever had a reason to exist or not, and the second being whether they were "worth it", which would reference whether their existence was successful or not. The answer, unfortunately, is not the same for both.

Were they "pointless"? No. They had a purpose, and they served it (to an extent), though ideally their job should have been to put Fortune over big-time at the Bound For Glory PPV, which obviously didn't happen.

Were they "worth it"? Not so sure. I certainly never would have assembled a stable like that to exist that long, but as a face-stable to combat a rising heel-stable in Fortune, they certainly weren't the worst possible solution, though I seriously doubt they were the best, either — I'd have assembled a "Frontline"-type of pro-TNA/TNA-originals group long before I lead the charge with Tommy Dreamer and his Merry Bunch, but that's just me.
okay okay, I wasn't going to type anything here but then hardcore justice and ONS were brought up. Hardcore justice was mostly for nostalgia feel. If you expected great wrestling, wtf were you smoking? Obviously the energy in the impact zone that night didn't transfer over. Hell people were excited before being let in with 5min chants going on, tribute chants going on, etc. So once again if one expected superb wrestling from these guys at this point then they must've been out of wack. If these guys helped get fortune over then I don't see what the the problem is, I really couldn't see fortune working without that have happening
Honestly Pointless is an understatement. EV 2.0 was a waste of time. The only reason it was used was to bring Fortune into the main stream as they used the ECW Originals to do it.

This was also ment to be a slap in the face to WWE for killing off ECW which was also nothing like that.

EV2.0 was nothing more then a complete waste of time. They should have given TNA originals the time that the ECw crew got.

Again TNA brings in former WWE, WCW, ECW people in order to try and compete with WWE and the problem is that bringing in fired people doesn't exactly help seeing as the best thing TNA had going they stopped doing.

Alittle off topic but EV2. from begining to end. A BIG waste of time.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
the EV 2.0 story line didn't see it self through. Sure it was stupid and pointless and basically just copying what WWE did 6 or so years earlier but it was ended early because of some meeting Mick Foley had with TNA management where he convinced them to drop the story line. Maybe it would have been a little less pointless if it continued till its end but who cares, it didn't even work well in WWE, and they tried it when it was relevant.
EV2 was created for the purpose of bringing in some of the hardcore ECW fans. Bullshit, that never worked. The minute TNA realized that they pulled another Monday Night Wars they decided to throw these guys at Fourtune and have them be filler for the next 3 months.

Honestly, if it wasn't for EV2 we'd hardly see Fourtune wrestle because they were the only major face stable at the time.

It wasn't pointless as far as their feud went, but the idea itself - oh yeah.
The people that say that it was a bust and it was a failure, let me just say that they kayfabed us. They made it seem like they were actually a faction, but they weren't. The whole purpose of that month-long ECW style angle and booking was because Fourtune was going to destroy them all. They couldn't just make the Fourtune group and have them go around, get gold, and all that stuff. They had to do something drastic, and what better than to have six guys destroy 14, and then little by little, have the entire 14 man group turn to 12, then 9, then 5 for a long time, then 4, then 3, and then all of a sudden it's not alive anymore.

It's amazing. If they hadn't had EV2.0 to feud with, Fourtune wouldn't look powerful. They'd be boring as Hell, and it'd be hard for them to be heels.
ZZZZ........Oh I'm sorry. I always fall asleep when wrestling companies try to re-create something that 1)should never existed in the first place or 2) have already run it's course, or 3)simply, who's time has past. With EV2, let's combo platter 2 and 3.

While ECW was perhaps one of the greatest creations ever in the wrestling industry, this storyline should have been called EV5.0; as in approaching 50 years old, so let the concept once and for all rest in pieces.

I loved ECW.............the REAL ECW from the early to mid 90's. This last storyline, was an absolute insult to our collective intelligence. All because Dixie don't get it (ad never will).
The people that say that it was a bust and it was a failure, let me just say that they kayfabed us. They made it seem like they were actually a faction, but they weren't. The whole purpose of that month-long ECW style angle and booking was because Fourtune was going to destroy them all. They couldn't just make the Fourtune group and have them go around, get gold, and all that stuff. They had to do something drastic, and what better than to have six guys destroy 14, and then little by little, have the entire 14 man group turn to 12, then 9, then 5 for a long time, then 4, then 3, and then all of a sudden it's not alive anymore.

It's amazing. If they hadn't had EV2.0 to feud with, Fourtune wouldn't look powerful. They'd be boring as Hell, and it'd be hard for them to be heels.

That's good in theory, although in reality Fourtune isn't a powerful stable at all. They haven't looked impressive in the least. In fact, the whole angle between EV2.0 and Fourtune was poorly executed and ended up a waste of time, because it really hasn't put over Fourtune in any way that's made them look better, look like bigger stars, or look more important in the landscape of things then they did BEFORE EV2.0 came around.

It was all a complete failure, so yes, it was definitely a waste of time to bring back this whole ECW thing. But, that doesn't really surprise me.
That's good in theory, although in reality Fourtune isn't a powerful stable at all. They haven't looked impressive in the least. In fact, the whole angle between EV2.0 and Fourtune was poorly executed and ended up a waste of time, because it really hasn't put over Fourtune in any way that's made them look better, look like bigger stars, or look more important in the landscape of things then they did BEFORE EV2.0 came around.

It was all a complete failure, so yes, it was definitely a waste of time to bring back this whole ECW thing. But, that doesn't really surprise me.

Dude, think about it. They got Foley to leave. That right there is an amazing accomplishment, but I'm not done yet.

Fourtune were responsible for Sabu and Raven leaving. Both are big time fan favorites, and both are retired because of Fourtune. That's the kind of elevation that made Triple H's entrance into the main event scene believable.

Fourtune, on their first attack against EV2.0, took out Sandman, the FBI, and numerous other wrestlers. Definitely made them look strong.

In the midst of all of this, Fourtune were able to actually have matches where they were all involved, as Jeff Hardy, RVD, Abyss, Ken Anderson, and Kurt Angle took over the top spots.

All the while, You get moments tough ass RVD and Tommy Dreamer get annihilated by Fourtune, and you even had Tommy Dreamer job, clean, to a heel AJ Styles. You can't look more powerful than to be a heel and beat someone, clean, with it being the climax of an extremely heated rivalry.
I commented on this briefly in the Rhino thread, but had to pipe in here too. Initially, when first introduced, I marked out for EV2.0. I was like "Hell, yeah!" But quickly I became disinterested in it as a whole.

Number one, Raven and Sabu looked like utter crap, not only appearance-wise, but in the ring too. (Plus, Sabu no-showed a local show I went to so he ended up sucking more to me later on but that's a different story...) The brawls they were involved in didn't look good at all (save Rhino and Richards) and were poorly performed which took away from it.

Secondly, they had their build-up to the "big hurrah" show, was supposed to pop in and have "one last time in the spotlight", which TNA was obviously making a big selling point. Then, after all the good speeches and nostalgic bravado they stuck around, easily wearing out their welcome and giving people a feeling along the lines of Flair's "retirement" where they showed that they were just full of hot air.

And third, I would have to say they waaaaaay overdid Dreamer's mushy "motivational" speeches. Those are only good in moderation, and when you have him coming out every other Impact (or every one, can't remember exactly I ended up tuning him out) it severely lessens the impact (pun intended) that these kind of things are supposed to have.

All in all, it was a great concept but they dropped the ball with it on a couple levels. Hell, if they would have revamped them as I suggested in another thread, trimming the fat (figuratively and literally in the case of Sabu and Raven) and updating their attitude, they could have had more significance. As I said, have them tell Dreamer that his passion was admirable, but times have changed and they're changing with the times. They could have had Dreamer walk to the back as they took over with a more "edgy" attitude, kicking ass and taking names, with a grim and rough feel. They could have been a take no prisoners type of face faction, feuding with Fortune but at the same time not taking crap from the faces as well. Pure renegade faction with Richards as their mouthpiece and Taz in a mentor kind of role similar to Flair who would also do some mic work from time to time. I think that would have worked well, and kept them from being the "old guys coming back for one more run" flash in the pan they turned out to be.

But what do you expect from the former WCW Terrible Trio booking pirates?
okay okay, I wasn't going to type anything here but then hardcore justice and ONS were brought up. Hardcore justice was mostly for nostalgia feel. If you expected great wrestling, wtf were you smoking? Obviously the energy in the impact zone that night didn't transfer over. Hell people were excited before being let in with 5min chants going on, tribute chants going on, etc. So once again if one expected superb wrestling from these guys at this point then they must've been out of wack. If these guys helped get fortune over then I don't see what the the problem is, I really couldn't see fortune working without that have happening

I stopped writing in forums a long time ago because people didn't like my opinions but this one I had to come back with.

I agree totally with what this guy (I forget his name) had to say.

EV2.0 was nothing more than a carney-sideshow circus freak attempt to make money on something that people in a small area of the Northeastern USA were passionate about. So, this is what happened and why it WAS pointless.

YAY! I am Dixie Carter and I run a wrestling promotion. No matter what I try, it always fails. I don't know why.

Because its the SAME thing, over, and over, and over. EV2.0 was completely pointless because it had already been done. ECW was something that was on the fringe of mainstream professional wrestling, what, 10 years ago? You had WWE and WCW fighting it out on Monday nights, and then on Friday, when every 18-34 year old male with a life was out doing his thing and NOT sitting in front of a TV, you had ECW saying "Hey look we bleed more and thats entertaining!!!" (Insert picture of Cactus Jack with the dumb smile and thumbs up right here).

The problem was, it was cool but a complete failure. See, as it turns out, this is the United States of America and not the Ancient Roman Empire, and while its cool to see a dude every once in a while get thrown through a flaming table onto a bunch of thumbtacks, we don't wanna see the gore and bloodshed every week. So, ECW failed.

Enter Vince McMahon, someone who revolutionized professional wrestling and recognized that hey, that WAS pretty cool, and there were SOME people who paid to see it, so I will give it a try. So then we get ECW II: The Wrath Of Vince, and after what, 8 weeks (?), even he was smart enough to realize that all those old ECW originals had beaten themselves up so badly they couldn't work, couldn't draw squat, and were just plain terrible. They were pretty much all gone after a year save for Tommy Dreamer, who just continued to get fatter on that big WWE Salary.

Finally Vince closes ECW II and all those guys are without jobs. Why? Because they are OLD and BROKEN and their entertainment value is ZILCH. Nobody wants to see them.

But for some reason, Dixie Carter decided that these guys weren't done yet, and she brings them in. She even re-named a payperview for them. And again, we see that they are old, broken, and can't work.

I turn on TNA to see things that are new, exciting, and different. What I have gotten in 2010 is old guys with grey hair deciding that no matter what, they deserve that one last shot, a bunch of guys who USED to be extreme but are now just injury prone old farts, and now we have WCW (Wish we Could Wrestle) 2.0 coming out.

Ok, long rant I know. Its been a long time since I posted and I will probably get flagged for spam. Oh well I needed to get my 2 cents in there.

Let the past go, and move on to the future.
The faction wasn't completely pointless when it formed, but it was pointless to drag out their feud with Fortune after Bound For Glory. They had a Lethal Lockdown match at BFG, and Fortune should have won. There is no reason to continue a feud after a match like lethal lockdown. Fortune could have gloated oand the Immortal regime would fire the majority of EV 2 wrestlers. When they dragged on for another month, no one cared that Raven or Sabu were fired.

It was a great angle in the beginning because of Fortune, but it wouldn't have been the same without Fortune's involvement. It really started to go downhill once the EV 2 members starting fighting each other. I'm glad it's over with and I hope Dixie Carter doesn't bring it back anytime soon.
okay okay, I wasn't going to type anything here but then hardcore justice and ONS were brought up. Hardcore justice was mostly for nostalgia feel. If you expected great wrestling, wtf were you smoking? Obviously the energy in the impact zone that night didn't transfer over. Hell people were excited before being let in with 5min chants going on, tribute chants going on, etc. So once again if one expected superb wrestling from these guys at this point then they must've been out of wack. If these guys helped get fortune over then I don't see what the the problem is, I really couldn't see fortune working without that have happening

Go watch ONS 05, heck even 06, those were ECW Style shows in NYC. The chants, the spots, the excitement of the fans were all there. Hardcore Justice was nothing compared to the original ONS. And that had nothing to do with the in ring action. TNA totally shit the bed with EV 2. Fortune was fine on their own they didn't need EV 2 to get over. The main purpose of EV 2 apparently was when Dixie said "Ev 2 was in the 90's what Hogan was in 80's", that line being the reason Hogan formed Immortal, which is a totally other bag of cluster fuck for another day. Dixie thought this would get her Heyman, and unlike the rest of the ****es, Heyman knew better.
The main reason the EV.2 angle ended up being a failure is the horrible booking. First it seemed like it may be a cool storyline with old ECW guys about to invade TNA and being rumoured that they were THEY, only to turn around and have it that Dixie invited them for some reason, which I don't think we actually discovered the main reason why except she respected what they did for the wrestling industry.

So fine, they decide to have a one time PPV to honour the old ECW guys, it wasn't a great PPV, but it wasn't terrible either. As a tribute show it wasn't terrible.

So you figure that would be it, with maybe only dreamer sticking around (as we all knew he was under contract to TNA), but wait they decide to give them one final send off on Impact and let Tommy do a farewell speach. The only problem with them doing a farewell speach was RVD, Richards, Team 3D and Rhino were actually contracted stars of TNA, so we knew that weren't going anywhere. But you figured at least the rest of them were gone after this speach, but WAIT, no Fourtune decides to attack them.

And the reason for attacking them was because Fourtune believed these guys were past there prime (cough cough ric flair) and didn't deserve to be in the company. But if fourtune never attacked the rest of EV2.0 would never have had a reason to stick around, but fourtune gave them a reason to stick around, eventhough fortune didn't want them around (see all very confusing)

And then instead of having a decent faction with EV2.0, Dream, RVD, Rhino, Sandman, Raven and team 3D, and Foley and them some mainly jobbers. Instead Team 3D never really associates with the group, Sandman disappears, Rhino and Raven seem to be stuck in the background.

So do to horrible booking this storyline was doomed from the start
I don't believe that EV2.0 was pointless at all. For me, however, it was simply something that held absolutely zero interest whatsoever.

You ever have a feeling that you KNOW with every fiber of your being that something just isn't going to work? I had that feeling with EV2.0 from the very beginning. To variable degrees, TNA has taken very well known aspects, storylines and stars from WCW and the WWE in an attempt to increase the size of their audience and they were simply hoping to do something similar with ECW. Not trying to slam TNA on that, but it is what it is. The irreverant, outlaw wrestling attitude that made ECW stand out was absolutely nowhere to be seen during Hardcore Justice or EV2.0 in and of itself. In a nutshell, TNA gathered a bunch of ECW alumni and simply hoped that the ECW faithful would simply fall in line despite the fact that nearly all of what made ECW was missing. In 1996, Dixie Carter was the type of person/character that the ECW roster would threaten to pull a train on her right then and there in the middle of the ring if she didn't get out of their sight. In 2010, Dixie Carter comes into the ring at the end of Hardcore Justice and has a beer with all the ECW guys. ECW is so dead that it could be buried half a dozen times over by now and I think that moment proved it.

I'm not a fan of ECW. I think that its roster included some of the most overrated guys of the past 20 years in wrestling but I do understand what attracted its following. During the Monday Night Wars, it was a legit alternative to WCW and WWF but the magic just wasn't there for this.

A huge reason I could never get into EV2.0 vs. Fortune was because Fortune was so far above EV2.0 in just about every way that I just didn't see EV2.0 as being a legit challenge. I wouldn't take a hundred copies of Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, Raven & Sabu for guys like AJ Styles & Beer Money no matter how hard TNA wanted fans to see EV2.0 as this great faction of hardcore greats.

So yeah, there was a point to EV2.0 but it's one of those ideas that might sound good on paper but comes out as crap when it's actually applied. I thought it was bad enough that the TNA roster was shoved aside so that Dixie could feature ECW washouts, has-beens and never-wases in a throwaway ppv but dragging it out for the 3 or 4 months after Hardcore Justice was just a huge failure in my book.
Dude, think about it. They got Foley to leave. That right there is an amazing accomplishment, but I'm not done yet.

Fourtune were responsible for Sabu and Raven leaving. Both are big time fan favorites, and both are retired because of Fourtune. That's the kind of elevation that made Triple H's entrance into the main event scene believable.

You're out of your mind.

The only reason Sabu and Raven were there in the first place was because of this whole horrible angle. Sabu and Raven both looked like hell, couldn't wrestle anymore, and no one took them seriously. Fourtune eliminating three guys who are past their prime, who've aged horribly, and who have can't be taken as credible threats anymore, is not an accomplishment.

You comparing anything about this angle to Triple H's entrance into the main event proves you've either lost your mind or you've been smoking some of RVD's stash.

Fourtune, on their first attack against EV2.0, took out Sandman, the FBI, and numerous other wrestlers. Definitely made them look strong.

They took out a drunk, fat guy and some tiny guys who were nobodies to begin with? Wow, that makes them look incredibly strong.

In the midst of all of this, Fourtune were able to actually have matches where they were all involved, as Jeff Hardy, RVD, Abyss, Ken Anderson, and Kurt Angle took over the top spots.

You mean they were delegated to a mid-card feud while everyone else was elevated high above them and got their spots? Good for Fourtune. They're a great mid-card stable.

All the while, You get moments tough ass RVD and Tommy Dreamer get annihilated by Fourtune, and you even had Tommy Dreamer job, clean, to a heel AJ Styles. You can't look more powerful than to be a heel and beat someone, clean, with it being the climax of an extremely heated rivalry.

It may have been okay if Fourtune had come out and annihilated all of EV2.0 and that was it. That was the end of things. But, from there we got months of EV2.0 lingering around TNA, even BEATING Fourtune on PPV. There's nothing in this entire angle that's finally, thankfully, over that has made Fourtune look strong or impressive.

In fact, it was Jeff Hardy who took out some of the members of EV2.0 and not even Fourtune. Fourtune won the feud with a whimper and they're no better off now then they were before the whole EV2.0 thing started.
The short answer is yes. Whatever purpose you could dream up for these guys, at no point did they ever fulfill any of them. For example, the objective of hard justice was for the ECW originals to leave the business with a last stand of dignity, many felt had been taken away by the WWE's latest incarnation of their once favoured product. They did neither of that, they put on a poor display which wasn't particularly dignified and more importantly it wasn't even their LAST stand.

OK so then we go on and you would expert EV2.0 to be put into a storyline. Well yes and no, they got put into an excessively long-drawn out feud with fortune with very little actual storyline innovations, more random attacks in fact. These culminated in a series of PPV clashes that clogged up valuable time that could have been spent actually progressing the group against real competition.

Seen as the only thing EV2 did was feud with fortune, and they were going to be the ones leaving eventually, their only objective was surely to put fortune over. I'd argue that this was a monumental failure. Having EV2 feud with anyone was a mistake but the future of your company.. Beating them meant absolutely nothing at all, and losing just made them look weak so how could it ever have worked out positively.

EV2 were just bodies with names that they could throw at fortune, at the same time never trying to actually lock these guys into a real feud with a group of current prestige and merit. They ddi nothing for themselves or anybody else they worked with but dilute reputations and prove how desperate they were for a job.
Did they serve a purpose? And did they achieve the purpose of getting Fourtune over? I think there are two entirely different questions in there that need to be answered, honestly.

First off, yes, they had a purpose. They were supposed to have their "feel good" moment in that they got their own PPV at Hardcore Justice. Then, they were supposed to feud with Fourtune, and inevitably put them over.

Did they accomplish that purpose? Yes, and no. They got their feel good moment, albeit at a lackluster PPV. But the real purpose, the one that was supposed to be served, never really got fulfilled. EV2 even went over Fourtune at Bound For Glory, their biggest PPV of the year. It took Immortal picking them apart moreso then Fourtune, and when Fourtune finally went over them, it wasn't definitive, and certainly didnt do Fourtune any favors.

Id love to sit here and say that the better stable really came out on top, and I guess they did. All of them still have jobs, while the the EV2 roster either divided or was fired, but again, some of it was done by Immortal. It took EV2 having the deck stacked against them to be defeated, which should never have happened. If anything, they were counterproductive in that Fourtune came out of it with less credibility then they had before.
Yes, they were pointless. They served no real purpose other than to give Fourtune a stable feud (read: distraction) What's sad is that they could have had so much more use had the roles been reversed.

EV2 should have and could have been effective heels. I just think how excited everyone got when the threat of a real ECW invasion was coming, and the deflation when it was all a bait and switch. I actually wished that rather than Fourtune doing the beating down of EV2 on Impact that faithful night, the sheer numbers of the original EV2 overwhelming the TNA Originals and just taking apart everything would have made a hell of a lot more sense. Why was ECW portrayed as the sympathic guys looking for redemption? Wouldn't they have been massively effective as bloodthirsty, hardcore and vicious heels setting up their flag in a new home to decimate? Even though they would have eventually been beaten, why not leave a pile of bleeding bodies in their wake? Was it too NWO or Nexus like? I doubt it because unlike those attacks, EV2 could have really gone all the way with blood and destruction, and it would have fit right in.

They missed the chance, and now EV2 is simply part of failed TNA lore, if only because they never truly tapped the keg of creativity.
There were only two reasons why the EV2 faction was brought into TNA.

a) Sell the "Hardcore Justice" PPV.

b) Feud with Fortune and make them look better.

On the first of those accounts, EV2 failed miserably. TNA tried to feed off the nostalgia of ECW but they were really just four years too late. I mean the only reason some wrestling fans still mention ECW is to prove that wrestling is all about booking correctly and that even mediocre talent can get over by poor booking.

As for their feud with Fortune, I would say that they have been useful but then again there were so many other ways to make Fortune look good. Bringing in a roster of washed up wrestlers that caused a ripple in the wrestling world more than a decade ago was not the best way. Also Tommy Dreamer pinning AJ Styles, unarguably the most relevant wrestler in Fortune , on TNA's biggest show does not exactly sound like great booking to me.

So yes, bringing in EV2 was completely pointless.

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