Was Chris Jericho WWE's way of taking shots at Kurt Angle?


I'm cool
Months ago on Kurt Angle twitter page there were numerous complaints about WWE wrestlers "stealing" his moves. He said Orton stole the Angle Slam and Jack Swagger stole his Ankle Lock. I for one thought this was ridiculous and a cry for attention from kurt.

When Jericho recently returned, he cut a promo saying Miz talked slow so he copied him and Kofi is a highflyer so he copied him. That's what made this funny.

Was this WWEs interpretation of Kurt Angle being a whiny bitch or is it just a coincidence?
No. This has to do with everyone comparing Miz to Jericho. And the Kofi thing didn't make all that much sense since there were high flyers before Jericho and Kofi is hardly the only one, plus is very different than Jericho.

All you guys gotta stop thinking WWE is constantly taking cracks at former wrestlers. They make it pretty obvious when they want to take a jab at someone, theres no hidden secret on screen jabs being taken that aren't obvious. This is just you and probably a few others getting caught up in your own imaginations.
I really doubt it's a dig at Kurt. Back in WCW Chris Jericho was calling himself "The Man of 1,004 Holds" during his feud with "The Man of 1,000 Holds" Dean Malenko. He's feuding with CM Punk over the "Best In the World" nickname. It only makes sense he would also accuse more wrestlers of copying him.
I'm sure that WWE brought back Jericho because he is an excellent worker, a good draw, and a perfect opponent for Punk.

I highly doubt there is some large conspiracy.
It had more to do with the WWE struggling to find a motivation for Chris Jericho to go after CM Punk. His promo on everyone else was just a way to try and involve the other guys in the match and not make the whole thing about Punk and Jericho. Even though it was.
I see absolutely no correlation to anything Jericho has been scripted to do as part of his character compared to Angles drunken and idiotic sprays on Twitter. WWE have no reason to have anything to do with TNA, they do not acknowledge them on TV. Flair being at the HOF was a Ric Flair thing and nothing to do with TNA. The only talent in TNA that WWE are interested in signing was Sting, but that has been the case since the mid 90's. I wish people would stop looking for things that are just not there. WWE is currently going through possibly the next big phase, I see a huge spike in ratings around the corner with Brock Lesnar back on the scene. Wrestling is slowly starting to be aimed at people older than 8 years old, and when it is ratings will finally jump again. Kurt Angle is a washed up addict with many vices, too many injuries have slowed him down. Now he is officially out of the Olympic race, he can commit to TNA again but he can only wrestle a very light schedule. And considering WWE have no interest in re-signing him, Jericho returning just shows how far better a wrestler and person he is. Comparing Chris Jericho to Kurt Angle in anything wrestling related is laughable. Bcak in the 2000s, yes Angle was one of the best, now he is just a part of the TNA circus
You are so friggin delusional I pity you!

the edit button. Use it, you'll look like less of a moron. still a moron, but still.

As to the TC, I'd say no. yeah, Kurt Angle's a whiney bitch, we all know it. but just because jericho (or anyone, really) cuts a promo of how "this guy copied me" or this guy did that doesn't make it a shot at angle, more like establishing the best in the world debate.

I'd mention the man of a 1000 holds vs a man of a 1004 holds deal, but someone brought it up already
Kurt spouting bs about wrestlers copying him is just his adolescence showing, his insecurities that he’ll be forgotten in WWE history so he takes to twitter then comes up with the most bs excuses for being ratted, cmon!!!

I like the guy but he’s a fn hypocrite he misses out when he took guys moves and used them, but whatever, wrestling is all about taking what worked once before and putting your own spin on it.

Chris's potential is beyond fn believable, WWE wouldn’t waste that on a pathetic ‘fuck you’ to Kurt. Jericho needed to be a heel when he returned. Watch over the evolution of his character, he needed to be the bad guy; he was always more fun, exciting, exhilarating when he was the bad guy.

Punk/Jericho need to be given their respect, WWE built this feud up over time, done it subtlety where if Jericho returned there was a readymade feud there if he didn’t no big deal, but they did it before we realized it, nothing to do with Kurt Angle.
You're really grasping at straws.

I can see where you're coming from, but it's really far fetched. Jericho's promos were very much in his character with his heel persona, and not a rib or reference away from that.

Kurt has this big problem, he's pulling a Tony Schiavone (Had to google check, but I spelled it right first try!) and referencing his competition, over and over again. WWE makes very far and in between references (Kaval's rap with Total Nonstop Action being the only one I will agree was a direct reference), but it's in their best interest to completely ignore Dixie land and just focus on their own product.

Randy Orton did an Angle Slam. HAH that oughta put a lot of butts in the seats.
no. while Jericho is a great wrestler, Angle is in a league all his own because of his amateur background. Swagger is wwe's version of Angle(similar background, similar ring attire even down to the letter "A" being on it) but even with him, you can't take shots at Angle because there is no comparison. they will just come off as lame. Yeah, both Jericho and Angle complained about people stealing their moves. but people using other peoples moves is not a big surprise. Sharpshooter or Scorpion Death Lock, Diamond Cutter or Stunner, Rock Bottom or Bookend, ... It is just an easy thing to rant about.

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