There's not much else to it. Welsh speak English unless an Englishman is present and then they speak welsh,
A fairly accurate assessment. Although if you say "mae'n ddrwg gen i, dydw i ddim yn siarad cymraeg", which means "I'm sorry, I don't speak Welsh" they'll speak to you in English.
which has very little vowels.
Different vowels. W and Y are vowels in Welsh. LL, RH, PH, FF, NG, TH, DD and CH are all single letters, and J, K, Q, V, X and Z don't exist in the language.
I can say that, and I've been there. It's shit, but they have a lovely gift shop.
To TM, I'm impressed. It was a Canadian who thought you'd need a passport at the border, which is literally a sign saying "Croeso i Gymru, Welcome to Wales", so I'm impressed.
Basically Wales was a country, and is now part of the UK. Ulike Scotland and Northern Ireland, it was too shit to stay independant for long and Edward I conquered it. Welsh was banned, and in the Victorian times if you spoke it at school they made you wear a wooden board with "welsh not" around your neck.
For some reason, in the 50s, they let Welsh be taught again, and it got its own capital and everything. In 1997 it got the worlds shittest government ever, but a government nonetheless. They are allowed to make laws on the following:
The environment, as long as it only effects Wales, and not the Irish Sea or England.
That is all.
Welsh people like:
Pot Noodles
Male Voice Choirs
Speaking English with the Welsh language voice pattern
Welsh people don't like:
The English
Being good at anything bar singing and rugby
Speaking slowly or comprehensively
The Conservative Party
Margaret Thatcher
Arriva Trains Wales
Hospitals with one patient a year being closed down