Viscera Set For Main Event Push?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Viscera's transfer from Raw to ECW is going to end up being really beneficial for the big man. He is currently in line for a monster push in ECW.

The idea is to make him a version of the 1980's One Man Gang character in World Class and UWF, where he pretty much plows through everyone because of his immense girth. Viscera's going to be repackaged - the comedy overtones and giant pajamas are going to be stripped from his persona. No more Viscagra and no more Rick Rude-like pelvic thrusts. Basically, "The World's Largest Love Machine" gimmick is no more. He's going to go back to being mean and bad, similar to Mark Henry if you will. The idea is to get him over big, unstoppable monster in ECW, then bring him back to Raw or SmackDown by the end of the year as a monster heel who can headline. This will be similar to what they perceived they successfully did with Snitsky, who is scheduled to mow down undercarders for the rest of the year and feud with Cena in 2008.

Viscera is getting a renewed pushed because he is big guy and not a problem backstage. Dave Lagana, the head writer of ECW, didn't want him on the brand unless he was going to be repackaged because he felt his "Love Machine" gimmick would never get over as a headliner. Furthermore, Vince McMahon liked the idea of Viscera being pushed like the One Man Gang in the 80's. Plus, it's easy to convince Vince to push a monster, even he's failed a few times before, as opposed to a smaller person, even if the person has a history of past success.

LMAO! When I read this I laughed so much I ended up in a pool of my own tears and pee. What is WWE thinking? Honestly, with stuff like this it's a wonder WWE is classified as either "sports" or "entertainment". So, what do you think of Viscera being the One Man Gang of the 21st Century? A complete joke or a genius idea in the guise of a complete joke.

Quite frankly, I think the latter. People might moan about Eric Young/Robert Roode in TNA but seriously, Vince becoming ECW Champion before "dying" in a limo explosion, John Cena laying down wave after wave of that same ol' scheisse, the Tag Team and Cruiserwight Division going into cardiac arrest and now this!? Let's be honest, Vinne Mac's finally lost the plot after all these years.

That was off-topic - sort of - so let's get back onto the topic of Viscera, shall we?
This might actually work out if Vis wrestles good in the ring and gets better mic skills.

Genius! If I was a good interview, and a trained professional wrestler, I'd have a chance to be good if I was better than most of the other guys in the company...

Vis is garbage. They already tried this in 1995. He was built up to be a monster, and squashed by Diesel at Summer Slam.

The guy was never a good worker, but is far less impressive today than he was 12 years ago.

His interview has never been good either.

He might be able to look like a mean guy if they made him change his ghey hair cut, and put him in some wrestling attire that didn't look like an oversized garbage bag.

Even if he looks like the baddest man on the planet, I've seen this before, and I'm not particularly interested in seeing this again.
I disagree with you guys. He's been around in the WWE for a long time on and off, and I like the guy. I liked him when he first came back to attach Undertaker in 04, and I think he'd be a sweet lead heal. Big Show is gone, and the Great Kahli sucks, that makes Visera the legitimate Giant of the WWE.
In my opinion, the WWE needs to stop sacraficing their talent to put over Superman (AKA John Cena) and start giving the guys they have now a decent push so that they have credible main eventers when Cena gets injured from all the works he's doing right now. And Visera is the first step.
His new push may not be the best idea, but how many of you guys actually enjoyed seeing a 6'7" 530lb man that has a blond mohawk, vampire teeth, baby-blue eyes, wears purple pajamas and enjoys humping people...

To me, his gimmick change couldn't have came any sooner
Here's my issue - once you have a big man with a funny gimmick, it's hard to employ that "willing suspension of disbelief" to buy them as a serious monster again. At least not without a good reason. I'll give you a few examples:

1. Mark Henry. When "The World's Strongest Man" showed up, he was pretty straightforward. A face, no doubt, but a strightforward bruiser. THEN, came Sexual Chocolate. He was funny, he was sweet, he was somebody people looked forward to seeing. Then he got hurt, and returned for no apparent reason as a monster again. Since then, nobody cares anymore.

2. Snitsky. He became known as the "It Wasn't My Fault" guy, and was a part of a stable of freaks with Goldust. He has a strange look, but was mean in a comical way, looking to beat opponents and skirt responsibility. Now, he's bald, covered in acne, and destroyes people while breathing and spitting like former WWE failure Nailz. And guess what? Nobody cares anymore...

It has been successful when either a) they never gave the big man a funny gimmick during a face turn (Vader, Yokozuna) or they totally repackaged him beyond recognition (Umaga) but when this new Viscera comes out, destroying mid-carders, all anybody is going to see will be the World's Largest Love Machine.

And nobody is going to care.
Ah, the King of the Ring he won is finally paying off for Mable!

Hahaha, seriously though I really don't mind this push. You people need to stop being so close-minded. If One Man Gang worked in the 80s, why wouldn't a One Man Gang type character in Viscera today work? It's not like they're pushing him as a comedy routine anymore. The guy can work, for his size, and he's great backstage, so what the hell is the problem?

Some of you guys would just say anything to shit on WWE.
I AM EXCITED! I remember full and clear the Attitude Era and believe that Viscera has this coming. Title reign? I could see ECW Title reign. I am actually a fan of Viscera. It might be only because I like Attitude Era wrestlers, (Which is why I got friggin angry about the entire Goldust/SNME issue) but I like him. When I heard he got drafted in the supplemental draft to ECW, I was truly hoping that would mean he would get a push. This, along with Chris Benoit and Johnny Nitro as ECW Champ, actually makes me WANT to tune in to ECW. Plus, it doesn't matter if it is an ECW championship reign, the ECW Championship is considered by PWI to still be a world heavyweight championship, which means that Johnny Nitro is a current World Heavyweight Champion and Viscera might be a World Heavyweight Champion. Im Excited!!!
I like the big Vis push. I think the guy has earned it. Hell, if the Bossman and Hardcore Holly can get title shots, why not Vis. Sure he's garbage in the ring, but I think people expect waaaaaaaaaay to much out of big guys. Undertaker is an exception to the big man rule, but thats it. They fill a roll, thats it. Visc shouldn't be hitting moonsaults and planchas. He is a 400 pound monster that uses his fat ass to squash people.

If you want to complain about Cena and his five moves of doom, be my guest. It's two completely different situations. When Cena does five moves, you can gripe, because with his body, he should be doing a helluva lot more then what he is showing. But to expect Kevin Nash, the Big Show, Vis, Khali, or any other 7 footer or 400 pounder to hit technical moves and such is a bit of a stretch.

Look, the Main Event scene on Raw is a bore, it has been, it will be. There is no sense of direction. If a bunch of chumps like Khali and Snitsky are going to get fed to Cena, then Viscera deserves it as much as them. He has been with the company off and on for the better part of 15 years, give the guy a shot. Don't expect a world title change by any stretch of the imagination.
This could possibly be the best thing for Viscera. Maybe they dye the mowhawk back to black, give him some red contacts, and get rid of the "Glad bag Gear" and he would be very believable, WLLM or no. And, if they do this right, they could have him get fucked over one week, and he snaps, and comes back as the Man-Monster Mabel, and run rough-shod over the competition, finally destroying Johnny Nitro for the ECW world Title
Having Big Vis being pushed as a monster heel is ok by me. Hell as said before here is guy that has been backstage and been with the company "on and off" for the better part of the last 15 years so he deserves it. Hell anytime we see some guy getting a monster push it will lead to him being feud to Cena. Big Vis deserves this as his king Mabel days are gone and he deserves one shot at the gold before he loses. Hell I think he will carry it well and who knows he might get a run as ECW champ anyway you look at it...its ok as in the long he will be fedu to Cena and that all really matters lol
Thank God, finally a monster heel in the WWE! They never have them any more. Why is anyone excited? Except of course because the whole "he's earned it" thing. I couldn't care less if he earned it, it doesn't matter if he's going to make the WWE even less bearable. Then there's the factor that having Viscera rushed in to hold the ECW Title will deprive us of Punk/Benoit, a fued that could actually give ECW some credibility after all this time. Big men tend to be boring in the ring, with only one or two exceptions. There's the Undertaker and Abyss. That's pretty much the only two big guys I'd ever consider watching nowadays. Oh, and of course (God rest his soul), Bam Bam Bigelow.

One more thing, sure, maybe Viscera was slightly big 12 years ago. Who cares? He hasn't done anything important since, just hump some undercarders senseless. And now he's just going to turn up on ECW without his lame gimmick and no one's going to even care. It would seem that every time some real talent has of rising through the cracks, Crazy Vinnie dumps a big fat guy on top of it. Anyone else get that feeling?
Better him then The Great Khali. With a makeover and a manager, he can pull it off. He's had a few entertaining moments.
Personally, I don't see it working. Partially because of the immense change - No More Mr. Nice Guy might just be a promo/turn to many for Viscera. Partially it is because of his limitied in-ring skills and the attempted revival of an old gimmick. The possibility for this revival to succeed is, in my opinion around 25%. His in-ring skills leave much to be desired. He may, in the short term future, appear on a C-Grade show, ECW, as a main-eventer. I'd rather have an up-and-coming talent such as Nitro leading the brand. This gimmick won't last. McMahon will see the light and realise big guys don't always work. Vis' in-ring and mike skills are inadequate and due to this he won't last much longer. It will be a gimmick that will start with a bang, proceed with a pop, and end with a fizz.
I can't see Viscera being a main eventer, let alone mid-card.

Over the years he's just been a lower card squash guy, gap filler, comic relief along with Val Venis.
Not to mention the big target(now that big show is gone) at battle royals or the royal rumble.

I just can't picture it panning out well for him,
I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.
The only reason he would recieve a huge push is because of his size. Pointless in my opinion. Unless there going to use him to get the new ECW champ over. Which I doubt seen as both are heels. I'm honestly unsure of what purpose he serves. I see why can come in hand in Rumbles. Have the superstar you want to look the most impressive eliminate him on his own. But other than that I'm confused as to why they would push him.
WWE creative and Vince have completely lost it. Vis is crap, worse may I add than 'cant wrestle Cena'. A match with him and Cena would, well be as bad as Khali/Cena. Looks like there is no light at the end of the tunnel for us wrestling deprived fans.
I have no idea why they are giving this man a push. He had a push a long time ago and it never worked. I mean he was younger and better in the ring during 1995 when he was the world champion and still sucked. I do not see it work now at all.
I like watching Vis wrestle. I want him to get a push, but I can't see him winning the Worlds title, and I think thats what Vince should be aiming his superstars pushes at, not at feeding them to the already champ just to be tossed around like the crap they started off as. Best Case scenario, they give Viscera this push, maybe even give him a run with the ECW title. When he moves to RAw and gets fed to Cena, maybe he'll have enough cred to go on to win the IC title. I see Vis as an amazing IC champ.
I like the push that he is about to receive.

He's a big guy, has been with the company for over a decade, has no issues. I think he deserves. But I am glad they are changing his image. I didn't like the whole Mark "Sexual Chocolate" Henry thing or the "The Love Machine" gimmick. I see no problem with him being a bad guy running threw people.

I'd like to see him and a couple high power moves to his offense, I don't think he needs mike skills, and hopefully this will lead to a title.
Remember when he returned way back to attack Ken Shamrock and poor Shamrock got too excited and really broke his ankle I think it was. Ol Vis disappeared for awhile after that and he had just returned hahahaha

Anyways I think Viscera being a monster heel on ECW wont be so bad but its gonna take a lot of work to make it believable since he has had some pure comedy roles for years including the stealing of the Sexual chocolate gimmick from Mark Henry and who can forget Men On A Mission WE'RE ON A MISSION!!!

He deserves a push but it will take some serious work to make him believable.
In My opinion, Viscera sucks. Vince McMahon seriously has such a fascination with enormous men. No one can lift them, and the move remarkbly slow. Take a look at Yokozuna. Most of his matches suck, and dont even mention Royal Rumble with Taker'

Vis had his shot, and the fans turned on him, Vis hasnt changed.
He got his push during 1995 when he was younger and better then he was now and guess what? It did not work out at all. A failed try if you ask me. He is no good anymore and Vince seems to think it will work? Do not make me laugh. He is funny as the love machine but that’s about it.

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