RIP- Nelson Frazier, Jr.

TO the OP, do you matter as a fan? I doubt it. Wrestling could do without fans like you, you make the rest of us look bad.

He will be missed. In wrestling you can live for ever, on the WWE Network he will continue to live forever when fans watch his very good feud with Undertaker, and his good run as the heel King Mable, that was really something and ahead of its time back then, he will live forever when people see him as the fun loving Mable from Men on a Mission. Or when he returned to the WWE as Viscera dressed in black, or when he come back for his run as Big Daddy V. The guy managed to have a long 15 year run in WWE, in 1995 he was in the main event of Summerslam for the WWF Title, and years later hes in the Elimination Chamber going for a main event match at Wrestlemania. In Wrestling he will live for ever with more then one important roles in the history of Wrestling.

IN real life, he will be missed. Family and friends are going to miss him, and I'm sure some fans he impacted in life will miss him as well.

I'm happy to say I seen him perform a couple of times in the ring, I seen the heel team of Men on a Mission go again HBK and Diesel, and I was there at the Raw when Mable & Yokozuna crushed Undertakers face. For his height and weight he was amazing in the ring. RIP.
It's completely true: Nelson Frazier wasn't a great wrestler, or even really a great big man in the world of wrestling. He was a stalwart...a mainstay of the WWF/WWE for a good 12 to 15 years, and so he was recognizable in many different roles.

Of course, it's sad when anyone passes away as young as he did, even though it was plainly evident that his weight was a primary factor, no different from Yokozuna.

That all said, the OP is still an asshole with a bad case of Internet anonymity syndrome.
He had an "epic career"?:banghead:

Thanks for reinforcing what I said a few posts prior to yours. Revisionist-history.

Unless "epic career" is just a phrase to be thrown around loosely now.

I'm not going to trash the guy, but let's try to reign it in a bit w/ this over-stating of his contributions to the business.

Exactly man. Next thing you know, tommorow Val Venis dies and half of wrestlezone goes "What an Epic career...on sunday night heat" . And to think of the great abomination of half of wrestlezone chastising me for trying to ask an objective measure of his career. I have been chastised, disgraced, baffled and impeached on this forum. One of the very few intelligent, passionate and articulate wrestling fans around here, brought to a high disgrace by the forum, and all because I wanted objective answers about Nelson Frazier- the wrestler, and "Epic career" is hardly an objective way to describe it.
It's completely true: Nelson Frazier wasn't a great wrestler, or even really a great big man in the world of wrestling. He was a stalwart...a mainstay of the WWF/WWE for a good 12 to 15 years, and so he was recognizable in many different roles.

Of course, it's sad when anyone passes away as young as he did, even though it was plainly evident that his weight was a primary factor, no different from Yokozuna.

That all said, the OP is still an asshole with a bad case of Internet anonymity syndrome.

How am I an asshole? Do you see me laughing ? Did I ever state it desirable or great that a wrestler passed away? If you READ PROPERLY, I begun my OP by stating "RIP-Nelson Frazier, Jr." . You're another one on wrestlezone disgracing and impeaching me, a very passionate CM Punk and Wrestling fan in general, and for what? Because I seek objective answers about a dead wrestler's career? Because I want to weigh his life and deeds? You have no right to yield rough chastisement to a true and honest wrestling fan like me. And calling someone an "asshole" without provocation is scarcely courteous.
Nelson Frazier, Jr. RIP.

Will he be missed? Did Viscera/King Mabel/Big Daddy V ever matter? What's the last time he wrestled an interesting match? When much more mainstream giant superstars such as Big Show and Mark Henry haven't wrestled that many classics(How many can you name anyway?) , where does this man stand? Will you ever go back and watch his "classic" match-ups against the likes of Snitsky, Val Venis, etc. on sunday night heat? Or will you just watch his 2006 "feud" with Charlie Haas with that ring announcer on the line?

Either ways, my opinion remains. I've watched his work as Mabel from 1995-1996. Needless to say, he can do a few moves, that's about it. Body Slam, a super slow punch/chop, and the running splash. He looked quite a lot more obese as Mabel and then Viscera. Had it not been for his huge circus-like body, he would not be working for Vince Mcmahon as a pro wrestler. Lets just say he's what got replaced in 2006 by Khali. And believe me, Khali is a far better wrestler(which in itself is a joke) than Mabel/Viscera ever was. Watch Khali's last man standing match with 'Taker.

Viscera largely played the role of a creepy-looking dude before 2000 and then he vanished. When he wrestled for Raw/Heat in 2005-2006, he had an abomination of a move called "Visagra", which is basically him molesting and crushing the opponent with his 500 pound body for almost a minute. How did that abomination of a move be featured on national television? It looks basically like a ginormous pervert is raping a pro-wrestler in the ring because of some wrestling fetish(Is it likely that this perverted manoevour finds its original spring from the twisted head of one Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon?). In 2007 , he was repackaged and returned as Big Daddy V in ECW. That was most certainly his most memorable and watchable run. Oddity, Largely Unusuable. But RIP nonetheless.

Just because he wasn't as big (figuratively speaking) as guys like Stone Cold or the Rock, Vis always entertained me, whether it was his darker days in the Ministry, or prior to that as Mabel, or later on when he had the Visagra move or even as Big Daddy V. He was an agile big man, like Bam Bam Bigelow was. Imagine yourself getting hit by a spinning heel kick by a 500 pound man. It's gotta hurt more than someone like Xpac doing it.

May he RIP
TO the OP, do you matter as a fan? I doubt it. Wrestling could do without fans like you, you make the rest of us look bad.

How do fans matter? In general? Does either of yours or mine opinion have any impact outside of this forum? Will Vince Mcmahon likely be reading us?

That being said, trying to objectively weigh someone's wrestling career , as a passionate wrestling fan would do, doesn't make me "make you look bad". When there are threads on wrestlezone directly bashing the like so of CM Punk, or The Undertaker, does it make you or I look bad? I doubt it. Everybody with a keyboard these days seems to be bashing someone or the other , most recently I see CM Punk being hated. Does it make you look bad too?

Just because he wasn't as big (figuratively speaking) as guys like Stone Cold or the Rock, Vis always entertained me, whether it was his darker days in the Ministry, or prior to that as Mabel, or later on when he had the Visagra move or even as Big Daddy V. He was an agile big man, like Bam Bam Bigelow was. Imagine yourself getting hit by a spinning heel kick by a 500 pound man. It's gotta hurt more than someone like Xpac doing it.

May he RIP

I agree about the spinning heel kick. It was amazing to look at.
How am I an asshole? Do you see me laughing ? Did I ever state it desirable or great that a wrestler passed away? If you READ PROPERLY, I begun my OP by stating "RIP-Nelson Frazier, Jr." . You're another one on wrestlezone disgracing and impeaching me, a very passionate CM Punk and Wrestling fan in general, and for what? Because I seek objective answers about a dead wrestler's career? Because I want to weigh his life and deeds? You have no right to yield rough chastisement to a true and honest wrestling fan like me. And calling someone an "asshole" without provocation is scarcely courteous.

Calling it like I see it. If Nelson Frazier was that inconsequential and unimportant in the grand scheme of things, then why create a thread at all? No, the guy died, and you are using that as an opportunity to crap on him. What answers could you possibly need? These are opinions. Yours are certainly valid, as are mine. Mine is you are an asshole.

And what does CM Punk have to do with anything? :confused: :shrug:
He had an "epic career"?:banghead:

Thanks for reinforcing what I said a few posts prior to yours. Revisionist-history.

Unless "epic career" is just a phrase to be thrown around loosely now.

I'm not going to trash the guy, but let's try to reign it in a bit w/ this over-stating of his contributions to the business.

Sorry if I used that word to "loosely". I guess since the OP totally disrespected this great man I had speak highly of him the best way I could. I mean Nelson Frazier did more in the 90's than most wrestle's have done currently in the WWE. Sure he has given alot of contributions to the business. He looked out for the younger guys in the locker room. Viscera wasn't just another big black wrestler who came and went. He was one of those figure's who you just can't replace. And I'm sure that he will have a place in the hearts of many within the WWE.

So once again. R.I.P. Nelson Frazier Jr.
Calling it like I see it. If Nelson Frazier was that inconsequential and unimportant in the grand scheme of things, then why create a thread at all? No, the guy died, and you are using that as an opportunity to crap on him. What answers could you possibly need? These are opinions. Yours are certainly valid, as are mine. Mine is you are an asshole.

And what does CM Punk have to do with anything? :confused: :shrug:

Some other dude was chastising me earlier in this thread saying "I'm definitely a CM Punk fan". Anyways, I respect your opinion, but I do not mean to crap on Nelson Frazier. At all. I loved his run as Big Daddy V, but one thing people here are forgetting is that he was never employed nor was an active wrestler for the WWE for 12-15 yrs. It's a grim overestimation.
1995/1996- as Mabel.
June 1998-One night appearance as King Mabel.
January 1999- Debuted as Viscera and was hardly active in 2000.
2004-A few Smackdowns
2005-2007- Raw/Heat
2007-2008- ECW.
2009- Released from his contract.

That roughly translates to 6 active years, 2 of which were spent on sunday night heat, and I doubt he was a major player in 1999, besides being a member of the Ministry of Darkness, which all revolved around Vince Mcmahon, Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin, and to a degree, The Corporation.
Sorry if I used that word to "loosely". I guess since the OP totally disrespected this great man I had speak highly of him the best way I could. I mean Nelson Frazier did more in the 90's than most wrestle's have done currently in the WWE. Sure he has given alot of contributions to the business. He looked out for the younger guys in the locker room. Viscera wasn't just another big black wrestler who came and went. He was one of those figure's who you just can't replace. And I'm sure that he will have a place in the hearts of many within the WWE.

So once again. R.I.P. Nelson Frazier Jr.

What???????? "Nelson Frazier Jr. did more in the 90's than most wrestlers have done currently in the WWE" ??? Do you mean, most "current" wrestlers? So you mean, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, etc. have done "little" in 4 years than Nelson Frazier did as Mabel for 2 yrs and Viscera as a subordinate role for Ministry of Darkness? You're crazy.

Would you also say that Nelson's career in the 90s outweighs even the Team Hell No run of Kane and Daniel Bryan ?
Some other dude was chastising me earlier in this thread saying "I'm definitely a CM Punk fan". Anyways, I respect your opinion, but I do not mean to crap on Nelson Frazier. At all. I loved his run as Big Daddy V, but one thing people here are forgetting is that he was never employed nor was an active wrestler for the WWE for 12-15 yrs. It's a grim overestimation.
1995/1996- as Mabel.
June 1998-One night appearance as King Mabel.
January 1999- Debuted as Viscera and was hardly active in 2000.
2004-A few Smackdowns
2005-2007- Raw/Heat
2007-2008- ECW.
2009- Released from his contract.

That roughly translates to 6 active years, 2 of which were spent on sunday night heat, and I doubt he was a major player in 1999, besides being a member of the Ministry of Darkness, which all revolved around Vince Mcmahon, Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin, and to a degree, The Corporation.

I think all of your points would be better received if you weren't the one to start the thread in the first place, know what I mean?

But in a way, it was a preemptive strike, because had you not started the thread, someone else would have, and there still would have been these over-the-top statements about his career.
I think all of your points would be better received if you weren't the one to start the thread in the first place, know what I mean?

But in a way, it was a preemptive strike, because had you not started the thread, someone else would have, and there still would have been these over-the-top statements about his career.

Haha. Okay. I like your implicative style of saying I should be banished from Wrestlezone or at least should stay away from creating threads. LOL. Anyways I'm glad you're objective and moderate in your opinions and judgements unlike most here. Somebody just stated that Nelson Frazier did more in the 90s than
"most of today's wrestlers currently" or if he meant "Most current superstars have done recently"
Haha. Okay. I like your implicative style of saying I should be banished from Wrestlezone or at least should stay away from creating threads. LOL. Anyways I'm glad you're objective and moderate in your opinions and judgements unlike most here. Somebody just stated that Nelson Frazier did more in the 90s than
"most of today's wrestlers currently" or if he meant "Most current superstars have done recently"

How did I imply that you should be banished, or shouldn't create threads?

I'm the only one sticking up for you to a certain

And I wish i could take back the negative rep i gave on your original post. Reading everyone else's replies has made me not want to be a part of that group.
What???????? "Nelson Frazier Jr. did more in the 90's than most wrestlers have done currently in the WWE" ??? Do you mean, most "current" wrestlers? So you mean, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, etc. have done "little" in 4 years than Nelson Frazier did as Mabel for 2 yrs and Viscera as a subordinate role for Ministry of Darkness? You're crazy.

Would you also say that Nelson's career in the 90s overweighs even the Team Hell No run of Kane and Daniel Bryan ?

Don't try to flip the script on me asshole! I was saying that the man has done more in the 90's then most wrestler's last in the company. Frazier has been King of the Ring, a former WWF Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, and has been featured in movies. You on the other hand just pissed on this man's life & legacy with the things that you said when you posted this thread. I could have done a better job on a thread on the life & death of Nelson Frazier you muthafucka!

Get a life and a job instead defending your silly little bullshit on these forums you prick!
Don't try to flip the script on me asshole! I was saying that the man has done more in the 90's then most wrestler's last in the company. Frazier has been King of the Ring, a former WWF Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, and has been featured in movies. You on the other hand just pissed on this man's life & legacy with the things that you said when you posted this thread. I could have done a better job on a thread on the life & death of Nelson Frazier you muthafucka!

Get a life and a job instead defending your silly little bullshit on these forums you prick!

I understand you're a Viscera/Mabel fan. But calling someone a "muthafucka" on a wrestling forum does you no good, believe me. And, tommorow when Steve Blackman, Val Venis, or D'lo Brown are no more, and I happen to still be here trying to gain some objective insight, please state statistics of them being Hardcore and European champions, overestimate their careers and legacies and justify you mourning so much by calling an objective, passionate and honest Wrestling fan by calling him a "muthafucka". And I'm glad about your concerns for my getting a job and a life. I'm moved. I'm touched greatly.
RIP, big man. I liked Mabel when he turned heel, I just thought his ring gear was ridiculous. I remember being pretty surprised when he beat Taker in the '95 KOTR tournament on his way to winning the whole thing. His push fizzled out pretty quick though after his championship match against Diesel at SummerSlam.

This is a concept that needs to be brought back. KOTR in June with the winner getting a SummerSlam title match.
I grew up more with Big Daddy V than his other personas. I enjoyed watching him in the WWE, he was pretty enjoyable. When someone passes it's always a shame & at the age of 43 it's even worse.
I'd also heard that he was losing weight & wanted to make some kind of return eventually, but obviously we're not going to get to see that. I'll still flick back through some of his matches now & then.
The OP is clearly just a lonely kid looking for attention....more obvious now that I see him replying to any post about him trying to defend his disgusting post.

Not trying to be a dick but I can just tell he's a CM Punk fan just by the way he has no problem disrespecting this guy simply because he personally wasn't a fan of his in ring work and charector within a scripted TV show....if it's not some tatted up 16 year old lookin crybaby it's shit right dude?

It's short sighted little shits like him who think "oh he was never a main eventer he doesent deserve any kind of sympathy or recognition now that he's dead" that just need to GTFO and don't come back...go watch TNA....go watch ROH....leave WWE to the compassionate and level minded people who can appreciate any wrestler they were entertained by.

Now like I said originally have fun living in your mommy and daddy's basement I'm sure they would be so proud if they saw this thread you made and saw that your useing your time wisely.
I'm not gonna miss Mabel. I didn't see anything from him that was special except for his brutal physique and perhaps his King of the Ring victory. I did watch him during the 90's as part of Men on a Mission, and I thought the stable was cool at the time. I didn't watch much of his work as Viscera or Big Daddy V. For me, he didn't leave a big impact on pro wrestling as memorable as Bam Bam Bigelow or Big John Studd. Nevertheless, rest in peace.
The OP is clearly just a lonely kid looking for attention....more obvious now that I see him replying to any post about him trying to defend his disgusting post.

Not trying to be a dick but I can just tell he's a CM Punk fan just by the way he has no problem disrespecting this guy simply because he personally wasn't a fan of his in ring work and charector within a scripted TV show....if it's not some tatted up 16 year old lookin crybaby it's shit right dude?

It's short sighted little shits like him who think "oh he was never a main eventer he doesent deserve any kind of sympathy or recognition now that he's dead" that just need to GTFO and don't come back...go watch TNA....go watch ROH....leave WWE to the compassionate and level minded people who can appreciate any wrestler they were entertained by.

Now like I said originally have fun living in your mommy and daddy's basement I'm sure they would be so proud if they saw this thread you made and saw that your useing your time wisely.

Crybaby. Mommy and Daddy's basement. "charector, useing, doesent, " . Who's the lonely 16 yr old kid here? Meh. I don't know what's funnier , your lack of typing skills or you asking me to go watch ROH and TNA. Either ways, I'm still a wrestling fan, and your argument is full of fallacies. Who cares whether I live in a basement, a mansion, or under a fucking bridge? I've a right for my opinions and you've a right for yours, and your mommy's basement opinion just shows the sort of cheap, disgraceful kid you are.
Crybaby. Mommy and Daddy's basement. "charector, useing, doesent, " . Who's the lonely 16 yr old kid here? Meh. I don't know what's funnier , your lack of typing skills or you asking me to go watch ROH and TNA. Either ways, I'm still a wrestling fan, and your argument is full of fallacies. Who cares whether I live in a basement, a mansion, or under a fucking bridge? I've a right for my opinions and you've a right for yours, and your mommy's basement opinion just shows the sort of cheap, disgraceful kid you are.

This is the last I'm posting in this thread seeing as I have a feeling you may actually be spanking it to all this attention....your a vile human being and one can only hope that when you pass people will remember you and treat you just as you are treating this man.

So what you didn't enjoy his work and thought he was lame....don't make a thread about him then...just keep it in your tiny little head or write it on a sheet of paper and shove it up ur ass or something.

I apologise to anyone who had to scroll through my banter on this thread as I let this little turd get me heated for a bit.

The best thing we can do is click the report button above his name and get him outta here he's already got bad rep lets top him off with a ban...he doesent deserve to associate with us here.
This is the last I'm posting in this thread seeing as I have a feeling you may actually be spanking it to all this attention....your a vile human being and one can only hope that when you pass people will remember you and treat you just as you are treating this man.

So what you didn't enjoy his work and thought he was lame....don't make a thread about him then...just keep it in your tiny little head or write it on a sheet of paper and shove it up ur ass or something.

I apologise to anyone who had to scroll through my banter on this thread as I let this little turd get me heated for a bit.

The best thing we can do is click the report button above his name and get him outta here he's already got bad rep lets top him off with a ban...he doesent deserve to associate with us here.

Aww. Mommy's little boy is hurting and wants to banish an adult from a wrestling forum. Hilarious.
As far as my banishment from Wrestlezone, I'm a valuable asset to and proud member of the IWC. Pipsqueaks like you taking a shot at me because of my honest and upright manner is a disgrace and impeachment to the entire IWC. You're the one who should be reported because clearly, you've been using shameful language characteristic of teenagers and also you can't type properly. Shame.
OP, I am not going to characterize you or make assumptions about who you are a fan of in the world of wrestling. That's not going to be my place to say any of that. Over the years, I've been a rather abrasive and irritable individual you can ask other posters whom I've gotten into continuous arguments with, my stands have border lined on sheer rudeness all the way to complete douche baggery. However, people can read between the lines and see how much of a rise you're trying to get out of people, great effort in trolldom.

Anyway, I grew up watching the WWF and into the 90s I remembered Men On A Mission very well, needless to say I wasn't taken by the Mabel character, at least not at the very beginning. However, I can't deny that he had success, and compared to other competitors that debuted in the same era along with him, he definitely outlived individuals like Duke Droese, The Goon, TL Hopper, Mantaur to name just a few.

His feuds with Diesel and Undertaker stick out to me during his first run, and considering the timeframe we're talking about, wrestling as a whole was just not at its best. Things were no better in WCW with their story lines. Some of his moments in his subsequent returns to the WWF/E were entertaining, his association with The Ministry and then his storyline romance with Lillian Garcia, all amusing.

With that said, it's a sad occurrence to hear about his passing, for those that REALLY want to contribute to this thread with a modicum of tact, it's sad to hear about another performer in the wrestling business passing at a relatively young age. There's no joy to take in that, and just because he didn't happen to have a marquee name OP, doesn't make his death any less of an unfortunate occurrence.
OP, I am not going to characterize you or make assumptions about who you are a fan of in the world of wrestling. That's not going to be my place to say any of that. Over the years, I've been a rather abrasive and irritable individual you can ask other posters whom I've gotten into continuous arguments with, my stands have border lined on sheer rudeness all the way to complete douche baggery. However, people can read between the lines and see how much of a rise you're trying to get out of people, great effort in trolldom.

Anyway, I grew up watching the WWF and into the 90s I remembered Men On A Mission very well, needless to say I wasn't taken by the Mabel character, at least not at the very beginning. However, I can't deny that he had success, and compared to other competitors that debuted in the same era along with him, he definitely outlived individuals like Duke Droese, The Goon, TL Hopper, Mantaur to name just a few.

His feuds with Diesel and Undertaker stick out to me during his first run, and considering the timeframe we're talking about, wrestling as a whole was just not at its best. Things were no better in WCW with their story lines. Some of his moments in his subsequent returns to the WWF/E were entertaining, his association with The Ministry and then his storyline romance with Lillian Garcia, all amusing.

With that said, it's a sad occurrence to hear about his passing, for those that REALLY want to contribute to this thread with a modicum of tact, it's sad to hear about another performer in the wrestling business passing at a relatively young age. There's no joy to take in that, and just because he didn't happen to have a marquee name OP, doesn't make his death any less of an unfortunate occurrence.

If you found his storyline romance with Lillian amusing, you may as well add to it "one of most amusing television" , which was the abomination of a month in April 2005 with Viscera, Trish and Kane. Heh. And, kane vs viscera should be main-eventing Heat, but not find a place on a Raw, leave aside be a part of Backlash, but again it was the era of Single-branded pay-per-views. We'd seen worse at then.

This is not me trolling but giving and trying to get an objective opinion and insight into a pro-wrestler's career. Since you, along with a few others have been so devastated and mournful of this tragic death, join the bandwagon in chastising and disparaging one of the most articulate, intelligent and upright members of Wrestlezone and the IWC.
Crybaby. Mommy and Daddy's basement. "charector, useing, doesent, " . Who's the lonely 16 yr old kid here? Meh. I don't know what's funnier , your lack of typing skills or you asking me to go watch ROH and TNA. Either ways, I'm still a wrestling fan, and your argument is full of fallacies. Who cares whether I live in a basement, a mansion, or under a fucking bridge? I've a right for my opinions and you've a right for yours, and your mommy's basement opinion just shows the sort of cheap, disgraceful kid you are.

You are making an ass out of yourself and disrespecting the late Nelson Frazier Jr. all at the same time. Is this really worth all those red/bad reps you've been getting troll? If this is how you feel about a person then why did you go out of your way to post a thread about them then you jackass? Nelson Frazier Jr. has done more in 21 years then you'll do in your entire life! So go take a bath in gasoline and go to hell you bastard, smh.

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