Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins

They are making some kind of impact, with their attacking of MVP... There's probably gonna be a Vance/Curt-MVP/JTG feud in the works. This feud will amount to nothing though, unless smackdown gets their own set of tag titles.
Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins are such a random team! What we have here is a combination of the most INTENSE superstar from WWE's ECW and a former clone of Edge. Seriously, can there possibly be a more randomly paired tag team? What do they have in common? (Other than the fact that they badly need to get over) Exactly. Not a whole lot. I don't think they will be too successful together. Hawkins already had a forgettable tag team run with Ryder back when they were two Edge clones. While Archer just INTENSELY sucks.

I'm hoping that this does not last long. Hawkins could easily break into the midcard with a gimmick change. Tag teaming with the INTENSE one is not going to get him anywhere. I disagree with the original poster's idea of them being behind the attack on Taker. They don't need THAT huge of a push. So what exactly does the future hold for them? Vance "the guy who is INTENSELY boring" Archer will get an INTENSE notice of being future endeavored, while Hawkins might suffer the same fate unless he gets a new character. If that worked for Ryder it can work for Hawkins. This team is just too random to ever be taken seriously, thus I doubt they will have any success if you ask me.
I really don't care for Hawkins or Archer. Both of them are very bland and boring, and I don't think pairing them as a tag team is going to help them. Hawkins had his glory days as one of Edge's henchmen, and he was a tag team champion with Zach Ryder. I've never liked Archer. He was dull during his ECW days, and his feud with Shelton Benjamin was not entertaining at all.

Even if this tag team sticks around a little bit longer, I still don't think they'll amount to anything. I can't see them winning the tag titles from the Harts or anybody else for that matter. Archer and Hawkins will just be another random tag team in WWE.
So we take two guys who had no use as individuals, and put them together to make a team that has no use together. That makes sense

They'll have a small run, but I reckon they will be future endevoured by the end of 2010. No reason to believe these guys can amount to anything. They don't have the look, or anything else, to be a serious tag team.

Move the Dudebusters to Raw, and give up on a Smackdown tag team division until you can develop a few other tag teams worth watching.

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