US fans or Canadian Fans



Your opinion. Who are the best all around fans, in all sense of the meaning?

My opinion is US by far especially up there in "bizarroland" when they can't decide who to boo or who to cheer!!
i don't like this thread for 2 reason

1.It don't matter who better

2.people will agrue over who is better
Canada Fans way more then UNited States United States=Pssh
.Fallout. said:
i don't like this thread for 2 reason

1.It don't matter who better

2.people will agrue over who is better

Better as in more passionate, educated in the business.

And that is the point of the thread to have discussions!
hey in montreal it was awesome... so i would like to say that the fans from the province of québec are the greatest...:headbanger: i've never seen a crowd that booed cena this much...
on a side note lemme ask when did Kurt Angle die?
Kurt Angle isn't dead, he's on early release from WWE requested by Kurt.

Canadian fans are the best because we can actually get into it and we boo / cheer for who we like and hate.
Hmm, I'd say Canadian fans. They have a livlier (sp?) crowd. The only place you can find a great crowd here is in New York City or in Jersey.

Flames Out
you're an idiot.

Ok so, Im canadian so I think Canadians are the best...

It seems to me that Americans recognize popularity, and Canadians recognize talent, thats just my oppinion. Neither are better, I suppose, But Im sure to catch heat for saying Americans judge people on popularity, why is Cena cheered? He has literally no ability for technical wrestling..
Flokiyo said:
Kurt Angle isn't dead, he's on early release from WWE requested by Kurt.

Canadian fans are the best because we can actually get into it and we boo / cheer for who we like and hate.

So then they should take that stupid 1999-2006 crap off the sigs.
ANd last I checked all cheer and boo who they want
Kurt angle wasn't born in 1999, but this is a temporary retirement.

Everybody DOES cheer for who they want, but why did you say we can't decide on who to / not to cheer for?
ShawnEdison said:
you're an idiot.

Ok so, Im canadian so I think Canadians are the best...

It seems to me that Americans recognize popularity, and Canadians recognize talent, thats just my oppinion. Neither are better, I suppose, But Im sure to catch heat for saying Americans judge people on popularity, why is Cena cheered? He has literally no ability for technical wrestling..

Okay Why do U have to resort too name calling? Nothing has been said that should had pissed U off yet!
When exactly is Cena cheered?
Flokiyo said:
Kurt angle wasn't born in 1999, but this is a temporary retirement.

Everybody DOES cheer for who they want, but why did you say we can't decide on who to / not to cheer for?

Last night for example, I think all "superstars" were cheered and booed at one time last night. Can't make up mind?
The reason they cheered for Edge is because he's Canadian, and since there isn't many Canadians in it, we tend to stick together, but then they booed him when he called the Quebecer fans "Kermits".

They booed Cena because Cena is a terrible wrestler. They then cheered him because they didn't like Edge because he didn't like them. It's simple really.

As for everybody else in those matches, they cheered because they did something cool in the ring they liked, and thought thay if that person won the match (Randy Orton when he RKO'd Nitro) because it might bring some change to the stupid storylines they have right now.

Point proven?
U.S fans without a doubt.. Nothing against Canadian fans but when they chant something you can barley understand them.. And the U.S. WWE fans and ECW fans are just crazy.. There not afraid to speak there mind... No offence to Canada :)
Flokiyo said:
The reason they cheered for Edge is because he's Canadian, and since there isn't many Canadians in it, we tend to stick together, but then they booed him when he called the Quebecer fans "Kermits".

They booed Cena because Cena is a terrible wrestler. They then cheered him because they didn't like Edge because he didn't like them. It's simple really.

As for everybody else in those matches, they cheered because they did something cool in the ring they liked, and thought thay if that person won the match (Randy Orton when he RKO'd Nitro) because it might bring some change to the stupid storylines they have right now.

Point proven?

Yeah Canadians are indecisive!

point proven?
No offense taken:)

Classic ECW fans are the greatest. Plain and simple, but since they only exist in the Bingo hall now, and they barely go there at all, I would have to still say Canadians. We're individuals, and we like who we like for different reasons.

Let's say Triple H is the biggest heel in the company again. If an american met him in the past, they would still boo him. If a Canadian met him, they would cheer him just because we know he's honestly a good guy.(triple H was an example).

No offense to any Americans, I respect a lot of you, not all of you, but a lot of you, but I still have to say Canada fans, then U.K fans, then U.S fans.

it's rare WWE comes to Canada and UK, and they're constantly in U.S (which there's no problem with), and we're more excited to watch it than Americans. Especially UK's
ChainGangSoldier84 said:
Yeah Canadians are indecisive!

point proven?

So if Shawn Michaels was a heel, and he went to Dallas Texas and people were cheering him for being from the same state, and he said that Dallas people are nothing but idiots or something stupid, they wouldn't boo him, they would continue to cheer him?
Flokiyo said:
So if Shawn Michaels was a heel, and he went to Dallas Texas and people were cheering him for being from the same state, and he said that Dallas people are nothing but idiots or something stupid, they wouldn't boo him, they would continue to cheer him?

I'm not using that for the example, all of the other "craziness" though
Flokiyo said:
So if Shawn Michaels was a heel, and he went to Dallas Texas and people were cheering him for being from the same state, and he said that Dallas people are nothing but idiots or something stupid, they wouldn't boo him, they would continue to cheer him?

That was awkward last night Montreal Fans were cheerin him... You see Canadian fans dont care wheather or not a wrestler is a face or a heel.. On the pre-match they were chearing for Shelton... and hes a face... American fans either always boo the heels and chear the faces (Cena and Batista are exceptions.)

One thing about American fans.. They dont give a damn.. If they think a wrestler is gay.. they'll chant Shawn is Gay.. Or Edge is gay.. I find that hillarious..
What craziness? Supporting the superstars during the match no matter what the character? Showing their respect for the athletes putting on a good show? If I saw something shocking and crazy in the ring, like for instance, when Super Crazy did the Corkscrew Moonsault off the top rope to the outside, I would have stood up, and applauded. Even if it was a superstar I didn't like that did it, I would applause. How is that "craziness"?
I´m portuguese so i am an imparcial referee. IMO canadian fans are better than american fans because canadians create a great atmosphere in the arena every time.

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