Urgent message for all WZ members

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
Red rep Doug Crashin immediately. He has reached dangerous levels of rep, and I don't believe he will use it for good, he's already begun to mention red repping people- and we know how serious of an offense that is...

So I ask you, no I beg you... Red rep this man at once, the power is too much for him to handle.
I already gave him green rep like 30 minutes ago.
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I have given out to muc rep in the last 24 hours so Doug when I am able you will get your rep. And btw thanks for repping me.
I do talk a fair amount of shit to people who deserve it, but for the most part, I'm a fairly nice dude (in real life that is)
There is a good reason (Crashin being a complete fuck), but still, this was poor form Angel. Poor form.
I have repped 4 or 5 people today (all with good reason) to try and help this situation. Unfortunately, I can't rep Doug yet.

Doug, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to wait another day to rep you. Don't worry, it'll be green.
Red rep Doug Crashin immediately. He has reached dangerous levels of rep, and I don't believe he will use it for good, he's already begun to mention red repping people- and we know how serious of an offense that is...

So I ask you, no I beg you... Red rep this man at once, the power is too much for him to handle.

Gotcha, pre-emptive strike. Like North Korea
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Sorry Angel but


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