Upcoming WWE Rivalries DVD - What Rivalries Would YOU Choose?


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So with the WWE set to put out a "Top 25 Rivalries" DVD this year, it begs the question - what are YOUR favorite rivalries, and which do you feel should make the DVD?

Shawn Michaels vs Marty Jannetty

I have a soft spot for this one because I am a huge Rockers fan. PWI missed the mark by never having this rivalry make their top 3 in the early 90's, but from the iconic manner in which Shawn Michaels split the Rockers up by throwing Marty face first through the Barber Shop window to the two amazing Intercontinental Title matches they had at Royal Rumble and on Raw, I've always looked at this as one of the most intense and enjoyable rivalries ever.

Ric Flair vs Randy Savage

Their rivalry leading up to Wrestlemania 8 was so well executed, and so personal, and the payoff match told a great story. The amazing thing was, they had a definitive payoff match at WM8, and the rivalry didn't die. Savage would wrestle The Ultimate Warrior at SummerSlam only to be attacked by Flair and Mr. Perfect. When Warrior went AWOL again, Savage recruited Mr. Perfect for his tag team at Survivor Series. Flair beat Savage for the title in Hershey, PA before dropping it to Bret Hart, and then the two men would clash again in WCW. These guys worked so well together, and both men are known for their ability to build a feud. Which reminds me...

Randy Savage vs Jake Roberts

No titles. Just personal hatred and, ahem, venom. For many fans in their 30's, the image of Jake having his King Cobra bite Savage on the arm in the middle of the ring only to have Roddy Piper make the save was is seared onto our retinas for all eternity. Jake putting a snake in a wedding gift box for the Savage / Elizabeth wedding was also a shocker. It took the hatred for Jake Roberts to get Jack Tunney to agree to reinstate Savage, who had been retired by the Warrior at WM7. I loved the Savage / Snake rivalry.

Big Van Vader vs Sting

For those of you who don't know me, I'm the forums biggest Vader mark, and I constantly extol how he is the greatest Superheavyweight in Pro Wrestling history. His series of matches with Sting in early 90's WCW is a major reason why. From their White Castle of Fear Strap Match to the finals of the King of Cable tournament, Sting and Vader went back and forth with some absolutely classic monster heel vs strong babyface work. Guys like Luger and Yokozuna or Umaga and Cena needed to really study the work there two did.

Big Van Vader vs Cactus Jack

Cactus Jack lost his ear in Germany in a match with Big Van Vader. Cactus would also be piledriven on concrete by the big man, leading to his amnesia angle, and eventually culminating in a "Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal" Texas Death match at Halloween Havoc. These two had a blood feud in '92-'93, and since both could work stiff, hardcore Japanese style, they made for some really hard hitting encounters.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart

The original brother vs brother rivalry in WWF (as far as I can recall,) the build up to Bret vs Owen was so tangible and so frightening. Fans today would see it coming 3 months away and say "just turn Owen heel and get it over with, blah blah blah." People were UPSET when this happened, and the way they teased it, then pulled it away, and then had it happen at Royal Rumble as Owen "kicked Bret's leg out from under his leg" was classic. The Wrestlemania 10 opener and the Summer Slam cage match were both amazing, as was Owen's work in Bret dropping the WWF Title to Bob Backlund at Survivor Series.

I've listed enough. What are some of YOUR favorite rivalries, and WHY would you want to see them on the upcoming Top 25 DVD?
Undertaker vs Kane

I definitely think this one should be up near the top.

The storyline of how Paul Bearer had a secret about the Undertaker's past, which turned out to be that his supposedly dead little brother Kane had survived the fire started by 'Taker that had killed both their parents was awesome.

I still think Kane's entrace at Badd Blood where he ripped the door off the HIAC was one of the greatest debuts of all time, and the initial Big Red Machine persona was easily his best work. It was a great touch to have Undertaker refuse to fight his brother for a long while, before eventually facing him at WM.

This is a feud that has been running for so many years. On numerous occasions the Brothers of Destruction have clashed, but have come together many times to fight as a team, including being a part of Team WWF during the Invasion. Both 'Taker and Kane are sure-fire H-O-Fers in the future, and I think this feud should be right in the top few of classic Rivalries.
Hogan vs. Savage

I absolutely love this feud. The slow heel turn starting at Summerslam with Savage getting peeved at Hogan was a great start and it was very captivating watching Savage get more and more pissed at Survivor Series and the Rumble only for it to boil over at the Main Event with Elizabeth getting knocked out and Hogan temporarily bailing on Savage in the middle of the match was just picture perfect storytelling. Even though Savage was the heel you still understood why he was pissed and why he turned on Hogan, it was a very interesting story that was easy to follow along but to get there was awesome. Even though the addition of Zeus wasn't great (although its a guilty pleasure for me) overall it was good stuff.

Bret Hart vs. Jerry Lawler

Another favorite of mine I was a huge fan of this feud. It was a feud that I loved s a kid and have fond memories of. I was a huge Bret Hart fan and I was pissed when Lawler attacked him during his coronation. What followed was a 2 year long feud where Lawler won a match to become the king of the WWE by DQ as Bret wouldn't let go of the sharpshooter after he won and Bret was never able to get that victory over Lawler until the kiss my foot match and made Lawler kiss his own foot. Great rivalry and a sweet ending with Bret getting his redemption.
I got this book a few days before it came out. I just happen to work for the company that published the book.


As you can tell by the title, these are “The 20 Greatest Wrestling Rivalries of the Last Two Decades”…as of 2009. I’ll list all 20, but will only comment on the ones I really enjoyed.

Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage
This was the first major WWE rivalry I fully invested in. This was the feud that got me into Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. This was the first time I cheered for the Heel and quietly booed the Face. The thing is, I started watching this feud after WrestleMania V, but before SummerSlam 1989. This feud made me a fan for life.

Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair

Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

nWo vs. D-Generation X
Though this feud didn’t take place on screen, you can bet that it was taking place in all of our imaginations. I know it’s too late for this to take place now, hell, it was too late for it to take place in 2002, but I sure would have loved it if they at least tried…you know, similar to them trying to do the Invasion angle.

Mankind vs. Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels vs. Bret The Hitman Hart

Undertaker vs. Kane

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Mr. McMahon

Triple H vs. The Rock

The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
To me, this is the greatest feud in WWE history. Not much more I can say about this that I haven’t already said in the past. My # 2 favorite of all time vs. my other # 2 favorite of all time. Look, they are on the cover of the book. They better be on the cover of the DVD.

Edge & Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz

Chris Jericho vs. Stephanie McMahon vs. Triple H
Now, most of you know that Jericho is my favorite of all time, and I’ll like mostly anything he does. This particular feud with the King of Kings and Queen of Queens wasn’t the best Jericho feud, but it sure was entertaining. I think my favorite part had to be the Royal Rumble 2002 – WrestleMania X8 run for the Undisputed WWE WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Call it what you want, but on paper, this was the biggest match in WrestleMania history as far as what was on the line.

John Cena vs. JBL

Randy Orton vs. Undertaker

Matt Hardy vs. Edge

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

Batista vs. Triple H

Edge vs. John Cena

D-Generation X vs. the McMahons

Undertaker vs. Batista

Now my question is, which of these will NOT make the DVD?? HAHA!!
The Rock vs. HHH

Both men's WWF careers basically mirrored each others - they came up as mid-carders together, rose to the upper cards together, and then made it as main eventers together. They had real life friction, where both men were competing for the #2 spot in the company. They've had plenty of awesome matches together, including a Ladder match at Summerslam 98 which tore down MSG, and their feud defined 2000.

Bret Hart vs. Diesel

I don't know much about this feud besides their quadrilogy over the WWF Championship but I love this one cause all four of their matches were absolute classics, and I think Nash's matches with Bret are some of his best ever. In their first two matches at King Of The Ring 94 and Royal Rumble 95, the both of them went to a no contest due to excessive outside interference, in their third match at Survivor Series 1995, probably their most infamous and best match, Bret ended Diesel's legendary 1 year title reign with an inside cradle, one of my favourite pinfalls in wrestling history, and we also saw the first ever Table spot in the WWF in that match, Diesel would go crazy on the refs and Bret after the match, turning heel. In their fourth match at In Your House: Rage In The Cage, they would compete in a Steel Cage match which Diesel would've won if The Undertaker didn't break through the ring canvas and drag him underneath the ring which allowed Bret to escape the cage and retain the title.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn

Again, I don't know much about this feud besides their matches but if ECW feuds are gonna be included in this DVD, this (along with Dreamer vs Raven) should definitely be on that DVD. Every single one of their matches were top notch.

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer

Probably my favourite ECW feud and the companies longest running feud. This feud was so personal and just filled with pure hatred. Starting in 95, the two men battled each other for over a year with Raven coming out the winner every time, but then just as Raven was set to leave for WCW, Dreamer finally got his victory over Raven in a Loser Leaves ECW match in 97 and sent him packing. The backstory to this feud sounds ridiculous (long story short, Raven and Dreamer were childhood friends and the rivalry started when Beaulah entered their lives) but the emotion, the intensity, the hate, the drama, the twists and turns in the story, and the tremendous abilities of Raven and Dreamer made it work.

Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka

Another feud which I don't know much about besides their matches but these two battled all over the world for years. Every time they met in the ring, fans wound up on the edge of their seats, these two delivered exciting, hard-hitting quality matches that did not disappoint. A great rivalry can truly define the career of a pro wrestler, in the case of Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka, their feud made them synonymous with one another. This feud may not have changed the landscape of pro wrestling or even made so much as a blip on the mainstream audience’s radar, but those who witnessed their matches know just how special it was whenever these two squared off in the ring.

From the feuds that I've listed, I know only Rock vs. HHH and Bret vs. Diesel stand a chance of making it into the DVD, but it was worth mentioning the others anyway.
I guess I'll go with more recent stuff, and Rock VS Stone Cold is too obvious.

John Cena VS CM Punk

Both men are polar opposites of each other, and Punk is the perfect match for Cena's #1 rival. Incredible dueling promos, fives star matches, and each Cena/Punk feud had a genuine epic feeling.

Preferred matches: MITB 2011, Punk VS Cena at Summerslam 2011

Randy Orton VS Christian

Orton took his career to unprecedented levels of greatness in 2011. The violent and psychopathic Viper VS the whiny chickenshit heel, who would do anything to win the WHC. It was the perfect match. Orton and Christian were fantastic together, delivering a series of five star worthy matches.

Preferred match selections: street fight- Summerslam 2011, Over The Limit 2011

Triple H VS Cactus Jack

Foley was a pathetic shell of a man, but Triple H and Stephanie's bullying pulled Cactus Jack out of him. You could feel the hate between these two, and they just beat hell out of each other in their matches. Foley was like that cockroach, who wouldn't die, and Triple H was willing to do anything to put him out of his misery.

Preferred matches: Royal Rumble 2000- street fight, No Way Out 2000- Hell In A Cell

John Cena VS Edge

The most crucial feud in Edge's career, because feuding against Cena solidified his status as a main eventer. Memorable moments include Edge slapping John Cena's dad at his house, an AA to Lita and Edge at the same time (I think?), and the live sex celebration happened somewhere along the line.

Preferred matches: Unforgiven 2006-TLC match, Summerslam 2006, or the match from Saturday Night's Main Event (I forget the date).

So with the WWE set to put out a "Top 25 Rivalries" DVD this year, it begs the question - what are YOUR favorite rivalries, and which do you feel should make the DVD?

Shawn Michaels vs Marty Jannetty

I have a soft spot for this one because I am a huge Rockers fan. PWI missed the mark by never having this rivalry make their top 3 in the early 90's, but from the iconic manner in which Shawn Michaels split the Rockers up by throwing Marty face first through the Barber Shop window to the two amazing Intercontinental Title matches they had at Royal Rumble and on Raw, I've always looked at this as one of the most intense and enjoyable rivalries ever.

The irony is that Marty was fired for one of those matches, specifically the Rumble one. As he tells in in shoots, Vince added Sherri at the last moment, and they had torn the house down for a month on the road, the match was perfect without her. When it didn't work Shawn blamed it on Marty being wasted and he was immediately let go. Again, in Marty's version, a few months later Curt Hennig heard Shawn say he wasn't and was covering his ass, went straight to Vince and got Marty a "Billy Martin", hence why he got the IC title a few months later than planned...

So yeah, I would love to have those two as part of the DVD hashing out the truth of that, Marty didn't blame Shawn, he was clearly new to being "on his own" and had to cover what he had, but that Curt got involved is a great aspect and it does ring true... how many "mulligans" has Vince given, putting someone back to where they were? Not many... but if one guy could get Vince to do one it would have been Hennig.

You know this will be full of mediocre WWF feuds but I think the one that has to go in from WCW is Rick Rude v Sting... that was truly epic and carried on for over 2 years over 2 different continents, sadly ending with Rude's injury. Will they use it, probably not as Rude isn't there to talk about it and Sting is under contract to TNA... but again would TNA really want to stop him talking on a DVD? count it as a possible "last minute addition" if Sting's contract runs out before release...
I'll start off with a controversial one.

Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero
The tragic events aside, not to minimize them but that is a topic for a different thread. The Benoit/Guerrero rivalry has spanned continents, promotions, and decades. They had great chemistry in factions, as tag team partners, and as opponents.

Ric Flair vs Sting
This rivalry is probably the biggest nonWWF rivalry ever. Even today in TNA, this match would still have some credible Heavyweight title implications, for determining #1 contendership or the title changing consequences, and still draw decently. This is the pro wrestling version of hearing your favorite song by your favorite band on a reunion tour.

1 2 3 Kid vs Razor
It might be sad to say or because this rivalry was so good, but their match on RAW was the last major upset in pro wrestling. No other underdog wins angle has had the same effect as their match. Personally, it was the first moonsault I ever saw. The move maybe commonplace now, but back in the 90s WWF that was INSANE. The DVD would be awesome if left unrated with Kliq interviews and stories from their WWF, NWO, and TNA days. Also, an unrated version could leave room for open and honest discussion of both their substance abuse.

Undertaker vs Ted Dibiase
Their actual in ring encounters would only be a slim portion of story. Dibiase originally introduced the Undertaker at Survivor Series 1990 as a mystery partner. Then his Million Dollar Corporation was a thorn in Taker's side, keeping him out of title scene for a long time. The Undertaker's original face turn spent years against the Million Dollar Man's stable. This feud had everything, even a Mortal Kombat mirror match as the main event of Summerslam 1994 of the Undertaker vs the Undertaker.

Hulk Hogan vs the Dungeon of Doom
Although one of the biggest affronts to kayfabe in the history of professional wrestling, this feud was an era in WCW's history. The dungeon was specifically formed to destroy Hulkamania. So intense was Kevin Sullivan's hatred for Hulk Hogan, that his stable even formed an Alliance to End Hulkamania with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. And the feud built up past history with Shark/Earthquake, the Zodiac/Beefcake, and planned for the future by introducing the baby Big Show then known as the Giant.
One of my favorite rivalries growing up was the endless feud between Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Between the summer of 2002 and the summer of 2006 when The Game turned face and reunited DX, these two battled dozens and dozens of times, the first couple of years over the World Heavyweight Championship. Street fights, Elimination Chambers, 3 Stages of Hell, Last Man Standing, WrestleMania main event.. they did it all and did it everywhere.

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