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Unrealistic Sci-Fi Gimmick for Mason Ryan: Could it work?


Vipère Mortelle
So, after Mason Ryan's debut on RAW last week, my cousin and I were just talking about what the WWE can do with him. Its obvious that his resemblance is strikingly a mirror image of Batista, minus the tattoos...

At first we were just joking that they should call him Batista, and package him as a cyborg of some sort, half man and half machine constructed to actually take over the role of Batista...

Later that week, I read on WZ news that people in the WWE feel that it is only a matter of time before Batista does return to the WWE so I'm thinking that maybe this storyline could work... I mean it is a PG show now, we can add an element of fantasy to it... after all stranger things have happened in the WWE.

I wouldn't mind seeing something unrealistic and making me laugh...

So... would a Cyborg replica of Batista gimmick work for Mason Ryan?
Is it too over the top and unrealistic?
What kind of gimmick would you give Mason Ryan outside of Nexus?
Do you want to see him feud with Batista?
Nope. I like where he's at right now. Being a lackey for Punk. It's how Batista started, I think Vince wants to keep the same formula.

And no, I don't think he should feud with Batista. It would actually be as boring as Kane vs Fake Kane.
Hahaha no. I know that the WWE is being packaged more for children now, but even they could not get into this storyline. It would be like the fake Kane storyline, only worse. Batista has never been good in the ring and Mason Ryan is still very very green. Plus from what I have heard of Ryan, he is not that great on the mic and Batista was only interesting on the mic when he was on his final heel run. Ryan should just stay in Nexus, not wrestle often, but still make his presence known by steam rolling over guys that get in Nexus's way. Batista should just not come back unless he was willing to put some of the younger guys over, which I doubt he would be.

I really can't even begin to think to humor this. It's LESS realistic than the Smackdown vs Raw 2009 Undertaker story with him turning Santino Marella or someone else into a green-skinned zombie right before everyone's eyes in the ring.
To be quite honest, Mason Ryan is very skilled with the mic. I have never seen anyone say one word so eloquently (FAITH!) since Ron Simmons.

Who am I kidding here anyway?

As far as the topic is concerned, nah, it's too far-fetched in my opinion. I know WWE is catering to kids but their main viewing audience is the older crowd that simply want to be entertained on a very boring night (Monday) to start off their week. So, that idea is not terrible, but I don't see it happening.
A Cyborg wrestler would be pretty sweet.

WWE would never do it because its too fantastical but it would be pretty awesome. It is very over the top and overly gimmicky, those types of gimmicks are dead outside of Chikara and DDT because people want "realistic" characters nowadays.

When Nexus eventually splits up most likely he will be booked similar to Batista. I fear he might get lost in the shuffle if he doesn't do anything to stand out before the end of Nexus. He has a good WWE look and from what we've seen tonight he isn't horrible on the mic. But there are a lot of young stars in WWE at the moment all trying to make a name for themselves and he could easily become forgotten.

And if Batista ever comes back, I don't think they should feud. They can cross paths occasionally at Royal Rumbles and have a match or two but they're too similar and those feuds rarely pan out well for either man.

For now I'm fine with his current role in the Nexus. Also it is really early to tell what he is capable of doing and how far he can go, he only debuted last week. So what I'm going off of is just my first impression of him.
I honestly can't stop laughing at this post, just the thought of a new wrestler debuting pretending to be a cyborg version of a no longer employed wrestler has me in stitches.

I wish they would do this, if only to give me something to laugh about every week. In reality, there is absolutely no way this would ever happen though, WWE has done some really stupid things over the years, but nothing quite that far. He could even talk in a robot voice, and have Kaitlyn as a manager doing the robot on the way to the ring hahahaha.
So... would a Cyborg replica of Batista gimmick work for Mason Ryan?
Is it too over the top and unrealistic?
Yeah, a bit in my opinion. Then again, such a thing wouldn't surprise me knowing WwE. Still, I couldn't take it seriously and can't imagine anybody else doing so. There are times during the show that I can let go of the notion that none of it's real and really get into it. Trying to believe that they created a cyborg and he's wrestling is not one of them.
What kind of gimmick would you give Mason Ryan outside of Nexus?
Same as Batista pretty much I guess. A big animal powerhouse that beats up people.
Do you want to see him feud with Batista?
Yeah sure. Batista will likely be back shortly after he gets his ass whipped in MMA.
Batista has never been good in the ring.... Batista was only interesting on the mic when he was on his final heel run.

sry i have to answer to this before i answer your questions. :wtf: What do you mean! batista was alright wrestler, i mean he wasnt one of the best but he sure as hell could have a great match with a lot of others. his matches with kennedy, his tag teams with mysterio, his match with taker @ mania, and his first match with cena in summerslam just to name a few... and dave's gimmick never required to much talking any way so he was fine... i always liked his work.

back to the original post thou... it wouldnt work even if they did it cuz what would happen to ryan after that he would be out!

i think a batista like gimmick could work for mason and i mean his accent helps and he wouldn't need to talk that much.

and i'd love to see him face batista, althou it would need to be booked perfect for it to work... and mason would need to be the heel and he would definitely need a manager for it to be interesting if hes as bad at the mic as everyone says he is, and even if hes not a manager would fit him perfect!
A cyborg? Really? Well, I guess it wouldn't be that farfetched given some of the crap WWE has put out there over the years.

However, I do wish they had played on the Batista name. Even Mason Batista, Dave's baby brother, coming for revenge on Cena for making Dave quit. Then, if Dave ever were to come back, they could tag team.....so as to hide any imperfections on Mason's part. Could've been this generations Brothers of Destruction.

But, for now, Nexus is as good of a place as any for him, while he improves.
That is the dumbest idea for a character and angle...EVER! Are you by any chance 8 years old? Maybe he can team up with Robocop like Sting did back in WCW! LOL
So, after Mason Ryan's debut on RAW last week, my cousin and I were just talking about what the WWE can do with him. Its obvious that his resemblance is strikingly a mirror image of Batista, minus the tattoos...

At first we were just joking that they should call him Batista, and package him as a cyborg of some sort, half man and half machine constructed to actually take over the role of Batista...

Later that week, I read on WZ news that people in the WWE feel that it is only a matter of time before Batista does return to the WWE so I'm thinking that maybe this storyline could work... I mean it is a PG show now, we can add an element of fantasy to it... after all stranger things have happened in the WWE.

I wouldn't mind seeing something unrealistic and making me laugh...

So... would a Cyborg replica of Batista gimmick work for Mason Ryan?
Is it too over the top and unrealistic?
What kind of gimmick would you give Mason Ryan outside of Nexus?
Do you want to see him feud with Batista?

If your goal was to bury this guy and make an absolute joke of him, then a cyborg gimmick would work perfectly. Even though the wrestling world is known for suspending belief, imagination, and over the top stories...this is too much. A f'ing cyborg...I've heard it all. When will this thread be sent to the trash folder.

Mason Ryan does not need some silly gimmick. He can be himself and probably have good runs as both a heel and a face. Gimmick? Book him exactly like they did for Batista. Don't make any on air comparisons, don't hype it up, don't acknowledge it. Everyone can see he resembles Batista. His Gimmick is mason Ryan, a monster SOB from Wales.

They are doing right so far. He has not said much and is relying on his size and look to get noticed. Look how TNA handled Magnus when he first joined their company. TNA screwed Magnus from the get go by calling him "Brutus" Magnus and dressing him like a gladiator. It BURRIED him...he still hasn't been able to find his true place because he has never really had the chance to be himself. Great size, good ring work, but no character. My point is that a cyborg gimmick could take a profitable young talent and make him worthless.

Let Mason Ryan be Mason Ryan...
I agree, it's just too over the top. Maybe it could have been a novelty back in the 80's-90's playing off of the 6 million dollar man or Robocop, but in today's wrestling world, not a chance.

Now I could see them just giving him a tagline to play off of the cyborg/machine kind of thing. Much like Kane is (or was) billed as "The Big Red Machine" they could use the moniker "The Human Cyborg" when referring to him while calling the matches. It would just be a catchy little nickname, though, much like "The Animal" was to Batista.

In that sense, it would work. To actually play him off as a legitimate cyborg.... um, no.
:confused: A cyborg? :wtf: No this is waaaaaayyyyyy too over the top and unrealistic. It makes absolutely no sense. The only people who would watch that are the people who think the world will end in 2012. It seems very stupid.

As for your second question, I like him in Nexus now, but when he leaves, I would like to see a short feud with Daniel Bryan, then a 3-4 month feud with Morrison, then an about a year long feud with Cena culminating with him winning a World Title. Then we know he is the next Batista.

And no, I would not like to see him feud with Batista, because, if they were to feud, Batista would be the face, and hes too boring and stale as a face.

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