Undertaker collapses after match, is it time to say enough is enough?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Footage of Undertaker collapsing after his match last night on Twitter has emerged. Basically, you see him walking towards the back after the match, he seems unsteady on his feet and leans against the Summerslam hoardings before falling to one knee. Here it is:


Reports say he legit collapsed at that point and it wasn't scripted.

So, is it time for Undertaker to say enough is enough? More importantly, is it time for Vince McMahon to say enough is enough? Undertaker will want to fight on, of that I'm sure, but Vince must surely step in and say that he cannot have his rubber match against Brock.

Arguably he should step in and say he can't have another match period.

Brock works too heavy a style for Taker though and he just can't keep up anymore. Lesnar needs a Rollins or a Cena in there with him, not a guy in his 50s. Obviously that puts paid to whatever the plan was for the third Brock v Taker match since Lesnar's return but sometimes you gotta know when to fold them. If Taker works another match he should make it only one, at Wrestlemania and against someone like John Cena. A big money match to send him off and one where Cena can protect him more than Brock's style of fighting ever could.
First, lets hope that 'Taker was selling, and that he really wasn't having any sort of medical complications other than fatigue. That being said, he took a beating last night, and the storytelling was amazing (minus the finish, in my opinion). Brock's physicality is, for lack of a better word, silly. And I have no idea how a 50 year old man in the shape that 'Taker's in could take a beating like that, and walk away without any injuries. Supposedly, 'Taker also collapsed after his WM match with Brock, so if last night's collapse on the ramp was "real", there's no way they can do it again, for the sake of 'Taker's long-term well-being; but that's on Vince, and we probably already know where he stands on the topic: if it makes him a buck, he's all for it. Personally, I would love to see 'Taker come out tonight in heel mode (after last night's finish), and get interrupted by Sting. Another possibility would be have 'Taker somehow be embraced by the Authority, which will help with the heat, which could add to Sting's involvement. Regardless of their age, 'Taker-Sting needs to happen, the storytelling and buildup would sell out Cowboys Stadium. The match would be slow, but give these 2 veterans the send off they deserve, on the biggest stage of them all.
Well people are also saying that as soon as he got to the curtain after his collapse, he got up and walked to the back perfectly fine. It reminds me of HHH vs. Taker at WM27 where Taker collapsed after the match and it allowed HHH to say "Undertaker may have beaten me, but I walked out on my own two legs and he couldn't." Or something like that (obviously I'm paraphrasing).

We need to remember that Undertaker has been in the business has been active for the last 31 years. The guy certainly knows how to tell a story and that's what he did last night. Forget about the screwy finish. This entire feud has been based around the fact that Undertaker is old and he just couldn't keep up with Brock Lesnar, which is why he had to result to low blows. He's telling the story of a 50 year old man who just isn't as good as he once was, which makes his collapse after a lengthy FIGHT with Brock Lesnar much more believable. All signs are pointing to Taker's career ending soon out of character, but now it's his job to also show that in a kayfabe way as well.

At least, I hope that's the case.
People are reading WAY too much into this. He was on the ground for like half a second. He could have slipped on a broken boot lace, or on a spilled soda.
Every wrestler comes to a point where they just can't do it anymore. Taker looked to be in good condition in the match itself, but things aren't always what they seem.

It's saddening to see Taker in the bad of condition. I doubt we'll see too many more Taker matches. Maybe Taker vs. Lesnar III at SS and Taker vs. Sting at WM32.
It clearly wasn't selling. Once he got out of the ring he bent down with his hands on his knees. The quivering that his hands made is certainly not selling spot. He's worn down by this match but amazingly he put on a great fight. I'm in a dilemma after the finish of the match if I want to see The Undertaker again in the ring or not.

If the Match had finished cleanly and The Undertaker had gained the upper hand, I would've probably bowed down and wanted him to retire and eventually let himself to be inducted into 2016 Hall Of Fame. But unfortunately, it wasn't the case. I want Undertaker to walk into the Hall Of Fame high on every aspects. Let's hope a final battle at Wrestlemania 32 will give us the much awaited result.

I have a feeling that it's just a part of the script, in order to give the dirt sheets something to talk about, and Paul Heyman something to brag about. Taker has been raising the whole "Can his body take another match?" question for a while now. It makes the fans fear that he might deliver a very poor match or pass out in the ring, but he ends up delivering when the opportune moment arrives. Don't worry about it too much.
My prediction is that Taker is being set up to be a heel and maybe they face off again at SS but this time Sting showing up for reasons being that he knows Taker does not need to cheat and blah blah blah then somehow that rolls into Sting vs. taker at WM32. Sucks because do you really book Taker to lose to Sting at WM?
Sucks because do you really book Taker to lose to Sting at WM?

How about a double win (or loss its up to you) Last Man Standing match!! Both give their all and can't answer the 10 count and druids could come and pick them both!! What a finale for the both of them!!
Uh, that was clearly Undertaker selling. He took nearly as much punishment as Seth Rollins out there. Less suplexes, but more F-5s, especially the one through the table. And he still finished the match perfectly. Undertaker is fine. Maybe his condition isn't as good as it was ten years ago, but he's fine.
Footage of Undertaker collapsing after his match last night on Twitter has emerged. Basically, you see him walking towards the back after the match, he seems unsteady on his feet and leans against the Summerslam hoardings before falling to one knee. Here it is:


Reports say he legit collapsed at that point and it wasn't scripted.

So, is it time for Undertaker to say enough is enough? More importantly, is it time for Vince McMahon to say enough is enough? Undertaker will want to fight on, of that I'm sure, but Vince must surely step in and say that he cannot have his rubber match against Brock.

Arguably he should step in and say he can't have another match period.

Brock works too heavy a style for Taker though and he just can't keep up anymore. Lesnar needs a Rollins or a Cena in there with him, not a guy in his 50s. Obviously that puts paid to whatever the plan was for the third Brock v Taker match since Lesnar's return but sometimes you gotta know when to fold them. If Taker works another match he should make it only one, at Wrestlemania and against someone like John Cena. A big money match to send him off and one where Cena can protect him more than Brock's style of fighting ever could.

I think he's fine. He's probably just tired. Although he's been working out and etc. There's nothing like wrestling shape as we saw with Batista last year.
I have mixed feelings about this subject. I agree that this Summer Slam match may have been enough, if not a bridge too far. I am a huge fan of both men, and just enjoyed the match from that perspective ; I would have been happy no matter the winner, as long as the match was good. But when Taker took that F-5 onto the announce table, and the awkward way in which he took it to the ribcage, I honestly thought " oh, fuck, Taker took that badly". From then on, I just wanted the match to finish without any problems. I have always liked and respected Lesnar for rather brutal fighting style, but a fifty year old man should not keep putting himself out there for that kind of punishment. So, though I honestly want to see Taker/Lesnar III at Wm, I do not think it should happen. Taker was great in the match, as was Lesnar, but the physical toll it took upon Taker was obvious even before news of his collapse.
Your beer bellin, mascara wearin, bone tearin, cripplin wearin undertapper is an old turd he is beat he will end up in a wheelchair soon enough but vince will go for a part 3 even though wwe doesn t want to admit Lesner beat him 5 times and he won 1
We know he is a heel and fans are behind Lesner and Heyman 95% and 5% on undertapper. They might make him skip SS and bring undertapper for WM 32 against STING but I don t want to see Steve Borden job again cause sportsmanship speaks louder than profitship! Hell maybe we ll see Ric FLair vs john semen at wm 32 for the title to see who will win one more title!
Is it possible the guy was just legit exhausted?

He's 50 years old, fighting a physical freak in Lesnar.

Whether wrestling is real or fake the moves they do, endurance, strength, etc. is still needed to do them. I have little doubt he was exhausted... the match was nearly 20 minutes, right? Maybe longer than that...
I'm a Taker fan through and through but he needed to call it quits after CM Punk, that was his last good match, he's been on borrowed time ever since.

At SummerSlam much like the last 2 WrestleMania's he looked awfull and it was heartbreaking to see him almost struggle just to get around.
He was selling.
He went to the hotel with his wife. Which you just don't do if you've collapsed. You go to hospital. Reports also say he stood right back up and walked just fine once he was in the current. He was selling, and the cameras just didn't catch it.

That's not denial. That's just how it was. Taker's in good shape. And while he could stand to work on his cardio, he was completely fine throughout the entirety of that match. The simple fact of the matter is, they wanted to sell that Undertaker got his ass kicked, despite winning the match.

I could be wrong. There could be a report that comes out in the next few days that says otherwise, but if he had collapsed, they wouldn't have set up a future rematch the next night. If he had really collapsed, he'd be done, and Undertaker wouldn't be wrestling any more matches after this.
I would say no, he still has a few more matches left in him. I would not put him in a match against Brock, Brock is to rough and physical. Undertaker is 50 plus years old, I see him wrestling guys like John Cena or Sting they are not as physical in the ring.
I'd say it was part selling and part legitimate exhaustion but he looked to be in good shape during the match and as long as he can deliver like that and as long as he's medically ok that's what matters, the fact that this guy is out there doing this at age 50 with Brock Lesnar is phenomenal (no pun intended)

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