Is Bray Wyatt Special Enough?


Championship Contender
Okay there's another thread on this forum discussing if Wyatt is going to be World Champion one day, and I might have gone on full blast on there. But I figure it's two different things. They're asking is Bray going to be world champion. I'm asking Why does anybody care about him?

Let's look at the body of his work shall we. You might say he's a good ring general, which seems like a valid point. He's had quite a few good matches in his career, let's look at them.
1. v. Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble-He was fighting Daniel Bryan, as long as you aren't garbage Bryan will make you look good by IWC standards.
2. v Shield at Elimination Chamber-For one this wasn't so much a Bray showcase as it was two teams we thought might not feud, finally feuding. Good match but! You have 3 IWC darlings in the match already in Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper. Just tell Rowan to not get in the way and you have a good match.
3. v. Cena at Wrestlemania 30-A lot of people on here already have started liking Cena's matches recently. Saying he's shown more moves and is building guys, but the bottom line is Cena can wrestle. He has been able to for a while, his matches with CM Punk were good matches.
4. v. Taker at Wrestlemania 31-Almost anybody thrown in with Taker at this PPV would have been cheered. By this point in time the Wyatt family spell had waivered on me and Taker is my favorite wrestler and I was just meh about the match. We liked it because it was Taker in Taker form and because Taker did so much better than the year before.

Aside from those 4 matches I can't remember any match Bray had that was really anything special, and all 4 of the matches had a true ring general in them. Someone who could carry the entire match pretty much. So is Bray that good in the ring? Not really, he's okay. I'd say just about 70% of the roster can go to that level.

So maybe you like his promo work? The cryptic promos that keep you guessing about what he's talking about...but anybody could do that. I mean hell Stardust was doing it about a year ago! Rattle off some good Bray Wyatt promos, where he really spoke to you.
1. The Whole World In His Hands-But this promo was sort of set up to be a workshoot thing anyway. The memorable thing for me was the kid singing the song.
2. The Black Sheep-Because this was on Raw a couple weeks ago

Those are the only 2 promos that I can even think of right now, I can't remember him having witty back and forth with anybody. All of his promos feel the exact same. Bray talks some cryptic stuff that makes no sense. Juhhh. And scene. Not saying he's bad at delivering promos but none stand out really. I mean I can think of as many Ryback promos as Bray Wyatt promos.

I could see you arguing that his feuds were good. Maybe you have really enjoyed them...but! None of them were that good, lets see why.
1. v. Daniel Bryan-Why were they feuding? Why did they stop feuding? Why didn't Bray attack Brie or kidnap her? Why did Bryan join the family for a week and then say screw it? Nothing in this feud actually made sense.
2. v. John Cena-I don't think anybody has ever claimed this feud was good but let's look at it. Why were they feuding? Why did Cena win every match that mattered? Why couldn't the entire Wyatt family stand up to Cena, losing to him in handicap matches on Raw twice? Why did the feud stop? Why didn't Cena show any sort of new character development?
3. v. Chris Jericho-ha! I remember being excited for this and looking back, what a moron I was. Why were they feuding? Why did it feel like every single week was "lights go out, Jericho is getting attacked?" Why did the feud randomly end on Raw? O yea so Orton could get Jericho for a quick and easy PPV victory. Why couldn't Bray beat him clean on Raw?
4. v. Dean Ambrose-Why were they feuding? Why couldn't Dean win any match in this feud? Why did it feel like this feud was a Smackdown exclusive? Why did they stop feuding?
5. v. Taker-Why were they feuding? Why did they stop feuding? Why did Bray continue to call himself the new face of fear after he lost? Why was the feud so unimportant, Taker couldn't be bothered to show up on Raw to help build it up?
6. v Ryback-Why were they feuding? Why did they stop feuding? Why can't I remember this feud at all?
7. v. Roman Reigns-Why didn't we have this feud back last year? Why didn't they save this feud for after Reigns is champ so he could have obstacles to overcome? Why are they feuding? Why does Bray suddenly care about the title?

Why does every single Bray Wyatt feud never make any sense? Because you can't understand what's going on! Because the booking for him is bad! Because he isn't that special. Change my mind please! Because as I'm typing this out I keep feeling like Cody Rhodes deserves a main event push. I mean he's had memorable feuds, he's paid his dues, he can go in the ring, his promos are interesting. I mean really. Bray Wyatt needs clarity, the character makes no sense anymore.
Okay there's another thread on this forum discussing if Wyatt is going to be World Champion one day, and I might have gone on full blast on there. But I figure it's two different things. They're asking is Bray going to be world champion. I'm asking Why does anybody care about him?

Best character in WWE. Great on the mic and in the ring.

Let's look at the body of his work shall we. You might say he's a good ring general, which seems like a valid point. He's had quite a few good matches in his career, let's look at them.
1. v. Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble-He was fighting Daniel Bryan, as long as you aren't garbage Bryan will make you look good by IWC standards.
2. v Shield at Elimination Chamber-For one this wasn't so much a Bray showcase as it was two teams we thought might not feud, finally feuding. Good match but! You have 3 IWC darlings in the match already in Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper. Just tell Rowan to not get in the way and you have a good match.
3. v. Cena at Wrestlemania 30-A lot of people on here already have started liking Cena's matches recently. Saying he's shown more moves and is building guys, but the bottom line is Cena can wrestle. He has been able to for a while, his matches with CM Punk were good matches.
4. v. Taker at Wrestlemania 31-Almost anybody thrown in with Taker at this PPV would have been cheered. By this point in time the Wyatt family spell had waivered on me and Taker is my favorite wrestler and I was just meh about the match. We liked it because it was Taker in Taker form and because Taker did so much better than the year before.

Aside from those 4 matches I can't remember any match Bray had that was really anything special, and all 4 of the matches had a true ring general in them. Someone who could carry the entire match pretty much. So is Bray that good in the ring? Not really, he's okay. I'd say just about 70% of the roster can go to that level.

It's take two wrestlers to put on a good match. I wouldn't discredit anyone because of who they're working with.

So maybe you like his promo work? The cryptic promos that keep you guessing about what he's talking about...but anybody could do that. I mean hell Stardust was doing it about a year ago! Rattle off some good Bray Wyatt promos, where he really spoke to you.
1. The Whole World In His Hands-But this promo was sort of set up to be a workshoot thing anyway. The memorable thing for me was the kid singing the song.
2. The Black Sheep-Because this was on Raw a couple weeks ago

Those are the only 2 promos that I can even think of right now, I can't remember him having witty back and forth with anybody. All of his promos feel the exact same. Bray talks some cryptic stuff that makes no sense. Juhhh. And scene. Not saying he's bad at delivering promos but none stand out really. I mean I can think of as many Ryback promos as Bray Wyatt promos.

It's clear you don't like Wyatt's style. Wyatt isn't necessarily supposed to make sense. He's supposed to be mysterious and strange.

I could see you arguing that his feuds were good. Maybe you have really enjoyed them...but! None of them were that good, lets see why.
1. v. Daniel Bryan-Why were they feuding?

WWE wanted to force Bryan heel so people would stop cheering him.

Why did they stop feuding?

Daniel Bryan refused to join the Wyatts and the YES Movement prevailed. He also won the proverbial final match between the two.

Why didn't Bray attack Brie or kidnap her?

What did Brie have to do with this? Bray was targeting Bryan. Also, I don't think Brie and Bryan were together in kayfabe during this time.

Why did Bryan join the family for a week and then say screw it? Nothing in this feud actually made sense.

Actuality - Crowd refused to boo Bryan.
Kayfabe - Sometimes, you have to join your enemies and destroy them from within.

2. v. John Cena-I don't think anybody has ever claimed this feud was good but let's look at it. Why were they feuding?

Wyatt wanted to take over the Cenation and expose John Cena's whole career as a lie and full of hypocrisy.

Why did Cena win every match that mattered?

Because he's John Cena and he never loses.

Why couldn't the entire Wyatt family stand up to Cena, losing to him in handicap matches on Raw twice?

Because Cena is booked like an invincible god.

Why did the feud stop?

Cena refused to let Wyatt get to him and expose the "true Cena". He used hustle, loyalty, and respect to rise above Wyatt.

Why didn't Cena show any sort of new character development?

Because he's John Cena and he never changes gimmicks.

3. v. Chris Jericho-ha! I remember being excited for this and looking back, what a moron I was. Why were they feuding? Why did it feel like every single week was "lights go out, Jericho is getting attacked?" Why did the feud randomly end on Raw? O yea so Orton could get Jericho for a quick and easy PPV victory. Why couldn't Bray beat him clean on Raw?

WWE didn't give them anything to work with. And WWE has no idea how to properly book Bray Wyatt.

4. v. Dean Ambrose-Why were they feuding? Why couldn't Dean win any match in this feud? Why did it feel like this feud was a Smackdown exclusive? Why did they stop feuding?

Creative had nothing else for either of them. Ambrose was on a losing streak worse than Wyatt's. They probably wanted to increasing ratings for Smackdown. Because they can't feud forever and both just moved on.

5. v. Taker-Why were they feuding? Why did they stop feuding? Why did Bray continue to call himself the new face of fear after he lost? Why was the feud so unimportant, Taker couldn't be bothered to show up on Raw to help build it up?

Taker needed a WM opponent who could carry the entire feud. Taker won and disappeared. What else could Wyatt have done? Because the Streak was already broken. Taker is getting older.

6. v Ryback-Why were they feuding? Why did they stop feuding? Why can't I remember this feud at all?

Creative had nothing else for either of them.

7. v. Roman Reigns-Why didn't we have this feud back last year? Why didn't they save this feud for after Reigns is champ so he could have obstacles to overcome? Why are they feuding? Why does Bray suddenly care about the title?

Both guys were in different feuds. Both guys needed something to do right now. Creative has nothing else for either of them. He doesn't.

Why does every single Bray Wyatt feud never make any sense? Because you can't understand what's going on! Because the booking for him is bad! Because he isn't that special. Change my mind please! Because as I'm typing this out I keep feeling like Cody Rhodes deserves a main event push. I mean he's had memorable feuds, he's paid his dues, he can go in the ring, his promos are interesting. I mean really. Bray Wyatt needs clarity, the character makes no sense anymore.

Bad booking has really hurt Wyatt. You think Wyatt isn't special because WWE has booked him especially horribly.

As for Cody Rhodes, he just doesn't have "it". When he's on the screen, people don't care.
Bad booking has really hurt Wyatt. You think Wyatt isn't special because WWE has booked him especially horribly.

As for Cody Rhodes, he just doesn't have "it". When he's on the screen, people don't care.

I think it's the polar opposite. Bray Wyatt doesn't have "it". Cody Rhodes DOES. Bray Wyatt is given gold and turns it to crap. Cody Rhodes is given crap and turns it to gold. Bray Wyatt has feuded with every top star in the business and can't make magic with any of them. Cody Rhodes is given meaningless feuds and makes them interesting, and given garbage gimmicks destined to fail and makes them enjoyable. Cody Rhodes has the "it factor" that marks someone truly special. Bray Wyatt doesn't.
Why does every single Bray Wyatt feud never make any sense?
Because WWE expects you to swallow that its enough if he atacks someone or cuts the promo without any reason at all in order for him to start feuding. I mean, only reason Wyatt started feuding with Reigns is because Sheamus needed to win MiTB and Reigns needed to step down in believable way so they have given us the reason: Its because Reigns beaten Wyatt in his third match to qualify for MiTB. I mean, Reigns beaten him in third match of the night after he allready beaten two more opponents and you expect us to believe that same Wyatt can beat Reigns. Worst of all is that they couldnt even let Reigns beat Lame Wyatt but they needed interference of Rowan, then Ambrose got nothing to do so they included him and now Samwell Tarly of WWE and probably Big Show or some guy from NXT will be included too. I mean its ridiculous and they expect us to swallow it.:lmao:
Wyatt really isn't that special. He could have been, but he isn't. In fact, it's a testament to Bray and the WWE that we once so sure he was amazing.

These days, Bray Wyatt's promos are the most boring part of Raw. The fact is, in two years on the roster, he hasn't changed or evolved at all. He makes all these ridiculous claims, and backs up none of them, due to losing all of his biggest matches. It's just difficult to take him seriously as a big threat to anyone other than midcarders. And the only way a character like Wyatt works is if he's a threat to absolutely everyone, like Undertaker and Kane before him.

I want him to be more, I really do. As a character, there's plenty of potential. And Windham Rotunda obviously has a ton of creativity. But he's stagnant as balls, and not nearly as deep as he should be, or as deep as his fans think he is.
Well, the thing is he's never had a title reign, we have the leader of a cult who's been in with Cena, Taker, Y2J and he's never really went anywhere, in fact Luke Harper has been a singles champ and Bray Wyatt hasn't.

His winless streak at WrestleMania, whether it's just unlucky or is it something WWE is going to use as a storyline down the line could get a little interesting, especially if he's got say for instance Sting at next years big stage.
I am not sure what to say about Bray, but he does not have the it factor. He may be great on the mic but I think he would be a better manager/leader than a singles wrestler. He does have potential but they are booking him badly. They need to add maybe a few more guys to the Wyatt Family and they could be awesome, Bray could be the leader he does not have to wrestle that much just direct them. Cody can be great he has the it factor, change him back to Cody and push him to the moon.
He may be great on the mic but I think he would be a better manager/leader than a singles wrestler.

Ive thought this for a while now and couldnt agree more with you. I really thought that Bray could have been gold. Had he broken Undertakers streak, i firmly believe a championship run would have been in his future.

Alas, loss after loss after loss has basically made Bray look like a fool. His promos very rarely make sense anymore and went from being my favorite part of Raw, to being a weekly fast forward on my DVR. At this point, Id rather he just manage Luke Harper and give Harper a monster heel run

However, I still harness a glimmer of hope that WWE will just sack up and turn this guy face. YOU CANT BE A HEEL IF EVERYONE CHEERS YOU. The fact that the audience fully participates in the guys entrance is reason enough to turn him. Wyatt vs The Authority has been left on the table for his entire run and yet we're supposed to believe that Wyatt is a rebellious anti-establishment villain? Makes no sense

Either turn him face and pit him against the Authority, or pack up the ring gear (which really isnt even ring gear) and duct tape the mic to his hand. Theres nothing more this guy can do to get over as a heel
To answer your question...NO
No one really gives a damn about him.
Its all about his Family. Its about Harper, its about Rowan.....its about Strowman. And the sister.
Wyatt is the hype man of the group. While he comes out every once in a while...he doesn't really do any work.
I absolutely despised him when he first came around.
He looks like Capt Lou Albano
He tries to have a mystic about him like Mankind
He has the Undertaker type entrance
But he wrestles like a rag doll with few moves.

While the guy could be something amazing, he has nothing going for him but his family.
He never comes out looking strong with the people he feuds.

He needs to build himself up as someone who can handle things himself. Maybe win a few more matches. SO far he has done jack shit.
No. Being good in the ring doesn't make you special - Lance Storm was great in the ring but never got this sort of push. I have said it before - problem with Wyatt is lack of focus. He could be an interesting character if wwe actually did something with him but instead he floats from angle to angle, losing all the time but still getting pushed. We complain about Cena getting pushed but at least Cena wins titles - what has Wyatt done? It is all talk and no results. That's the problem here and he isn't special enough -what has he done that makes him special? Seriously, can you name one big event with Wyatt? Sure, he faced Taker at Mania - and lost. Sure, he had that angle with Cena - and lost. That's the problem - he has accomplished nothing. I don't know how else to say it but how can he be special when he has done nothing?
As a character, there's plenty of potential. And Windham Rotunda obviously has a ton of creativity.

Yes, and that's what makes him special. Just reading the posts in this thread show how he appeals to some and has the polar opposite effect on others. To me, titles would be irrelevant to Bray's character; he'd probably leave the title belt in the dressing room half the time because it would be a meaningless piece of baggage to him.

His entire schtick is his mission, which remains as undecipherable as it's ever been. Bray's thing is delivering his message, and if WWE Creative made a mistake with him, it was taking his disciples away......Bray wasn't meant to work alone; he needs people to lead. Now, with this Braun guy to provide some fearsome muscle, Bray can sit in the corner and laugh, administering his philosophy while his followers deliver the physical punishment. When Bray needs to work the ring, he can do that, too.

It isn't important whether Bray holds a championship or not.....but yes, he's special in that he's a truly unique character.....and the guy playing that character is adaptable enough to make opponents look good in the ring even as he carries the verbal part of feuds by himself........see how he handled the build-up to his WM31 fight with Undertaker without Mark Calaway even having to make an appearance before the event?

Remember Dustin Runnels telling us that no one could have played the Goldust as well as he? Well, I say no one could do Bray Wyatt like Windham Rotunda.

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