Brock & Undertaker: What Does Each Gain By Winning?

Please show us how CM Punk going to UFC is losing the WWE ratings, and how the fans are flocking over there. If any wrestling fans tune into see Punk's first match, it will be out of curiosity only, and in the hopes he gets the crap beat out of him.

Lesnar has signed a multi year deal with the WWE, and stated on ESPN he has no plans of returning to UFC. So where are you getting your information from.

On topic, this match does nothing for either one. Taker shouldn't win, that will undo what Lesnar did. Lesnar shouldn't win, as it will make Taker's return a waste. The only winners will be the WWE who will make a fortune off merchandise sales.

Unless this is some sort of a lead up to Taker/Sting at Mania, which I'm not looking forward to either.

I got the info right here that Lesner is heading back to UFC !!!
I got the info right here that Lesner is heading back to UFC !!!

That is a nine month old article that was written before Lesnar signed his three year deal with the WWE back before Wrestlemania. Are you professionally ******ed or just a super gifted amateur?

On topic. Undertaker gains nothing but a win back from Brock. It will literally destroy the mystique that they have built up for Brock that any up and comer could use.

If Brock wins, then it further adds to the mystique he has built up and will give an even bigger rub to whoever eventually knocks off Brock.
On topic. Undertaker gains nothing but a win back from Brock. It will literally destroy the mystique that they have built up for Brock that any up and comer could use.

If Brock wins, then it further adds to the mystique he has built up and will give an even bigger rub to whoever eventually knocks off Brock.

Brock Lesnar doesn't have mystique, Brock Lesnar has ego. Anyone could beat Brock on any given night and nobody would bat an eye. The only people who think Brock Lesnar is unbeatable are Brock Lesnar...and sadly, Vince McMahon. Brock's "mystique" is as phony as Goldberg's.

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