WWE title: how do you solve the Brock problem post Summerslam?

Lesnars contract dictates 30+ dates. There 52 weeks in a year. What's so farfetched about him keeping the title until WM? He has Paul Heyman who easily clears up weeks of focus.

Defeating the man who broke the Streak one year after for the World title is a major cap and perfect for either Reigns or Bryan to achieve.

Did he really work 30 dates last year? It felt more like less than 20. What does his contract say about number of matches? I think this is the bigger issue at hand in this thread. If you put the title on him you expect him to wrestle once a month on Sunday night at least. Ideally they would save one match for WM. That doesn't leave him with many matches it is like last year when he worked 4ish.
Assuming Brock wins at SummerSlam & walks out that night with the title(s) (I'm 99% sure that's going to happen), I don't see him dropping it at NOC at all. That would seem like such a waste of having him win. If he gets it from Cena at SS, he's holding it right up to WrestleMania & maybe longer (but probably not). Having him as a champion up until WM would be a great draw for the Network as well, especially if he "doesn't fight for free", meaning you'll only see the champ wrestle at PPV's. He can rematch Cena at NOC & retain. Then maybe annoy the Authority by not listening to them, resulting in a match with someone on their side. This person could either be Orton, or possibly Cesaro, who wants to beat Lesnar to show Heyman that he's the #1 client.

Eventually Lesnar will cross paths with Reigns (assuming all goes well with his build. I think it will). Roman could win the Rumble & start it that way, or have him challenge Lesnar at TLC, with Lesnar having to resort to some shenanigans in order to retain. This can then make Reigns' Rumble win & eventual WM win even more triumphant.

As for Seth, I still think it's too early for him to cash in, and don't think he should do so until after Wrestlemania. The thing with him and Dean could last up until Wrestlemania if they continue pushing it the way they have been with the whole "I'll always be there when you cash in" stuff. Then with Reigns as the champ, have Rollins cash in on him, and throw Ambrose into the mix, and you have a nice triple-threat feud to keep things interesting post-WM.


Whilst I think Laodaron's prediction seems more akin to what WWE would do, Max^^ has hit the nail on the head.

If they are truly high on Roman Reigns as the New Guy going forward, especially with Daniel Bryan out indefinitely, then the rumours of a Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns showdown happening would be perfect.

Instead of just having Roman Reigns take out the "1 in 21-1" and then celebrate and have a great moment with the fans... have Seth Rollins cash in and win the title at Mania itself, and have Ambrose get himself involved there and then or on the RAW following Mania 31.

That would surely seal the Main Event status of each member of the Shield,lMO.
Booking this is very simple.

Cena drops the belts to Brock at SummerSlam.

Brock doesn't have to work TV weekly bc back in the day the top guy didn't have to work TV. That's why we have Heyman on TV. Paul E. can continually play up the Advocate idea and make Brock look bigger than ever leading into NOC, Cena uses his rematch clause to challenge for the strap at NOC, Brock shows up on the go home show and kicks the shit out of Cena.

Brock beats Cena at NOC.

Brock leaves and Heyman works TV making Brock look like the greatest thing since sliced bread. As we all know Heyman can do.

WWE then works an angle where they need a #1 contender for the WWE WHC, the #1 contenders match happens at HIAC (bring back the Armageddon HIAC to make it interesting) which in the picture I'd put Cesaro, Reigns, Rollins, Orton, Cena and Bray. Have Cesaro pick up the win and face Brock at Survivor Series. Brock retains going into Elimination Chamber. The winner of this years Elimination Chamber faces Brock at the Rumble. Take your pick who'd win there. Brock retains at RR.

Brock STAYS OFF TV, Heyman's a mouth piece, use him as such.

Reigns is built up to win the Rumble. Reigns wins the Rumble for Brock/Reigns at Mania, Reigns picks up the strap. Rollins cashes in on a beaten down Reigns who hits the Superman Punch for the 1-2-3, Reigns is the new top dog.

You're welcome, Gentlemen.

Just change the ending there... having Roman Reigns defeat Seth Rollins after a brutal match with Brock Lesnar wouldn't endear him to fans in this day and age besides kids and women,tbh.

Instead, have Seth Rollins do a successful cash-in to end Wrestlemania 31, and have Dean Ambrose get involved as well somehow.

Make the Main Event scene post-Mania 31 all about the 3 SHIELD Guys finally making it to the top of the hill as Singles and fight it out to see who is truly the Best of the Best!

I don't think there will be a problem. If they book him to be champ, they obviously have a plan to make it work.

Seeing how WWE did with The Rock's latest title run, making him champ to try to break the WM28 record at WM29, it wouldn't surprise me if they do something similar with Brock.

Have him win the title at Summerslam, subscribers renew, then Cena wins the title back at NoC.

Creative acts like fans have short term memory so it wouldn't be nothing for Brock to return in time for WM season and win the championship back at RR/EC.
I agree that Reigns should win at Wrestlemania but here's where I disagree. Rollins should not cash in at Mania, if he loses then you have super Reigns immediately. As if beating Lesnar isn't enough, he'd need to beat down one of the biggest new heels too. Now if he loses, then Reigns first title reign immediately ends making him look weak. I know it's nothing to be ashamed of, but then his push would be delayed. Can you imagine Lesnar holding the title for 7 months, to lose it to Reigns who holds it for 5 minutes, who loses it to Rollins who either holds it for a month or two, or he holds it for a decent 4 months to lose it back to Reigns.

We need to stop booking it like the title is gonna stay on someone for a month or two. They're obviously looking to build it's prestige, Orton had it for 4 months. Bryan would have had 5 months if he wouldn't have been injured. And then Lesnar would have it for 7 months. They're trying to book it to be a serious title. So I expect Reigns to have it for at least 3 months which means expect Rollins to cash in during, maybe the May PPV when Reigns fights Orton? Expect him to lose the cash in though
The best way to go about this IMO...

- Have Lesnar win the title at SS

- Have Lesnar hold the title for the rest of 2014.

- Have Reigns with the RR and have him go over Lesnar at WM.

- Have Rollins cash in his MITB on Reigns on the same day he wins and basically ruin his WM moment starting a big feud between the two.

I'd like to see something like that happening.
Have Rollins cash in his MITB on Reigns on the same day he wins and basically ruin his WM moment starting a big feud between the two.

I'd like to see something like that happening.

Nobody has held onto their briefcase that long (at least I don't think so), because I think they want the cash-in to help move along storylines during non-WM season.

Your scenario sounds good, I just don't think they'll have Rollins keep the briefcase that long. And by having him hold onto it heading into WM, it kind of telegraphs the fact that he would cash it in that night.
I could see them going in a few different directions:

1. Cena beats Lesnar, and the rub from Lesnar ending the streak actually goes to Cena
2. Lesnar beats Cena to a pulp, losing in a DQ in the process. Rollins cashes in.
3. Lesnar wins the title, and says he has nothing left to do in WWE so he leaves with the title, forcing HHH to vacate it and giving it to Rollins instead... or some type of tournament
4. Lesnar wins the title and defends it every 2nd PPV... Rematch vs Cena at NOC, then works Survivor Series, Rumble and Mania.

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