Who faces Brock Lesnar at Summerslam?

Roman Reigns he is the future breakout star of The Shield and hopefully there split is coming sooner rather than later. After breaking away from Ambrose and Rollins and then beating them on the subsequent feud that follows, I think he will be thrust into a feud with The Beast they would put on a brilliant match together and even if reigns were to lose he would lose no face.
Yep. Bryan needs to drop the title to Lesnar at Summerslam. Have Lesnar show up every 2 or 3 weeks. The champion doesn't need to be on every RAW doing pointless tag matches and shit anyways.

The Lesnar/Bryan Title match has to happen and Brock can't lose to Daniel Bryan.

Have Lesnar be Champ from SSlam to WM31 where Cesaro fights him and goes over him for the title.

If not Lesnar/Bryan then I guess you could do Lesnar vs. Cesaro but it seems kind of early to break up Heyman and Cesaro.

There's Lesnar/Rock but I guess they feel like that's a WM quality match.

If it was my call, I'd do Lesnar vs. Bryan for the WWE WHC with Lesnar going over.

I woudn't mind seeing Brock win the title. I just think it's too early and I don't know how WWE could book him as champ if he only wrestles three pay per views a year and got limited dates.
Yep. Bryan needs to drop the title to Lesnar at Summerslam. Have Lesnar show up every 2 or 3 weeks. The champion doesn't need to be on every RAW doing pointless tag matches and shit anyways.

The Lesnar/Bryan Title match has to happen and Brock can't lose to Daniel Bryan.

Have Lesnar be Champ from SSlam to WM31 where Cesaro fights him and goes over him for the title.

If not Lesnar/Bryan then I guess you could do Lesnar vs. Cesaro but it seems kind of early to break up Heyman and Cesaro.

There's Lesnar/Rock but I guess they feel like that's a WM quality match.

If it was my call, I'd do Lesnar vs. Bryan for the WWE WHC with Lesnar going over.

I was with you until we got to this point. With that being said, if they're going to have Lesnar take the title at SummerSlam there's only two people on the roster who realistically should beat him and those are Cena and Bryan. Also, SummerSlam is usually the last date Lesnar works during the year if I'm not mistaken. It's confusing schedule because he's worked so far; ER 12, SS 12, WM29, ER 13, SS 13, RR 14, and now WM 30. That was a big of a tangent but back on track. Because of my second sentence I say they pull the trigger on Cesaro for SummerSlam. Have them have a match similar to Lesnar vs Cesaro but have Cesaro look like more of a challenge because he's so strong. In the end he loses a hard fought match establishing him as an upper level face and Lesnar as still the unstoppable heel. Have Lesnar declare a title shot for the Rumble against Bryan or whoever have him win it there and then drop it at WM 31 to whoever the RR winner is. Whether it be Bryan, Cena, Reigns, possibly Cesaro if they keep him strong after SS, or a returning Rock or Punk.

TL;DR Lesnar vs Cesaro at SS Lesnar wins a hard fought match, Lesnar declares title shot for RR a la The Rock, Lesnar wins title at RR, Lesnar faces and loses to the winner of the RR at WM 31
The dumbest possible thing WWE could do is have Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam and have Cesaro WIN.

If Brock Lesnar loses his next match after defeating the famed Undertaker WM streak then they are slapping Undertaker HARD in the face and DESTROYING Lesnar's credibility once again.

I have no problem with Lesnar vs Cesaro if Cesaro is CLOSE to winning but Lesnar ends up winning and then ... maybe ... MAYBE a rematch at Royal Rumble or something where Cesaro gets the win.

But at SummerSlam is way too soon for Lesnar to lose.
Scenario 1: Lesnar takes the title from Bryan at SummerSlam by pinning Batista in a triple threat. Then Bryan beats Lesnar for the title at Mania 31. (this would only work if they convinced Lesnar to work more dates are really lit a fire under his ass)


Scenario 2: Lesnar wins the title at Hell in a Cell, Bryan wins it back at EC & goes on to defend it against Cena at Mania 31. (more likely, only a 4 month run, champ being AWOL here & there isn't the end of days)
I'm expecting him to face Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Of course Brock has to win, because if he lost, it would make the fact that he conquered the streak pointless. The next night on Raw, after Lesnar is brutally attacked by someone, the superstar who won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match cashes in their contract and defeats Brock, allowing Lesnar to take time off.

So I have to ask... why have Lesnar vs. Bryan in the first place? And why is Bryan winning 'pointless'? Surely it's a good thing, right? Isn't that the point of having Lesnar take the streak? Whomever beats Lesnar gets the rub of their career by beating the guy who ended the streak. They get the rub they couldn't have got by beating Taker directly as it would place huge pressure on them. I agree having Lesnar lose at Slam is probably too soon, I think whoever beats Lesnar first needs to do it at RR next year the earliest, but ideally at Mania 31. But Bryan going over isn't a bad idea in & of itself. But I reckon Bryan probably needs to lose first to make the win mean more in the long run. That's why in my earlier scenario Lesnar takes the belt at Slam by pinning Batista, then Bryan gets the ultimate redemption (& the rub of his career) at Mania 31 by beating Lensar & being the first to do it since he beat the streak.
I don't see Brock losing any matches until Mania next year, which is why I don't see him vs Bryan for the title happening at Summerslam, if Brock is going to win the title and go into Mania as the champion then he'll win it at the Rumble IMO.

Maybe Roman Reigns beats the members of Evolution in singles matches over the next few months and Triple H makes a deal with Heyman to use Brock against him at Summerslam, in return Brock gets a WWE title shot at the Rumble.

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