If Undertaker VS Shane is to be Undertaker's last match....


Staff member
Is that enough for you?

You may have seen some pictures around the web of The Undertaker hobbling around on crutches over the last couple of days. And whilst there are many reasons as to why this might be the case, many are speculating that his health has taken a rapid decline and that he will no longer be able to compete at WrestleMania every year. In fact, some people are already saying that the reported match against John Cena next year will definitely be off.

And whilst my head says that this is for the best, my heart is yearning for one more match from the Phenom.

After the match last year against Shane McMahon, I am torn as to whether I would like to see Taker compete again. For me, WrestleMania just doesn't seem to the same without the Undertaker. That said, I don't want to see The Undertaker go out there and have a terrible match because his body isn't up to the mark. The truth of the matter is that you are more likely to I jure yourself and your opponent if you are not physically at the standard. And given his last match against Shane, you can certainly tell that his best days are behind him.

I just think that The Undertaker deserves a bigger end than that match against Shane. And whilst many people are saying that he was on crutches after a routine operation and will be fine in time for Mania, I tend to think that is living in hope more than anything.

But what do you all think? Was Shane versus Taker the last time we'll see The Undertaker wrestle a match? And if so, is that a fitting end for The Phenom?
If 5 years ago, you would've told me that Shane McMahon would be the last opponent for the Undertaker, I would've laughed hard, followed by some sulking, followed by an angry retort. Because Taker deserves a better opponent to go out to. I mean no disrespect to Shane, and have enjoyed his performances over the years, but he isn't even a proper wrestler.

Having said all of that, I really hope Taker has at least one more match in him so that I can see him against John Cena. I mean, on the current roster, only John Cena and AJ Styles are two people I can imagine Taker going against, and if there is only one match left for him, it should be John Cena. That'll be a fitting end to a phenomenal career of the Undertaker.
Will it be enough for me? In the grand scheme of things, yes it will because Taker's busted his ass for the better part of 3 decades to give fans all he's got and we're seeing the result. As has been mentioned, Taker has had pics taken of him over the course of this week showing him to be on crutches and a huge reason why his health has taken something of a nosedive over the course of the past decade has been Taker's commitment to WWE. When he was wrestling full time, Taker would often delay taking time off, work through injuries and put off on having operations to fix nagging problems. Even when he started wrestling only once or twice a year, there are reports that he'd still put off having certain surgeries, such as one he needed for one of his shoulders, because it'd keep him on the shelf for WrestleMania; if reports are true, Taker put off the shoulder surgery for so long that when he finally had it, it didn't really do him much good and, reportedly, he'll never regain full strength in that shoulder.

Shane McMahon, ideally, wouldn't be the guy I'd pick for Taker's last opponent but, then again, Taker's physical condition has been something of a crap shoot the past several years. He was in such bad shape for WrestleMania XXX that it didn't look as though he'd be able to go another year, which is one of the reasons why he agreed to go along with ending the streak. However, Taker's condition improved dramatically to the point where I've seen videos of him post online doing vertical leaps in the gym or working out with 500 lbs. on deadlift; as a result, he was ultimately cleared to return to action and he's been used depending upon how he feels, which seems to fluccuate on a regular basis.

We've seen over the past few years that Taker isn't what he was 5 years ago, he's not able to move inside the ring as well as he used to, he's not as athletic as he once was and he's simply more limited inside the ring. Unless Taker is in there against a very high caliber in-ring guy, his matches are going to suffer going forward.

Of course, nobody knows Taker's health like Taker himself. Maybe he's on crutches now due to having an operation and will be good to go. At the same time, I have countless memories of Taker over the past quarter century and he's given fans so many huge moments that Shane being his last opponent isn't a blemish on his legacy. In a perfect world, I'd like to see Taker be able to go up against Cena or Styles, for example, but I don't think anyone can seriously ask any more than what he's given over the course of his career.
Nah. I'm still surprised people accepted that match at Mania without booing Shane out of the building. I'm so perplexed by its occurrence that I think Undertaker needs at least two more Mania matches to put some distance between it.
Since the feud with Brock Lesnar, there just isn't any meaning to The Undertaker anymore. He's just occasionally there, but there's no impact or importance to his appearances like they used to be. Its not solely because he lost, it's because The freaking UNDERTAKER, who was the dominant force in WWE for two decades, not only lost, but lost so viciously, so decisively, in so many matches, that it undid everything those two decades had done. He didn't just lose, he was annihilated, in each and every match.

Undertaker should have retired with the Streak intact, and gone out as 25-0 at WrestleMania. At the very, VERY least, he should have gotten his revenge on Lesnar by decisively beating him in Hell in a Cell. As it stands, Undertaker's entire career was worth NOTHING. It was a two decade prelude to him jobbing to Lesnar a million times. Over two decades of a legendary career were flushed down the toilet to stroke Brock Lesnar's ego.
If his last match was with Shane then that is fine. It is pretty poetic that he went out against a McMahon and in a cell. It's not the end of the world that he won that match if it is his last. One thing is for sure, his match quality has dropped off over the past four years and his feuds have been tough to stomach.


Isn't this the same narrative we get every year? Do you remember the "eulogy" Limp Biskit dude did last year? Or was it two years ago? Or was it both years? I don't know. It just seems that every year around this time we hear about the UT's condition. We see a picture or two that makes him look like your sick uncle yet he still shows up in late February to remind us that he was never really a promo guy and that his WM saga continues.
I actually saw 2 of these pictures and for me, it's just a case some peoples jumping to conclusion on this subject. The first picture I saw was the one where some cruches was in his truck and the second one was the one were he poses at starbuck with a barista with a hard cast which can be proof that the cruches that taker had in his truck and in the second picture was to give to this girl.

the fact is, taker did say to vince tha the shane match was is last match, so unless something changes I don't see this changing anytime soon has for the pictures, I think that it just fans making something up because they saw something and jump to conclusion.
Is that enough for you?

Yes it is and quite honestly it should be enough for anyone. JH said it best, when he said that "Taker has been busting his ass for 30 years". The guy has shown a level of commitment to the WWE that is unheard off. Kane is another who has the same commitment.

Shane McMahon said on the Austin podcast with Foley that it was Taker himself who phoned him and asked him to do the match. He had been asked first by Vince, and it was only when Taker called him, he said yes. So Taker himself wanted Shane to do that match with him.

It doesn't matter who his last match was against, if he won or lost. What does matter is that we have enjoyed him over a 30 year period, and if he wants to hang up his boots now I respect his decision. He has more than earned the right to call it quits.
I can't believe how badly WWE have fucked up Undertakers last years.

WrestleMania is not the same without the streak.

Why couldn't they just have done Taker vs. Sting at WM 31?

That's the only match people ever wanted to see Sing have at WWE.
Who the fuck ever cared to see HHH vs. Sting?

He's last match should of been against either Sting or John Cena.
It's a shame injuries fucked up those plans for WM 32. If WM 32 was going to be his last match without Sting or Cena, Kane should of been Takers final opponent.

And they should of hyped the shit out of that match as Takers final match.

One last showdown with Kane would of also been a good send-off f Takers career.
There is no wrestler in the history of WWE that deserves a bigger sendoff/retirement storyline than The Undertaker. Period.

That being said, I'm not even sure if we're close to that point. I've thought as early as 2011 that he was done wrestling and literally every year around this time a new photo comes out with gray hair or crutches that sends the internet in a frenzy and claims that he's finally finished. There is perhaps no man who has defied physical odds/limitations as well as Big Mark and although Father Time is undefeated you'd have to admit he's putting up a damn good fight. I think we will all know when this man retires, there won't be any doubt about it. It's clear that his dedication to kayfabe consistently dumbfounds smarks so there's no way I'd ever trust the Internet to break the story on his retirement. He's from the same mentality as HBK when their time is up they'll let us know and we will give him the send off of a lifetime.
I might be one of the few that thinks Undertaker should have retired after his second match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. I just felt like that was a perfect end to both men's respective careers. Ever since then, Undertaker just hasn't been the same to me. His health deteriorated and he wasn't performing on the same level. He would've still been a one-of-a-kind legend then. At this point, I really don't care who Undertaker's next opponent is. A lot of his mystique died with his loss against Brock Lesnar. It just hasn't felt the same since. It just hasn't felt "special" since. Undertaker vs Sting could have restored that lost value, but that didn't happen. Bray Wyatt and Shane McMahon just felt like throwaway opponents. I just don't find the appeal even if Undertaker was THE WrestleMania attraction for so long. It's sad in a way. For me, his send-off was with Shawn Michaels. The Hall of Fame is next and I'd be okay with that.
No, it's not enough for me. Shane shouldn't of fought in the ring, he has no business in there. This isn't ten years ago where his stunts in the ring were dazzling against Kurt Angle. It was uninteresting, his big cell dive was the spot, but one spot doesn't make the match unfortunately. The story behind it was stupid, the aftermath of said story was lame and didn't make any sense. Shane has to stay away from the ring.

I think Undertaker will be back, maybe not next year, but the year after. He has a tenacious comeback ability when everyone thinks his career is over. He has to pass that evil, burning torch he's holding to somebody that deserves it. It's what they should've done last year and call it a career with somebody besides Shane McMahon.

ANYONE besides Shane McMahon, give it to Luke Harper, Bray Wyatt, Kevin Owens or somebody on the current roster and call it a career. Retire as one of the greatest of all time. I really, really hope that McMahon is not his last match.
I might be one of the few that thinks Undertaker should have retired after his second match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania.
For me, his send-off was with Shawn Michaels. The Hall of Fame is next and I'd be okay with that.

I was just about to type the same thing. Taker and Michaels had an amazing build and an even greater match. Taker could've ended it there, but those two matches were more about Michaels, I would say there was a better final match.
The "End of an era" was Taker's final Wrestlemania, in my memory. He should've finished at Wrestlemania 28. Wrestled a few more matches throughout the year in his farewell tour, and called it quits.

WM 29 Punk- was forgetable, and I wonder what they would've done had Bearer not died. Also Kane beat Punk a few weeks before WM!

Wm 30 Lesnar- shouldn't have lost!!! Almost zero build and the match sucked. Re-watching the match and its "build" over, you wouldn't think that this would be the "history making" match were Taker finally lost.

WM 31 Wyatt- Better than 31, but pretty much Irrelevant.

Wm 32 Shane- Made to look like Mr. Mcmahon's B...

I really haven't cared about Taker since Wm 28. I remember the outrage by people online when Taker lost, and I was just like :icon_neutral: :shrug:. I really didn't care, which was an eye opener. I haven't been Taker's biggest fan, but I always saw him as this must watch guy, every time he was on t.v he had my full attention.
To answer the op question, I would be o.k if Taker didn't wrestle at Wrestlemania again, but I do believe that he should have one final feud/match. Don't care if it's a 5 minute squash, let him squash who ever he is feuding with, and give him an epic send off that's only fitting for the Undertaker.
Let me put my 2 cent in. The undertakers legacy died at wrestlemania 30 when he lost against lesnar. Lesnar killed the legacy of the undertaker at wrestlemania. Ever since taker loss at wrestlemania, taker hasnt been the same since.
I will say this till the day I die. Lesnar was the wrong person to end the streak, whoever made that decision needs to be fired or shot. Lesnar did not deserve to end the streak.
Lesnar doesnt respect the business, hates his fans, spits in the face of every wrestler and promotor. And only cares about himself. And refuses to put anyone over.
I never liked lesnar. I find him very mediocre and boring. Even during his debut in 2002 he was trash.

Taker should of retired at wrestlemania 28 against hhh. That was the perfect way to end his streak. That ending was perfect.
Or taker should of lost to kane or cena.
Anything better than lesnar.

Taker legacy died at wrestlemania 30. Damn shame.

Havent really cared for taker. Since his match at wrestlemania 26.

He needs to retire
For me yes. He's had a long and awesome career. I think he should have retired after the streak ended and then put in the hall of fame the following year or in 2016. There have been recent pics of him on crutches recently and he looks older than he is(he is 51 but looks close to 70).
I truly hope that Undertaker VS Shane at Wrestlemania 32 does NOT end up being Undertaker's final match. If his condition is as bad as it is rumored to be then he could take a year off to rest if needed, should he not be cleared for Wrestlemania 33. He should have one more final match and it needs to be with John Cena. It is the biggest potential match left and if it can happen then it absolutely should. The match with Shane at Wrestlemania 32 was pretty awful other than Shane's big dive off the cell. Taker needs a legit sendoff if it is still able to be accomplished. Even if it is something different such as he tag teams with Kane against the Wyatts or something, to officially pass the "dark character" torch. Stealing the show one last time with Cena is the way to go though. The ending of the Streak (which I still say should NEVER have been Lesnar) would have been a better ending than the Shane match. Undertaker deserves a better ending than that Shane match if it is still possible at this point.
He's 51 now with surgically repaired legs and countless injuries that have accumulated over the years. If The Undertaker has wrestled his last match then yes, it was more than enough when you consider what the guy has give to the WWE over the last 26 years.

Shane McMahon wouldn't be anybody's pick to be The Undertaker's last opponent, he probably should have retired after the streak had ended, perhaps he didn't want to go out that way.
While I'll agree Shane wasn't an ideal final opponent, there really is no "right" final opponent. No one wants to retire. HBK v Flair was a great match, but was HBK really the right person to end it with Flair? When he'd had classic rivalries with guys like Sting, Dusty, Steamboat, etc. Been in Evolution with HHH, etc. etc. The point I'm trying to make is, as long as the match is good enough, is there ever really a right place/time/opponent?

I'm sure with the way Alberto Del Rio has played out in WWE, Edge probably wishes his last match wasn't against him, but then again, when you think of Edge do you think of that match? Or do you think of ladder matches with the Hardys and Dudleys, the Rated R superstar, the ultimate opportunist, Christian, etc. etc.

Ultimately, the Undertaker's legacy will always be that of a locker room leader, an icon who lasted through several generations, and of course the streak. If it ended with Shane, that is only a footnote in a very long career.

There really isn't anyone on the current roster that I think would be a perfect final opponent for him. Obviously there's interest in Cena, only because of his name value, but if Cena goes over no one would like it. It's a tough spot, but I've thought Taker should've called it quits at WM28 after going 20-0 so at this point, it's all just kinda "meh" to me.
This happens every single year for about the last 15 years, If it were up to the IWC he would have retired 15 years ago, Its like some are obsessed and desperate for him to retire and all some seem to think about, I think the guy should retire when he wants to retire not because some IWC wants him to, Some guys his age wrestle nearly full time on the independants so to work one match per year isn't too bad. I'm sure Ric Flair, Sting and Terry Funk to name just a few have all been world champion older than the Undertaker is just now
I love Taker and will look back when he is retired and wish he was still in the ring but as someone said it before, he just hasn't done much since Shawn Michaels (HHH were great matches but wasn't like Shawn vs Taker) apart from lose to Lesnar. His last two matches at Mania have actually been quite boring to me. There was some cool spots in the Cell and while it was better than I expected, it's nothing to brag about. I don't see any real superstars I want to face Taker at this point in his career. Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, John Cena and Kevin Owens would have been awesome matches 3 or 4 years ago but not now.

It would be enough for me if he didn't have another match. He doesn't have it in the ring anymore like he use to, he can barely get up for more than 1 show as it is and he has already left us with some of the biggest moments in WWE history, I don't need anymore. I will watch his prime every day of the week but he hasn't shown enough to me in the past few years for me to demand another match from him. TBH I would rather another match have that main event feel instead of Takers Mania matches.

In saying that if John Cena vs Undertaker was to happen at Mania 33 then I'm not going to complain at all. I wouldn't deny Taker of a spot I just wouldn't hand it to him, even though that makes no sense at all.
This match can't be Undertakers last match. Mark Calloway's career has spanned 30 years. As popular as The Rock, Stone Cold, Bret Hart, HBK, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair all were/are - The Undertakers retirement match will be the biggest match in WWE history. Purely because Taker came from being a nobody in WCW as Big Red and Mean Mark Callous to being the most successful gimmick Vince McMahon ever came up with. Vince's own favourite wrestler is Undertaker too. UT has the respect of every wrestler that has ever stepped foot in a WCW/WWE locker room or ring.

To have him bow out to no fanfare around his last match would be ridiculous. His last match should be at a WM. He should also lose clean to a bad ass bad guy on his way out as anyone he contends with will get boo'ed out the building so it would make sense for them to be a bad guy.
Hell, I'd still love to see Taker vs Sting. It would be way better than that HHH bullshit match they gave us. Looking back now, the Shane match just felt like a desperate attempt for a big match.
I don't think that it was Undertaker's last match.

Shane was made to compete against Undertaker because a bunch of injuries screwed the original plans. He would surely compete at Wrestlemania 33 and then maybe retire.

A bunch of matches could still be seen from him. Him against AJ Styles, John Cena and Sting (If he could return from injury) are still worthy of being stated as dream matches.

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