Ugly Pennies.


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
Changing the look of a championship belt has been around forever and it's usually a sign of a long term reign. A couple of my personal favorites is Stone Colds smoking skull championship and the infamous Jeff Hardy purple TNA heavyweight championship.

Let's get to those ugly penny tag titles, I was thinking those have to be on their way out sooner than later. So who would you like to see capture the gold and change it to a design or theme for them? Is it an NXT team a current team or a team you would like to see set up? What design would you change the look too?

Let the fantasy booking begin?!
Why would the WWE get rid of the most unique belts that they have? All of the rest of the belts are "generic title A, B, or C.".

No, keep the tag titles what they are. And long term, there isn't a team I can see holding them besides the New Day and Usos when they get back to action.
Why would the WWE get rid of the most unique belts that they have? All of the rest of the belts are "generic title A, B, or C.".

No, keep the tag titles what they are. And long term, there isn't a team I can see holding them besides the New Day and Usos when they get back to action.

The wwe title, yes. The rest are far from generic the IC title has its white historic belt and the U.S. Title is exactly how you would imagine it would look like. The pennies look like copper pennies found roadside .
I don't see the giant pennies going away anytime soon. While not my favorite title design, it doesn't bother me all that much. It stands out from the others. If they did change it then I'd be concerned we would get stuck with a really stupid looking design. They should either just keep the giant penny design or bring back the design of the set of Tag Team Championship belts that were exclusive to Smackdown, those looks cool.
The divas belt screams "patronizing". a sparkly pink butterfly like design. I'm not a big fan of Paige but her changing that belt to something reasonable if she won it would help get me cheering for her
I dislike how the WWE title looks now but I'm a traditionalist in that way anyway, I like how the World Heavyweight Championship looked. When I think "biggest prize in wrestling" that's the belt I picture.

I'd go back to this style, or something very similar to it. Anytime a belt change discussion comes up I make the same argument…I know in wrestling it's a prop and it's all about merchandising, but I think the belts need to stay the same for the sake of history. Look at footage of NFL teams winning the Lombardi trophy, or NHL teams winning the Stanley Cup. It represents history, legacy, lineage. Plus it's just cool to see historical footage and see this one object that has been carried through the ages by all the greats, it's like the one physical object that transcends time.

This particular design was held by all the greats at one point or another…Hart Foundation, LOD, Demolition, Money Inc, Nasty Boys, Hardys, Dudleys, Edge & Christian, etc. etc.

So by default I think this is the design that should come back. The current IC title (despite being devalued by bad booking) looks great and serves it's purpose in this regard. I'd love to see them do the same with the tag titles.
I prefer each championship to have some unique and distinct features of its own, be it shape, design or strap colour, while not looking like a fashion disaster with too much uniqueness. The WWE Tag Team Titles, as mentioned above, may not be among the best-looking titles we've seen, but they are unique in many ways- the circular shape of the plates, the bronze (?) colour, and the two spartan helmets... overall, they don't look too bad at all, I'd like them to stay.
The NXT Championship is quite unique too, but I just wish that the 'N' and the 'T' were a bit larger in scale compared to the huge 'X', which would help enrich its appearance. For a minor change like that, they can simply change the belt without any need for a story or reason. However, if they bring about a complete refurbishment, I feel that a good way to do it would be to have the title getting damaged or lost somehow, maybe by means of a non-champion stealing it or a guy like Wyatt or Owens throwing it along with other goods to be recycled, in order to provoke the champion that "if I don't have it, you won't either."

I think the Divas title should get an overhaul when the current crop of eye candies and bikini babes are replaced with actual wrestlers. This title represents the PG era divas, from Kelly Kelly and Eve, to Nikki and Brie Bella. When their era ends, the title should depart as well. And in this case, I'd prefer the more traditional way of disposing the old title along with the old champion, and the new champion unveiling a brand new title. :D

By the way, WWE titles look very creative and make us appreciate them more, when we compare them with their counterparts from TNA. Their World Title is basically the WHC with "TNA" written on it; the X-Division Title is a combination of the old Intercontinental Title and current NXT Title, and the Tag Team Titles (although they look good) are quite similar to the old ECW tag team titles.
I have to agree with the OP. Obviously there are more pressing issues in WWE and in the tag team division itself at this time, but presentation is key. The design of these titles is actually great, the problem lies in the metal that was chosen to cast them in.

Bronze has a signifier in people's minds. It's third place, it's runner up, it's not gold. It's not number one. Titles are cast in gold because gold has status. Gold means number one, the best. The tag team champions of the world's biggest professional wrestling promotion should be made of the metal that says tag team champions of the world, not runner up.

The Diva's butterfly would be fine if gold, the final WWE ECW belt would have been fine if gold. Silver, bronze, and any other non-gold title suggests that the title and its bearer are not a priority, they're not number one, they're not worthy of the best metal available. Kinda screams about the state of these divisions.

Prime Time Players are the perfect team to debut new belts with. They can even be the current design, but in gold. "Hey Titus, why we wearing these nasty ass pennies?" "I dunno Darren, but I got something for ya that looks like millions of dollars" it writes itself...

Yes, the titles should be changed, but that change doesn't need to be an old design. New is good, change is fine, but the WWE tag team champions should carry a title that says I am a part of the greatest and best tag team in the biggest and best professional wrestling promotion in the world. Third prize doesn't cut it. We want gold.
I'm not super wild about the tag titles, but I don't really hate 'em either. Truth is, they've kind of grown on me over the years and I do appreciate the fact that they stand out. One thing I've always liked in regards to wrestling championships over the past 30 years or so is that most of them have their own unique design and looks, that's not to say that I've been a fan of EVERY design.

I've seen title designs that are VASTLY uglier in my opinion, I created a thread about it in the General Wrestling Discussion section earlier this year, and the current design of the tag titles don't even make my top 20. The spinner belt design, the first design of the US title used in Mid-Atlantic beginning in the mid 70s, the current X Division Championship in TNA, the Hardcore Championship and the Divas Championship are just a few examples of title designs that I think look far worse than the current tag title design.
Changing the look of a championship belt has been around forever and it's usually a sign of a long term reign. A couple of my personal favorites is Stone Colds smoking skull championship and the infamous Jeff Hardy purple TNA heavyweight championship.

Wait a second.....hold on a second here. Are you saying you LIKED that cereal box toy design that Hardy wore before Mr. Anderson took it off him ??

Anderson said it best himself during an episode of TNA that he could squat down with a pen in his arse and draw a better championship than that.

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