If you are familiar with In N Out, you must be familiar with Toppers...

How the fuck could you say Toppers isn't better than Pizza Hut? Nonsense. There's a reason why it's number one pizza in Cali bitch.

Actual no, dude i have never heard of Toppers.Its sound interesting though?
CPK is okay, definitely overpriced. It's kind of a hipster joint here and most of the people I know that go there are rather annoying.
Actual no, dude i have never heard of Toppers.Its sound interesting though?

Well it just started spreading around the rest of Cali in the past couple years, but it's originally from Ventura County. As far as pizza that isn't from Chicago goes, it's the best I've ever had.
If you are familiar with In N Out, you must be familiar with Toppers...

How the fuck could you say Toppers isn't better than Pizza Hut? Nonsense. There's a reason why it's number one pizza in Cali bitch.

Dude, Armie, dp they have Mountain Mikes down in SoCal? Or is that just a northerner thing? Fucking epic.

and yea, storm trooper is dead on. Its the little skeezy italian places that are right around the corner and shit that have the best stuff.
Another place that serves different kind of shit is Red Robbins.They have good hamburgers and other stuff but thier steak fries are really the best thing they serve.
We have a few here, I go sometimes. Not bad, better than Pizza Hut and shit like that. CPK frozen pizzas are good, BBQ Chicken FTW!
Our "friend" youngbullshit here seems to have missed every grammar lesson in grade school ever. Horrible punctuation.

In other news, Via, is there any way you can provide me with some In N Out? Never had them, but they sound like a local place here called Jolly's (Which I may have to force you to try, if they're open when you stop by, as well).
KISS THE BABY!!!!!! Or, so sayeth the OchoCinco.....
Tell me about it, what that guy said Don't Make No Damn Sense.

Yes, Ocho is my favorite NFL player, even though he isn't a Jet. I was proud to wear his jersey for Week 1 and 2.

Well it just started spreading around the rest of Cali in the past couple years, but it's originally from Ventura County. As far as pizza that isn't from Chicago goes, it's the best I've ever had.
You must have never been to New Yawk. New Yawk Pizza >> all other pizza.
and yea, storm trooper is dead on. Its the little skeezy italian places that are right around the corner and shit that have the best stuff.
NorCal has spoken. Thus ends the debate of best pizza. Although not all of them are skeezy. A lot of good local places are actually rather nice.
Dude, Armie, dp they have Mountain Mikes down in SoCal? Or is that just a northerner thing? Fucking epic.

and yea, storm trooper is dead on. Its the little skeezy italian places that are right around the corner and shit that have the best stuff.

Not in SoCal but I have seen them up North. My friend is going to school in Chico, next time I visit her I'll look for one.

Youngbullzeye: Red Robin is an average burger place to me. Granted I've only been twice, but it didn't strike me as being different then any other Friday's or Chile's type place really.
Not in SoCal but I have seen them up North. My friend is going to school in Chico, next time I visit her I'll look for one.


and yea, those are the ones. Definately cvheck it out next time, i wouldnt tell you something wrong or give ya something bad <3
I used to live on the East coast, I've been to NY plenty of times. They absolutely do have awesome pizza, I'm just more of a deep dish guy.
That is acceptable. I have sadly never been to Chitown. I will eventually, since as a baseball fan I need to hit up Wrigley Field at least once. Once I go there, I will definitely find a good pizza place and go to it. And being a New Yorker I'm more then a little bias to NY style pizza over all others. Still, how someone (this Young Bullzeye chap) could actually say Pizza Hut has the best pizza is outrageous to me. That's like saying McDonalds has the best Cheeseburger.
In other news, Via, is there any way you can provide me with some In N Out? Never had them, but they sound like a local place here called Jolly's (Which I may have to force you to try, if they're open when you stop by, as well).

Shit I'll try and figure something out. Definitely a place to try when going for a full Cali experience. Another place is Pink's Dogs. A killer dog place is hard to find but when you find it...damn.
That's like saying McDonalds has the best Cheeseburger.

See I never understand why people say shit like "Ewww McDonalds has the worst burgers evah" when really, why did you go there for a burger? Go to a burger place. McDonalds isn't a burger place, it's McDonalds. You go there when you want McDonalds tastes in particular.

McNuggets were a large part of my childhood.
Shit I'll try and figure something out. Definitely a place to try when going for a full Cali experience. Another place is Pink's Dogs. A killer dog place is hard to find but when you find it...damn.

Do they still have the Pink Dot out there? I think that's the place that delivered the beer and smokes to Sue's place in Swingers, anyway....
NorCal has spoken. Thus ends the debate of best pizza. Although not all of them are skeezy. A lot of good local places are actually rather nice.

Fuckin A right. I meant skeezy in the "legit italians runing an establishment were there may or may not be other buisness operations occuring" not like, actually dirty. Although I dig those places too.

Best overall food ever was this place in UnIversity City section of Philly. They had everything, epic Pizza, wings, burgers, quesdillas, milkshakes. Best part, they delivired that shit to your place, on a bike. Beyond fuckin epic.
Only place we've had in my hometown like that, NorCal, was called "The Academy", and was owned by a buddy of mine's dad. He also owned a shoe repair shop, and a "family" business. Least, that's what he called it. He passed away, and I'm still frightful of him, if ya know what I mean....
See I never understand why people say shit like "Ewww McDonalds has the worst burgers evah" when really, why did you go there for a burger? Go to a burger place. McDonalds isn't a burger place, it's McDonalds. You go there when you want McDonalds tastes in particular.

McNuggets were a large part of my childhood.

Man, I wish I could afford plane tickets to everyone here on these forums that I liked (it's about 75%) so they could fly out here and eat at my place. I'm very proud of it. Even though technically I can't call it MY place anymore so I no longer have any ownership, the whole entire menu is my work. Something for everyone. From traditional deli shit to gourmet burgers to ahi tuna and traditional greek gyros's. Nothing bad on the menu.

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