Tyson Kidd: serious potential


The Young God, walking abroad
I've been keeping an eye on this kid for a while, and I've got say, it looks pretty good for him after watching his last match with Morrison. The moves are very crisp (even stiff, sometimes), very clean, and very clever with a touch of innovation to (did you see that springboard legdrop he hit JoMo's neck with? SWEET).

He has good facial expressions, a decent chunk of charisma that just screams DOUCHEBAG, and in Natalya he has one heck of a girlfriend/valet/tag team partner? The downsides? Well, for a heel, there's too much springboard work off the second and third ropes, and FFS, Kidd, you're part of the frickin HART DYNASTY. If that doesn't tell you you need some submission moves in your gameplan, I don't know what will. It would definitely help him get over, too. Plus, I get the feeling he needs to botch a little more. He's very careful in his ring work and you get the feeling he's taking too much time over the moves in a determination not to botch, so it ends up looking a bit choreographed.

But no matter. He'll learn, and that control of transitions definitely comes with experience: the wonderful thing right now about the Hardy/Punk/JoMo matches we're seeing right now is that they've all matured into their full control of their styles as singles wrestlers right around the same time.

In conclusion, there's work to be done (quite a bit), but I seriously see this guy as WHC potential in maybe 5, 6 years time.
I agree with this post, except for the time it iwll take him to reach the WHC. From my point of view, I see him reaching the brass ring in 2-3 years. Apart from that, I agree with everything you said. And yes, you can notice it takes him time to pull off a spot, but he can't botch. If anything, it shows that he's trying to earn the trust of the other person in the ring, but he needs to quicken the pace.

I really, don't know what to say to add to the post really lol.
I love Tyson Kidd. He's a great in the ring, as a nice look, and, literally, screams douche-bitch which makes him easy to hate; a must for a heel.

As far as him being a World Champion, that's a bit of a stretch. I'm not saying it can't happen, I just don't see it, mostly due to his size. I see him being an upper mid-carder at best, which will probably suit him better. Either that, or just stay in the tag division which needs him much more than the mid-card scene on either show does at the moment.
Tyson has a good shot at being a long reigning Intercontinental Champion or one half of one of the best tag teams of this decade. World Champion I don't know hes a bit small not really the kind of wrestler Vince pushes that high. Hart Smith would be more likely.
I like Tyson Kidd and everything he has been doing so far. If he keeps on improving and doesn’t get into any sort of trouble then I see him having a pretty good future in the WWE. He has a lot of potential and it would just be silly to ruin all of that because of a careless mistake. As far as him main eventing or holding a world title, I could see it happening sometime in the future. We are in a day and ages were wrestlers can be smaller and still be very successful. Size doesn’t matter anymore or at least not as much as it did before. Like I said, as long as he continues improving and masters the art of professional wrestling then he has a very bright future in the WWE.

As far as suggesting that he botch a little more, that’s a very silly suggestion. One of the most important things for wrestlers is to be safe in the ring. That’s one of the reasons wrestlers liked working with Bret Hart, because they knew they would be safe working with him and the chances of getting hurt or injured were very low. If being slower when he executes his moves is going to keep his opponents safe then he should continue doing that. As time passes by he is going to master the art that is professional wrestling and he won’t look slower when performing his moves. If he botches moves then there is a chance that he can injure someone and possibly end their careers. We’ve seen it happen before and it can happen today. Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather have him take his time doing his moves than botching them and possibly injuring someone.
We are in a day and ages were wrestlers can be smaller and still be very successful. Size doesn’t matter anymore or at least not as much as it did before. Like I said, as long as he continues improving and masters the art of professional wrestling then he has a very bright future in the WWE.

It does matter to Vince. He pushes the bigger guys. Thats why guys like Cena,Orton,HHH,Taker etc. have the spots they do because they are the build Vince likes to push. Tyson is too small to be taken seriously by the audiance McMahon targets. He wants people to belive its real. If a guy like Tyson Kidd holds the belt and is the top guy his top guys look weak.
It does matter to Vince. He pushes the bigger guys. Thats why guys like Cena,Orton,HHH,Taker etc. have the spots they do because they are the build Vince likes to push. Tyson is too small to be taken seriously by the audiance McMahon targets. He wants people to belive its real. If a guy like Tyson Kidd holds the belt and is the top guy his top guys look weak.
Everyone knows that Vince likes and prefers guys who have the built of some of the guys you mentioned but it doesn’t mean that he won’t push smaller wrestlers. Like I said, size doesn’t matter as much as it did once upon a time. Tyson is about 5ft. 9in and weighs 195 pounds. There have been guys who were/are small yet they have been very successful. Some examples are Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho. They all weigh less than 235 pounds and are all less than 6ft. 2in. As a matter of fact Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels are both less than 6ft tall yet they have both been very successful. Tyson can easily gain a few more pounds and stay in shape and he can wear boots that will give him a little more height. If guys like Jericho and Shawn can be successful then so can Kidd.

Also, someone the size of Tyson holding a top title does NOT make his other top guys look weak. If this were the case then you’re implying that John Cena, Triple H, and Randy Orton look weak because CM Punk and Jeff Hardy are holding a top title, since both of them are smaller than them. This isn’t the case at all, what would make them look weak is if they are in a match and get dominated by someone the size of Tyson. That wouldn’t be believable at all and that’s one example of things that could make them look weak. Vince just prefers having guys that are a little bigger, but it does not mean he won’t push smaller guys.
It does matter to Vince. He pushes the bigger guys. Thats why guys like Cena,Orton,HHH,Taker etc. have the spots they do because they are the build Vince likes to push. Tyson is too small to be taken seriously by the audiance McMahon targets. He wants people to belive its real. If a guy like Tyson Kidd holds the belt and is the top guy his top guys look weak.

I don't think size matters anymore in the WWE. Look at who they're pushing as their future: Kofi Kingston-218 lbs., Cody Rhodes-219 lbs., Ted DiBiase-210, JTG-235, John Morrison-223 lbs., CM Punk-220 lbs., Yoshi Tatsu-230 lbs., etc. The point I'm trying to make is that the WWE has pushed guys smaller than heavyweight before (Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, etc.) and it looks like they're gonna do it for the future. So I say Tyson Kidd has a reasonable chance at any World Title.
Everyone knows that Vince likes and prefers guys who have the built of some of the guys you mentioned but it doesn’t mean that he won’t push smaller wrestlers. Like I said, size doesn’t matter as much as it did once upon a time. Tyson is about 5ft. 9in and weighs 195 pounds. There have been guys who were/are small yet they have been very successful. Some examples are Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho. They all weigh less than 235 pounds and are all less than 6ft. 2in. As a matter of fact Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels are both less than 6ft tall yet they have both been very successful. Tyson can easily gain a few more pounds and stay in shape and he can wear boots that will give him a little more height. If guys like Jericho and Shawn can be successful then so can Kidd.

Jericho and Shawn are one of a kind. Don't put Kidd on that pedestal because he isn't. Vince had no choice but to push the people you mentioned because of there overwhelming star power. Kidd does not possess said star power.

Also, someone the size of Tyson holding a top title does NOT make his other top guys look weak. If this were the case then you’re implying that John Cena, Triple H, and Randy Orton look weak because CM Punk and Jeff Hardy are holding a top title, since both of them are smaller than them. This isn’t the case at all, what would make them look weak is if they are in a match and get dominated by someone the size of Tyson. That wouldn’t be believable at all and that’s one example of things that could make them look weak. Vince just prefers having guys that are a little bigger, but it does not mean he won’t push smaller guys.

Punk and Hardy are on an entirely different brand than Orton,Cena,or HHH. The point I was making was that if Tyson went over those guys consistantly they would look weak. Your right he doesn't only push smaller guys. But unless your a one of a kind star he prefers the big men. Tyson has yet to prove he is a one of a kind star.
Jericho and Shawn are one of a kind. Don't put Kidd on that pedestal because he isn't. Vince had no choice but to push the people you mentioned because of there overwhelming star power. Kidd does not possess said star power.
Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels are not one of a kind. One of a kind would be someone like Hulk Hogan. There will be wrestlers that will come by and be just as good as or better than Shawn and Chris. Anyways I’m digressing, I was merely pointing out that you don’t need to be big to be pushed. Vince is willing to push anyone of any size as long as they are over with the fans and are good at what they do. If Kidd can get over with the fans and can master the art of pro-wrestling then he is more than likely going to receive a push, even if he is on the smaller side.
Punk and Hardy are on an entirely different brand than Orton,Cena,or HHH. The point I was making was that if Tyson went over those guys consistantly they would look weak. Your right he doesn't only push smaller guys.
If Tyson was to go over them consistently it would not make them look weak. It all depends on the way they lose the match. They can lose a match and still look very strong. Like I said, it all depends on the way they would lose the match.
But unless your a one of a kind star he prefers the big men.
Not really. Jeff Hardy isn’t a one of a kind star yet he is pushed. I can give you many more examples of wrestlers that aren’t one of kind type that still go pushed. Like I said, if you’re over with the fans and are good at what you do then you’ll probably get pushed. Wrestlers don’t need to be “one of a kind” in order to be pushed. If this were the case then a lot of wrestlers would have never been pushed.
Tyson has yet to prove he is a one of a kind star.
And he doesn’t need to.
Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels are not one of a kind. One of a kind would be someone like Hulk Hogan. There will be wrestlers that will come by and be just as good as or better than Shawn and Chris. Anyways I’m digressing, I was merely pointing out that you don’t need to be big to be pushed. Vince is willing to push anyone of any size as long as they are over with the fans and are good at what they do. If Kidd can get over with the fans and can master the art of pro-wrestling then he is more than likely going to receive a push, even if he is on the smaller side.

Jericho and Michaels aren't one of a kind?! Are you out of your mind. Jericho and especially HBK are two of the biggest legends this sport has ever seen. Just because they aren't Hulk Hogan doesn't mean they aren't huge one of a kind megastars. Hogan by the way is a big man. HBK and Jericho are smaller guys your proving my point for me ST.

If Tyson was to go over them consistently it would not make them look weak. It all depends on the way they lose the match. They can lose a match and still look very strong. Like I said, it all depends on the way they would lose the match.

If Kidd got a few lucky wins over a guy like Orton yeah it wouldn't really make him look weak. But you mean to tell me if Cena started consistently losing to Tyson you wouldn't think Cena was going downhill.

Not really. Jeff Hardy isn’t a one of a kind star yet he is pushed. I can give you many more examples of wrestlers that aren’t one of kind type that still go pushed. Like I said, if you’re over with the fans and are good at what you do then you’ll probably get pushed. Wrestlers don’t need to be “one of a kind” in order to be pushed. If this were the case then a lot of wrestlers would have never been pushed.

Hardy isn't a one of a kind wrestler but he gets one of a kind pops and they are pops Vince can't ignore anymore.

And he doesn’t need to.

He does if he wants to be World Champion. Look noone is disputing Kidd's potential or the fact that he will indeed receive some sort of push. But you can't tell me given Tyson's current position that you would buy into him as a serious main eventer two three years from now.
Jericho and Michaels aren't one of a kind?! Are you out of your mind. Jericho and especially HBK are two of the biggest legends this sport has ever seen. Just because they aren't Hulk Hogan doesn't mean they aren't huge one of a kind megastars. Hogan by the way is a big man. HBK and Jericho are smaller guys your proving my point for me ST.
No I’m not out of my mind. Someone who is one of a kind would be someone like Hogan, Flair, ‘Taker, e.t.c. The chances of there being someone like them again are very low. While on the other hand we will probably see other wrestlers that are as good as or better than both Jericho and Shawn and will be like them. I like them both but I wouldn’t consider them one of a kind type of wrestlers. If you do think they are then more power to you.

Also, you don’t need to be Hulk Hogan to be one of a kind and I don’t ever remember saying that. I remember saying that Hogan is someone I would consider to be one of a kind. I never said that you needed to be like Hogan to be considered one of a kind.

And by the way, Jericho and Michaels being small guys actually proves my point. My point was that you don’t need to be a big guy in order to be pushed. Vince no longer cares about the size of wrestlers like he did back then. He just prefers them, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t going to push a small guy because they are small.
If Kidd got a few lucky wins over a guy like Orton yeah it wouldn't really make him look weak. But you mean to tell me if Cena started consistently losing to Tyson you wouldn't think Cena was going downhill.
This is all irrelevant really. If Cena is making him lots of money then he isn’t going to suddenly ruin that by having someone go over him clean consistently.
Hardy isn't a one of a kind wrestler but he gets one of a kind pops and they are pops Vince can't ignore anymore.
Umm…I don’t see how Hardy has one of a kind pops. Yes he gets huge pops but that doesn’t mean that he will be the only one to get pops like that. It’s just dumb if you think someone else won’t be able to get pops like that.
He does if he wants to be World Champion. Look noone is disputing Kidd's potential or the fact that he will indeed receive some sort of push. But you can't tell me given Tyson's current position that you would buy into him as a serious main eventer two three years from now.

He doesn’t need to a one of a kind type of wrestler in order to become a world champion. If this were the case then there would be a lot of wrestlers who would have never been world champions.

He is probably not going to be put up against guys that way bigger than him. Vince is a smart man and he knows by having him face bigger guys it doesn’t make anything believable if he was to get a clean win. If he is facing guys that are his size or a little bigger then yes I would buy into as being a main eventer.
I've managed to come across Smackdown on youtube before it's even on tv tonight. Now it kind of got me thinking about Tyson Kidd ( sorry if that spoils anything for anyone who doesn't read spoilers ). I was thinking, what if Tyson ends up being the break out star of the tag team and David Hart Smith was not? What would your opinions be on the situation if this were to happen. Do you think it's possible? Can you see Tyson Kidd as a future world champion or do you think he would just be the half of the team that just fades away into nothing and get's his future endeavors ? Don't just list things either please, I want reasons behind your feelings and opinions.
I for one am a fan of David Hart Smith, not Tyson Kidd. I saw Kidd for the first time and I just wasn't too impressed with him. I'm still not much of a fan. In 2007, I saw David Hart Smith's debut match against Carlito and I saw something special. He reminded me a lot of his father, whom I was also a big fan of. But, you asking what if Tyson Kidd was the break out star of the group kinda surprises me, as it seemed that the people on here expect Kidd to be the break out star. I would love to see David Hart Smith be the one to break out.

Smith is the youngest, bigger, and stronger of the two, so he should go far in WWE, as Vince favors the bigger guys. But, Tyson Kidd has Natalya on his side, firing him up. So, I ask... why can't both of them be successful when they go their seperate ways. Smith on the Smackdown upper-midcard, and Kidd on the Raw mid-card. I predict if Natalya were to manage one of the two, she would choose her boyfriend, but she would really succeed on her own, whether it's the Womens and Divas division.
I always thought that Tyson Kidd was going to be a breakthrough star after seeing him wrestle for the first time on ECW, and then when I saw him partnered with D.H. Smith it furthered my beliefs that he'll be a huge star some day. However after seeing David Hart Smith wrestle Morrison on superstars this week I'm not so sure anymore who's going to be the breakthrough star. Every one knows that D.H. Smith wasn't brought up the main roster because he doesn't have enough charisma, but I haven't seen that much from Tyson Kidd other than screaming in matches. Not to put them down, I think they're both incredible talents and I'm sure they will have a great future but they still need some work. I'd say perhaps slightly D.H. Smith is the better wrestler, but Tyson Kidd is so fluid and agile I expect him to get better. I haven't really heard either of them talk much which is a bit worrying but not everyone can start off as The Rock, and to be fair it's not as if the Hart Foundation were notorious talkers anyway. Anyway I haven't really answered but yeah I still think TJ will be the breakout star of the group.
Well, hopefully, they don't break away too soon like every single one of WWE's other good tag teams these past 5 years or so.

But when that inevitable day comes, I think they'll both do quite well on their own, personally. Tyson Kidd is a bit undersized for WWE standards, but he seems to have the talent to overcome something like that, like Rey Mysterio has, and I actually think that's a good comparison. You know, Tyson Kidd being Canada's version of Rey Mysterio. I really think he has that much potential as a babyface in WWE. And David Hart Smith, well I think he can be a good heel or face for the company, switch around like his father did back in the day. I don't think he'll be headlining Wrestlemania or anything like that, but I'm pretty certain as long as he keeps his head on straight and doesn't fell another drug test or anything like that, he'll end up having a very good career in WWE.
I think he's pretty good in the ring but he needs to shave that little spot of hair it looks ridiculous but I do think he'll be the breakout star.
It really depends on how these 2 are booked while they are still together. So far, I think Tyson has Outshone Smith during the tag matches they've had, But I think D.H's Singles work has been very Impressive. My opinion of the team is that Smith, due to his size and look, is the guy the WWE want to succeed. But Tyson's skills so far have got peoples attention, which is why the team seems more focused on him right now.
Tyson Kidd will be a bigger star than DH Smith, because DH Smith already has two strikes agaisnt him. Although Smith is a great talent, I just see Kidd going a lot farther than him at this point. And if anyone was paying attention to Kidd on Smackdown this past Friday, he's beefing up. If anything Kidd will help DH Smith a lot more than DH Smith will help Kidd. They need a solid tag team run, and to quit losing matches to everyone. I'll put money that next year around this time Kidd will be a big singles wrestler.
I prefer Tyson Kidd to DH Smith and so I would not be disappointed if he were to become the break out star of the team. The last few weeks in particular, I've felt Kidd has put on some great in ring displays (especially with John Morrison) and in some ways I actually think he overshadows DH Smith. Kidd, to me is a quirky perfromer, from his moves to his hair, to the way he yells in a high pitch scream when he has a submission locked on someone...I just think that out of the two of them, Kidd has displayed more personality thus far. Of course, that's not to say DH Smith can't succeed but at the moment I'll take Tyson.
If you can't tell by my sig I'm a huge Hart Dynasty mark and I agree almost 100% with this post. I also agree that Tyson needs to add some submissions into his game. Since he is supposed to be the ONLY guy trained by Bret Hart it should only be natural that he add the Sharpshooter to his arsenal. Hart fans would go f'n crazy the first time he slapped someone in the sharpshooter. I personally would like to see the Dynasty hold the tag titles a couple of times over the next few years and be groomed slowly for singles careers. IMO they don't need to break them up and turn them into enemies either. I could see both Tyson and David as future world champions given the right amount of time. no need to rush into it. Tyson's size may be the only thing that holds him back if anything, b/c the ability is there for sure!

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