Tyson Kidd and Daniel Bryan Are Boring


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If you think these 2 guys are the best in the business, well I'd like to welcome you to the WWE. I'm not sure what some people see in these guys. I mean they're ok in the ring and that's being generous, becasue part of being good in the ring is making the crowd care AT ALL. Honestly I've never been impressed by either but HORRIBLE in terms of personality, mic skills, and drawing power. If it wasn't for Smackdown's fake audio crowd we'd hear crickets. If I was at an event I would probably pass out if I heard someone actually say "I hope Tyson Kidd comes out!"

The E in WWE stands for Entertainment. Not "This guy has 1000 moves so he's the best" even though we never see them.

If you haven't been paying attention I think the WWE company agrees with me, seeing how Bryan has the MITB briefcase yet can't beat Sin Cara, and i can't really remember a memorable Kidd moment. I was excited for the "Hart Dungeon" stars when they first showed up but once they stepped in the ring zzzzzzz.

The reason I am posting this is due to several forums and comments I've seen proclaiming them as the best superstars or most deserving of a push. Heck you can throw Del Rio in there because I've never understood the hype.

Can't wait for the responses, but it's just I would rather see Cena do the 5 moves of doom every night (I hate Cena) and overcome the odds against 30 people than watch them in the ring. Cena makes people care regardless of my opinon, and that's everyone's job. People say Bryan is like Benoit, ARE YOU KIDDING. Chris benoit was technical, but he made people care and his acting in the ring (watch a flying headbutt if you don't believe me) was great!!!

Bryan will cash in his briefcase and be the first to lose. That's my prediction, because he simply has nothing to give the WWE back in exchange for being pushed to the top.

You need to have EMOTION when you're in the ring and when on the mic to make people care, not just do the moves smooth in a robotic fashion.

Why do you think Hulk Hogan is the biggest star there's ever been??? Game, Set, Match.
Watch Bryan's NXT shoot. And tell me he's not atleast good on the mic when he has the right thing to say. I've always been a fan of his. I don't think he completely sucks on the mic and he's just mediocre when it comes to personality. But he's Bryan fucking Danielson. He can go out there with the best in the business and outwrestle them. He needs a little more personality before he gets a world title though.. I wouldn't call him boring.

As for Kidd I could care less about him. I only like him because of his ability to put on good matches. He's never impressed me on the mic and has no personality. His mic skills and voice are very similar to Chris Benoit's. But Benoit had that personality factor and risk taking badass persona that Kidd doesn't have. How to make Tyson Kidd entertaining? Give him an effing gimmick. Build him up as this dangerous and vicious competitor that can strike at any moment. Though I think that's gonna be hard to do after he got AA'd by Hornswoggle in his last PPV appearance.
I can't agree with you on Daniel Bryan being boring in anyway. Is he the best on the Mic? no, but he is solid and isn't bad. All you need to be is solid on the mic, at least he isn't as bad as John Morrison on the Microphone.. sheesh.. And sorry but uh.... He's more than just "ok" in the ring. He is vastly good in the ring there bud.

Now i'll admit, i think sometimes we fall in love with someone like him to much because of the fact that he's small, an underdog, and just like the common everyday man but... At least he gives us good reasoning to. He might not be the draw yet as others are but, if The WWE didnt think more of him than you, then he wouldn't have gotten rehired after the incident last year(dont feel like getting into that)

They wouldn't be giving him a push, which his push is on reserved in that briefcase which they have gave to him... Quite sure he will be cashing it in, i dont think he will be another Ken Kennedy.. They will at least put the strap on him and see how it goes.. Just ask Del Rio :suspic: All i can say is, sure he might need more personality, but everything else is there with him, and he's way closer to everything way more than someone like John Morrison.

Tyson Kidd? I'm not going to say much on him besides.. he's a quite the talented wrestler. He do some of everything in that ring there, but he's boring until he gets the right type of gimmick and persona. I think he just at least needs to become decent on the mic and within a gimmick.
Tyson kidd is a much better wrestler than Daniel Bryan.

Fuck Daniel Bryan, i have jumped off his bandwagon. The guy is boring putting me to sleep!!! I think Miz was right about him. When he got fired Miz said in an interview "to go back to the indys where he belongs". DB work in the WWE has been very lackluster. Only time he did anything decent was his run on NXT and him returning at SS. People are just in love with him because of his indy stuff. He has no business being the WHC.

Nice job by the WWE giving him the SD MITB breifcase. I have never seen the MITB briefcase ever look this irrelevant. Only the 10 percenters care that he has the briefcase.

WWE needs to do the honorable thing and have someone like Christian (fits his gimmick) or Dolph (main event status!) win the briefcase from him.
Tyson and Bryan are too different to be compared Tyson is a high flyer where as Bryan though he can be a high flyer is more Technical they are both very good at their styles and Kidd deserves more then he is getting but no matter what we say right now he has to earn it and the Hart Legacy can only take you so far
I'm just going to mirror Future's comments about Bryan, he has the mic ability when the situation presents itself. But to deny that he has the in-ring ability to boot is confounding. He boasts joint MOTY of 2010 against Ziggler, tied with Taker/HBK part 2. Whether that was voted by the site itself or the public, I am not sure however.

Either way, he is world renound for his in-ring ability and matches he's had in the past. It's the only thing that's really got him over in WWE, else-wise if they didn't think he had the ability he wouldn't have a job.

Tyson Kidd needs to championed also. From what I've seen of Tyson Kidd, he is a supreme matt master and he's barely had the opportunity to prove that in front of a televised audience. Less still has he had an real opportunity to demonstrate what he can do in the way of speaking and developing a personality, he's not had the call to yet. You say he isn't entertaining. I say you haven't seen him get the opportunity to be entertaining, not yet.

See the thing is, you never know how talented somebody is until hey get a fair shot at showing it. Prime example: Until last year, it was disputable who was destined for more stardom, Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase. All the way through Cody's dashing gimmick and Ted's fortunate son one, you couldn't say which one was, to put it simply, better than the other.

Then January comes around and we see Cody Rhodes get his face bashed in. Soon enough he start coming out as a vengeful man shielded by a mask. In other words, he got a good opportunity, he got the right story to show what he could do. He did so and it earned him a victory over a former 2-time world champion as-was at the grandest stage. Ever since it has been, as far as I'm concerned, indisputable about which of the two is more talented, which of the two deserved to go on to be the bigger star.

Neither Daniel Bryan nor Tyson Kidd especially has been gifted such a perfect opportunity to date. When they are, you have full measure to lambaste them at your leisure if they don't measure up to your expectations. Until then, keep your reservations tucked in until it becomes fair to display them.

Plus that line about making people care in the ring with reference to Bryan especially is BS, he gets good reactions when he wrestles, consistently. Tyson Kidd hasn't been asked to make people care about him yet, just to put guys over, but as the final graduate of the Hart dungeon, I'm sure he'll be able to do a sterling job.
I agree with you.

Tyson Kidd, I've never given thought 1 to, he's not even on the radar he's so bland.

Daniel Bryan I've only thought about because everyone else makes such a huge deal out of him and I think he sucks. His mic skills and charisma are god awful. I fastforward passed him every time he appears on my television screen. Just awful. I consider it a huge mistake to have given him the MITB briefcase. I think IC/US title is really as much as he should ever be considered for, and that's a stretch.

As for your throw away comment lumping Alberto Del Rio in, I can't agree with you there. ADR is all personality and has a ton of charisma. He is one of my favorite additions to the roster over the passed couple of years. I hope he doesn't get de-pushed now that he's lost the title, because that man is money all around.
i guess i know nothing about ROH but can someone please explain to me why Bryan is hyped to be like a amazing wrestler or the next savior or something..he looks like a loser to me
i guess i know nothing about ROH but can someone please explain to me why Bryan is hyped to be like a amazing wrestler or the next savior or something..he looks like a loser to me


is that proof for you buddy?

I dont like tyson kidd he is boring both in the ring and on the mic so not much to say for him there.

But you insult the winner of the Wrestling new observer newsletter winner for the most outstanding wrestler 6 FREAKING YEARS IN A ROW!The guy is a phenominal technician and has proved he has personality and charisma through his nXT and post money in the bank promos. Not every match has to have guys making facail expressions every second. sometimes it just fine to have flashy moves in a match.

Daniel bryan/bryan daneilson was rightfully called "the best technician in the world" the next step is from there4 is to become the best SUPERSTAR in the world. By the way why are you bored with his in ring action? That doesnt need charisma to be oozing out of the guys like when they are having a promo. you sir I officaily classify as an anti-smark:shrug:
i wasnt bashing bryan i just havent seen anything from him? take it easy man

I was not refering to you in any line other than the very first line! I was actually referring to the OP who gave a long and thought post about why he thinks that "tyson kidd and daneil bryan are boring". By the way are you aware of the ability to quote someone?

Now you have truly seen the awesomeness of the man named daniel bryan:worship:
Yet both have more personality than you.

Both are WRESTLERS before enterainers, remember you, me and everyone else who watches WWE watch it for WRESTLING unless you're more of an interview kind a guy.

is that proof for you buddy?

I dont like tyson kidd he is boring both in the ring and on the mic so not much to say for him there.

But you insult the winner of the Wrestling new observer newsletter winner for the most outstanding wrestler 6 FREAKING YEARS IN A ROW!The guy is a phenominal technician and has proved he has personality and charisma through his nXT and post money in the bank promos. Not every match has to have guys making facail expressions every second. sometimes it just fine to have flashy moves in a match.

Daniel bryan/bryan daneilson was rightfully called "the best technician in the world" the next step is from there4 is to become the best SUPERSTAR in the world. By the way why are you bored with his in ring action? That doesnt need charisma to be oozing out of the guys like when they are having a promo. you sir I officaily classify as an anti-smark:shrug:

Farese12 you were bashing Daniel Bryan and do you even know what wrestling is?

I didnt even need to watch this video to know that Daniel Bryan is a "wrestling clinic" Moves 22-50 are just like watching someone who has a Masters Degree in wrestling.. Then moves 21 all the way to number 1 is like" I HAVE A DOCTRINE DEGREE IN THIS WRESTLING SHIT, IM DANIEL BRYAN, THIS IS WRESTLING TO THE CORE"

Most of you guys think its just all about Charisma and nothing else. Yes Charisma is one of the main things you need.. But still its like thats the only things you guys want in a wrestler is Charisma. If thats the case, why not just go watch COMEDY CENTRAL OR SOMETHING SINCE THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT.. that means that most of you's would think Dane Cook would be a good wrestler to just because he would be oozing with charisma and jokes right?:suspic: If it were all about Charisma, then that means that Santino should be champ right? over Daniel Bryan? i mean honestly does that mean that Santino is better than Bryan? NO
Another thread about how pure technical wreslters being uncharismatic bores (Soundwave!!!) and people on the mic are the the greatest!!!! Really these fourms have turned that argument into cliches.

I can't speak for Kidd since I have not seen a lot of him.

As for Daniel Bryan calling him boring and people not caring. When he is given a decent program ... he can get people behind his back. His matches with The Miz and Dolph Ziggler got a lot of love and, for ziggler's match, "This match awsome" chants.

Clearley it's not him that's boring because he can make a program work if given the proper amount of time and build up. It's just that the WWE hasn't done anything with him even winning the MITB breifcase.
I think the best comparison to me for Daniel Bryan is Dean Malenko. If you go back and look and Dean's WCW career, almost all of his matches were amazing, but it was Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho that became the stars. Dean was the man of 1000 holds, but was never a star.

I think that's likely to become Bryan's fate. He can put on a good match, and probably is a better wrestler than Vince lets him be, but in the long run, someone who looks like Bob Backlund's little brother isn't ever gonna be the big attraction.
Farese12 you were bashing Daniel Bryan and do you even know what wrestling is?

I didnt even need to watch this video to know that Daniel Bryan is a "wrestling clinic" Moves 22-50 are just like watching someone who has a Masters Degree in wrestling.. Then moves 21 all the way to number 1 is like" I HAVE A DOCTRINE DEGREE IN THIS WRESTLING SHIT, IM DANIEL BRYAN, THIS IS WRESTLING TO THE CORE"

Most of you guys think its just all about Charisma and nothing else. Yes Charisma is one of the main things you need.. But still its like thats the only things you guys want in a wrestler is Charisma. If thats the case, why not just go watch COMEDY CENTRAL OR SOMETHING SINCE THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT.. that means that most of you's would think Dane Cook would be a good wrestler to just because he would be oozing with charisma and jokes right?:suspic: If it were all about Charisma, then that means that Santino should be champ right? over Daniel Bryan? i mean honestly does that mean that Santino is better than Bryan? NO

No i know what wrestling is.. i just have a life and dont really follow indy wrestling like ROH...forgive me

And no i was not bashing him. Clearly i had no idea who he was really. I really only knew him from Nxt and he was portrayed as weak so i was confused
If you think these 2 guys are the best in the business, well I'd like to welcome you to the WWE. I'm not sure what some people see in these guys. I mean they're ok in the ring and that's being generous, becasue part of being good in the ring is making the crowd care AT ALL. Honestly I've never been impressed by either but HORRIBLE in terms of personality, mic skills, and drawing power. If it wasn't for Smackdown's fake audio crowd we'd hear crickets. If I was at an event I would probably pass out if I heard someone actually say "I hope Tyson Kidd comes out!"

The E in WWE stands for Entertainment. Not "This guy has 1000 moves so he's the best" even though we never see them.

If you haven't been paying attention I think the WWE company agrees with me, seeing how Bryan has the MITB briefcase yet can't beat Sin Cara, and i can't really remember a memorable Kidd moment. I was excited for the "Hart Dungeon" stars when they first showed up but once they stepped in the ring zzzzzzz.

The reason I am posting this is due to several forums and comments I've seen proclaiming them as the best superstars or most deserving of a push. Heck you can throw Del Rio in there because I've never understood the hype.

Can't wait for the responses, but it's just I would rather see Cena do the 5 moves of doom every night (I hate Cena) and overcome the odds against 30 people than watch them in the ring. Cena makes people care regardless of my opinon, and that's everyone's job. People say Bryan is like Benoit, ARE YOU KIDDING. Chris benoit was technical, but he made people care and his acting in the ring (watch a flying headbutt if you don't believe me) was great!!!

Bryan will cash in his briefcase and be the first to lose. That's my prediction, because he simply has nothing to give the WWE back in exchange for being pushed to the top.

You need to have EMOTION when you're in the ring and when on the mic to make people care, not just do the moves smooth in a robotic fashion.

Why do you think Hulk Hogan is the biggest star there's ever been??? Game, Set, Match.

To each his own I guess. Personally, I can watch these two wrestle all day and they may be two of the best 'bell to bell' wrestlers in the company right now. The way I see it is, there is over an hour of talking on the program anyways, along with a couple lackluster matches and maybe a good one or two. But when I wanna see a good old school wrestling match these two deliver.
Most of you guys think its just all about Charisma and nothing else. Yes Charisma is one of the main things you need.. But still its like thats the only things you guys want in a wrestler is Charisma. If thats the case, why not just go watch COMEDY CENTRAL OR SOMETHING SINCE THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT.. that means that most of you's would think Dane Cook would be a good wrestler to just because he would be oozing with charisma and jokes right?:suspic: If it were all about Charisma, then that means that Santino should be champ right? over Daniel Bryan? i mean honestly does that mean that Santino is better than Bryan? NO

Here's the thing, you can have amazing charisma and a thimble full of wrestling talent, and still be a great professional wrestler. You cannot have amazing in ring talent and a thimble of charisma and be a great professional wrestler. Now, certainly, you'd still have a place on the card, but it would be nowhere near the top. Obviously, it's best to have both in spades, but if one of those attributes is going to be on the low end of the spectrum, you will be worth far more if your in ring skill is subpar than your charisma.

And as for your Santino bashing, I'll say this- Santino has entertained me. That's something that cannot be said about Daniel Bryan.
I'm going to hop on the DBD love train and say yes, watch the damn ROH matches; watch the damn ROH promos. DBD was hyped for a reason.

As for Tyson Kidd, what, do you honestly expect him to be the Rock? I know that's a horrible, horrible defense of someone, but it's not like they're exactly putting the WWE Championship on him. Whether you like it or not, it's still a wrestling show and Kidd is a damn good wrestler. I'm not saying Kidd needs to be pushed, or anything, but I do think your logic of what defines someone as, "good," needs to be reconsidered.

Also, I don't know if you remember, but Benoit would sometimes cut God-awful promos. He botched his lines all the time, in WCW. Sure, DBD has never cut a legendary promo in WWE, but then again, who has? When did Benoit ever cut a legendary promo? DBD really is a fantastic wrestler, though I agree he's not Benoit in the ring, but don't act like Benoit cut great promos. On a wrestling level, Benoit really wasn't that far ahead of where DBD is, now. This is all just MHO, obviously, but, "boring," doesn't mean, "bad."
Daniel Bryan is awful on the mic, and therefore, I couldn't care less what he does in the ring. He is a waste of midcard space as far as I'm concerned.
Daniel Bryan can put on luchadore level athleticism, combined with technical holds that on par with Bret or Benoit.

Tyson Kidd, I turn off the TV when I see him wrestle. I can't stand watching him.
Also, I don't know if you remember, but Benoit would sometimes cut God-awful promos. He botched his lines all the time, in WCW. Sure, DBD has never cut a legendary promo in WWE, but then again, who has? When did Benoit ever cut a legendary promo? DBD really is a fantastic wrestler, though I agree he's not Benoit in the ring, but don't act like Benoit cut great promos. On a wrestling level, Benoit really wasn't that far ahead of where DBD is, now. This is all just MHO, obviously, but, "boring," doesn't mean, "bad."

Yeah, because being like Benoit is sure to be a good thing...

Benoit's tragic end aside, I think you make a valid comparison, and here's what you're apparently not realizing- Benoit had to bust his ass for 20 years before he finally became a World champion, and only achieved that once, being quickly relegated back down the card as soon as his reign was over.

Now, look at Daniel Bryan... Daniel Bryan is perhaps close to as good in the ring as Benoit was. Daniel Bryan is also significantly shorter than Benoit. And significantly lighter than Benoit. And has a vastly inferior body and look to Benoit. And, astoundingly enough, is even less charismatic and with inferior mic skills to Benoit. So, to recap, Daniel Bryan is like the guy who strove 20 years to get a brief moment in the main event spotlight and then quickly step back, but worse in almost all areas... That about sums it up.

Oh, and in the entertainment business, "boring" absolutely means "bad"
:lol: ... That's all I have to say. Maybe, if they went to the ring every week, did the same old shit, and cut a kiddy promo every week like Cena does, maybe you will like them? Oh, and Daniel Bryan has no personality? Have you seen ANY of his work outside of WWE? Oh, wait, chances are that you're a WWE Mark that refuses to accept anything outside of WWE, and anything that's not WWE is automatically 'crap'. WWE simply isn't giving Daniel Bryan a chance, they're putting him as a generic 'nerd', rather than letting him be the American Dragon badass that we all knew in Ring of Honor (I can hear you moaning already..).

Tyson Kidd on the other hand, how can you not like him? He's constantly putting on the best matches of the week (unfortunately they're all on NXT), He's cutting some great promos (once again, on NXT). I don't know what you want out of wrestlers, but I don't know how you can not like Tyson Kidd. Daniel Bryan I can understand, but it's not his fault. WWE simply isn't giving him a chance to show his personality.
:lol: ... That's all I have to say. Maybe, if they went to the ring every week, did the same old shit, and cut a kiddy promo every week like Cena does, maybe you will like them? Oh, and Daniel Bryan has no personality? Have you seen ANY of his work outside of WWE? Oh, wait, chances are that you're a WWE Mark that refuses to accept anything outside of WWE, and anything that's not WWE is automatically 'crap'. WWE simply isn't giving Daniel Bryan a chance, they're putting him as a generic 'nerd', rather than letting him be the American Dragon badass that we all knew in Ring of Honor (I can hear you moaning already..).

Tyson Kidd on the other hand, how can you not like him? He's constantly putting on the best matches of the week (unfortunately they're all on NXT), He's cutting some great promos (once again, on NXT). I don't know what you want out of wrestlers, but I don't know how you can not like Tyson Kidd. Daniel Bryan I can understand, but it's not his fault. WWE simply isn't giving him a chance to show his personality.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where someone expressed great appreciation and love for John Cena? Or did I not get the memo where if you don't like Daniel Bryan, you are required to love John Cena? Or are just required to love anyone that's radically different from him?

And, right, if someone hasn't seen ROH, they are a WWE M\mark... I mean, I watch WWE on TV, and I watch TNA on TV, and I even watch the local rinky-dink NWA affiliate on TV, because I'm a wrestling fan and they are available to me to view, but because I don't go out of my way to track down shows that aren't available in my market, that means I'm a WWE mark? That's well reasoned and logical...

As for Tyson Kidd owning NXT, maybe he is. I watched the program, though it barely kept my interest, through it's TV run, and even managed to make it halfway through a season online before I completely stopped caring. I can only base my opinion on Tyson Kidd (and on Daniel Bryan) by what I see, and what I see is nothing that impressed me.

And, honestly, I'd probably dislike Daniel Bryan far less, though I'm sure I still wouldn't be a fan, if not for people like yourself. Daniel Bryan is the John Cena of the IWC- He is the performer who is shoved down your throat when you try to read a wrestling forum or participate in a discussion with a certain type of fan as vehemently as Cena has ever been shoved down your throat by WWE, and the *attitude* from this kind of fan of how much Daniel is a god and how much better he is than all the people you may happen to like and how much better they are for being fans of his poisoned me to Daniel Bryan from day one. That, coupled with him having almost nothing to offer that I want, has moved him from being someone I'd respond to with "He's alright. Really good in the ring, but can't do much else. He's a good midcarder, I guess" to someone I respond to with "I hate this man and never want to see him on my television again."
Here's the thing, you can have amazing charisma and a thimble full of wrestling talent, and still be a great professional wrestler. You cannot have amazing in ring talent and a thimble of charisma and be a great professional wrestler. Now, certainly, you'd still have a place on the card, but it would be nowhere near the top. Obviously, it's best to have both in spades, but if one of those attributes is going to be on the low end of the spectrum, you will be worth far more if your in ring skill is subpar than your charisma.

And as for your Santino bashing, I'll say this- Santino has entertained me. That's something that cannot be said about Daniel Bryan.

No disrespect to you Miz_Mark but honestly...... We should, people should care more about what a person does in the ring, rather than what he does on the Mic. Your saying that its more important for the WWE period to be all about entertaining us in on the Microphone and not in the ring...

I respect what you say about charisma and the assessment is true only because sure... Thats what the "E" and most fans want..But its all about wrestling skills more so to me than Mic skills.

Which is perhaps the reason why you and others love The Miz, people like you prefer just a wrestler being charismatic and sub par in the ring. And there is people like me that are all about wrestling skill. So when it comes to me, i prefer a "Daniel Bryan" over a "Miz" just like all time wise.. I'm a HBK/Kurt Angle guy compared to most that are a Hulk Hogan/Stone cold guy.

Sometimes charisma can be done in the ring with actions, rather than words on the microphone. Thats just the way i see things.

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