The album was horrendous. Just because "nobody raps likes he does" doesn't make it any good. I could go make a rap song right now and rap it like nobody else in this World does and it would be complete shit, just like this album was.
Why would you put something in quotations when you're not quoting me? I didn't say nobody raps like he does, I said nobody rhymes like he does. Those multi-syllable rhyme schemes were unfuckwithable, just like they are on every album he does.
The bottom line is, from Survival and Berserk being his lead singles, naming it Marshall Mathers LP 2, and listening to this album last night, it's clear to me that Eminem made this with the mind-set of selling records, not really caring about the content of it.
Every lead single he's released for every album he's made was designed for commercial success. My Name Is, The Real Slim Shady, Without Me, Just Lose it, We Made You, and Not Afraid were all songs that were made to be marketable. Obviously there were songs with more real content on the album than those, just like there is on this one though the quality has diminished significantly.
This album will appeal to ******ed white pieces of shit out there, both young and old (well.. middle-aged), and will be the highest selling rap album of the year, if not the past 5.
Yeah because it's the white fans that promote shitty rap music.
Of course his die-hard fanboys are going to like anything he releases, so they won't bitch either. But you look around the internet, rap fans are BURYING this album.
It's probably his worst album to date, which should be expected; He's 41 years old. His time for making classic albums has come and gone, but he''ll still produce a couple of good tracks on his way out.
It's gotten good reviews with the white media who knows nothing about rap and who have been constantly sucking Kayne West's dick the past 5 years, but go to any rap forum and read the threads... people are burying Em just like I am.
You seriously keep bringing up the opinions of rap forum posters as validation. Think about how silly that sounds. Hip Hop Forums are 99% rappers who aren't making it that shit on everything even remotely mainstream or hyped in any way. Every forum is the same.
You want me to do a full review of the album like a film, running down why each song sucks... I don't do that for music.
No one's asking you to. I was just pointing out that you were throwing a bitchfit rather than offering up anything of value worth discussing.
I just know what I heard last night was awful from beginning to end. From Em's obnoxious voice, to the dumb ass lyrics, to the HORRIBLE beats, to the goofy samples, etc. It was a horrendous album as far as I'm concerned. You want to get upset about my opinion of it then that's your problem, not mine.
See, now at least there you're saying something. I can't really argue with much of that. I'm certain that part of my reason for liking this album more than a lot of people do comes from the very deeply embedding affection I have the guy's work. I've been a crazy fan of his since I was like, 10. So yeah, I'll say I'm biased,
I can get with Bezerk, mainly because I really dig what he did with the samples. There's a few songs I can't fuck with at all; Stronger Than I was, So Much Better, Legacy. Not really big on Asshole, Rhyme or Reason, or Bad Guy. But I thoroughly enjoy So Far, Rap God, The Monster, Brainless, etc.
Like I said originally, not huge on his production these days; liked him way more when he was fucking with Bass Brothers and Dre all the time. I don't like how he has other people doing his choruses; I'm pretty sure he did all but one of his own choruses on the original MMLP. I'm absolutely not trying to say this album is above criticism, I think just think your reaction was comically over the top and didn't offer anything to discuss. You're better than that.
And Nate my man, if you yourself had "an elementary understanding of rapping technique," then you'd stop being a fan of ICP and grow out of that Juggalo shit already.

I stated long ago that I grew out of that shit years ago. Not that you should be expected to know everything I've ever posted, but if you're going to insult someone, at least make sure it would sting in some fashion.