TWF: Total Wrestling Federation

The Underking

Likes Jalepenos with Cheese
This is a story that one of my freinds posted on a diffrent website and I asked him if I could use it he said yes There's already over fifty chapters there are some glaring diffrences but it's mostly the same.

TWF world championship- vacant

Hardcore championship - vacant

World tag team championship- vacant

Women's championship- vacant

The theme song plays remember the name( if you haven't heard it check it on YouTube) and a short intro plays I will make this later) Pyro goes off

"Introduce you to the commentators for Twf Steve" Web Dragon" Raters shows a guy around forty five years old dressed in casual clothes and his partner Sebastian "the king" Fernandez shows a older thirty year old dude wearing all black" says Chris Macintyre . So with out further a do lets begin the first match of Twf history.

22 man battle royal over the top rope

1 elimination: Tyler Teleflex (Thrown out of the ring by Ezekiel)

2 Elimination: Ezekiel Cross (Devon Joseph eliminates him with a power slam)

3 Elimination: Harold Jackson (tossed over the top rope by Duncan Parks)

4 elimination: Devon Joseph (Eliminated by The great Magini by a dropkick)

5 elimination: Mad Chad (Eliminated by Jack Beauregard tossed over the top rope)

6 and seventh elimination: Justin Price and Noah Copper( Justin was tripped while doing a moon walk next to the ropes for revenge he threw Noah out and attacked him finishing off with a knee to the face which he calls the faceless
"Wow this match has started and seven people have been eliminated Noah as well from Justin's anger management problems what do you think Steve" says Sebastian.

Elimination eight: James Lawson (Steel chair shot to the head from Lance Raters)

"That's my boy Lance future TWF world Champion right there and as for Justin Noah was at the right place but at the wrong time and he paid for it" said Steve

Elimination nine: Evan Brent (thrown off by Jack Beauregard)

Elimination ten: Cody McGrath (slipped and was punched off by lance raters)

Elimination eleven and twelve la Guerrero Azteca and Geoff Fisher (La Guerrero Azteca did a clothes line and Geoff held on causing both off them fall off)

Elimination 13: Rojo bat (Rojo bat charged at Owen and Owen threw him off the top rope onto Geoff and La Guerrero Azteca)

Elimination 14: Kenny Dentons (jumped after Owen Lee and was caught and thrown hard against the announce table)

Owen has lately been dominating with both Lance and Justin outside off the ring remember they are still in they fell out the middle rope and everybody else scattered around the ring. The great Magini suddenly tackles onto Owen who catches him and slams him to the ground then picks him up and throws him out of the ring.

Elimination 15 the great Magini

Duncan comes into the ring with brass knuckles and starts laying a beat down on Owen and finally throws him off the top rope. Then Johnny Beauregard throws him off from behind and Shenlong throws him off then Shenlong goes off by Jack Beauregard who starts partying thinking that he's won on the top turn buckle when lance comes into the ring and spears them both out of the ring Jacks feet touch first and then Lances feet thinking he's won he takes the title and starts partying then the announcer says The winner of this 22 man battle royal Justin "the ram" Wyatt at this Lance turns around to be hit by the problem solver and Justin starts partying

Elimination 16 Owen

Elimination 17 Duncan

Elimination 18 Johnny

Elimination 19 Shenlong

Elimination 20: jack

Elimination 21: Lance

Winner: Justin (new TWF world champion)

"This is Lindsay with my guest at this t tie…" she looks at the card she's reading from "Time Tyler". Tyler is shown to the left. "How does it feel to have lost first even before Ezekiel a guy who has lost more matches then anybody else in the world” says Lindsay. "Well I would have won if it wasn't all the time I spent in the gym" says Tyler. A video shows him being beat up by countless people in a wrestling ring.

"Why did you let them beat you up well never mind my interview time is up so are you doing anything Friday?" Asks Lindsay. Camera closes out

This match is a fatal four way match for the women's title introducing first Harper Deviling to the song I lie I cheat I steal( she did all three in the first three episode) she walks out to the ring being booed.

Introducing second Gwen Passington misery business by paramour goes out as she walks to the ring accompanied by cheers.

Next comes out tiffany diamonds with boos by the Song Da Baddest by Trina with a bat.

Holly Kingston next comes out with the novel war and peace with the song radar and is accompanied by cheers.

The match is straightforward lasting around ten minutes harper takes out Gwen from the ring as well as herself with her finisher Flash KIck (inverted super kick to the temple) she slipped after hitting it and falls out of the ring and tiffany goes for a spear on holly and holly dodges and hits a holly-caust for the win and the women's title.

(GM's office)

Lance barges in. "I want a world title match tonight at the main event or I will freaking" exclaims Lance before Chris cuts him off.

"You won't do a thing now I already have a main event" retorts Chris.

"Well then I want in" says Lance right back at him.

“ Well lucky for you were already in it just wait for Hatchet to get the others” says Chris.

After a couple minutes Shenlong and the Beauregard brothers comes out through the door.

“Next to me are three titles two of them are the tag team titles one is the hardcore championship now they each have rules the women's title only woman can be in it. In tag team titles the match has to be 2 on 2 at least. The hardcore is the trickiest at the end of the month the owner will have to answer the question the title will either be on the line every week or 24\7 rule which means the title is always on the line” said Chris as everybody nods.

“Then there is the Twf world title whoever holds that title is literally the best in the biz so tonight the main event is a fatal four way elimination match the two first losers get the tag team titles then the next gets the hardcore title and finally the winner gets a world title shot at re-lapse ( the first pay per view of the year and there is something special in each) and for why its you four you were the four closest to winning the title” said Chris

"So everybody wins" says Shenlong who is promptly slapped in the face by Lance. “Didn't you hear him unless your Twf champion you're a loser and I will be Twf champion at re-lapse” said Lance.

"Well that was a debate anyways we have already crowned two champion the next match will be the only one which is not for a title tonight" says Sebastian.

"This next match is the perfect time to go do whatever you want because after this they are going to see my son win that fatal four way elimination match and get his shot against the champion Justin" said Steve.

The following match is scheduled for one fall introducing first Evan "the real deal" Brent he comes out to the ring by the song liar by korn.

“Introducing his opponent El Guerrero Azteca" he comes out by smooth (Remix - Escape the Fate).

Even Brent easily starts the match out powering Guerrero (the names to long) and hitting a suplex then goes on the attack with a sleeper hold guerrero after a while makes it back up to his feet and hits a dropkick then uses a jump using the ropes turnbuckles cross body 1…2.. Kick out. Evan manages to start dominating after brutal DDT hits the Brent back breaker 1… 2… guerrero leg goes to the ropes which the referee sees and stops the count Evan in turn gets mad and starts screaming at the ref saying that he counted to slow. Guerrero takes advantage and hits a pulverizing on Evan while he's screaming at the ref he goes for the pin. 1… 2… 3.

After the win Guerrero gets out and starts celebrating the win when he's hit from behind by a Brent back breaker Evan leaves.

Wow what a sore loser he lost the match because he thought the referee was cheating and took it out on Guerrero says Sebastian.

"He didn't do it cause of that he was mad that he lost no he wanted to make an impact and he did that right there" says Steve.

The following match is a fatal four way elimination match both the Beauregard brothers come out together by the theme song of lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch with boos. Then came out Shenlong to his music with cheers. Then came out lance to boos with his theme song fake it by Seether when he walks down he goes next to a fan gives him his sun glasses he cheers then he takes it back and breaks it then gives it back he gets booed louder.
The match starts off with both Beauregard's taking on Shenlong while lance watches from the back Johnny eventually switches aim to jack and starts pounding away at him as lance hits a ddt on Shenlong and goes for the pin. 1… kick out. Shenlong gets back to his feet and starts striking at him for the come back and charges at lance but just to get booted in the head by a counter. At this point jack manages to counter and hit the Beauregard special (Hart Attack) and goes for the pin on Johnny 1… 2… 3…

1 elimination Johnny (One half of the tag team champions)

At this point Shenlong got up and mounted a come back and was doing well until jack grabbed him by the hair and went and tried a tag team finisher with jack the southern pride and then Shenlong manages to drop kick him to Lance who hits a rated k (Twist of Fate into a Stunner) then Shenlong hits a guillotine (Spring Board Tornado DDT) right back onto jack then he drops and gets a pin on jack 1… 2… 3…

Elimination 2 jack (other half of the tag team champions)

At this point lance hits a combo of punches kicks and a spinning wheel kick on to Shenlong and looks to go for a spear after hitting it goes to the top rope where Justin Wyatt comes in and while the re isn't looking hits lance with a steel chair then Shenlong gets up and hits a flying dragon and goes for the pin.

Elimination 3 lance (New hardcore champion)

Winner Shenlong (Number 1 contender for the Twf world championship)

Justin the goes in the ring and hits a problem solver onto Shenlong who is then attacked by a mad Lance who hit a couple of steel chair shots of Justin the hits A rated High (Swanton Bomb) on him and Poses with both titles.
What a hardcore performance from our hardcore champion well we will se you next week on TWF says Steve as the camera goes off.

Re-lapse match card.

Shenlong vs. Justin Wyatt (for the Twf world championship)

anybody who doesn't have a bio is mostly a jobber the characters were made by various diffrent people.

"The Franchise Rebel" Duncan Parks

6 ft 4

250 pounds

Comes out with a green mohawk and jean shorts with sneakers.

Finishers: Emerald Driver (FU) Jail Cell (STF)

Superstar Similarity: John Cena.

Name: Lance Raters

Age (18 and up) 20

Wrestling name Lance Raters

Nickname (optional): The Real Rated R Superstar

Resides (where are they being billed from) San Juan, Puerto Rico

Height: 6 ft 5in

Weight: 247 pounds

Body type: Has a speed and muscular build

Hair: Dark jet black long.

Eyes: Jade Green eyes

Ring attire: Long black pants with triple R in Red

Wrestler personality: He's a heel who knows when to win and when to take a count out loss overly cocky.

Face or Tweener or Heel (good or neutral or bad) Heel

Wrestling music (what wrestler’s music will you use?) Fake it by Seether

Finisher(s you can choose the number as long as it doesn’t pass three):

Finisher one: The spear

Finisher 2: Rated K: It’s a twist of fate into a stunner.

Finisher 3: Rated High: It’s a front flip onto a grounded opponent from the top rope

Superstar similarity: Edge

(Tattoos piercings etc): He has a tattoo of a falcon on his right arm and snake on his back and one star on his left arm

Accessories(what will he or she carries to ringside) He wears black sunglasses .

name:ted estes


wrestling name:evan brent

nickname:the real deal



wieght:235 lb

body type:slightley muscular,4 pack

hair:dirty blonde


normal clothes:anything

wrestling attire:blue and black tight shorts with eb on them,black boots,knee and elbow pads

wrestling personality:risk taker,uses intelligance

face or heel:heel

wrestling music:liar by korn

finisher 1:brent back breaker (german suplex)

finisher 2:jumping cutter

finisher 3:spear

superstar similarity:cody rhodes

accesories:shirt with the words "the real deal"printed on it.

Name: C.J. Harrison

Age 19

Wrestling name: Shenlong

Nickname: Dragon God

Resides: St.Louis, Missouri

Height: 5'11

Weight: 235 lb.

Body type: Has muscles on his chest and shoulders, but is also a little big around stomach.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Regular clothes: A black baseball cap with the word 'Dragon' written in bloody red. A black t-shirt, long denim jeans with White Reebok's.

Ring attire: Long black tight pants with dragons on them and black long boots.

Wrestler personality: Shenlong is an aggressive wrestler, but with a cool and nice attitude. He doesn't like to make enemies or pick fights, but just does what he does best. However, if somedoes something to him that could cost him a match or hurt one of his friends, that's the time he will interfere. Whether it be, hiding under the ring, running out from the locker room, or coming from crowds, Shenlong will get revenge.

Face or heel: Face

Wrestling music: Bawitdaba by Kid Rock

Finisher(s you can choose the number as long as it doesn’t pass three):

Finisher 1: Guillotine- Spring Board Tornado DDT

Finisher 2: Flying Dragon- Shenlong gets on the top rope and roars loudly to the crowd like a dragon. He then jumps on the opponent with his body landing on the opponent.

Superstar similarity:

(Tatoos piercings etc): Has a dragon tattoo on his back.

Accessories: Carries his Dragon hat, which he throws to crowd, a dragon chain, which he gives to a kid during his intro, and a Dragon t-shirt, which he also throws to the crowd.

Crud this takes to long I'm shortning it.

Matt Great H

Jeff Killington H

Justin Wyatt T

Kenny Dentons F

Rojo Bat F

The Great Magini F

Suicide F

Jack beauregard H

John Beauregard F

Holly Kingston F

Heather Devlington H

Courtney Banks H

Owen Lee F

El Guerreo Azteca F

Mad Chad F

Justin Price H

Noah Copper F

Steve Raters H

Neo Raters T
Twf world champion – Justin "the ram Wyatt

Hardcore champion- Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters

Twf tag team championship- The Beauregard Brothers

Women's champion- Holly "the princess of perfection" Kingston

I would like to introduce Wtf owner and general manager Chris McLean in Miami, Florida.

"Tonight we will have a pick your poison match so bring out Shenlong and Justin Wyatt" says Chris.

"They both make their entrances and enter the ring. Alright here's how it goes you each pick an opponent from the roster and a match type then the other has to face him and if one loses the other chooses what type of match you two will have at re-lapse since Justin is the champion you go first" says Chris.

"Your match tonight will be against the 300 pounder Owen and it will be a no holds barred match says Justin with a grin.

"Well then your match is against Guerrero in a 2 out of 3 falls match" says both leave.

Mad Chad vs. Duncan (with Courtney Banks) (Number one contender match for the hardcore title) "Introducing first from the house of barbed wire in 6 ft 3 in and weighing 270 pounds the Sicko from Indy Mad Chad" he makes his way to the ring by the song voices.

And his opponent being at 6 ft 4 in and weighing 250 pounds Duncan Parks accompanied with Courtney Washington.
by the song animal I have become by Three Days Grace with mixed reactions.

The match starts with both of them grabbing at the other when Duncan hits a snap mare and put in a couple of knees to the back. Then Duncan applies a arm lock chicken wing with a couple of knees included Mad Chad makes his way out with a couple of kicks and elbows and manages to do a leg trip which is then countered by another leg trip by Duncan.

"Well Steve what do you think will go on with this match we just saw Duncan managed to keep his offense on the bigger and heavier Mad Chad" says Sebastian.

"Well I don't know their both good but Duncan has better background and has a girl on his side that's major points towards him while Mad Chad is a bit broken in the head but will Duncan be able to keep his lead after these messages " says Steve.

Chad is currently applying a head lock which Duncan breaks out of and goes for a standing clothesline where Chad dodges and hit a ddt and goes for the pin.1… 2… 3 kick out " and a shot at the wait what's this the referee changes his decision the match is still on" says Steve

Duncan manages to stand up just to be hit by a flying clothesline then Courtney starts distracting the referee where Chad looks at the distraction when he's pulled by the shoulder and hit by a brass knuckle fist to the gut by Duncan then hit a fist drop tosses them out of the ring and finally when Courtney stops distracting the ref and Duncan hits a crushing Emerald Driver (its like an Fu or attitude adjustment and a fire mans carry slam) and goes for the pin1… 2… 3

"the winner of this match and number one contender for the hardcore title Duncan Parks" says the announcers.

He celebrates when suddenly the song Fake it comes out and Lance Rater's comes out with a mic "Congratulations Duncan you are no longer the number one contender for the hardcore title you are the hardcore champion". As he gives him the title when Duncan is about to start partying he is cut off by lance "and now I put in my rematch clause"

Then he hits a spear and goes for the pin 1… 2… 3 "winner of this match and new hardcore champion Lance Raters" says the announcer "and now you're nothing" says Lance and starts hitting him with the mic on the head and kicks to the head until the referees stop and detain him after around a minute.

"What the hell this whole match was for no reason he just cheated an already damaged Duncan and now more damaged" says Sebastian as he watches the referee and Courtney carry Duncan away as he is holding his head.

"I am just speechless I didn't think this would happen in a million years and just to talk about 15 seconds of fame" says Steve. As the camera closes out.

(GM's office)

"You wanted to see me" asks lance as enters the office to Chris.

"Yes what you did is unacceptable and down right low I don't like people making title matches when I don't say so you have given Duncan a concussion to take him out of the match so you know what at re-lapse you will still face Duncan in a hardcore match and to make sure you learn Mad Chad will also be in the match it will be a hardcore triple threat match now get the hell out of my office".

"This next match is a no holds barred match scheduled for one fall introducing first being 6ft and 1 and weighing 300 Owen Lee" he comes out to the song fat by weird al Yankovic he is given cheers as he walks down to the ring.

And his opponent 5ft and 11 in weighing 235 pounds Shenlong "the dragon god".

The match starts with Owen grabbing a chair and whacking at Shenlong who manages to dodge and kick the chair at Owen who hurts his hands then Shenlong hits a steel chair shot to the back of Owen continuously eventually Owen powers out and hits monstrous clothesline and jump splashes at Shenlong then goes for an elbow drop which Shenlong dodges and starts a fist fight with Owen after a couple punches Owen manages to deck out Shenlong and goes for the top rope and hits a Splash Plunge ( Jumps of the top rope belly first) and goes for the pin 1… 2… kick out.

Owen goes top rope again looking for a Splay Plunge but falls hard when Shenlong dodges then Shenlong hits a dropkick and follows up with a barrage of kicks. Then goes under the ring and takes out a table and sets it up when Shenlong Charges at Owen catches and goes to the top rope with Shenlong and dived off Shenlong and hitting a Worlds heaviest Slam (Worlds Strongest Slam) through the table Shenlong with a last burst of strength grabs the ropes and pulls himself out of the ring and falls to the floor.

Owen goes out of the ring to carry him back in when he's hit with a heal kick to the head then a steal chair shot to the head again which makes him bleed and Shenlong throws him in the ring and grabs a ladder Owen gets up to get hit by a guillotine and Shenlong sets up the ladder and jumps off hitting the flying dragon and goes for the pin 1… 2…3 "Winner of this match Shenlong" After the match after a couple minute they both get off the floor and have a handshake.

"What a match and what healthy superstars after that though I'm pretty sure both of them just want to sleep and well who wouldn't" says Steve.


We are here with Lindsay on Lindsay knows best and my guest at this time Courtney.

"How does it feel to your boyfriend have last both the title and part of his he"… as she tries to pronounce what's on the card she's reading from. "Heat of coolness you know what bob you are so fired as my writer anyways how do you feels about Duncan". Well I believe that lance is a f****ng bas**rd and you know what I proposed an idea to Chris and he loved it so this week there is a fatal four way match next week and winner gets a woman's title shot at re-lapse" says Courtney as she leaves.

"Well we already have seen two great matches between four great competitors and now we have a rivalry that started last week when Noah eliminated Justin he wasn't to happy" says Sebastian. "Well we are going to see them go at it in singles action" says Steve

"Introducing first from Canada at 6 ft 0 weighing 225 pounds Justin Taylor" introduces the announcer he gets cheers from the lady's boos from the guys and a can of coke to the head. "And introducing his opponenent at 5ft 4 in Noah Copper" introduces the announcer.

The match begins with Justin lunging at Noah who side steps and puts in a kick to the gut on Justin. Justin tries to hit an arm lock Noah sidesteps and follows with does a leg sweep and an arm wrench. After a while Justin escapes the hold and hits a DDT and follows in with a couple of punches to the head. Noah manages to dodge a punch and put in his own and an enzugeri kick to the head. Noah mounts on offense with a hard punch to the head of Justin followed with a dropkick then a bunch of kicks Justin manages to grab one kick and hit a standing clothesline.

Justin grabs one of Noah's legs and uses his knees to crush it. Noah dodges and hits a brain buster then goes top rope and jumps off Justin gets up and in mid air hits a faceless( A knee to the face) on Noah 1… 2… 3. "Winner of this match Justin" announces the referee Noah gets back up and hits a reverse DDT on Justin.

When suddenly perfect insanity plays and Chris comes out. "Alright at re-lapse you two are going to fight in a tag team match for the tag team titles and it's a go big or go home match if one of you happens to lose both of you are fired how's that for breaking my limited addition beetles record you ******s so hopefully you lose or I will give you hell" says Chris as both Noah and Justin look at the other in shock.

"Wow what an announcement from the gm how will Justin and Noah be able to come together to win the championships or will they both be fired" questions Sebastian.

Tag team match (winners go to the fatal four way number one contender match next week with Courtney and Trina.

"Introducing first the combined weight of the 296 Katie and Sadie Cropington" announces the announcer. "And their opponent at 265 pounds Eva Page and Izzy Crabgrass
The match starts with Izzy hitting a flying clothesline on Sadie then goes top rope and slips Sadie then hits a clothesline of her own on to Izzy. Sadie tags in Katie and they do a double clothesline onto izzy and put in a one legged Boston crab after a while izzy manages to get to the ropes 1… 2… 3… Katie lets go and tags in Sadie and do a double elbow drop izzy manages to slap Katie and hits Sadie with a light kick to the head.

As she goes to tag in Eva Sadie tackles her from behind and grabs her again to hit a clothesline which izzy ducks and hits Sadie hard with a kick to the gut and punch to the throat. This time izzy jumps half the ring tags Eva in who grabs a charging Sadie and hits a power slam then hits Katie with a clothesline then she gets Sadie into the running power slam position then Katie jumps of the top rope onto them Eva manages to hold both and hit a running power slam then tagged in izzy who hit a shooting star press on Sadie and goes for the pin 1… 2… 3.

"Winners and participants in next week number one contender fatal four way match Eva and Izzy" says the announcer.

(GM's office) Chris is talking on the phone (an Iphone) with someone "alright I will announce it in two weeks after the main event see you at Re-lapse".

Main event "The following match is a 2 out of 3 falls match introducing first el guerrero Azteca" announces the announcer. "And the opponent the Twf world champion Justin "the ram" Wyatt" announces the referee.

The match starts with Justin putting up a headlock after a while Guerrero manages to break the hold and hit a flying clotheline which Justin easily recovered from just to get hit by two more and a leaping moon Sault using the second rope.1 Kick out The match continues with Guerrero putting in a leg lock after a while Justin gets out and hits a boot to the face. Then he try's to put in the heartogram which is countered into a into a arm lock which Guerrero lets go and quickly puts in a Angustia (Reverse Bull Dog) fallowed up by an Aguila Azteca (Double Foot Stomp) and goes for the pin1… 2…3

First fall pin Guerrero on Justin

The match continues with Guerrero going to go after Justin who eye rakes him and fallows up with bicycle then puts in a heartogram (Anaconda Vice) after a short time Guerrero taps out.

Second fall submission Justin on Guerrero

He keeps the hold locked in while the referee starts the disqualification count 1…2…3…4… he lets go then he hits a knee to the neck and fallows up with a unsuccessful heartogram guerrero goes to a turn buckle to rest for a while Justin goes after Guerrero when the song Bawitdaba by Kid Rock plays when Shenlong comes out Justin is distracted so he doesn't see guerrero get up then he goes for a pulverizing (Elbow to the head fallowed by knee to the stomach and stomp on foot and a torndado clothesline) which he fallows up with a Angustia and ends it with a Aguila Azteca (Missle Dropkick) and goes for the pin 1… 2…3.

Third fall pin Guerrero on Justin. Then comes in Shenlong "at Re-lapse are match will be a TLC match when suddenly Fake it plays and out comes Lance Raters with a mic.

"Actually the match will be a TLC triple threat match that's right I watched the clip from last week and my foot was under the bottom rope lets see it" shows a tape which clearly shows Lances foot is under the ropes. "Now as you know our general manager doesn't like me but a law suit does wonders also if you have seen the tapings you would know that I have already been placed in a match at re-lapse so all you lucky fans will see lance raters in two matches where I will go in one and retain my title and you will see in the other I will win the Twf championship" Says Lance.

"Well we are probably just as shocked as you are they are only two things left to say one this was lances night two we hope we see you next week on Friday on the amazingly awesome web channel good night from Sebastian and Steve" says Sebastian.

Okay I know most of the people who put applicants aren't in this chapter also I had little time to post this.

Re-lapse match card

Triple threat TLC match for the Twf world championship- Justin vs. Shenlong vs. Lance

Triple threat hardcore match for the hardcore title- Mad Chad vs. Duncan vs. Lance

Tag team match go big or go home stipulation: if Justin and Noah don't win the tag team titles they are fired. Noah and Justin vs. The Beauregard brothers
Ok the first thing wrong with this Book This is that it is not yours.You say in your first post, "this is my friends".So you post up something that your freind wrote to get your post count up.Why, what is the point of posting something up that isn't yours and while you may say you have made changes I doubt that very much.So you should start a new Book This one that is your work and yours only because nobody will read this if it is not your work.
yes, Prophet hit the nail on the head, there is absolutely no point on you posting someone elses Book This, that is called plagarism, even if you did change a thing or two, I say you should start your own if you really want to, or continue one you already started (correct me if you didnt start one, but I am sure I've seen one by you) or, on the other hand, join me in a quest to start MY joint book this, I wont bite ;)
Besides the entire plagiarism ordeal, this Book This! promotion is quite terrible in presentation. First off, who the hell is in your promotion? I don't want to actually figure it out myself when I read the thing, nor do anyone else. You have to put a roster up for display so people can judge for themselves... but with that writing I can't be surprised people would tune out. It's long and drawn out in the same text the entire way through. Where is the colour or text enhancers? You have to differentiate between the dialogue, the match description and the settings.

The wrestling ain't that bad is probably the only thing saving this entire thing. But go back and learn how to format properly, let alone coming up with your own idea for a BT or at least explaining everything prior to posting the shows. This is pretty bad overall.
God dammit first of all it wasn't a book this if you read at the top it was on some other website you won't find this elsewhere plus I admit to editing most of it gets good around the second pay per view is where most of it is so if you don't read screw you I'm sure somebody else will plus this is heavily edited so anyways here goes chapter's 3 and 4.

Twf world champion – Justin "the ram Wyatt

Hardcore champion- Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters

Twf tag team championship- The Beauregard Brothers

Women's champion- Holly "the princess of perfection" Kingston

"We are in Houston, Texas and boy do we have a lot of matches tonight we have two superstars debut in their first match so what are we waiting for plus we have an action packed main event Mad Chad and Shenlong are teaming up against the champions lance and Justin" says Sebastian.

"Introducing first at 6 ft 7 and weighing 375 pounds Matt Great" says the announcer is accompanied by boos "and introducing his opponent at 6 feet tall and weighing 133 pounds Harold. This match was incredibly short Harold charged Harold got kicked in the gut Harold got Great bombed 1…2…3 "winner of this match matt awesome" announces the referee. As matt celebrates in the ring.

"What a dominating presence he won the match in 18 seconds can anybody stop him" says Sebastian?

"Introducing first at 5 ft 9 in and weighing 225 pounds Rojo Bat" introduces the announcer he comes out to Stand Up by Flobots and cheers.

"And introducing his opponent at 6 ft 11 in and weighing 349 pounds Jeff "Death" Killington. He makes his way to the ring in classic lights turn off they turn on he at the ropes.

The match starts with Rojo bat charging his opponent only to get hit by a barrage of punches and thrown to the turn buckle for more punches after one last particularly brutal strike he fell and Jeff took off the turnbuckle covering and grabbed up Rojo bat and bashed his head in continuously onto the exposed turnbuckle after a couple hits he seems to be bleeding out of his mask.

After that he grabbed at him one more time and chokeslamed him hard Rojo bat looked he didn't know where he was just to get picked up again and chokeslamed against the turnbuckle then got picked right up and hit a choke slam throwing him out of the ring1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10 after this Jeff went outside threw the announcers table apart and choke slammed Rojo bat right through it. "Winner of this match by count out Jeff "Death" Killington"

Wow we thought matt was vicious but check him out his undoudtly annihilated Rojo bat says Sebastian.

"I would put all my money he won't be here next week" says Steven as Rojo bat is currently being placed outside on a stretcher.

"Please welcome the current tag team champions the Beauregard brothers" They come out to a bunch of boos and stay on the outside.

"Introducing first at a combined weight 305 pounds the tag team of Justin and Noah" they are accompanied by a mixed reaction.

"and introducing their opponents at a combined weight of 380 pounds The great Magini and Kenny "the high riser" Dentons.

The match starts with Justin and the great Magini Justin quickly manages to get him on the floor after socking him hard in the face he then went for a quick faceless but was caught and Magini hit a leg trip and tried to go for the magitan twist but was countered by Justin who managed to break out and kick him in the face and fallowed up with a neck breaker after that he tagged Noah in and Noah started stomping on each part of Magini's body except of course the disqualification zone then he did an Irish whip which was countered by another Irish whip and he slammed against the turnbuckle next to Kenny they made a quick tag and hit a double suplex and Kenny went for the pin 1…2.. Kick out.

after this Kenny was going to hit the kill switch engage which was countered by a reverse DDT which was countered by a Seattle Denter and The great Magini hit a tackle sending Justin off the top rope and Kenny hit the flying needle point and goes for the pin1…2…3 Winner of this match The great Magini and Kenny Dentons. After the match the Beauregard brothers both come out and attack them.

Well it seems as if Justin and Noah aren't ready to take on the tag team champs but will they be at Re-lapse.

The next match is a fatal four way match for a shot at the woman's championship.( I shall skip the introductions and the match cause its to much work for me). The match goes after Trina hits a spear onto Eva then she gets hit by a courts reaping (hits a back breaker onto knee and then neckbraker) who is suddenly blasted by heather and a steel chair the referee rings the bell and in turn Chris announces the woman's title match will be a six pack challenge match.

"Introducing first El Guerrero Azteca" as he walks to the ring accompanied with cheers. "And introducing his opponent Evan Brent" The match starts with guerrero managing to hit a flying clothesline then two more after that he goes top rope looking for the quick win but ted manages to dodge and hit a ddt after guerrero landed on his knees. After that he locks in a sitting dragon sleeper after a while Guerrero manages to counter it and hit a rolling small package 1…2 kick out. He then hits a gut kick and goes for the pulverizing but its countered by a duck and then Ted hits a Brent back breaker but he doesn't let go and hits two more hitting a trifecta of Brent back breakers and went for a pin 1…2…3. After the match Guerrero challenges him to a singles match at Re-lapse and Brent accepted

"Wow what a win for ted Estes Guerrero beat him two weeks ago and it looks like vengeance was his tonight but what will happen at relapse" says Steve

Main event

"Introducing first at a combined weight of 505 pounds Mad Chad and Shenlong" they make their way out with a big amount of cheers.

And introducing the opponents at a combined weight of 512 pounds the hardcore champion Lance Raters and the Twf world champion and Justin Wyatt.

The match starts with Lance and Mad Chad starting off they both continuously counter the others moves continuously until Mad Chad manages to fake a move and instead hit a leg sweep after this he quickly put in a arm lock which was countered into a leg lock combined with a hard fist to the head then a couple knees to the stomach and grabbed his arm then threw hit on the bottom turn buckle and tagged in Justin who started choking him with his leg until the referee stopped just for lance to do it after the ref turned his back.

Then Justin started to apply a Boston crab after a while Mad Chad managed to push him off and hit him with a hard punch to the head and hit a couple more plus an Irish whip and hitting a snap mare and crawls for the tag which he makes the Shenlong comes out at an extreme pace and hits a flying tackle fallowed up with a standing moon Sault then a final of the top rope cross body when Justin gets up 1…2 kick out.

After that Shenlong picked him up and did an Irish whip but Justin countered with a kick to the gut then a problem solver (Standing Moon Sault Slam) then he got a quick tag to lance who quickly came in and speared Mad Chad of the ropes when he wasn't looking then he hit a rated-k on Shenlong who just came up on his feet then he locked in the rateacator ( Inverted sharpshooter)After a while Shenlong can't take the pain and taps out. Winners of this match Justin "the ram Wyatt and Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters

After the match both of them get chairs and attack their respective opponents after awhile Duncan comes out with brass knuckles and starts taking out both of the champions when all the lights go off then out of no where comes Jeff Killington and he quickly boots mad Chad out of the ring and tosses off Shenlong.

Duncan comes up to him with the brass knuckles but is caught and chokeslamed out of the ring Justin walks up congratulate him for helping but is chokeslamed as well and Lance puts in the rateacator (inverted Sharp Shooter) and Justin starts tapping like crazy after that Jeff and lance raise each others hands as Lance poses with both titles.

"Well we hope we will see you next week for another edition of twf" says Steve.

Week 4

I forgot to put the re-lapse match card (hits self in the head).

Twf world champion – Justin "the ram Wyatt

Hardcore champion- Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters

Twf tag team championship- The Beauregard Brothers

Women's champion- Holly "the princess of perfection" Kingston

Welcome tonight to total wrestling federation in New Jersey says Steven.

"We have a great line up for this show we have a champs vs. challengers match between the Beauregard Brothers vs. Noah and Justin then we have a challenger vs. challengers match between mad Chad and Duncan vs. Shenlong in a handicap match" Said Steve.

"and our main event a champion vs. champion match between Hardcore champion Lance Raters vs. Twf world champion Justin Wyatt so what are we waiting for" fallows up Sebastian.

"This match is a handicap match making his way to the ring at 6ft 7 in and weighing 275 pounds Matt Great" as he makes his way to the ring.

"And his opponents Cody splizkrieg and Harold Walls" The match starts with both of them rushing at matt who sidesteps Cody and hits a hard rock uppercut and grabs Cody by the hair and throws him out of the ring and he quickly applies a choke hold which is taken of by Cody who hits a missile drop kick from the top rope and knocks him down and they use a double arm lock stopping him from moving his arms after a while he manages to power and hits a hard time boot to the head to Harold and hits a Great bomb Harold who then rolls out of the ring Cody looks to go for a flying cross body who is caught then changed the position into a power bomb position and hit a Great bomb and went for the pin 1…2…3 "winner of this match Matt Great" says the announcer as matt celebrates in the ring.

Locker room (Lance and Jeff's)

They are both their talking while Jeff's trying to get Lance to drink. "Dude I will probably get my title taken away and I don't remember you being talkative when you're in the ring and you're match is next get going if you want to make that deal a reality" says Lance.

"Introducing first at 6 ft 11 in and weighing 349 pounds Jeff "Death" Killington" He makes his way to the ring in classic lights turn off they turn on he at the ropes.

"And his opponent el Guerrero Azteca".

The match starts with Jeff hitting a snap jab fallowed by a kick to the gut and ending off with a hard uppercut to the jaw. He then puts in a head twister (I don't remember what it's called so I just put that.) after a while el Guerrero manages to get up and goes for a drop kick which reels Jeff around he then fallows up with another drop kick which puts Jeff to his knees he goes for a final drop kick to the head but is caught with a s choke then Jeff gets up and throws him to the turn buckle and starts smashing his head in after a while blood starts flowing and he hits one last head smash then he foes top rope and hits a flying leg drop then he applies a death choke (Triangle choke).

When it seems as if he's going to tap Stand Up by Flobots plays and Rojo bat comes out with bandaged ribs and seems to go to the ring when he is on the ropes Jeff grabs him by the neck and choke slams him of the apron Guerrero try's to go for the pulverizing but he is caught and given a side walk slam and then when he's going for the pin Rojo bat tries to enter the ring with a chair but is punched off by Jeff. Guerrero tries to go for an Angustia but in mid air he's caught by the throat and chokeslamed and pinned1…2…3

Rojo bat manages to get him back with a steel chair shot to the head after a while Evan Brent comes in hits a jumping cutter on Rojo bat Jeff then starts attacking Rojo bat while Evan gives Guerrero a Brent back breaker then Jeff grabs Both by the throat and gives a double choke slam.

What an after effect and we have just received word that Matt Awesome will face a three on one handicap against Cody, Harold, and Ezekiel if the three manage to lose they will all be fired says Sebastian.

"Also we have received word that Evan and Guerrero match is now a tag team match with Evan and Jeff vs. Guerrero and Rojo bat" said Steve.

Introducing first at 5 ft 8 and 125 pounds and Accompanied by Duncan, Courtney Washington.

And introducing her opponent the women's champion Holly "the princess of perfection" Kingston (I am not good with women's matches so I started watching girls wrestling so the first actual written match will be at re-lapse). The match starts with Holly going on the offensive which is countered by Courtney at mid point of the match holly goes for a sharpshooter which is countered at the End Holly manages to take back the offensive and hit a ddt and goes for the top rope for a Holly-crap but is countered and Courtney hits a courts reaping for the pin. After the match the four other people in the match at re-lapse come to the ring and starts fighting Courtney get out while everybody is on the floor except Holly but she's hit from behind by Courtney with the belt and Courtney poses with the belt and Steve and Sebastian say that she's probably the best choice to win.

GM's Office. It shows Chris talking on the phone. "So instead of coming at re-lapse you want to show the world the payperview surprise fine it's your contract I will see you when you come your already here well just do whatever you want says Chris exasperated".

" Alright you weren't supposed to see that anyways I have decided to make a new title the television championship you have to defend it each show the people in the match will be at random.

"Introducing first the tag team of Noah and Justin" they both make their way to the ring. "And introducing their opponent The world tag team champions" The match starts with Justin and Jack in the ring Justin manages to hit a two punches in a row fallowed by a even harder punch to the head knocking him down he then starts stomping at Jack. After a while Jack manages to catch his leg and picks himself up and hits a hard clotheline knocking him of his legs.

After that he manages to apply a sleeper hold which is quickly countered and Justin hits a snap mare and tags in Noah they both punch Johnny in the face and Justin and Noah hit a brain breaker ( Two knees one to the front of the head and one two the back of the head). Then Noah goes for the pin1…2…3 "Winners of this match Noah and Justin" says the referee.

"Introducing first the team of Mad Chad and Duncan" they both make their way to the ring.

"And introducing their opponent Shenlong "The dragon god".

The match starts with Duncan and Shenlong in the ring Duncan manages to get the offensive quickly by hitting a suplex after he hit some knees. Then he quickly applies a leg lock after a while Shenlong gets out and starts running and goes from the ropes and tackles him to the floor then he starts rushing in with some knees Duncan gets up to be hit by a ddt then Shenlong goes top rope looking for a moon Sault but instead hits the ground hard then Duncan tags in Mad Chad. Mad Chad uses an Irish whip and when he's coming back he jumps over him and Duncan hits a dropkick out of nowhere.

After that he goes for an elbow which Shenlong rolls out of and then he starts mounting a comeback after a while Shenlong starts beating up Mad Chad then he uses and Irish whip which throws him towards Duncan who tags in while Shenlong isn't looking Shenlong Hits a guillotine on Mad Chad but he is quickly given an emerald driver by Duncan who goes for the pin1…2.. kick out Shenlong Kicks out and Duncan cant Believe it so he goes for another emerald driver which is countered into a small package 1…2…3

"Winner of this match Shenlong" sadly he is hit from behind by Duncan who then hits a emerald driver successfully this time but than he it hit by a Pendulum (Cross Rhodes) by Mad Chad.

Main Event

Introducing First the hardcore champion Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters. He comes out to fake it he then goes to the announcers and says something to Steve and goes to the ring.

"And introducing his opponent the Twf world Champion Justin "the ram" Wyatt".

The match starts with Justin hitting a hard punch which knocks lance down he then hits two more and lance stays down this time Justin tries to put in a heartogram which is countered by Lance who tries to go for a rateacator which is countered by a kick to the head. After that both lance and Justin both go for a spear so they knock heads while running causing Justin to start bleeding. After that they both start going in a punching fight after a while Justin misses a punch and Lance try's to capitalize with a Rated-k which is countered by a problem solver when he's going for the pin Steve starts going to the ring.

Justin see this and starts arguing with him and while the ref is looking at Lance Steve goes and hits a rated-k on the ropes then lance hits his own when Justin goes in reverse towards him. Then he goes top rope and hits a Rated High and goes for the pin 1…2…3.

after the match Evan Brent and Jeff Killington come out and attack Justin with the Raters as well. After beating up Justin Sufficiently Lance has a mic in his hand.

"Anyone who Dares to go against anyone of the Rater entourage will be beat up worse then that wannabe champion so unless you want join us be on the look out cause we will destroy you" as it shows Justin outside the ring Bleeding.

After a minute or so nobody comes out and it looks as if nobody will when Sebastian comes in the ring. "Um a superstar is blocking the people from coming in he's apparently very famous so" He is shut up by a rated-k from Steve.

"Well then Jeff here will kick his ass next week in a No Holds Barred Match lets see who it is" said Lance.

I Walk Alone plays as Batista waves at Jeff who glares back as the camera is going off.

Re-lapse match card

Triple threat TLC match for the Twf world championship- Justin vs. Shenlong vs. Lance

Triple threat hardcore match for the hardcore title- Mad Chad vs. Duncan vs. Lance

Tag team match go big or go home stipulation: if Justin and Noah don't win the tag team titles they are fired. Noah and Justin vs. The Beauregard brothers.

Six pack challenge for the women's title- Eva vs. Heather vs. Tiffany vs. Izzy vs. Courtney vs. Holly

Television championship match- ? vs. ?

Even Brents and Jeff Killington vs. El Guerrero Azteca and Rojo bat

Handicap match if Matt wins they are fired- Matt Great vs. Harold, Cody, and Ezekiel.

Re-Lapse will be a mind rape if you read it I will try to edit it so it could be readable no gaureentes it won't suck.
Chill out dude. No need to get offended by a few people offering some advice and constructive criticism. If anything, you should take note of the advice and work to incorperate that. My suggestion would be to use quotes or spoiler codes for when people are talking.
Hello and were here in San Juan Puerto Rico hometown of probably the cover boy of Twf Lance Raters but, forget that its time for some action at Re-lapse and thank Ozzy for giving us the theme song for Re-lapse I don't wanna stop" says Sebastian. The song plays as it shows all the matches.

"Introducing first the team of Ezekiel, Cody, and Harold" says the announcer.
They all make their way to the ring nervously Cody says something to Sebastian.

"And introducing their opponent Matt Great" He makes his way to the ring in an arrogant posture.

The match starts with Harold charging first and he's grabbed and thrown out of the ring. Both Cody and Ezekiel go for double clotheslines which Matt dodges and in a shocking display of power he hits a double suplex and they both roll out of the ring as matt starts taunting them this time Harold and Cody double team him but are given double clotheslines but when Matt looks back he's hit by a hard drop kick by Ezekiel which makes him get hit by a drop kick from Harold and finally one from Cody.

After that both Ezekiel and Harold grab him in a double ddt lock then Cody grabs his legs and puts him on the top rope then both Ezekiel and Harold go top rope and hit a double DDT off the top rope then Cody goes for an elbow but accidently hits Harold and Ezekiel now that their all laid out Cody instead of going for the pin goes to the announcers table and sits down.

"Hello and please welcome my new commentary partner Cody "codemeister" McGrady" sa

After a while all three get up and Ezekiel charges at Matt but is thrown out of the ring and hits his head on the barricade and doesn't appear to be getting up Harold charges as well but is punched in the gut and Matt hits an Great bomb then he goes top rope and hits a Great splash then goes for the pin 1…2…3 "Winner of this match Matt Great" both Harold and Ezekiel bow their heads as they walk out.

"Well that means that all three of is fired as wrestlers for twf they can still manage superstars and that stuff". Says Cody

Well you probably should have gotten the pin it might have worked

"This match is for the twf Television championship introducing first Kenny "the high riser" Dentons" He walks out looking at the title and goes to the ring.

"and introducing his opponent the great Magini" he makes his way to the ring in a similar fashion to Kenny.

The match starts with both of them countering the other in a surprising moment Kenny hits the Seattle Denter and goes for the pin 1…2 kick out the great Magini breaks out. and hits an arm whip and follows up with a leg drop to the and then try's to go for the Magini twist which is countered into a Death Switch he goes for the pin 1…2.. Kick Kenny seems to be going ballistic and goes for a flying needle point but Magini counters and uses his knees to shield himself.

He then goes for the great driver and goes for the pin1… the great Magini then does Kenny's mistake and goes for the Magini missile which is countered by a knee to the gut and then with a Seattle Denter he goes for the pin as the referee goes for the count he notices Magini is grabbing the rope and stops the count after thirty seconds Magini les go of the ropes and hits a particularly hard kick to the head and a quick ddt onto his knee but than blood comes out of Kenny's head and Magini faints then Kenny goes to the top rope and hits the Flying needle point and goes for the pin 1…2…3

"Winner of this match and new Television champion Kenny Dentons says the announcer." He and Magini shake hands after Magini recovers.

"What a match Magini fought back from three finishers only to be finished off by a fourth Finisher" Says Cody.

"You're right but id love to see them go at it again" says Steve

"Introducing first the team of Noah and Justin" says the announcer they both make their way to the ring nervously Justin hidden with a smirk.

"And introducing their opponents the world tag team champions The Beauregard brothers"

the match starts with Justin and Jack in the ring jack runs he trips Justin goes for the pin1…2…3 Winners of this match and new world tag team champions Justin and Noah.

When Noah and Justin are about to starts partying when Jack starts talking "we are using are rematch clauses right now" says Jack.

This time the match starts with Noah and Jack they start the match when Noah hits a dropkick and tags Justin in Justin when Noah goes out hits a faceless on Noah then tags him in and throws him in the ring and leaves. Jack tags in Johnny and they hit the southern pride (Hart Attack) and go for the pin 1…2…3 "winners and new tag team champions The Beauregard brothers"

"Well that was boring not much action if you ask me" says Cody

"But a lot of drama" says Sebastian

(I am skipping the introductions) and introducing last the women's champion Holly Kingston. The match starts with everybody going after a designated opponent after a while Izzy was eliminated when Heather hits flash kick and tiffany hit a spear for the pin. After that Tiffany was hit by a running power slam from Eva and a Holly-crap by holly and 1…2…3 she was eliminated Eva was eliminated by a combo of a Holly-caust (Pile Driver), courts reaping, and finally a flash kick.

After that Holly managed to trap heather in a sharpshooter but Courtney grabbed her and hit a courts reaping for the pin then heather and Courtney are the only ones left after a while heather goes for a flash kick which is caught by Courtney who throws her to the ground by the hair she then goes for a sharpshooter which is countered and goes for an Irish whip and Courtney running back hits a spinning neckbraker and finishes it with a kick which heather dodges and goes for a flash kick but Courtney dodged under it and hit a courts reaping for the pin1…2…3

"winner of this match and new women's champion Courtney Banks"

(Raters entourage locker room) they are all in a huge locker room playing pool when lance wins against Jeff then he starts talking "Alright everybody today is the rater's entourage night I just talked with Chris and he's accepted that today the Beauregard brothers will have three matches today Jeff and Steve will challenge for the tag team titles as well as Rojo Bat and Guerrero Jeff if you let my dad get hurt I will burn you alive understand me so you two leave"

.( Steve and Jeff leave) Evan looks pissed "I think that to be fair Steve's taking your shot at the title and you've done quite a lot in the last two days I'm giving you a present Hardcore champion" said Lance (He hands Evan the title who's shocked as camera closes out).

"Introducing first the world tag team champions The Beauregard brothers" they both make their way to the ring.

"And introducing the challengers Rojo bat and El Guerrero Azteca" they make their way to the ring confused.

And introducing the opponents from the raters entourage Steve "web dragon Raters and Jeff "death" Killington (instead of coming out to their normal music they come out to burn it to the ground by nickel back) the whole entourage comes minus Lance.

The match starts with Jeff throwing everybody out of the ring except Rojo Bat who is getting pounded by him and Steve after a while everybody starts brawling in the ring when finally Rojo Bat gets thrown out of the ring far and breaks through an announce table then Steve adding insult to injury hits him in the gut with a steel chair (It's a no disqualification match) and Rojo bat is cleared out of the arena (Remember Rojo bat had injuries the last two shows also Guerrero is eliminated as well)

He passes a steel chair to Jeff who bangs it on the Beauregard brothers but he's hit from behind by surprisingly Matt Awesome the two start fighting and go to the backstage crowd then Jack and Johnny get up and look at Steve who starts backing up when they are about to hit Steve with a chair Evan jumps into the blow getting hit in the shoulder they are about to hit Steve when the lights go off and Burn it to the ground plays Jeff and Lance show up in the middle of the ring with matt who is bleeding and beat up.

Then lance spears both of them who are carried back up by Jeff and Evan they throw them at Jeff who give them double choke slams then finally Steve gets up with a chair and does a chair to chair shot at both of them and Jeff and Steve pin each of them 1…2…3 winners of this match and new tag team champions Jeff and Steve says the announcer. as the crowd boos.

"Its time for Lindsey knows best I have with me Evan Brent" as Evan appears. "The names Ted Vermont Estes and before I left that locker room I told him that if Duncan or Mad Chad ever go against me they will be destroyed I will make them bleed out until all thats left is a sad little corpse as he leaves." Lindsay is seen confused reading the letter in a dumb motion

The next match is for the hardcore championship introducing first the hardcore champion Evan Brents he makes his way out with Lance only with him.

"And introducing the challenger Duncan Parks"

"and finally Mad Chad" he makes his way out with a barbed wire stick.

The match starts with Mad Chad running at Evan but is tripped by Lance grabbing his leg and pulling him out of the ring and hitting him with a chair. Evan hits a couple of blows on Duncan before Duncan battles back and hits a hard punch to the face fallowed by two more then goes top rope and sees lance and hits a flying tackle to the ground on Lance after that Mad Chad goes to the ring just to get hit by a steel chair shot From Evan who goes for a pin as Lance hits Duncan's head on the steel steps 1…2 kick out after this lance for some unknown reason leaves.

Duncan comes in with a ladder and hits both Evan and Chad after this he sets up the ladder and climbs it hitting a double fist drop though Chad made it out of the way Duncan then got a table and set it up he then climbed the ladder as did Mad Chad as they both starts punching each other Duncan dodges when he hits the emerald driver through a table he starts to walk back down for the pin when suddenly Evan uses the ropes as a springboard and grabs Duncan's head and hits a ladder Tve onto Mad Chad's gut and pins them both.

"The winner of this match and still hardcore champion Evan Brent" he starts cheering as the entire raters entourage comes out and congratulate him on his win.

(Again Raters locker room) alright after my match is everybody ready to party are victory off as the raters foundation will become the golden group of the twf says Lance as everybody else cheers.

(Justin Wyatt's locker room). Rojo Bat comes out of the locker room with El Guerrero Azteca and new superstar Asheel Din. Camera man goes in he sees Justin sitting on a chair with a black cow boy hat saying his plan worked.

"Introducing first "the dragon god" Shenlong" he makes his way to the ring strangely by boos.

Introducing the challenger Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters. He is given a lot of cheers even though he did bad deeds he is accompanied by the rater's entourage.

And Introducing the Twf world champion Justin "the ram" Wyatt" instead of his normal music he comes out to Break it down (DX theme song) accompanied by Guerrero Rojo Bat and Asheel din when he gets in the ring he gets a mic. Alright people you are a about to see the birth of DX 2.0 so I got one question for you are you ready to …succcccccccccck it then the rest of the crowd and members of Dx 2.0 comes out and say it as well. Then I also wanted to ask after this match do you Shenron want to join DX 2.0 as he drops the microphone.

The match starts with Lance and Justin charging each other and Lance manages to dodge and hit a DDT when he given a reverse DDT from Shenlong after that Justin and Shenlong start duking it out as Lance goes and gets a chair after a while Shenlong manages to hit an elbow to Justin's jaw fallowed up by another elbow to the stomach then a snap mare fallowed by a drop kick to the back then he goes top rope but gets hit in the back by Lance with a chair falling of the top rope he then continues by going for a chair shot To Justin who counters and hits a hard punch to the jaw fallowed by a quick problem solver then he goes out of the ring for a ladder by this time Shenlong gets up and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope onto the ladder that Justin.

Then lance gets up and goes top rope on both of them with a double cross body he then gets the ladder and sets it up and goes for the title while he does Shenlong gets up and sees him and try's to power bomb him using the ladder for help but Lance hangs on after a while Justin gets up and goes to the ladder grabs Lances neck and hits a neck breaker power bomb combo from the top rope Shenlong goes for the tile as well as Justin they both start brawling their after a while Justin grabs him in an air suplex from the ladder Lance seeing the opportunity uses his strength and runs and hits a drop kick to the ladder making Justin, Shenlong and even the ladder out of the ring.

After 2 minutes or so Lance gets up and grabs two ladders then he uses them as a support beam to climb up he is about to win when Shenlong uses the ropes as a springboard tackling Lance of the top rope. But then Shenlong gets hit by a problem solver then Ted gets in the ring and hits the Tve onto Justin.

This causes a commotion which t the end gets all the superstars kicked out of the ring for the match. After this both Justin and Shenlong climb the ladder while Lance is on the floor looking injured and they start brawling but then Lance quickly gets out and use the second ladder in between the other two wrestlers and hits a double spear and latches the title with his head and neck.

winning the match then the raters entourage comes out and celebrates and Jeff hits a choke slam on the poor referee as they are leaving.

I'm skipping all the way to the pay per view as the fallowing chapters are damn crappy.
I decided to skip to the second pay per view where the storylines make some sort of sense and requires less editing.

Twf world champion – Lance "the real rated r superstar" Raters (1)

Hardcore champion- Ted "the real deal" Estes (1)

Twf Television Champion: Jeff "the god of death" Killington. (1)

Twf tag team championship- Daemon Joseph "DJ" and Geoff McCoy "The Party Animals" (1)

TDI Champion – Trent Towers. (1)

Women's champion- Courtney "princess" Washington. (1)

I do not own total drama island or wwe.

Welcome to God's Choice this is your announcer Sebastian and Cody and please say thanks' to three doors down's song it's not my time. And unless you are blind you will now I suck at matches which have 3 or more people in the ring. I suggest reading the television title match great match.

"It's Not My Time"

Looking back at the beginning of this
And how life was
Just you and me loving all of our friends
Living life like an ocean
But now the current's only pulling me down
It's getting harder too breath
It won't be to long and I will be going under
Can you save me from this?

"The first match is Duncan vs. Harold with a unique set of stipulation though we both agree that Duncan's sheer brawling style will be too much for Harold" said Cody.

Cause it's not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
Oh but I won't go

"The second match will see another your fired match except it will be a Five man challenge if you win you get a shot at the Twf title after hard thinking we belieave that Chester's tenacity will be to much for everybody else and will pull out the win" Said Sebastian.

I look ahead to all the plans that we made
And the dreams that we had
I'm in a world that tries to take them away
Oh but I'm taking them back
Cause all of this time I've just been too blind to understand
What should matter to me
My friends this life we live, it's not what we have
It's what we believe in

Then we have a hardcore title match Ted vs. Suicide Ted has defended his title two week's in a row and look's to ride his momentum home in this match expect ted to pull of the victory.

Cause it's not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me but it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
But it's not my time I'm not going
There's a will in me and now I know that
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
Oh but I won't go
I won't go

After that we will have a women's championship match we belieave that Courtney won't be able to pull of the victory and the former champion Holly will get her title back.

There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
There might be more than you can see

Then we will have another your fired match pitting the Beauregard's against each other both have been 2-2 in their brawl's but we believe that Johnny will be able to show he is the better man literally

But it's not my time I'm not going
There's a fear in me it's not showing
This could be the end of me
And everything I know
But it's not my time I'm not going
There's a will in me and now it's Gonne show
This could be the end of me
And everything I know

Then we have a three on three elimination table's match the tag team and tdi title's are on the line expect the rocker's to pull of the victory.

There might be more than you believe
(There might be more than you believe)
There might be more than you can see

Then we have a huge match the four side's of steel match the cell us bigger then normal allowing space to move outside the ring but the door is locked. Expect Jeff to prove why je made this match and annihilate

But I won't go
No I won't go down

"Then we have our main event lance vs. Neo in a last man or last brother standing match as Neo dub's it. After the attack's in lance's arm this match will most likely favor Neo and expect him to win the Twf world championship in sin city" said Cody.

"Introducing first at 6 feet tall and weighing 140 pound's Harold Walls" said the announcer. He came out to the ring with no music and his game face ready.

"And introducing the opponent at 6 ft 4 and weighing 250 pound's Duncan Park's. He come's out to the song animal I have match starts with Duncan punching Harold in the gut and looked for a quick Emerald driver but Harold managed to get out after two elbow's to the jaw fallowed by a kick to the gut and a spinning neck breaker. Then applied a cobra clutch Duncan manage's to get out just second's away from losing all breath. Then he hold's onto a turnbuckle Harold try's to use a running shining wizard but Duncan catches his knee then slam's it onto the turnbuckle and throw's Harold out side then goes top rope and elbow's him.

1… Duncan smashes Harold's head on the announcer table 2… Duncan smashes Harold's head against the steel ring post. 3…4…5…6…7 Duncan continuously smashes Harold's head onto the steel step's causing the nerd to bleed. Then Duncan throw's him in the ring then he goes in. Duncan wait's for Harold to get up then hits a kick to the gut and looks again for an emerald driver which Harold counter's into a hurrucarana then Harold hit's an elbow to the gut and grab's Duncan's head up and hit's a quick kick to the head. Then Harold goes for a leg drop but Duncan moves out. Duncan goes for a jail cell but Harold counter's into a crippler cross face. Then Harold lock's in a cross face Duncan once again manage's to get out second's from tapping out.

Harold then try's to hit Duncan with a huge punch to the jaw which he hit's and fallows up Irish whips him when Duncan comes back Duncan hit's a running forearm smash. Then pick's up Harold in an Emerald Driver but Harold get's out with a couple Knee's to the jaw. Harold then hit's a body slam he then lock's in a sleeper hold Duncan quickly flip's Harold onto the matt and look's to go for a clothesline. But Harold dodges and fallows up with a round house kick to the head and a guillotine lock Harold though let's go. Then he hit's a elbow drop and hits his finisher the Mad Skill finish (A couple of kick's and punches' to the leg and arm joint's then finishes with a spinning wheel kick to the head) Then he goes top rope and point's to the crowd then to his head then to Duncan does a yes motion and jumps going for a diving head butt but Duncan get's out of the way and lock's in a Jail Cell the match finally end's when Harold can't take it and taps.

"Winner of this match and still in the twf Duncan Park's because of Harold's loss he is now banned from the Twf" said the announcer he leaves with his head held low then Duncan shakes Harold's hand putting an end to their feud.

"Well that match was a great start to God's choice" said Cody "I thought this match was going to be short but Harold proved he had skills in this match" said Sebastian.

"Introducing first at 5 ft 11 and weighing 235 pounds Shenlong" Say's the announcer. He comes out to Bawitdaba by Kid Rock.

"And introducing the opponent at 5 ft9 and 130 pounds el Guerrero Azteca" say's the referee. He comes out to Smooth (Remix - Escape the Fate - Punk goes Pop volume 2).

"And introducing the opponent at 6 ft6 weighing 235 pounds Justin Wyatt" say's the referee. He comes out to Back to Tennessee by Billy Ray Cyrus.

"And introducing at 6ft0 and 231 pounds Asheel Din" say's the announcer.

"And introducing their opponent at 6ft0 and 234 pounds Chester Munroe.

The match starts with all them targeting Chester who is hit by a clothesline from Ruben then a kick from Shenlong then an elbow drop from the top rope from Asheel and then Justin throws him out of the ring.

Then the brawl starts with Ruben hitting a kick to the leg of Justin and a roundhouse kick to the skull. He is then hit by a DDT from Shenlong when Asheel try's to go for a top rope cross body. Shenlong ducks under and Asheel falls hard on his stomach. Then Shenlong is attacked from behind by a face print from Chester and goes for a pin 1…2. Kick out. Chester then goes top rope but is hit by Asheel who goes for a super plex when Justin goes under them going for a power bomb but then Guerrero goes behind both of the others on the top and try's to hold on when. Shenlong see's he decides to go next to the top turnbuckle and push Chester of causing three body's to go to the floor. And then he hit a flying cross body on Justin and went for a pin 1…2 kick out. Shenlong goes to everybody but they all kick out.

When suddenly Justin get's up and punches Shenlong in the stomach slam's him on the ground and applies a heartogram. When Shenlong is about to tap Asheel save's him by kicking Justin off Shenlong. Then Asheel goes for a punisher (Double Knee Face Buster) but Justin counter's into a neck breaker. Then Chester hit's a face print (Running Boot) on Justin and goes for the pin 1…2. But Ruben saves him then throws Chester to the turnbuckle and look's for a clotheline but Chester hits an elbow then once again try's to go top rope but Shenlong goes top rope punches Chester and hit's a superplex. Then Ruben goes for a pulverizing but in a miraculous moment Shenlong duck's right under the clothesline and throws him out of the ring.

Then Shenlong goes for a top rope fist drop but its countered when Chester move's out of the way. Then in a split second Shenlong is lifted up and hit by a maximum impact (French Bomb) from Chester. Then Chester boot Guerrero when he try's to jump over the ropes making him go crashing down. Then when Chester isn't looking Asheel hit's a Turning Point (Whisper in the Wind). Then he clotheline Justin and goes outside to the apron and uses the ropes as a vault but in mid air he is speared onto the floor fallowed by a Problem Solver and Justin goes for the pin 1…2…3. "Winner of this match and new number one contender Justin and as result of this match for getting pined Asheel is here by FIRED" said the announcer.

"Well it is a sad day to be fired is right here Asheel Din" said Cody.

"True but he gave it all he had and that's all you can ask from him and Justin will look to go back on top" said Sebastian.

"This match is for the hardcore champion ship Introducing firs the opponent t at 6ft5 and weighing 255 pound's suicide" say's the announcer as suicide come's out to Suicide come alive. "And introducing his opponent at 6ft5 and weighing 235 pound's your hardcore champion Ted "the golden man" Estes" said the announcer. Ted comes out to his new theme not listening by papa roach. The match start's with Ted going for the Paint ball gun but Suicide grab's him and throws him in the ring

Then suicide looks for an elbow and ted get's out of the way and hit's a punch combo knocking Suicide to the floor. Then Ted applies a choke hold and after a while Ted let's go and goes to get his title. But when he looks's back he's clothesline by suicide. Then suicide smashes Ted's head against the announce table. Then looks to ram him against the side of the ring but ted counters and smashes Suicide against the steel steps. "Then Ted get's the paintball gun and when he try's to shoot suicide it does nothing. The crowd is stunned till they realize something it a paintball gun match and knowing chrises cheapness their was no paint balls.

So Ted does the second best thing and smashes it against suicides head and throws him in the ring. Then he points to the crowd then his thumb to him self than waits for him to get up. When suicide take's to long he start's stomping on him then he look's to for a broken dream's but suicide holds on to the ropes and counter's hitting a huge neck breaker. Then suicide got the paint ball gun and went under the ring to finds paint balls. He loads them and start's shooting at ted then ted runs away under the ring.

When suicide goes under ted goes up and wait's for suicide to get to his side. When suicide reaches the other side Ted lifts him up and throws him belly first into the steel steps. After that ted looks to for a Tve on the outside onto the steps but its countered when Suicide grabs and throws Ted back first onto the steps and get's back in the ring. After a while ted crawls into the ring when suddenly Suicide gets up as well. Then ted looks to go for a running clothesline but his fist is caught. And suicide counters with a kick to the gut and looks to go for the solution but Ted counter's it into a rated-k lance's finisher for some reason and goes for the pin 1…2.. Kick out.

Ted's rated-k wasn't nearly as fluid as Lance's. So he lock's in another one of lance's moves the rateacator. After a while in the submission hold just crawling to the ropes he finally taps out. "Winner of this match and still hardcore champion Ted "the golden man" Estes" say's the announcer.

Ted leaves the lock in and continuously the referee is forced to do this. "The referee has reversed his decision winner of this match by default and new hardcore champion Suicide" says the announcer. This get's ted mad and he walks up to the ref and drops him with a quick Tve.

"Oh my god Ted just lost the title because of default and decided to take it out on the ref" said Cody. "That doesn't matter Suicide is hardcore champion" said Sebastian

"This match is for the women's championship introducing first the challenger former women's champion Holly "the princess of perfection" Kingston" said the announcer. As she comes out to

The song Radar. "And introducing the champion your women's champion Courtney "Princess" Banks. She comes out with a smirk on her face. Holly get's ready when suddenly the announcer say's "And introducing your guest referee Heather" she comes out with a referee shirt. The match starts with Courtney going on the offensive kicking Holly in the gut and following up with DDT. Then Courtney tells heather to help her carry her they both grab her and throw her to the turnbuckle and start kicking and punching at her.

Then heather throws Holly with a snap mare and Courtney hits a powerful kick to the head and goes for the pin heather goes for a fast count 1.2 kick out Courtney then looks for a courts reaping but holly counter's into a holly-caust. Heather saves Courtney by punching Holly in the face dropping Courtney. Holly walks toward Heather who runs out of the ring. When holly looks to go next to the turnbuckle and dropkicks holly onto the turn buckle. Courtney then uses a choke on the turn buckle. Heather get's in the ring and simply looks away from Courtney choking. Heather gives Courtney a steel chair and looks away Courtney try's to hit Holly with the chair. Holly ducks and smashes Courtney's head witch is next to the turnbuckle which had the chair in front of it.

Then Holly gives Courtney a moon Sault when she's going for pin heather simply looks's away when the announcer says something "By order of Chris MacLean heather is no longer the special referee" Holly quickly get's up and throws Heather out of the ring but when she looks back Courtney hit's a court's reaping and goes for the pin just as the new referee goes In the

Ring 1…2…3 "winner of this match and still women's champion Courtney" said the announcer.

Then heather slaps the beat up Holly in the face.

"They cheated heather cheated Holly then slapping her in the face come on do something" says' Sebastian.

"Even if it was underhanded today it helped Courtney pick up the victory" said Cody.

(Backstage) Ted is about to apologize to Lance for stealing his moves. When he see's Alexandra and continues to stare when "What are you doing here looking at my sister" said Lance right behind him which caused ted to scream like a little girl. "My god looks Im sorry for stealing your moves in my match and for looking at your sister don't kill me" say's Ted really fast. "Don't worry its cool" say's Lance and leaves in his wrestling gear and Ted just looks at him strangely knowing there are still three other matches left before his.

"This is a your fired match introducing first Johnny Beauregard" say's the Announcer.

"And introducing the opponent "The American Wolf" Jack Beauregard" Says the announcer.

They both start in the ring and look to grapple the other. Jack starts an offence knocking Johnny to the floor with a punch then hitting a Curb stomp and going for the pin 1…2.. Kick out Jack goes outside the ring and get's a chair. Jack Set's up the chair around Johnny's neck and going top rope for the wolf cutter but Johnny Punches him off and took of the chair from his neck and smashed it on jack's head.

Then Johnny set's the chair around his waist and hit's a moon Sault with the chair and goes for the pin 1…2 kick out. Johnny goes under the ring and get's a table He try's to put Jack on it but Jack punches him and lock's in a choke hold when Johnny doesn't tap out he goes under the ring. And get's another table and set's it up on the already put on table. Then he put's Johnny on the turn buckle and looks to super plex them through a table but Johnny counters and super plex's both of them out of the ring.

After a while both Get up and Johnny try's to smash Jack's heads on the Ring but Jack counter's and elbows him in the gut and hits an impaler ddt. Then Jack throws Johnny in the ring and grabs a ladder. Then goes in the ring when he try's to hit Johnny with the ladder Johnny ducks and hits a mason Dixon slam. Both just lie motionless in the ring until Johnny gets up and sets up the ladder. Johnny then grabs jack and looks to put him both tables when Jack counters with a knee to the gut he looks left towards the crowd then the right and he hit's a wolf cutter (Spike DDT) of the ladder through two tables. And jack put's his hand over Johnny 1…2…3

"winner of this match Jack Beauregard and because he lost Johnny is FIRED from Twf" say's the announcer.

"Oh my god I think Jack just gave Johnny a concussion" said Cody in a panicked voice.

"Cody calm down Im atheist its getting annoying with your oh my gods but wow is all I can say for that finish" said Sebastian. Jack just looks down at Johnny and spits in his face.

"This match is for the Tdi and Twf tag team titles introducing first the party animals" says the announcer as Owen, Geoff, and DJ.

"Introducing the opponents the rockers" say's the announcer.

The match starts with everybody going after somebody else. Owen starts with Trent until Tent whacks him with a guitar and then double DDT's DJ with Tyler. Geoff then looks to the left then the right and try's to get out of the ring but Justin catches him and then Tyler and Justin hit a 3d onto a table that was already set up in the ring.

Elimination1. Geoff (The party animals)

Then while they are still looking at Geoff Dj attacked hitting a double clothesline for Justin and Tyler. And then hitting a dominator on Trent then Owen jumps off the top turnbuckle into a splash on Trent. Then DJ get's a table and set's it up Tyler try's to tackle Dj who flips him over and puts him through a table.

Elimination 2. Tyler (The rockers)

Then Justin hit's a lightning like punch to the gut of DJ then does the moon walk and hit's a clothesline. Then he try's to help Trent but Owen throws him out of the ring. Then Trent hits a low blow then grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up Trent and Justin looks to go for a three d but Owen counters knocking Trent onto the floor with a punch and then Hitting a world's heaviest slam through a table on Justin.

Elimination 3. Justin (The rockers)

When suddenly Tyler comes and Justin throw DJ outside the ring and put him through a table that was pre set outside with a three d.

DJ and Owen (The party Animals they were eliminated the same way Im too lazy to write it)

"Winner's of this match and still Tdi and new Twf tag team champions the rockers" say's the announcer.

3 Sides of Steel - Four Man elimination match starts with a Steel Cage, fallows with a Hell in a Cell, and ends with a Steel Handcuffs match.

"The following match is a 3 stages of steel match and it is for the television title introducing fist at 5ft9 and weighing 225 pounds Rojo Bat" said the announcer. He comes out to stand up by Flobots.

"And introducing the challenger at 5ft10 and weighing 175 pounds Kenny "The High Riser" Dentons" said the announcer. He comes out with Eva who after going into the ring with Kenny get's out and goes backstage they come out to just close your eyes.

"And introducing the opponent at 6ft7 and weighing 375 pounds Matt Great" says the announcer he comes out to mike awesome's theme song. "And the television champion at 6 ft11 and weighing 350 pounds Jeff "God of Death" Killington. He comes out walks in to the ring with the title and goes in the ring then they drop the cell and put a lock on the door.

Rojobat quickly using the springboard jumps to the near top of the cell. Jeff is going to catch him when Matt Great Power Bombs Jeff in the ring while Rojo bat successfully survives the first round of steel. Then when Matt Great looks back he's kicked in the gut fallowed by a Seattle Denter. Then Kenny get's out of the ring as soon as he drops though Rojo Bat attacks him. So in the ring both get up and they start brawling after a while Jeff finally hits in an eye rake and clotheslines him. Then Jeff locks in a choke hold after thinking Matt is out of it he climb's but when he get's up Kenny Strongly Irish whips Rojo against the cell.

Then Matt get's up and goes for an awesome splash but its countered when Jeff puts his knees on his stomach. After that Jeff grab's Matt and Irish whips him onto the ropes and when he comes back he's power slammed by Jeff. When Jeff looks to get him up by the throat Matt hits a low blow dropping him. Then Jeff goes for the win but Jeff get's a steel chair from under the ring and hit it on Matt's back. Then throws him off with a choke slam and when Jeff goes to the top and the lights turn off and they turn on showing lance's revenge smashing Jeff with a sledgehammer in the cranium.

Then Matt looks to win when Jeff get's up looks at matt climbing up then looks at the door and tackles it with the sledge hammer lance dropped and breaks the lock and escapes before matt awesome.

Then a roof drops on the cage making it a cell. Jeff quickly double clotheslines both Kenny and Rojo who had already hurt each other. Then Jeff grabs a chair and smashes it on Rojo bat's back. Kenny runs away when he see's Jeff with the chair and goes up the cell. Jeff drops the steel chair and get's the sledge hammer and climbs up. When Jeff gets up he hides the sledge hammer behind his back. Kenny run's at Jeff to get hit by a sledge hammer to the ribs.

Jeff starts punching him to the side of a cell Kenny looks down and gulps when he faces Jeff who has a sinister but playful smile on his face. Jeff grabs him by the throat and looks to choke slam him off the cell. But Kenny saves him by hitting a chair shot at the back of his legs. Drooping all three of them both of them tried to double team him but Jeff strength flips them both over. Then Jeff looks to double choke slam them both off. When the light again turn off and once again Lance Kick's Jeff in the grapefruits and hits him with a sledge hammer in the gut and leaves.

Rojobat tells Kenny something and Kenny agrees and goes back and starts running. Then Kenny runs and locks in a herrucarana and Rojo bat grabs him and smashes him against Jeff who goes flying in the air through the air and through the announce table. Jeff is seen almost motionless. Then Rojo bat stays with Kenny like that and power bombs him of the cell. Then Rojo bat did the biggest oh my god moment in twf history he frog splashed Kenny of the cell and went for the pin 1…2…3

Then both Rojo bat and Jeff are put in handcuffs. Jeff starts to get up as Rojo Bat goes up Rojo starts to use the chain to choke Jeff who after a while out powers Rojo Bat and throws him as far as the Chain lets him. Jeff climbs up the cell with a dangling Rojo Bat. When Jeff goes on the top he swings Rojo bat against the cell. And picks up Rojo bat and locks in a choke hold which Rojo counters into a leg lock on the throat. Rojo lets go and try's to get the chair but Jeff weight is a real big problem for him. As Jeff get's up Rojo bat gets the chair and smashes it against Jeff's face and goes for the pin 1…2.. Kick out. Jeff get's up with a sit up which Rojo bat whacks with a chair just to get back up after two more times of the same thing Rojo bat get's really scared.

Rojo bat try's to break the cuffs but the cuffs are too strong. Jeff then gets up and Rojo bat try's to fight back but get's kicked in the gut and get's tomb stoned Jeff goes for the pin 1…2… 99/100 Rojo Kicks out. Jeff can't believe it so he get's up Rojo bat then kicks him in the gut then puts a chair on the floor and ddt's Jeff onto the chair and goes for the pin 1…2… kick out. Rojo bat can't believe it they both stay on the floor not believing what's happening.

"What in the holy hell is happening this has got to end this should be the main event" say's Cody.

Both Jeff and Rojo both get up and start brawling hitting everything they've got and still not winning. Rojo Bat standing moon saults Jeff which causes a dent on the cage and goes for the pin 1…2… kick out. Rojo bat try's to hit Jeff with the sledgehammer but Jeff pulls the right hand that the cuffs are locked into causing the sledgehammer to go flying. Then Jeff hits a brutal right hand causing Rojo to bleed from the face 1…2… kick out. Rojo hits Jeff with a chair that was right next to him causing Jeff to bleed.

"This match has got to end these two are risking serious injury" say's Sebastian.

Both get up holding at the other to keep straight but when Rojo falls Jeff falls. After a while they both get up Rojo manages to simply push Jeff to the floor. Rojo bat goes for a standing Frog splash but Jeff get's out of the way. Jeff then does the cut throat taunt and with the last of his power Choke slams Rojobat but the cell spot breaks and Rojo bat falls with Jeff who didn't have enough power to stay up Jeff splashed onto Rojo bat. Jeff was on Rojo Bat so they started the count 1…2…3. "Winner of this match and still Television Champion Jeff "The God of death" Killington". Jeff get's up with his title after like five minutes to the crowds delight he starts to use the ropes to stay up. After like three more minutes Rojo get's up and they shake hands and hug after the biggest match of probably their Careers.

"This was the number one match of Twf history no match will probably ever get as good as this one" says Cody. "You never know we still have our main event plus our superstars only get better and better" says Sebastian.

(Backstage) The rockers are pushing around the heavily injured Asheel din and insulting him along with other's when suddenly they are attacked by Shenlong, Dragon (Green Haired guy wears red shorts to the ring., King Steve (Gothic looking guy), and finally son of Mick Foley John Foley beat up the attackers and run them out then Shenlong get's close to the camera "Get ready Twf because the new world is coming" and he hit's an inverted guillotine on Trent.

This match is for the twf world title and it is a last man standing match introducing first the challenger at 6 ft 2 and weighing 210 pounds Neo "The king of chaos" raters. He comes out using a skyline which causes the fan's to cheer for him nobody would have expected what would happen next.

Introducing the champion your Twf world champion at 6 ft5inches and weighing 247 pounds Lance "The real rated R superstar" Raters. What happens what were many people called awesome and the new riskiest thing? The song rooftops played instead of fake it and the top of then domes roof split into two and lance was literally 100 feet in the air he dropped a rope that was 90 feet long. He then grabbed with one hand and two legs and thrust the title with his injured hand to the crowd. He then went all the way to the arena.

"Well that was dangerous" said Cody. "But looks at the reaction after the last match look at these fans" said Sebastian.

The ref points to both of them and they begin. Lance starts hitting a takedown fallowing up with an arm lock with his uninjured hand. Then Neo breaks out by punching Lance's injured arm twice. Next Neo hit two flying clothesline and when going for a third lance ducked and threw him out of the ring. Lance then runs to the other side of the ring and jumps over the ropes hitting Neo with his elbow to the skull. Lance then get's up and throws Neo into the steel steps then try's to go and smash neo's head but neo ducks and when lance's foot hits the steel hit's his brother with a neck breaker.

"And this match is officially starting to fight the hype of a main event" says Sebastian.

The referee starts the count 1…2…3 Lance get's up. Neo grabs a chair looking to hit Lance but lance ducks and kicks him in the gut and hits another kick using the chair next to the head smashing it. Then Lance try's to smash neo's head against the announce table but neo grabs one of the cameras and smashes it against lance's head. Then he takes off the top part of the table and uses a monitor to choke Lance. After a while he let's lance goes then he throws lance on the Announcer table. Then neo try's to hit a Cyclone DDT but lance counters it into a rated-k the announce table is not broken. The ref starts counting as lance goes top rope.1…2…3…4. Lance the goes for an elbow drop of the top rope through the table but neo was playing possum and get's off as Lance goes through the table.

"Oh my god lance just went through the table in that failure of an all or nothing move" say's Cody.

At a six count lance gets up then they start punching each other through to going inside the crowd. Neo then grabs a guy's drink and throws it at lance's eye. Then neo hit's a DDT onto lance then when Neo picks lance up lance get's a guy who didn't comes chair and smashes it at Neo. Then lance and neo both get back in the ring. Lance hit's a spear when Neo get's in the ring. Lance goes under the ring looking for a weapon while Neo is being counted. Lance get's a table then goes to Sebastian and asks for a match as neo starts getting up at six counts.

"Why did he ask me for a match" says Sebastian to Cody. "Uh I think that's why" replies Cody as he pointed to Lance setting the table on fire.

Lance then looks to power bomb Neo through the table that's on fire but neo hit's a herrucarana and flips Lance through the on fire table. They both get up at the seven counts they both start fighting until they reach the entrance place they both looked up and saw the electric lights saying "God's Choice. They start brawling under the lights when you hear Neo's sledge hammer shot break the weekend arm of Lance who screams in pain looks at the electric lights and uses the ladder to go to the top of the electric lights.

"Oh my god what the hell are they doing up there they could die" say's Cody who was praying for the wrestlers lives. "Ref do something about this" says Sebastian equally scared about it.

They both start punching each other up their when suddenly Neo's eye meet's lances eye and they stop just stare at the other and they set up the ladder on the G on god's choice right over the electrical section 35 feet down. They both start punching each other until finally Lance smashes Neo's head against the ladder top and punched him of the cell and all the way to the floor and boom you can see a body just screaming to the fall luckily the floor was padded but a huge explosion most likely injuring Neo. Then Lance looks to the left then to the right and jumps off 35 feet doing a three flip Rated high. Lance and Neo's backstage people come out with Alexandra crying thinking their dead from the fall. The ref then yells that he has to finish the count.

"Holy hell ref let them go it's obvious they can't get up anymore after that" said Sebastian. Cody goes running to the scene with Sebastian fallowing. At the seven count both of them use something to try just try to get up obviously falling at the nine count neo and lance are both using the corner to get up on their knees Neo falls but lance out of desperation jumps up to the air and lands on his feet and falls to the floor the ref say's the ten-1 count giving Lance the victory. "Winner of this match and still Twf world champion Lance "The best of the best" Raters" says the announcer out of amazement of lance. While Lance is lying on the stretcher he does the iconic lift's his broken hand up with the title thus marking the night's Grand Finally.

Thus starts the revolution of TWF being readable.

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