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Turn Undertaker Heel!


It Only Gets Worse
With WrestleMania season just around the corner, there is one thing guaranteed - the return of the Undertaker.

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but the Undertaker's character is long overdue for some revamping, in my opinion. This year's WrestleMania will mark 10 consecutive years that Taker has been face. Turn him heel!

Does anyone else miss the Undertaker we saw in 2002? "Big Evil"? He tore through the likes of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. He was one of the most believable, intimidating heels of all time. I think it's time for the WWE to accentuate the Undertaker's rude, dominating, and unforgiving character traits once again. It would have twice the impact if he returned for WrestleMania 28 as a heel.

What does everyone else think?
Let me know your thoughts.
I kinda agree but I think he should go out as a face on top since this will most likely be his last wrestlemania, but wow I didnt know hes been a face that long, but when ya think about it TV time wise he hasnt been a face for that long I mean that guys usually gone or out with an injury most of the year, so day wise id say over those 10 years weve maybe seen him on TV as a face for like maybe a little more than a year haha
I agree that he is in need of a revamp. However, age is becoming a growing factor and I believe that this maybe his last Wrestlemania. The streak will reach 20 and Vince McMahon has been rumoured to want him to leave on a high and that the streak will end with the 20th at Wrestlemania 28. I think also that he will get a storyline like the last 3 year have been, Good vs Good. They seem to work with taker. Also, he will play a big named superstar with a lot of respect. The univers will respect both so I therefore believe that he will never turn heel in his wwe career as the WM storylines are always in his favour and I personally cannot see him lasting beyond wrestlemania 28
I get what you're saying. But no.

He works fucking brilliant as a heel, but at this stage in his career? Not a good choice.

To begin with, he'll only wresle at Mania. So he'll make a return and do promos.

Initial return. Massive pop.

If he swerves heel? Will absolutely get cheers from people say 18 or over. Unless they dislike the guy as a wrestler or character or man however you look at it.

Mania Match? You could put him in there with a face C.M. Punk and the crowd would drown out Punk cheers as they'd massively cheer the Taker. It's his fucking 20th Wrestlmania. He'll go 20-0. Twenty and zero! He'll definitely get cheered. He's the FUCKING UNDERTAKER!

So, a character tweak? Maybe. Does it really matter? No. We'll see builds for promos. Vignettes. And then the match itsself. So, WWE would essentially be wasting their time with making THE LEGEND heel for one match at mania. Bad, bad, BAD business decision.

Good thought tho
I agree with ya Best in the World 79, if he is to do anything, i think he should tweak his character a little bit, nothing major like when he did the American Bad Ass kind of tweak, but more or less like he did from when he debuted until his Ministry run, every year it seemed his character had evolved a little bit, it was a noticeable change, but a lot of the change dealt with what he wore to the ring, and when he was in the ring, he added more stuff to his arsenal to allow him to evolve as the game evolved, or due to age related issues (injury included). That would be the only things i would change
I think he needs to return as the American Badass to be honest with you. And instead of being a heel or a face be somewhat of a tweener taking on face and heels.
With WrestleMania season just around the corner, there is one thing guaranteed - the return of the Undertaker.

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but the Undertaker's character is long overdue for some revamping, in my opinion. This year's WrestleMania will mark 10 consecutive years that Taker has been face. Turn him heel!

Does anyone else miss the Undertaker we saw in 2002? "Big Evil"? He tore through the likes of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. He was one of the most believable, intimidating heels of all time. I think it's time for the WWE to accentuate the Undertaker's rude, dominating, and unforgiving character traits once again. It would have twice the impact if he returned for WrestleMania 28 as a heel.

What does everyone else think?
Let me know your thoughts.

It's people like you who ran WCW, turning people heel for no reason and such.

Undertaker is a legend, he's at the point where no matter what character or role he's playing, the crowd will cheer him. How can you boo a guy that's entertained the "universe" for over 20 years?

Think of Hulk Hogan at WM in Toronto... he was cheered wildly despite being the 'heel' going in.

If you think a guy's character is in need of revamping despite him being gone since WM, then just turn off the tv, get off this website, and don't follow WWE anymore, because you clearly have lost touch.
I can not stand this thread and I say this respectfully because in your mind you probably think this is a good question but it is NOT.

Heres why:

And its SIMPLE. The state of the wrestling fan is split right now, you have your attitude era fans, you have your IWC fans and you have the Cena fans. Most of us are attitude era fans or iwc fans. Therefore no matter how many times you try to turn Taker HEEL, it will NOT work. Unless of course you change his entire gimmick and let him run around in pink tights.

There is a handful of wrestlers out there now and they are from the AE. They would be cheered against ANY of todays wrestlers. Punk vs. Austin? They will cheer Austin even if portrayed as a heel. Rock vs. Cena? well we already know how that turns out. Taker vs who? Which one of todays superstars can you turn Taker heel against and have the crowd side by that superstar? You WONT find one. Its just where we are in todays wrestling.

And thats just one reason. The other reason?

WHY? What sense does it make at this stage of his hall of fame career to turn him heel when WM28 could very well be his last match? It makes none.

The American badass thing: So you want to bring back this character to end his GREAT career? He was this character for like 2% of his career. So yes lets bring that character back for his last possible match.

Come on people.
I'm sorry but it can't be done. Taker's mania matches are so looked foreward to that even heel actions will still get cheered. Unless he kicks 20 puppies and burns down an orphanage before his match there will be no heat before Taker's mania match.
With this probably being Undertakers last match, why would they turn him heel NOW?

I mean, I agree that he is stale because it's the same stuff every Febuary-March. but I just don't see the point in a full heel turn at this point in the mans career. Maybe a small tweek in his character, but small.
Undertaker is at such a point in his career that he's pretty much above things like "face" or "heel".

He's just a legend and will get cheered as such, no matter what. Turning him heel would be ineffective and pointless.
Honestly it wouldn't work. He is too big a character to be booed at this point in his career. He's a lot like Sting now in that TNA has tried to turn Sting heel, but he still gets cheered. It would be the same with the Undertaker. He is too respected, and whoever he goes against would be who the crowd would be against. Besides, this will probably be his last 'Mania, so let the guy go out as a face I say.
I can not stand this thread and I say this respectfully because in your mind you probably think this is a good question but it is NOT.

Heres why:

And its SIMPLE. The state of the wrestling fan is split right now, you have your attitude era fans, you have your IWC fans and you have the Cena fans. Most of us are attitude era fans or iwc fans. Therefore no matter how many times you try to turn Taker HEEL, it will NOT work. Unless of course you change his entire gimmick and let him run around in pink tights.

There is a handful of wrestlers out there now and they are from the AE. They would be cheered against ANY of todays wrestlers. Punk vs. Austin? They will cheer Austin even if portrayed as a heel. Rock vs. Cena? well we already know how that turns out. Taker vs who? Which one of todays superstars can you turn Taker heel against and have the crowd side by that superstar? You WONT find one. Its just where we are in todays wrestling.

And thats just one reason. The other reason?

WHY? What sense does it make at this stage of his hall of fame career to turn him heel when WM28 could very well be his last match? It makes none.

The American badass thing: So you want to bring back this character to end his GREAT career? He was this character for like 2% of his career. So yes lets bring that character back for his last possible match.

Come on people.

u basically summed up the state of wresltling. Ur spot on, no one is built up enough in this bullshit era of wwe writing. Things are so bad that not one wrestler is even in the same ballpark as taker and its all WWE creatives fault. The only person who is left is triple h, like it or not. to turn a wrestler heel he must have a great build up or a great partner to work with. Today taker has nothing to work with, it all crap! the only person who could put on a decent match for something og this magnitude is triple h.

As for the american badass idea, one of the worst ive ever heard this year
I think he needs to return as the American Badass to be honest with you. And instead of being a heel or a face be somewhat of a tweener taking on face and heels.

Uh, no. The American Bad Ass kind of sucked. He should have just went by his real name during that time. If he retired as the American Bad Ass, that would suck. He needs to go out as the deadman. I would love to see the return to the Ministry Taker. That's his greatest incarnation ever. He was so damn evil during that time. But I agree with everyone, this is probably his last WM, so he needs to be face and as Undertaker we all know. Not the motocycling, "this is my yard" crap.
It would be kool if he at least changed his attire. Maybe wear his classic purple/grey glove/boots attire or ministry attire 1 last time since those are the most memorable versions to me when i think of the undertaker after he is gone but dont turn him heel. no point.
Why turn him heel? Most pointless thing in the world, especially as they're based upon opinions that aren't even true (the crowd loves and respects the Undertaker).

It's a given he's retiring after this years WM. I don't know about you, but I would want to go out on top and being a heel would totally ruin that. Let him have his final moment with everyone chanting his name.
The only reason that I would turn 'Taker heel now is if he has one big last run in him, if he can last maybe a year have him as a heel the majority of the year and then turn him face towards WrestleMania (year being Wrestlemania-Wrestlemania), 'Taker was very effective as a heel much like, Flair, Michaels etc. but all these guys retire as a face out of the respect of the WWE and the fans so the only way I would have 'Taker heel is if he has a big last run in him, if not keep him a face, based on what his character is going to be now he doesn't have as much hair, they could go back to the 2004 kinda Undertaker gimmick in that he had shorter hair but was still, the 'Deadman' and still used the character effectively, or they could change him back to the 'American Badass', the reason I don't think they will change him back to the American Badass is because this has to be Undertaker's last match at Wrestlemania unless as I said he has one last run him, but to retire the superstars seem to go back to an original gimmick or the best gimmick they have had, and if were honest the Deadman, Ministry of Darkness Undertaker is alot better character than the 'American Badass' so they will most probably keep the original character if this is to be his last run.
Yeah. I hope Undertaker turns heel and he should return in his American Badass Gimmick.

The Supernatural "Deadman" gimmick is boring and corny in this day and age and has ran its course and this is the "Reality Era" so Undertaker should return as a "Real" man not some supernatural guy.
I agree with most comments on here if only a minor change is needed and no way that even if they wanted him to be heel would he actually be a heel. The thing that i would change is make him go back to the Ministry days and build a stable even if only for short term to help the younger guys get over. You could even have it that Michaels tries to screw Taker at wm28 but the Minisrty comes in for a save leaving his streak in tact. That way nobody loses face and all sides go home happy. Or even and this is more a hope than anything since both HHH and Taker is probably their last match let it be a Casket match or a Buried alive match.
As much as I would love to hear the music start "Deadman Walkin" one more time I can't see any real point. While it's just speculation that this in fact will be his "Last WrestleMania" and he's retiring and all that stuff that the IWC is all worked up about, I think its common knowledge and sense that he doesn't have much more time in him.

He is so over, the older fan's respect and love him, and the younger fans like zombies with tattoos I guess haha. He is in everyone's good books so why lose half his fan base at the end of his career? Send him out on top. Give him a real competitor in his last match and give him a HOF spot as soon as possible.
The direction Taker's character seemed to be heading last year was toning down the gothic elements in favour of a more gritty, corporeal idea. The promos they were running last February before his return and confrontation with HHH made me think of the True Grit movie which came out a bit before.
This made me think that the character would be moving towards and amalgamation of the two polar opposites of the gimmicks he has portrayed over the years, that of old, war-ravaged, fighter who has seen many others come and go, and yet still has that one last battle left in him - the epitome of a veteran wrestler, sprinkled with the dark, yet very distinctively Western iconography that has been the backbone of the gimmick since the '80s.
Either way, no matter how he's dressed or what music he has when he returns, or whether he uses heelish tactics or not (which he does as a face anyway and gets a major pop for it), the fans will always always cheers for him out of sheer respect.
That said, the purple gloves and Phantom mask would bring out the nostalgic mark in me. =)
Said it before, I don't really care how he returns, just as long as he does it soon. It'd be nice to see him squash a few people before WM, especially if that's to be his last match. I don't really like the idea of him going 20-0 at WM only to lose the next year, especially if that's to be his last match. To me, you gotta send a guy like 'Taker out on a high, his storied career deserves no less, imo. For him to have to lose his last match, especially if it's on home turf, is kinda insutling to him, I think.
if they were going to turn undertaker heel, it was 2005/06. Because undertaker is not an active wrestler anymore, turning taker heel at this point of his career is just pointless. Undertaker is just here for the build up to his show wrestlemania, as he gets himself in tiptop shape for a 5 star match, especially with it being 19-0 and possibly 20-0
With this probably being Undertakers last match, why would they turn him heel NOW?

I mean, I agree that he is stale because it's the same stuff every Febuary-March. but I just don't see the point in a full heel turn at this point in the mans career. Maybe a small tweek in his character, but small.

Tell me you did not just say that??? :lmao: Man, have you watched WWE for the last like...I dunno.... 6 years. John Cena is stale because it's the same shit every day, every week, every pay-per-view, ALL THE TIME.

You talk about stale?? C'mon man.

He cannot be a heel. You will always get a positive reaction with the Undertaker, no matter what he does. Who he tombstones, sets on fire, buries....whatever. It's just simple.

He is the ONLY guy left who was on the very FIRST monday night raw

And you think he'll be boo'd for any reason whatsoever?? He beat several hall of famers at WRESTLEMANIA. Retired HBK. Beat masked and unmasked Kane. HHH, edge, batista, flair, snuka, jake the snake, diesel, among serveral.

And it'd be poinless. For why?? To make a NEW FACE break his streak?? Fuck that noise. No wrestler dead or alive would ever beat him at mania. Not hogan, not buddy rogers, not bruno samartino, not jerry the king, and especially not someone like john cena. it just won't happen.

He will come back as THE UNDERTAKER. with a GONG. light OUT. TOMBSTONES CHOKESLAMS, GOTHIC ATTIRE. the whole deal.

It's almost a waste of thought:disappointed:

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