"End of an Era" ?


Championship Contender
Not. At. All. It's like eating chocolate at Easter. You know it's coming and you can't wait. I'm not sure if I like Brock as an opponent but I hope the streak never dies.
Maybe they meant "End of an Era" as last time two "old school" superstars would ever face each other? All I can think of really. And I doubt Lesnar would go over Taker. If Cena can go over Lesnar, no chance in hell they'd let Lesnar go over Taker. That'd leave a bad taste in my mouth. Almost saying Cena would go over Taker at mania. It shouldn't happen....EVER!
You are not going to win many people's vote by asking if they're tired of seeing the UNDERTAKER, one of the biggest names and greatest superstars of all time, wrestle at HIS event, Wrestlemania but I will say this:
First off, of course we're all pretty certain the Undertaker isn't going to lose at 'Mania but it still has some intrigue. Not to mention, these past four 'Mania matches have been some of the best of their corresponding year, especially the two Michaels matches (oh my gosh they are amazing) and the most recent Hell in a Cell match with Triple H. There have been times, even in the later years once the streak had really gained momentum and started to be seen as the thing to overcome not just another match to win, when I still wondered if 'Taker would win, especially with Orton (at least IMO) and the first HBK match.
Secondly, "The End of an Era" tag was not talking about the end of the Undertaker's matches (and I have no idea how you formed that assumption) but to the continually-mentioned era of "the classic" superstars, the Attitude Era, guys that had been around since the mid-nineties or earlier. Triple H mentioned multiple times how they were the end of a dying breed and this is, of course, where the tag line came from. Since Brock Lesnar did not debut in the WWE until 2002, this, obviously, rules him out of that short list of superstars that meets the before-mentioned criteria.
Finally, I will give you this, mentioning this with as much sadness and respect as I can muster (and I hope everyone else sees "the writing on the wall"), it's about time the Phenom hangs up the boots. He is the epitome of a legend but this whole "appears only a few times just to perform in one match a year" shtick is done. He has no chance really to build any momentum for 'Mania and it has seemed forced the past two years. I would like to see one more GREAT 'Mania match or two(and Lesnar vs. Taker has that chance) but I was watching a video with the Undertaker during an interview back in 2002 or so it seemed when he talked about retirement and he mentions that whenever he couldn't go out there each week and perform just as good, or better, than the next guy, he would know it's time to call it quits; well Taker, that time seems to have come and gone sir. I love his matches each year but they seem forced now. I know they're trying to get him to Wrestlemania 30 and I don't blame them, the old guy deserves that much but I hope, for his legacy, the Deadman knows to throw in the towel after that so HE can rest in peace...in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Its being reported on Wrestlezone that Brock Lesnar will face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29.


So what was the overhyped "End of an Era" at Wrestlemania 28 match all about ?

Does anybody wants to see Undertaker/Brock Lesnar ? Its pretty obvious that Undertaker will go 21-0 if that happens. Anybody else bored of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ?

Seriously? :disappointed:

The end of their era of wrestlers. They were both huge parts of the AE. Just about all the big name guys from their era are gone now. It has nothing to do with UT retiring.
Its being reported on Wrestlezone that Brock Lesnar will face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29.


So what was the overhyped "End of an Era" at Wrestlemania 28 match all about ?

Does anybody wants to see Undertaker/Brock Lesnar ? Its pretty obvious that Undertaker will go 21-0 if that happens. Anybody else bored of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ?

Actually, yes I am. I'm pretty bored with the streak. I may be one of the few that really doesn't care about it anymore. Every WM, it's the same, we know Taker's going to win. Big deal. I don't want the streak to end though, because that's Undertaker's thing, but if it did end, it'd have to be by a good up and coming superstar that can ride that for years to come. If Miz or even Cody Rhodes actually ended the streak, I would probably never watch wrestling again. Probably not, but that would be terrible. We all know Brock won't end it though.
i cant believe ppl sill wanna se taker wrestle. Last match with trips was hilarious, it was almost as dramatic as that south park episode.
I would enjoy this match. It would be very interesting and has been several years in the making. Only problem is that i doubt taker would be able to the physicality that Lesnar can give to an opponent.

The end of an era was basically the last time any of those superstars from just before the turn of the century(HHH, HBK, Taker, Rock, Austin ect.) will ever face each other. This was the last, big moment for this era and was suitably amazing.
i cant believe ppl sill wanna se taker wrestle. Last match with trips was hilarious, it was almost as dramatic as that south park episode.

Well, that's your opinion.. And it sucks.

Undertaker and Triple H put on a brilliant match at WrestleMania and will always be remembered as one of the, if not the, best match of 2012. The story that those three (Yes, Shawn Michaels too) told in the ring was simply splendid. Story telling of this caliber had been done only by Michaels and Undertaker at WrestleMania XXVI and Michaels and Flair at WrestleMania XXIV in recent times.

Obviously the match was a very good 'technical match', but Undertaker and Triple H put on a show that got the marks out in almost everyone.

PS - It was a good in-ring match.
If Undertaker faced Lesnar at Wrestlemania 29, I would definitely be on the edge of my seat the whole match even though I would know there's no way Lesnar would win. I hope that if they book this match they don't book it like the Lesnar/Cena match though because I just don't think Undertakers body could handle that kind of beating and I think they're trying to hold out for a Cena/Taker match at WM30.

But, for me, it wouldn't come near any of Undertakers matches since Wrestlemania 25. Anyone who says they didn't think the streak was over in that 'End of an Era' match when HBK hit the Sweet Chin Music and HHH hit the pedigree is a liar! Say what you want but we all thought it was over, even if it was for a split second.
why the of end of the ra is ending is because guys like taker helmsly austin. They have all left. ALl of them. Now that they have left there is nobody to take theier places. guys like orton and bena have been left to take the mnatle but they have failed!!!! miserbaly i tell ya. the era is over becuase many eras have passed while it has lasted
To be honest, I think Rock/Taker at Wrestlemania would be a bigger and better match. It would definitely have more drama. Super Cena just beat Brock a month ago, so are we to believe Undertaker can't beat him? Please.
"End of an Era" was less about the Undertakers streak and more about putting the Attitude Era of wrestling to bed with a (debatably) proper send-off. The undertones of the match were that guys like HHH and Undertaker did (and can mostly, still do) things that this latest crop of "Superstars" can't, won't, or aren't allowed to. Things like true Hell in a Cell confrontations that expound violence, sledgehammers being used prominently, and knockdown drag-out grueling matches where the spots that risk health and well-being far outway the more calculated stuff that, above all else, attempt to play it as safe as possible.

Don't get me wrong... that's not to say that todays WWE competitors don't put their bodies on the line everytime they go out to the ring or that they don't pull off good/great matches. It's just a completely different landscape now. Concussions are a dirty word in wrestling (even if they're not legit), as are headshots in general and even blood in a WWE wrestling match. Certain moves (piledriver variants, etc.) and more mature and over the top storylines have given way to the "social media" era where Facebook and Twitter are heavily integrated into the product.

To that degree, Trips vs. Taker at WM was indeed the "End of an Era." A close to what wrestling used to be, particularly in the mid-late 90's. In short, it was Vince/WWE's attempt to get those of us who yearn for those days gone by to finally call it a day and accept the WWE product as it is now.

Honestly, I think it was at least partially successful. On the other hand, WWE '13 will have a full-blown "Attitude Era" mode and CM Punk's pipebomb from last summer was linked in the press release as being synonomous to that time in wrestling history.

Couple that with yet another ECW DVD release and perhaps there is still some "Attitude" left proceeding the Trips/Taker "End of an Era" match.
I have absolutely no interest in an Undertaker/Lesnar match. I mean, it isn't like that match hasn't already happened anyway. I think it's sort of strange that they had a little staring contest at a UFC event and suddenly everyone is fawning over the possibility.

That said, the "End of an Era" aspect had nothing to do with whether or not the Undertaker would wrestle again. It was a match pitting the last two giants from that era of WWE wrestling. And in the lead-up to the match, HHH's whole deal was that he didn't want to end the Undertaker's streak because he knew if he did, it would bring his career to a definite halt. It was about different types of endings, not about "Undertaker's last match."
"End of an Era" was less about the Undertakers streak and more about putting the Attitude Era of wrestling to bed with a (debatably) proper send-off. The undertones of the match were that guys like HHH and Undertaker did (and can mostly, still do) things that this latest crop of "Superstars" can't, won't, or aren't allowed to. Things like true Hell in a Cell confrontations that expound violence, sledgehammers being used prominently, and knockdown drag-out grueling matches where the spots that risk health and well-being far outway the more calculated stuff that, above all else, attempt to play it as safe as possible.

Don't get me wrong... that's not to say that todays WWE competitors don't put their bodies on the line everytime they go out to the ring or that they don't pull off good/great matches. It's just a completely different landscape now. Concussions are a dirty word in wrestling (even if they're not legit), as are headshots in general and even blood in a WWE wrestling match. Certain moves (piledriver variants, etc.) and more mature and over the top storylines have given way to the "social media" era where Facebook and Twitter are heavily integrated into the product.

To that degree, Trips vs. Taker at WM was indeed the "End of an Era." A close to what wrestling used to be, particularly in the mid-late 90's. In short, it was Vince/WWE's attempt to get those of us who yearn for those days gone by to finally call it a day and accept the WWE product as it is now.

Honestly, I think it was at least partially successful. On the other hand, WWE '13 will have a full-blown "Attitude Era" mode and CM Punk's pipebomb from last summer was linked in the press release as being synonomous to that time in wrestling history.

Couple that with yet another ECW DVD release and perhaps there is still some "Attitude" left proceeding the Trips/Taker "End of an Era" match.

^^^This....I would simply add to this by saying that watching UT wrestle is awesome and watching him at a WM is on another level. He's the ultimate performer and storyteller in the ring. The only reason I wouldnt be looking forward to him v Brock Lesnar is simply because I think Lesnar doesn't deserve to be in that type of match as IMO, he's overhyped and WAAAAAY overrated. Not to mention he's a douche.
Maybe they meant the end of guys rematching Tacker at Mania. I would be pumped for this proposed match because I like Brock and would love to see him end the streak. Will that happen, unfortunatey no, but the drama would be there for sure.
I'd probably start crying if WWE makes Undertaker face off against The Rock at WrestleMania. Not only does The Rock not qualify for the spot since he is, whether you like it or not, an actor and a bigger part of Hollywood than of WWE.

Also, The Undertaker (although awesome) is not what he used to be and needs a good in-ring wrestler to put on a good match. And The Rock is many things, but he's sure as hell not a good in-ring wrestler.

The feud would probably be really really good. But the match would be huge let down. A bigger disappointment than the Cena-Rock match.
So what was the overhyped "End of an Era" at Wrestlemania 28 match all about ?

Did you actually believe, after Triple H said on television that The Streak is a profitable brand he didn't truly want to end, that The Undertaker was finished or something? The End of an Era was the end of Triple H and The Undertaker's involvement with one another. They were the final stars from their era and it was built as the final time we'd see two high caliber stars from said era compete in a match against one another.

That is what the "overhyped" End of an Era match was all about. Plus that hype helped create one of the greatest stories ever told at a Wrestlemania event/

Does anybody wants to see Undertaker/Brock Lesnar ? Its pretty obvious that Undertaker will go 21-0 if that happens. Anybody else bored of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak ?

No shit? What would be logical about ending The Streak against Brock Lesnar? He leaves after Wrestlemania 29. You didn't even need to ask the question. I doubt The Streak will ever end at this point and when it does, It'll be due to the marketable aura of it has faded and that allowing someone younger end it instantly gives them a foundation to build their career's off. The Undertaker is still one of the best things about Wrestlemania, not many will ever get bored of it.
Except for two weeks later when we saw Big Show vs Kane on free TV.

Triple H started in 1995 under the Hunter Hearst Helmsley moniker and asides from an alteration in persona and attitude has widely stayed the same, his ring name now is an acronym of his original. The Undertaker started in 1990 with the WWE, they are from pre-Attitude, whereas Kane is from Attitude and Big Show popped in for the second half of the AE era, he'd hardly be recognized as being from that era.

So again, two guys from the same era, from the same generation who can still go and are the last remaining active; or half-active performers from their era through the Attitude met in the Hell in a Cell, a match both guys have became synonymous yet.

Hence the title, "End of an Era."
It's hard to say what exactly the "era" was that ended at Wrestlemania 28 this year. It's obviously not the Attitude Era. The Rock beat John Cena. Kane is still on the roster under his masked persona. It wasn't Hell In a Cell matches. That concept will be around forever. So what was it then? Perhaps it was the "era" of Trips/Michaels/Taker feuding together at Wrestlemania? That's all I can think of. Taker didn't retire that I know of so it sure wasn't his career. Trips didn't retire either. WWE really did not make it very clear what the "era" was. The "era" might have been Undertaker getting rematches at Wrestlemania. There aren't any of his other opponents who I'd want to see get a rematch now.

Taker VS Brock is not a match I'm really interested in. They could have Brock face anyone and the match would be a big deal. The exact same thing can be said about Taker, although I'm hoping he'd face Cena or Jericho next. The guy has gone 20 years undefeated at Wrestlemania now though. He is obviously going to retire soon. I wouldn't be surprised if they do not have him work any more Wrestlemania matches. Hey, maybe THAT is what the "era" was. He might not retire fully just yet, but the streak stays intact after a final Wrestlemania match. I don't know, it could be anything. Or it could be something we will never know the answer to, like who the Anonymous GM was. We might never know since WWE can be rather confusing about unanswered questions sometimes. The questions just fade into obscurity remaining unanswered. I'm not bored of the streak but Taker should be allowed to retire if/when he chooses to and he might be ready sooner than most think.

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