"Turn" The Page: Alberto Del Rio

Should Alberto Del Rio turn face at any time in 2011?

  • No, he should stay a heel.

  • Yes, he would make a great face.

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King Of The Ring
This concludes my trifecta of the idea of turning heels faces and vice versa for the day. I covered one on Raw, TNA, and finally Smackdown. Ill get to more next week. This time, we look at the "Mexican Elitist" Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio debuted in 1984 through a series of vignettes that ran 26 years. Ok, not really, it just seemed that way. It seems he was worth the wait, as Del Rio is clearly close to the total package as a heel. From his trademark wink to his mic skills to his in-ring ability, he really is as good as billed. He debuted in person on the August 20th Smackdown by interrupting a Rey Mysterio promo. This lead to a match, where Del Rio made Mysterio tap out to his sick cross-arm breaker. The next week, he attacked Mysterio after Rey's match with Kane, again putting him into a cross arm breaker once again and refusing to relinquish the hold, "breaking" Mysterio's arm.

Del Rio then entered into a minor feud with Christian, who wanted to fight him for injuring Mysterio. In classic heel mode, Del Rio talked a big game, but refused a match week in and week out with Christian. On the September 24th episode of Smackdown, Del Rio attacked Christian by attacking him with a steel chair, putting him in the same cross arm breaker with Christians arm trapped in the chair. Afterward's he declared he was "finally ready" to fight Christian. Christian has yet to return to action due to Del Rio's "assault".

Since then, Del Rio has been embroiled in a feud with Rey Mysterio, who handed Del Rio his first WWE loss. Del Rio captained his team of Smackdown heels in a losing effort at Survivor Series, and recently competed in both his first World Championship Match and TLC match at the TLC PPV. This again was in a losing effort.

Del Rio has been an excellent heel, and has all the traits. His trademark wink and other facial expressions are priceless. He's a bully who can back up his words in the ring, but often chooses not to. His mic skills are quite impressive for someone whose so new to the big time. However, Ive always been of the belief that a Superstar can only fully maximize their potential given a run as both a face and a heel. So at some point, the possibility remains that Del Rio should one day turn heel.

But the point of this thread isn't to say why you would turn him heel, but explain how you would do it. I also want to know why it would work. If you disagree with someone, thats all well and good and I welcome that in this and the upcoming threads. But I for damn sure want to know your idea as to how to turn him as well. Have fun with this!

1.In 2011, how would you successfully turn Alberto Del Rio face?

2.Why would this scenario work for him?

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?
He needs to stay heel. Because if he does, he'll end up being a World Heavyweight Champion. He has a lot of charisma and the ability to simply draw heat by showing up. The absurdity of having an 'Aristocrat' from Mexico aside, Del Rio has shown that he's going to be special. He's won the blow off to his feud with Rey Mysterio and now he can set his sights on possibly winning the Royal Rumble or Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania.

Turning him face doesn't make sense either. Because he's rich. And the majority of rich guy gimmicks NEVER turned heel. JBL is a ringing endorsement of this. The Texas Millionaire who came out to a limo with horns on it, bells ringing, and wearing a 1,000 dollar Cowboy hat was a bad guy. He was ruthless, selfish, and mean. Not face qualities. Same goes for Del Rio... he's a heel and wouldn't work as anything else.
I think it would be extremely difficult to turn ADR into a face. Some guys are just naturally suited to be a face, while other guys are simply natural heels. Del Rio is clearly the latter. All of his trademark items which make him identifiable to the fans, do so with classic heel psychology. From the arrogant, rich, "I'm better than you" attitude, complete with personal ring announcer, expensive vehicles, the wink, etc., all are prototypical heel staples. I cannot see how he could keep all of this stuff around him and become an effective face. He would have to totally re-invent himself, which can be risky and often does not work. Just ask MVP.

I really cannot see how they could turn ADR into an effective face in 2011. Maybe after a few years, once his gimmick gets old , but not in his first full year. I think if they were to try it, it would fail. Keep him as a heel and see where things lead for him. To be honest, I'm not really a big fan of his, but he does appear to be getting over, so I say let him run with it.

Trying to force a turn upon a guy who is naturally suited for his original persona is a recipe for disaster, isn't it Carlito?
I agree. I LOVE the heels. I've always been a sucker for the bad-asses. Maybe its not so much the attitude, but seeing him live did it for me. I admit, I didn't quite know what to make of him at first through those gimpy commercials that kept popping up. Finally, I saw his first match, and the boy has amazing skills, and that arrogance that makes you want to keep watching to see what he'll do next, or who will get pissed off enough to try and fight him. Granted, even though I'm a Christian fan too, their 'possible' feud being halted made me a bit irked, but that's neither here nor there, his ability to do some amazing kicks, and still keep up this 'I'm better than you' so reminiscent of JBL, and the cars, :worship: If that guy needs an image consultant, I will gladly apply. I know many people hate him because he's fighting the everlasting underdog, Rey Mysterio..(yawn) but I like this, because when I saw him live, he does do a good job with his submissions (mind you, he has MMA training in his background) , and his mat techniques in the kicking and technical skills. This persona he has now, is great, I like it. I'm an Alberto DelRio convert, he's made a believer out of me, and I for one would love to keep him a heel as long as possible, its great to watch him enjoy rattling the fans that cheer for his opponent, because to me, it seems like it motivates him THAT much more to succeed and beat them.
I think Del Rio could pull off being a face at some point in te future but probably not in 2011. Everything about him screams "heel". From his trademark wink to his aristocrat gimmick, he's perfect the way he is now. Del Rio a's a heel would also make a better world champion than Del Rio as a face. I mean, he's already put out two of Smackdown's top faces (Christian and Mysterio) on the shelf at some point in the past few months. We've established that he's ruthless and obsessive and will do anything to achieve his goals. He also has that swagger and attitude that turns off a lot of people because he thinks he's better than everyone. So for now, keep him heel. He's too good as a heel at the moment to turn him.
So nobody wants to give it a try yet, eh? :p I suppose I gave everyone else the hard part, as writing this thread is much easier then answering it! Anyway, Ill give it a shot!

1.In 2011, how would you successfully turn Alberto Del Rio face?

Id have him denounce his heritage, the entire "bloodline" of kings" sort of thing. Have him lose the car, the silk scarfe, and the personsal ring announcer. Because the man can really talk, Id have him cut a promo on how his actions have been all he's known thus far being from royalty. But since coming to America, he's learned another, more honorable way. And thats from watching another fellow Mexican: the beloved Rey Mysterio.

I know this would seem old as they've feuded for 5 months, but Id have Mysterio come out and call him on his "crap". Note all the despicable things he's done, and the people he's put on the shelf. Del Rio could respond that he would be willing to do whatever it took to make it up to Mysterio, and have Rey say "nothing' at first, as if he didnt believe him.

But week in and week out, Id have Del Rio do things to earn Rey's trust. Save him from a post-match beatdown. Offer to tag with him so that he's not going short in a match, and have him wrestle clean. Finally, have the two Mexicans together defeat a hated heel team in the rejuvenated tag team division(Snatino and Kozlov have lost the belts, and one can dream, right?;) ). But the real kicvker to all of this is that Id have him turn after he won the World Heavyweight Championship, so he in essence has nothing to prove as champion, he's just doing it to earn respect.

2.Why would this scenario work for him?

Because of Rey Mysterio. On Smackdown, it doesnt matter who the top dog is, Rey is the face of Smackdown(when Taker's not around) and easily the most popular. If he could sincerely get Rey's endorsement over a consistent basis, the turn could be successful as well. If he could earn Rey's trust, he could do similarly with the fans. JBL didnt break out the limo and rich guy act until after he won the title, Del Rio would do the opposite. Stripping himself to the basics would be a good way for him to show his humility and sincerity.

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?
Hells no its not a good idea. While Im not a mark for a heel, Del Rio is absolutely gold in everything he does. From his trademark wink to his fancy cars to his personal ring announcer, everything about him screams high class heel. To turn him face right now or any time in 2011 would kill the momentum that he has and its been growing by the show. I truly believe that Del Rio will become World Champion in 2011, and imagine the lavish celebrations he may throw as World Champion. Del Rio has all the trademarks and actions of a heel, and having him turn heel would undo all of the work thats been done to turn him into one of the most effective heels in WWE. So a heel he should stay.
1.In 2011, how would you successfully turn Alberto Del Rio face?

Have him make friends with quite possibly the current most over WWE Superstar in Rey Mysterio. Having him befriend Rey Mysterio would surely boost his popularity and help improve his fan base. He could really get over as a major face if he friended Rey Mysterio. I would have these two go at it in a match on Smackdown or a PPV for a long period of time. Upwards toward 30 minutes. After losing to Rey, he shakes Rey's hand. Comes out on Smackdown and announce his respect for Rey Mysterio and how much he influenced his wrestling career. Then after a few months, he'll be a full fledged face.

2.Why would this scenario work for him?

I think it would work for him, based solely on him be-friending Rey Mysterio. Like I said, Rey Mysterio could quite possibly be the WWE's biggest face next to or behind Randy Orton and John Cena. Befriending Rey Mysterio would help him instantly get over as a face. Simple logic.

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?[/B]

Hell no it's not a good idea to turn Alberto Del Rio. Alberto is an overly cocky, arrogant, rich, decendent from royalty, mexican who claims he is better than you and I. He's born to play this character. This character could be nothing but heel. He shouldnt change right now, or anytime soon. Unless he turns stale in the next week, he should NOT change. He's doing great in his role as a major heel. He's stepping up and will be a future World Champion in 2011. You know why? Because he plays a great character and is massively over on Smackdown...as a heel.
1.In 2011, how would you successfully turn Alberto Del Rio face?

I'd do an angle where he is swindled out of his money and has to do some self reflection on how he treated people when he was wealthy.

They could do some vignettes with him going to poorer areas in Mexico and mixing with people he thought were beneath him.

If the whole reality check angle was shot in a documentary style with Del Rio talking without any gimmicks and IF he could come across as sincere I think he would win people over.

2.Why would this scenario work for him?

I think removing him from his wealth is the main step needed to get people to like him as people generally dislike the rich.

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?

No, he has potential big money programs with Edge, Cena, Orton and Taker that can be milked from his heel persona, I'd think any potential face turn is at least 2 years away.
Del Rio should stay heel for at least a year. It would be to difficult to turn him now and there wouldn't be a point. He has the pefect gimmick and needs to continue it. Now if he waits untill next year then he can earn the fans respect before he turns face. Now once he turns face he will give WWE there top hispanic star because Mysterio doesn't have to many years left.

This scenario would work because he needs to wait untill he can have the recpect of the fans before he earns popularity from them.

I would wait untill next year because I don't think he could get over as a face right after his current heel gimmick.
Please for the love of god keep this guy heel. He's cockily charismatic, his whole persona and look is about being a heel. Alberto just isn't the type of person that you look at and think "He'd make a great face" no you look at him and say "Man I hate that guy".

Alberto's whole attitude and way of carrying himself is that of a heel character. A lot of people have called him the Mexican JBL, but in the end it only proves my point that JBL wasn't ever a face when he carried himself as JBL - The rich wall-street persona. And the same can be said for Alberto, it just doesn't make sense to turn this character or gimmick face. It won't work, because it's a gimmick that has to be hated, has to be heelish and has to be cocky.

So turning Alberto face would not only ruin a lot of momentum he has been building, but it would also be ruined completely by the gimmick in itself.

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