Truly Terrible Finishers?

Air bourne,trouble in paradise, 619,Attitude adjustment, The cobra( OBVIOUSLY)

Air Bourne - A very flashy move, but it's still a 180+ pound guy getting insane height before landing directly on top of your chest.

Trouble In Paradise - Have you ever been given a stiff kick to the head before? It fuckin' hurts and could legit knock someone out if it hits right.

619 - Not his actual finisher as he finishes with a Top Rope Splash, but still, double knees directly to the face can be seen as a legit finisher too.

AA - JGlass already explained it.

Cobra - It only stuns you so he can roll you up. And it's almost never successful on it's own. Like when Sheamus kicked out of it next week. Besides, getting hit in the throat by any move could hurt.
Kofi's S.O.S.Sometimes its a signatue but it has been used to end matches.Its just rolling through with the opponent.Just doesnt seem all that good to me.

Hernadez(im assuming were including TNA) Border Toss.I like his running Shoulder charge thing better.Looks more devastating.Maybe its just me.Plus he does this move with not enough care.He injured Doug Williams recently didnt he?
Big Show's punch. And ebfore someone points out how it's believable because he's a really big fat guy, I'll remind you that it's still just a punch...a punch that could be delivered anytime. Besides, are you looking for realistic fights in pro wrestling?
A Leg Drop would be a better finisher because it's an actual wrestling maneuver.

Zig zag

That rehashed finisher Shelton Benjamin had that was passed down to MVP and now R-Truth is using. I guess it's better than that Lie Detector but the Scissor Kick would have been better, even though he doesn't execute it that well.

Wade Barrett's Wasteland. No impact. Looks really stupid.

Mr. perfect's son had a neckbreaker...

Alberto del Rio's armbar...same reason why a DDT isn't a good finisher's just an armbar.

Christian's Killswitch has always been a weak finisher but sometimes he makes it look good...sometimes...

Miz's awful finisher is awful

oh and of course, Yoshi's kick.

and if TNA is included:

Matt Morgan's Carbon Foot Print

Zack Ryder's ugly looking cutter

Styles Clash always looked kinda weak to me but I guess it's not THAT bad
Guys, it's not about how a legit version of the move would really hurt. Anything, if worked stiff would hurt. Take Miz's SCF, for example. Sure, it would hurt, but the Tombstone would disable/ kill you in real life.

Here are a few of my favourite finishers:
Jeff Hardy - Swanton Bomb
The Harts - Sharpshooter
JoMo - Starship pain that hits
CM Punk - GTS

If I could change a few finishers:
ADR - An extra signature move, so that he could also win by a 3-count.
Big Show - A splash from him would be epic, lose the punch.
The Miz - Maybe a DDT mod, or a submission finisher.
Ezekiel Jackson - Lose the Torture Rack and get either a fireman's carry type thing (like every big guy on WWE), or end off the body slams with a sit-out powerbomb pin.

That was a mouthful, what do you guys think?
All of Miz's finishers. All of the spinning neckbreaker finishers by Cody Rhodes, John Morrison, Mike Knox Ect. Big Show's Knockout punch. The Worm. The Zig-Zag. The Tadpole Splash.
I've always thought that the DDT in todays Pro Wrestling is kind of weak, like the Tommy Dreamer version guys use it almost every match yet his was meant to KO you for the 3 count. Impaler DDT, Double arm DDT fair enough because they are variations.

The skull crushing finale is just a rehash of Jeff Jarretts finisher then Chris Jerichos finisher (he mentions it in his book funny).

I think Cody Rhodes' finisher is actually quite good it doesn't have anything on Test's Test drive that used to look vicious.

Sheldon Benjamin's Paydirt is done by everyone R-Truth does it, MVP did it, Heath "One man rock band yet he is about as rock band as I am Santa Claus" Slater. Its lame.

The torture rack is iconic (lex Luger) and it suits Zeke, it also does legit hurt...had it done to me once never again.

Mason Ryan should have a powerbomb or a goldberg style jackhammer/brainbuster (bit close to Batista maybe but his uranage slam just doesn't suit him reminds me too much of matt hardys side effect) or maybe just put him back in FCW for a bit longer (it hurts as a fellow Welshman to say that but you will all agree)
Women's Special Slap. Some wrestling games feature this truly remarkable load of shit for a woman's finisher. Yes, a slap in reality does hurt, but enough to get a 3- count on? No.

You did ask for truly terrible finishers right? That doesn't just regulate what we see on television I take it.
All of Miz's finishers. All of the spinning neckbreaker finishers by Cody Rhodes, John Morrison, Mike Knox Ect. Big Show's Knockout punch. The Worm. The Zig-Zag. The Tadpole Splash.

I actually liked Miz's Reality Check.The Knee sounded impactful and the Neckbreaker sounded impactful as well.Plus I just liked the way it looked.

Cody Rhodes does a Rolling Cutter not a Spinning Neckbreaker.Different things.

John Morrison did a Corkscrew Neckbreaker but his was actually cool looking.John Morrison isnt about the strength of his moves.Its about the flashyness.If he makes a really flashy punch then the crowd will believe it did damage.

Mike Knox used a variation of the Reverse STO.How do you get a Spinning Neckbreaker from that?

Tadpole Splash was by Hornswoggle.Did you really except him to win a match though?

Zig Zag I admit isnt that great.

And you say The Worm without the Peoples Elbow?Its the same move but different theatrics.It was made to entertain not look like it was gonna destroy the opponent.
Wade Barretts Wasteland: When I first saw it I heard the crowd buzzing as if they were anticipating something big but then he just slammed his opponent to the mat. My first impression that it? It just doesn't come off as truly effective and anticlimactic.

R-Truths Lie Detected: A flying spinning elbow that has trouble connecting, too flashy to be effective.

Morrisons starship pain:Too flashy to be taken seriously and he has trouble connecting with the move more often than none.

Del Rios Arm breaker and Zigglers sleeperhold. They just seem to be overshadowed by some really over the top flashy finishers these days and I just can't take them serious, not in this era. In the 80's and early 90's they would have fit in really well but not in this era,they just seem out of place.

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