Best (Basic) Finishing Moves Of All-Time

i think the spear is good because it changes the matches momuntum and it looks painful
i really liked lashleys spear espicially when someone was jumping down on to him and he hits them with the spear
another thing i like about it is that its a move on tv that you can actually do if you r wrestling with someone on like a trampoline and it is rrelatively safe to do
Shit, Fizzle beat me to it, but yes, the Clothesline from hell, is just that...a clothesline, a relatively common move in every single match, yet JBL has add just viciousness and stiffness to his application, that he makes a simple clothesline, look positively sick.

Another move that everyone has mentioned, that has been there for years is the DDT, which was once a finisher but used by everyone now whenever they're in a tight pinch, however I see the WWE is trying to establish it a bit as Cody Rhodes finisher I think, would be nice if they would give it another name or a bit of variation at least.
Well the Clothesline From Hell definetely ranks up there. A basic move, but JBL performs it very well and just makes it look brutal.

The STFU is one no one has mentioned yet. The STF used to be very common, used by many different wrestlers. But since Cena has adapted it, it seems that no one uses it anymore. And now, even HE doesn't use it much anymore.

How about the White Russian Leg Sweep, or the Dreamer DDT, or the Arabian Facebuster? Three common moves-the Russian Leg Sweep, DDT, and Leg Drop-modified slightly, using weapons, to become extremely devestating. But in the end, they are just very basic.

One more, then I'm done for now. The Jackhammer. All this is is a modified stalling Vertical Suplex, used by the likes of Goldberg and Batista. Virtually every big man has used the stalling Suplex, so what makes this one so different? Oh yeah, the slight slam at the end.
Khali gets a double shot here.

Head Vice. Basically he puts his hands on the sides of a guy's head and pushes. It's so simple that it looks awful but it could seem to be painful based just on the size of his hands. This to me seems to be one of the most basic submissions there are. There's no technical skill at all involved with it and its just based on his size and power.

Chop. This is a move that people use all the time. In essence its the same thing as a punch to the head. Part of the hand hitting the other person's forehead/top of the head. It's a move that could be hit at any time with no buildup at all. I'm assuming that the idea of the move is the height of his hand rotating over and coming down at a high velocity. This is such a simple move but he does make it seem to be devastating, but Cena once countered it by simply putting his arms up. So simple, but it works for him.
The RKO is by far one of the best basic finishers, Im a really into any move that can be used in any situation. Thats what makes the superkick another amazing finisher, think of how many different situations both of these finishers can be applied in,

Two super versitile basic finishers,
The RKO, or Diamond Cutter, really got put over in WCW. It was one move that nobody kicked out of. DDP would never have gotten over without it.

My favorite finisher right now is the Canadian Destroyer. WWE has banned the piledriver, but this is by far the most devestating finisher on TNA.
Another very simple finishing move would have to be the Boston Crab. With other holds like the Sharpshooter or the Cloverleaf, the legs are contorted in odd positions to add torque to the hold. With the Crab all it is is pushing the legs back. There's very little to do here that requires technique. This is why the Liontamer is so impressive looking as he adds so much of an angle to it. The Walls Of Jericho is just a basic Boston Crab that anyone could do.
I'd have to go for the good' ol Piledriver.

you knew that if you took a legit driver, you'de end up with a broken neck, it looked SO powerful, so sadistic, when anyone was up and just about to be dropped, i always thought "he's trying to kill him", the move just amazed me even to this day i gasp when i see it.

By far one of the best and basic finishers.
I am going with Monty Brown and The Pounce. I know that he wasnt around for long but it is hella basic. I mean he just literally runs into his opponent, like a spear but without the spearing.
But yeah as far as basic basic goes I agree with The Clothesline from Hell, simple but after taking it there is no way you should be getting up from it.

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