Who was the last person in WWE to debut with a decent finisher?

What about Randy Orton's RKO I think its impressive as it can be hit at any time and Orton is brutal with his use of it as far as I'm aware not many wrestlers have kicked out from it either
What about Randy Orton's RKO I think its impressive as it can be hit at any time and Orton is brutal with his use of it as far as I'm aware not many wrestlers have kicked out from it either

Orton did not debut with the RKO as his finisher. He came in using the overdrive which is just MVP's current finisher. Its terrible. Should only be a regular move. Orton then switched to the RKO and thank god he did
Like somebody said, CM Punk didn't debut with the GTS, he debuted with the Anaconda Vice. Also the GTS isn't original at all, he got it from KENTA. Great move though.

I agree with Moda, that Zeke's finisher is great. It fits his stronger than everyone else character and look like it hurts. I also liked Sheamus' original finisher, the backbreaker type move. Anyone know why he stopped using it?

SSP is an obv choice, especially when they show it in slow motion. Just agree with all the positive comments made about it already.
I loved when Punk debuted with the Anaconda Vice. Was good to see a submission finisher but then, of course, he changed to the GTS. I like the GTS too but not as much.

I may get some funny looks with this one, but how about Victoria with the Widows Peak?
I thought that was totally devestating, and I don't think she ever lost a match once she hit that maneuver (could be wrong on that).

Going back a bit further, Tajiri's Buzzsaw kick was fucking lethal.
Well I thought that the last finisher that was really good was Randy;s RKO. It's an amazing move and not many match to it. I also think that Jack Swaggers GRPB is pretty good.
Mr. Kennedy's "Green Bay Plunge" was pretty f'n impressive. It was a unique, high risk, high impact finisher, and it always got a huge pop from the crowd. I think he used it on Funaki a few times when he debuted. Granted, he didn't always use it because some guys were just too big to perform it on, but he used it on most of his early opponents (jobbers) and he used it on Hornswoggle off the ladder at WM23. So, I think you'd have a tough time arguing against The Green Bay Plunge. Sure, there may have been a few good ones since, but this is pretty definitive.

P.S. Haven't a ton of wrestlers used a variation of the Overdrive (Playmaker) in the last 5 years? I swear that is the go-to finisher for new superstars.
Well I thought that the last finisher that was really good was Randy;s RKO. It's an amazing move and not many match to it. I also think that Jack Swaggers GRPB is pretty good.

You're kidding right? Not everybody sells the RKO right and it doesn't have the consistency that one would want for a finisher that supposedly could come out of nowhere. Shit, DDP did the damn thing a hell of alot better when HE had like 40 different variations for the Diamond Cutter. Sure Orton looks like he builds up the move alot better now with the anticipation, but what the fuck is with the whole epileptic seizure that he has afterwards? It doesn't make any sense and it has no point whatsoever.

And don't get me started on Jack SHWAG-GA's GRPB. It has to be the sloppiest piece of shit finisher in the world for a man his size to be doing. I mean get your ass in the gym you low testosteroned little deushe and learn to execute your finisher while you're at it. i mean fuck, this guy's execution if so bad that it makes the Hellavator look good. Hell, Dr. Death Steve Williams must be turning over in his grave every time he seems Swagger flubbing up his finisher because he can't lift the opponent right. Shit, I saw him do it to Christian once and he was in such a rush that it looked like he lifted Christian up and gently laid him down on the mat. Same thing during two matches with MVP as well.

People, the key to any finisher is execution. After that is salesmanship. If one of these is missing, then a move often looks like shit. Many of you sit back and criticize the Attitude Adjuster(formerly the FU) saying it's nothing more than a fireman's carry toss. But the thing is that when Cena does it, it looks good. It looks believable. It's like Triple H says. These younger guys need to start studying tape and doing their homework more in order to make themselves the total package. If not, then they aint shit and don't deserve shit. Plain and simple.
I gotta say, I always preferred the Anaconda Vise over the GTS. GTS is brutal to be sure, but CM Punk is too small to be lifting people up on his shoulders, and some times it's just not sold well at all. But the Vise is sweet, the uranage into a submission finisher. I like to think it feels like having the wind completely knocked out of you, and then because of the arm trap choke (almost like a triangle choke), you can't get it back, and you have no choice but to tap. That to me, is what really got CM Punk over in the beginning.
well i hate to say it, i really dont like shaemus but his razors edge is nice. the execution is very clean. its nice to see a old move recycled and done justice to. but earlier i saw someone with a post saying kurt angles olympic slam is a nice finisher. i have to disagree. not that its a bad move, its just more of a signature move than a finisher. just like matt hardys side effect. kool move but u shouldn't be ending matches with that shit. have u ever seen HHH pin someone off the high knee??? OK, thats my point.
Im going to be honest I really enjoy Kofi Kingstons 'Trouble In Paradise'
I think it fits the character perfectly and it looks pretty devistating if the recipient can sell it correctly.
Mr. Kennedy's "Green Bay Plunge" was pretty f'n impressive. It was a unique, high risk, high impact finisher, and it always got a huge pop from the crowd. I think he used it on Funaki a few times when he debuted. Granted, he didn't always use it because some guys were just too big to perform it on, but he used it on most of his early opponents (jobbers) and he used it on Hornswoggle off the ladder at WM23. So, I think you'd have a tough time arguing against The Green Bay Plunge. Sure, there may have been a few good ones since, but this is pretty definitive.

While I'll give it to ya that It's a nice looking move, it kind of takes away from it that pretty much every other guy in every other fed uses that same kind of rolling senton as a set up move for other moves that aren't even finishers. But it does look nice when he does it correctly and he should be able to pull it off more with the size of the guys in TNA.

P.S. Haven't a ton of wrestlers used a variation of the Overdrive (Playmaker) in the last 5 years? I swear that is the go-to finisher for new superstars.

OMG, don't even get me started on this shit. I mean the Overdrive/Playmaker was okay to look at when Elix SKipper first started doing it, on cruiserweights. But seeing big guys like Orton and MVP try to pull it off it just sad. MVP flubs it half the time and guys never truly know how to sell it right and still protect themselves from injury. They should get rid of the move and get MVP somethin else to use.

But I do have to give credit to Zach Rider's variation of the move as it looks truly devastating when he takes the guys pretty much through the same motions that they would go through with the overdrive. But the knee in the neck controls the twist more and has a cleaner looking finish to it.

well i hate to say it, i really dont like shaemus but his razors edge is nice. the execution is very clean. its nice to see a old move recycled and done justice to. but earlier i saw someone with a post saying kurt angles olympic slam is a nice finisher. i have to disagree. not that its a bad move, its just more of a signature move than a finisher. just like matt hardys side effect. kool move but u shouldn't be ending matches with that shit. have u ever seen HHH pin someone off the high knee??? OK, thats my point.

Actually, Shemus debuted with either that bicycle kick or that back breaker as his finisher. He didn't start using the Razor's Edge until he was on RAW. And not til after about a month on RAW, right when he got his World title push. Shit, he might not have started using it til after he was already champ.

And while ur talkin bout the high knee, isn't Regal's finisher pretty much a running high knee? lol

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