Trish Stratus vs. Lita - Who was better?

Who was the better diva, wrestling wise?

  • Trish Stratus

  • Lita

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Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
That's right, even after their legendary send offs which saw Trish win the title one last time and Lita lose the title one last time, there is still one thing that needs to be decided...

Who was the Diva of Raw in the attitude era and the Bischoff Era? Yes I said Bischoff as he's the only one I remember on Raw besides Evolution lol.

Looking at title wins and reigns, it would seem that Trish Stratus was the superior diva. However, let's not forget that Lita has broken barriers in WWE when she got involved with cross-gender rivalries with people like Edge, Christian, Jericho, Matt, Jeff, and even Kane.

So here I am to ask you. Who was the better diva?
There's no contest here whatsoever. Trish Stratus is the best diva of all time. She had 7 Womens Champions reigns, and a combined total of 828 days holding the title. Second only to Moolah. Then there's also the fact that she came in as just another pretty face, but had that desire to become better, so she trained and went on to become the best of them all. Trish has become the standard that every single diva has been compared to. She's a female wrestling legend. Top tier in the ring, the absolute best diva on the mic to the point where no one else could even touch her skills (by diva standards of course), entertaining feuds no matter who she was facing, her epic 448 day title reign, and of course passing the torch to Mickie when she left. Nothing against Lita, I like her a lot too.... she's my 2nd favorite behind Trish.... but there is just no contest here because Trish is the best diva in history and the standard that all divas will be compared to for a LONG time.
Trish by quite a way, Lita was one of the best, but she was also sloppy at times and her last year or so active aka the edge era she was so injured her style went down the toilet, she became a puncher and kicker.

The best thing about trish is that we watched her in ring skills grow from typical wwe diva to the best the WWE has ever seen. Even at both Diva's best, Trish had more skill in ring in my opinion.
Lita did everything Trish did but better the reason Trish gets the credit of being the greatest ever is because she is better looking than Lita nothing more nothing less.

Lita did more extreme matches and performed in situations a women's wrestler never did before and hasn't done since.
I love both Trish and Lita (who doesn't?), and I consider them to be the two greatest divas in WWE history. However, Trish is still some way ahead of Lita in my book. I actually used to watch and enjoy her matches on a weekly basis and that's something I can't say about any other diva, even Lita.

Not to mention she was also the sexiest diva ever and she played her character, especially her heel character, extremely well. Lita was good but Trish was the best diva ever.
Trish by miles.

Need proof, watch the WWE Women's Title match from Dec 04. Lita damn near killed herself and that sums up Lita's whole career if you ask me.

Trish came in the business totally green, worked her ass off and became a solid performer.

JR often references her in his blogs as one of the all time greats, and I believe he signed both her and Lita. She was a huge Bret Hart fan growing up and I think she brought with her a true passion for wrestling, which seems lost on most of todays divas, who use it either as a segway into acting or just a glorified modelling job. Not to say Lita was that way though, shes my number 2 of all time women wrestlers. They both brought the best out of each other in all their matches.
Lita did everything Trish did but better the reason Trish gets the credit of being the greatest ever is because she is better looking than Lita nothing more nothing less.

Lita did more extreme matches and performed in situations a women's wrestler never did before and hasn't done since.

No that isn't the reason. I actually find Lita well more attractive than Trish.

The question asked is who is the better wrestler, not who was the biggest spot monkey and could do more extreme matches, Whatever that means (Trish had awesome hardcore matches with Ivory and Victoria)

Lita was an ok wrestler with some awesome spots, but Trish had a bit of everthing.
when it comes to trish and lita it depends on what style of wrestling you like trish's style was more of technical style and lita's was high flying i'll pick trish in other words its like daniels and aj daniels is technical then high flying where as aj is high flying then technical
The better worker? Trish. The woman who meant more? Lita. Trish was a better worker, but that was more due to her safer style. Lita was flashier, and she effectively broke the barrier for high flying women we see now like Gail Kim and some of the TNA Knockouts. But both wouldn't have been what they were without the other.
Trish was just boring to watch. Her matches were the same and she often botched most of her signature moves, although this might not be her fault. And that awful lean back move she used toward the end was ridiculous. If a guy had wrestled similar to her he would have been booed out of the building.

Before Lita injured her neck she was fantastic. I love high flying especially in women wrestlers, thankfully TNA has Sarita. She was willing to do things other women wouldn't or couldn't. Remember the Power Trip attacking Team Extreme? After the accident she wasn't nearly as bad as the rest of the roster but she clearly lost a step. And I also found Lita far more attractive than Trish.

The way I separate them is that Lita was a wrestler, Trish was a Diva.
Trish was a much better worker. Lita got over because at the time she was the only Diva that would use aerial maneuvers, but when it came to actual wrestling, she was lacking. Yeah, Lita opened barriers to a new breed of diva, but Trish brought back the idea that a women's worker can look good and be a good worker.

Without Trish, there is no TNA Knockouts Division as we know it. She set a standard that wrestlers such as Mickie James, Beth Phoenix and Tara (Victoria) still strive for. Was she a great worker? No. Was she a better worker than Lita? Yes.

At the end of the day though, when you talk about some of the greatest women's workers in the United States from 1980 until now, Trish will be listed up there with Leilani Kai, Sherri Martel and Awesome Kong, Lita won't.
Absolutely Trish. Lita was a good highflyer and pulled off some good stuff that not many women in the U.S. are seen doing, but Trish's credentials say it all.
Let's say we took out all the male wrestlers from WWE at that time and have someting like a SHIMMER type organization. Though Lita would be the most exciting to watch, Trish would be the face of the company simply because of her look and her moveset. Like Charlie Murphy once said about Rick James, Trish just has that sort of aura that would make her appear better than all of them.

Though botchy, Trish put on matches I remember fully. Like her match with Mickie at WM22. The only match I fully remember from Lita was her retirement match, and I remember it because of Cryme Tyme and the "Ho" Sale.

So for my money's worth Trish over Lita
Ok the question was: who was better wrestling wise, and the correct answer is Lita by miles. Lita could not put on good matches all the time because the person she was in the ring could not allow her to do the moves she was accustomed to doing. She was the woman version of jeff hardy. The only reason most of you are saying trish is because she was really good looking. Trish isn't even in the top five of all time wrestling women of the wwe(wrestling wise).
1. madussa(blaze)
2. lita
3. victoria
4. tori(not the pretty one
5. sensational sherri

Put them in any order. You could even put mickey james and ivory ahead of trish.
I'm shocked at the replies on this board. Really? I've always felt Trish to be quite overrated actually. She is everything that people knock about the Divas today. The only difference is, she got to the point where she was presentable in the ring after 6 years. She was a wonderful valet and a great heel one at that. I do miss having women who created a personality first, but as an actual wrestler............HA!

Lita's career is actually the opposite. She came in with the ability to fly and became known for it, but only became more of a character when she ended up with Edge. I understand their styles are different, and if you were asking who the best worker of the last 10 years was, it's actually Victoria, but of Lita and Trish, it's Lita, no question. Lita is the best high flyer we've seen on WWE TV in the women's division, so in a sense, she's the Jeff Hardy of women, which makes sense because she hung out with them Hardy's quite a bit. To make a similar comparison, I'd compare Trish to the Ultimate Warrior. No, it's not because of attitude, we're just talking ring work. When their music hits, you got excited because they were a spectacle, and in the moment, for some reason, u liked them and wanted them to win, but looking back, you realize that their ring work was pretty bad and botchy.

So, while Lita and Trish both made quite the name for themselves in the 2000s, it was Trish who did so with her looks and Lita by taking to the air. Neither was truly the complete package, but if I had to watch a match, I'd watch a Lita match first..........unless it was Trish vs. Mickie at Wrestlemania because Mickie made Trish look the best she'd ever looked.
Lita all the way. Granted her last run with Edge she wasn't what she used to be but in her prime she blazed the way for womens wrestling bringing it into the high flying and extreme match situations we see in tna, roh, and shimmer today. There weren't any women doing what she did in wwf or wcw before she came in. Trish is a good wrestler but I always thought title runs don't count for as much as actual ability and great matches. Titles get put on people that will sell the product the best and that def. was Trish. Trish was the more conventional looking hot girl of the two. I respect Trish but Lita outshines her.
By the time she exited WWE Trish had come a long way and could wrestle good. Lita came into the WWE with moves that awed the crowd. Trish could never have survived the Lucha training that Lita did down in Mexico. Lita almost always delivered good matches as she carried most of them and was a big reason the "Diva's" stepped it up a level and turned back into wrestlers rather than just being regulated to the eye candy statis they were being pidgenholed into. Lita was the best wrestler though Trish was the face of the WWE Divas.
i cant believe the "marks" and "tit watchers" out there who say trish is better in the ring than lita. yeh, lita threw a sloppy clothesline, but nearly EVERYTHING trish did was sloppy. her "matrix move" was pathetic, her bulldog was lame and her handstand in the corner was pathetic. she threw foreams ALRIGHT, but lita put EVERYTHINg into her forearms and clotheslines. lita could wrestle RINGS around trish and HAS on many occasions.

keep in mind the ONLY reason trish had the title so many times was NOT because of skill, but because of her double d's and the fact that she got on her hands and knees in front of vinnie mac and barked like a dog (anyone ELSE remember that?)

and to those of you who say trish had more title reigns than moolah, i BEG you to do some research before you open your mouths. moolah was a FIVE TIME CHAMPION before she ever dropped the belt to wendi richter. she had lost the belt to bette boucher, yukiko tomoe, evelyn stevens and susan green BEFORE wendi took it from her back in what.. 1984? but because vince didnt OWN th ebelt at that time he refuses to acknowledge it. hell, for YEARS he even refused to acknowledge velvet mcintyre beating moolah for the belt in australia!

i was excited to see trish come to the wwe cause i had heard GOOD things about her, like how she had a suplex reminiscent of dynamite kid.. but i saw NONE of that while she wrestled.

hell, even JAZZ was a more impressive champion than trish!

and to whoever mentioned lita's intergender matches..dont forget her wrestling DEAN MALENKO for, i believe, the light heavyweight championship too!

i would much rather have lita come back than trish... lita can play BOTH sides of the fence.. heel or face..much better than trish ever could, and lita's got that "smouldering sexuality" and the "bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks" appeal going for her. trish is straight up fluff and cheesecake.

youd see TRISH in playboy before youd see LITA in my opinion.

the top women wrestlers in the wwe from the wrestlemania era? my list would be somethng like this (in no particular order)

wendi richter, velvet mcintyre, sherri, bull nakano, luna, ivory, lita, victoria, molly holly, jacqueline, jazz, gail kim, beth phoenix, natalya, katie lea, and the jumping bomb angels (goolge them or find them on youtube)

i have had the pleasure and honor of seeing MOST of these women wrestle LIVE and i have to say they work harder than the men in most cases.

on the flipside, the biggest wastes of oxygen in the womens division for the wrestlemania era?

again, in no particular order... madusa, the kat, kelly kelly, michelle mccool, eve, layla, maria, christie hemme, ashley, torrie wilson, sable, trish, the bella twins, and alicia fox to name a few
Lita was flashier, and she effectively broke the barrier for high flying women we see now like Gail Kim and some of the TNA Knockouts. But both wouldn't have been what they were without the other.

i don't know if i'd call Gail Kim a high flyer. I always saw her more as a ground technician... or even a submission wrestler. at least... early on in her career she was.
Lita was the better High Flyer but that's where it ends. Trish was BY FAR superior in the ring in every other category. Trish is most likely the Greatest Womens Wrestler in WWE history. Lita being one dimensional and injury prone didn't help her case either. Hopefully nobody will ever break Trish's record with 7 Womens Championships, Mickie would of been a likely candidate but that seems to be out of the question now. I think Trish should still be Wrestling now as she retired very prematurely. Lita wasn't even doing much of nothing past 02/03 mostly just managing.
. Hopefully nobody will ever break Trish's record with 7 Womens Championships,

uh yeh.. umm HI! hate to break it to you but trish DOES NOT hold the record for most womens championships.. like i said before, thats STILL moolah! She won the original tournament to get her FIRST reign, then lost it and won it back from bette boucher for her SECOND.. lost it then won it back from yukiko tomoe for her THIRD, lost it and won it back from evelyn stevens for her FOURTH, lost it and won it back from susan green for her FIFTH, lost it and won it back from wendi richter for her SIXTH, lost it and won it back from velvet mcintyre for her SEVENTH, lost it to sherri and won it from ivory for her EIGHTH overall reign

like i said.. do your research before commenting!
I'm shocked at the replies on this board. Really? I've always felt Trish to be quite overrated actually. She is everything that people knock about the Divas today. The only difference is, she got to the point where she was presentable in the ring after 6 years. She was a wonderful valet and a great heel one at that. I do miss having women who created a personality first, but as an actual wrestler............HA!

Overrated? How is Trish overrated? She's the greatest diva of all time and the standard that all divas are compared to. Also, she came in as just another pretty face and became determined to improve, she trained until she got better, which happened far faster than the 6 years you claim it took for her to become presentable in the ring.

Lita's career is actually the opposite. She came in with the ability to fly and became known for it, but only became more of a character when she ended up with Edge. I understand their styles are different, and if you were asking who the best worker of the last 10 years was, it's actually Victoria, but of Lita and Trish, it's Lita, no question. Lita is the best high flyer we've seen on WWE TV in the women's division, so in a sense, she's the Jeff Hardy of women, which makes sense because she hung out with them Hardy's quite a bit. To make a similar comparison, I'd compare Trish to the Ultimate Warrior. No, it's not because of attitude, we're just talking ring work. When their music hits, you got excited because they were a spectacle, and in the moment, for some reason, u liked them and wanted them to win, but looking back, you realize that their ring work was pretty bad and botchy.

Really, JJYanks121? Really?

Sorry but I simply must disagree there on several things. Lita's not a female Jeff Hardy. She was one of the best female wrestlers ever, arguably the second best behind Trish. She was an amazing heel and put on great matches whether she was in the match or helping someone who was (Hardy's, Edge, etc).... Also, Trish is NOTHING like the Ultimate Warrior. If we are making comparisons to legends, then Trish is the Hogan of female wrestling. Why? She is the standard that all divas are compared to. Hogan is the standard that many wrestlers are compared to. See what I'm getting at? Also.... she was top tier in the ring. I don't know what this bad, botchy ring work you speak of is.

So, while Lita and Trish both made quite the name for themselves in the 2000s, it was Trish who did so with her looks and Lita by taking to the air. Neither was truly the complete package, but if I had to watch a match, I'd watch a Lita match first..........unless it was Trish vs. Mickie at Wrestlemania because Mickie made Trish look the best she'd ever looked.

I disagree here as well. Especially on the comment about Mickie making Trish look the best she'd ever looked. WHAT!? You have it backwards, my friend. Mickie should thank Trish because without Trish that match and feud would have been nothing, thus Mickie would not be a big name on the female roster. "Mickie stalks random face diva" would have been BORING. "Mickie stalks the most popular diva, Trish" was anything but boring, thanks to Trish. She deserves more than half the credit for that feud, and it was TRISH who made Mickie look like gold, she could have made any other diva look good because she was the best.

Lita was the best heel diva, but Trish WAS the complete package. Trish Stratus had it all. Looks, charisma, mic skills, memorable feuds, determination, in ring ability, 7 memorable title reigns (one lasting over 400 days!), she was what EVERY diva aspires to become.... Trish is a legend as far as divas are concerned, and as much as I liked Lita, there is no contest here. Trish is the best diva of all time.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
Boy I just can't see how anyone would vote for Lita in this one ! She was so sloppy and couldn't work a good match at all ! Yes she did some dangerous moves(spots) but Trish to me was just the better all around package.

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