Triple H vs Wade Barrett?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last Raw before Wrestlemania, it has been confirmed there will be an 8 man match, The Miz, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett vs John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge and ... Triple H.
Obviously, early Wrestlemania plans are:
The Miz vs John Cena.
CM Punk vs Randy Orton.
Alberto Del Rio vs Edge.
Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker.
Triple H vs Sheamus.

However, I was thinking. What if WWE placed Triple H vs Wade Barrett at WMania? Do you think it could work? If WWE made it work, would you want to see it?
Well I really would like to see a fued between them, but maybe next Mania. I really don't want WWE to rush a rivalry with them just so they can have a match at Mania.

Triple H should definately vs Sheamus this year because I don't see Sheamus doing anything else except MAYBE versing JoMo. HHH has been MIA for months now and needs to return and end his fued with Sheamus once and for all.

I like the idea of them squaring off though, but WWE should wait untill the right time and give them a fued nobody will forget. It should be squeezed in and rushed.
I think the WWE has invested too much time and story into the HHH/Sheamus angle to just throw it all away and throw in a Barrett/HHH match.
I wouldn't put too much stock in that 8 man tag. It could easily change by the time that Raw rolls around. With that said I would like to see Barrett vs. Triple H at mania. I actually see a bit of Hunter in Barrett and think these two would match up well. Barrett really took control of WWE in Triple H's abscene and I imagine The Game would be looking to reclaim his turf. Helmsley made Sheamus look great last year at mania and I think he could do the same for Barrett this year. I'd like to see it but I'm not counting on it.
Hunter and Barrett could possibly put on a great program, provided it has the time to truly flourish. Having said that, there isn't enough time to build that story into a Wrestlemania payoff this year. Hunter has to come back to face Sheamus, it's the only logical situation for his return. However, I could easily see a feud with either the Nexus or The Corre in his future after Wrestlemania.
This is a feud that will happen a bit further down the line I think as Barrett curently has feuds with Nexus and Big Show. He does seem an ideal opponent for Triple H but I expect The Game to face Sheamus in a big gimmick match at Wrestlemania.
It is certainly a match/feud I want to see down the line as I can see a lot of HHH in Wade Barrett, but I would want to see the proper effort and build put into it and with little time left between now and Mania and HHH still not back then I don't think that can be properly delivered.

On the other hand the current rumoured matches already have plenty of story behind them, Sheamus taking out HHH and Barrett helping Kane bury The Undertaker. It would be a shame to have those stories go to waste just because WWE wants a HHH/Barrett match instead.
I'm excited to see HHH vs Sheamus at Wrestlemania. I don't think HHH vs Wade barret would not draw as much because of the short time frame and not enough build up. Maybe at Extreme Rules they can fued up until another PPV before summerslam.
Well the thing is, there would be no real reason for Triple H to go after Wade Barrett right now. It wouldn't make any sense because Triple H hasn't been on TV because Sheamus 'took him out' at Extreme Rules. The first person Trips will go after when he eventually gets bored of being in an office and returns to the ring will be Sheamus. Sure, we've seen it before and it will probably be much of the same (unless they have a gimmick match ie/ Last Man Standing) but that feud did come to an abrupt halt just when it had started to pick up speed.

However I'm all for Triple H to eventually feud with Barrett in the future, and perhaps WrestleMania 28 will be the time these two have their big showdown. Though a Summerslam or Survivor Series would be fine too.
Triple H versus Sheamus has been set-up already. The moment you found out Sheamus was in the King of the Ring it was evident the way he was going to win, and set-up "King Sheamus" Vs "The King of Kings".

And I echo the statement of having the match be a Street Fight or something. I mean, the storyline will be when he returns how Sheamus put him out for like, what? Nine months. He has all the reasoning in the world to go after him.

While, him and Wade Barrett wouldn't make any sense. He wasn't even around for Nexus, and Wade is rumoured to be going into a match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Although, according to Barrett he isn't and with all the specultion towards a Sting Vs Undertaker match nobody seems to want it.
It is now being reported that Wade Barret vs. Undertaker is being scrapped. We have also heard that HHH is being reported in a match at the last Raw before WM27. It is going to be Cena, Orton, and HHH vs. Miz, CM Punk, and Wade Barret i believe.

Meaning that HHH would counteract Wade Barret in the match. Maybe they are done with the Sheamus & HHH feud, or at least not going to pick it up at Wrestlemania.


Note** It's always being reported that Mason, Otunga, and Mike will face off agianst Jackson, Slater, and Gabriel. So i don't think they will be plugging Barret in this match with the Corre vs. Nexus feud.
I highly doubt just because they're using HHH in a house show match, means they're going to do HHH vs Barrett. I highly doubt HHH would even consider going to SD! let alone fighting Barrett before fighting his good friend Sheamus, especially at WrestleMania.
Barrett is big and currently he is bigger than Sheamus and a match against HHH makes sense especially when Sheamus seems a shadow of his former self. The pale-skinned lucky charms devouring Irishman has lost steam since winning the King Of The Ring and for me they could use so much more with the star power that The Game possess and a fued with Barrett and Corre could be just the fued for The Game

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