Triple H To Smackdown

I really doubt Triple is going to move to Smackdown. He's fighting for the WWE Title and has a pretty good chance of winning the title match at Backlash. If he were to move it would be a big shocker, but I could only see him feuding with the Undertaker then maybe Edge, but I would rather see him on RAW. Otherwise the mid-card guys will be kept down the card. No, Triple better not go to Smackdown.
You say he wouldnt bury people left right and centre, your wrong their lol. Their is no way in hell he would let the likes of MVP, Benjamin, Hardy, Morrison beat him, he would just steem roll them to the world title, i can see it know. His done it on RAW, he steem rolled through Booker, Carlito, Londin and Kenerick, Snitsky, Umaga the list goes on.

He wouldn't bury every1. Remember when Shelton Benjamin was drafted to RAW breaking up TWGTT? He beat Trips cleanly! (more than once!)

If Vince wanted him to go to SD! He would go. He would probably just ask that he be given the World Title.
jtbsoon2b said:
He wouldn't bury every1. Remember when Shelton Benjamin was drafted to RAW breaking up TWGTT? He beat Trips cleanly! (more than once!)

If Vince wanted him to go to SD! He would go. He would probably just ask that he be given the World Title.

He didnt exactly put him over. Benjamin won by a fluke pin, that really didnt put him over cause all it looked like was a fluke victory and Triple H ended up looking the better of the two at the end anyway.

Exactly my point, he would go if he is given the World Title. Why does he need the World Title? And if he is given the World Title, what do you think he is going to do? Bury talent, cause there is no way he is going to let Edge or any of the mid-carders move up and beat him for the title, so giving him the World Title will lead to what he does best, burying talent.

If he really wanted to go to Smackdown, he would of went by now, it aint going to happen all of a sudden. I dont understand why he he is so special he needs the World Title to move to Smackdown, cant he just be like Shawn, were he can be outside of the title picture, be in good feuds with good talent if he did go to Smackdown like Benjamin, Hardy, Finlay, MVP ect and win and lose, not always be dominate like he usually is.

And when you think about it, RAW doesnt really need Triple H, RAW has plenty of stars and talent to hold its own, and by the looks at the ratings, Triple H's title reign has increase ratings, they have went down actually so the move to Smackdown could benefical as Smackdown are in need of big stars and their ratings are slipping week by week, so i dont see the harm in him moving. And plus feuds such as Triple H Vs Undertaker, Triple H Vs Edge could be huge if done right.

But in the end i doubt it will happen, because he is selfish and wants to be the best on the best show all the time. Id think HBK will be a better person to go cause he can really elevate young talent over on Smackdown and since he hasnt been on Smackdown, it could be a fresh light on the blue brand. Plus, he would put over talent were need be. Triple H just hasnt got that in him at the moment.
HHH going to Smackdown would be awesome i mean it will be a fresh new scene for him and he would bring in hugh ratings for Smackdown. Besides Smackdown may be the B show but so what he is still a good wrestler and him going their wouldn't hurt his reputation or legacy. Taker on their and he is a good wrestler and his reputation or legacy has not been tarnished by being on smackdown. So whats wrong with HHH being on their. I think wwe should go for it it will be great. Plus Smackdown will be on a new network too My TV so with HHH being on their it will bring in hugh ratigns on the new network for the new home of Friday Night Smackdown.
It doesn't really matter where HHH goes, he'll have the same role: as a face, unstoppable guy that no one can pin cleanly; as a heel: unstoppable guy that no one can pin who resorts to cheating if he's going to be pinned cleanly. He stepped out of that role briefly during the time he lost to Orton, Cena, and Jeff Hardy, but he still walked away from those matches looking better than his opponents. If you keep him on Raw, he'll likely just dominate and always either have or be challenging for the title at most Pay per views. Same on smackdown. There's no way he's going to go to smackdown and step down a notch on the ladder.

So since it doesn't matter which show he's on, he won't move. The draft may bring others to challenge him, but he's not going to go to smackdown to challenge others.
I rather see HBK go to smackdown then HHH. Like someone said Shanw Micheals can make anyone look good in the ring and the young talent on smackdown do need that. HHH wouldn't be able to do that as he doesn't make everybody look good in the ring like HBK does. Plus he would just feud with Edge, Batista, Taker all the time which would get boring after a couple of months. And you people forget Edge moved away from Raw to get away from HHH, so if HHH goes to smackdown, Edge will either go back to Raw or ECW. Most likely to Raw i cannot see him in ECW. So HBK is the best choice to go to smackdown as he can help the younger talent and make then look good and have a feud with Undertaker which would be an instant classic. They had great fights before especiall they first ever HIAC match they had at Badd Blood in 97.
i would like to see triple h go to smackdown as he is dstroying raw. Nobody ever gets a clean victory over him its preety pathetic to be honest. Kennedy has deserved a push when jeff was on a push he didnt get a proper pinfall over him. Going to raw he will be facing guys like the undertake please hope he stays there so he cannot really be geting over on him. But he basically runs raw what he says go so its pretty known he is not going to move
let me tell u Triple H will NEVER go to smackdown. he gets to do whatever he wants and fued with whoever he wants and be WWE champion whenever he wants. reason being? he is sleeping with the chairman's daughter. triple h likes his spot on raw and re-fueding with Randy Orton & John Cena & Shawn Michales over and over again. the only "new" fued he has had since he came back from his quad injury was against Carlito. and who knows maybe thats Triple H's next fued! oh and i bet when Orton comes back from his injury then there will be another HHH/RKO rivalry. seriously HHH is staying on Raw and he will continue to re-feud with everybody cuz he is scared bout being "second best" if he is on smackdown and wrestling as World Heavyweight Champion for the 6th time.
I'd say that HHH moving to SD! is very unlikely. He has been on SD once before for all of one show before being traded back to RAW for Booker T and The Dudley Boyz a few years back when Bischoff was GM. Perhaps that was his way of saying that he's willing to do anything for the business, albeit for 24 hours. In many ways, the dynamics of WWE are different today, and HHH is all about this business, and if he truly believed that it was best for him to move to SD! I think he just might do it. Case in point - Until Backlash 2008, HHH hadn't held the WWE title for 2 years...injuries aside. For someone who is as self-centered as the IWC says he is, I think that shows enough humility and concern for the business to know who should be on top and to help build the future of the business.
Big fan of HHH going to the Blue Show.

I Loved that draft when Paul Heyman pulled his name out and has spat it FUNNY AS!!
He Fought Eddy G that night for the WWE title and it was awesome.


I know he'll never go to SD because it's the B SHOW.
But wouldn't he be the centre of attention on SD! More so than RAW?

Raw has enough star power to fill the void.

SD has a lack of Star Power and needs at least 2 BIG names to fill it hence HHH to SD is a smart move.

I would prefer to put HBK to SD! It sucks about his church commitments though
The odds of Triple H moving to Smackdown are about as much as me signing a WWE Contract...IE, not bloody likely. HHH is arguably the top wrestler in the entire company, he will stay on the flagship show. RAW IS HHH. I also think it unlikely that the Undertaker will move to RAW, because what HHH is to RAW, Taker is to Smackdown.
The odds of Triple H moving to Smackdown are about as much as me signing a WWE Contract...IE, not bloody likely. HHH is arguably the top wrestler in the entire company, he will stay on the flagship show. RAW IS HHH. I also think it unlikely that the Undertaker will move to RAW, because what HHH is to RAW, Taker is to Smackdown.

I love the humor in which you wanna express to everyone, but its really not needed. Triple H. could go to Smackdown, and I'm quite sure him going to the "Blue" Brand is a lot more likely than you signing that contract. Of course unless you've been wrestling in any manner, and you have remotely any talent what so ever.

Honestly though, while its very likely he won't be moving off of Monday Night Raw.. the odds of him going to Smackdown wouldn't be any hired than right now. Edge could make the jump to Raw, bringing the World Championship with him. Triple H. could jump to Smackdown, taking the W.W.E. Championship. The Smackdown brand is set to become the "lone" brand that travels alone, and they will be needing a major injection of top star talent.

John Cena and Triple H. are the only two that fit that bill, as not even Shawn Michaels (alone) could produce the type of ticket sells and ratings that they'd attempt getting. Albeit I'd rather see H.B.K. v. Edge than Cena or even The Game in that position.

In closing, I agree that its highly unlikely that he'll be moving. The fact is, it is possible. And never more so than now.
Part of me sees this happening more than Cena to SmackDown! if only because the entire internet seems to be saying Cena is leaving Raw. It wouldn't surprise me if at the 12th hour they draft HHH to SD just to throw a curve ball nobody was predicting.

Send Umaga, HHH, Holly and Miz to SD!. Send Batista, Knox, Morrison and Kofi to Raw. And send Snitsky, Moore, Cody and Murdock to ECW and I'd call it a successful draft.

Because HHH on SD would be the best thing for SD and HHH right now. And sending him there as heel and turning Edge face would be something so out there it could actually work awesomely, IMO.
Triple H To Smackdown

I love how he looked when this was announced. Great way to get over one of the most important aspects of the company. Rememeber kids that Hunter was drafted in 2004. what will now happen is that Smackdown will swap triple H for Santino and Cryme Tye and it will all even itself out. Actually it probably will. People were pissed when HHH got swapped for The Dudleyz & Booker, but it worked out for the best.
Yeah I dont see Triple H staying on Smackdown long due to WWE's politics and his ego. But if he does stay, this sets up Cena or Batista winning this Sunday to give Raw a champion. I would rather see the WHC return to Raw. This has made things interesting. I cant wait for the Smackdown and the PPV to see how this plays out.
Man, I can't believe when push came to shove, Triple H went to SmackDown over Cena. I think Hunter has finally realized that he isn't WWE's biggest draw anymore. I just can't wait for Triple H vs Taker.

And how about that ending, huh? I think it played itself out better so far than the Limo Explosion from last year. And I loved how Vince broke kayfabe and called Hunter by his real name, Paul. I think we have another "Whodunnit?" in the works, but I'm a little more excited about it than last years. They went all out in trying to make it seem real, and I'm extremely interested to see where this goes.
Triple H to Smackdown! was the biggest shocker of the night for me for sure. Soon as they were doing the final pick I looked at my wife and bet her dishes for a week it would be Cena. I lost and yet was excited at the sametime.

I'm expecting the samething that happened a few years ago to happen, except for it to be a Cena/Triple H change. Some kind of added stipulation possible to their match at NoC.
If this stays the way it is as of right now, I will be fucking pissed. Okay maybe not but I hardly ever watch Smackdown. This will give me a reason to watch it now though. Looking forward to Trips vs Edge, Trips vs MVP, and most importantly another hellacious Trips vs Undertaker fued. So I guess this move isnt all that bad. I'll miss seeing him on Raw but it will give me a reason to watch Smackdown......That is if Trips actually stays on Smackdown.
I personally think Triple H is going to stay this time. SmackDown desperately needs star power for the switch over to MyNetworkTV this fall. Hunter, JR, Hardy, and to a bit of a lesser extent Umaga and Kennedy is the exact kind of power they need. Raw has their share of talent as well, and ECW is now the glorified mid-card brand. Everything is pretty much as it should be to me.
WOW... I wasn't surprised by any of the other picks, but this one definitely was a jolt. I don't think it'll be permanent either as there's no way both Jeff Hardy and Trips will stay on the same show for too long- Trips can't like only getting the second-biggest pop when he's performing- but this will make things interesting.

As for getting star power on SD!, if you give MVP and Kennedy the push they deserve, along with Jeff Hardy, Taker, and Edge, that's plenty. Keep in mind Jeff is pretty much the face of the WWE right now.
There is no way they are going to have Taker and HHH fued... They hate each other in real life! Taker has to be coming to RAW... Even though he didn't get drafted, don't forget that he can't come back to Smackdown (or as the storyline proceeds)
There is no way they are going to have Taker and HHH fued... They hate each other in real life! Taker has to be coming to RAW... Even though he didn't get drafted, don't forget that he can't come back to Smackdown (or as the storyline proceeds)

Taker is moving to Raw. Expect to see more things like the stage inexplicably falling apart. That was Taker IMO... wouldn't shock me to see Taker appear a couple weeks before SummerSlam as Cena's new threat for the WWE Title (since Cena seems to be in line to win Sunday along with Edge retaining the WHC).
I for one could actually see this as lasting for a while. We all know about the politics backstage and yes Trips does like to me-first, but he also cares a lot about the company (seeing as how I'm sure he'll take over when Vinny Mac dies) and if it's in the best interest of the company he should stick around on SD! for a while. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
I liked the shock, but do not believe for one second that Trips will make one appearance on Smackdown. Triple H and Smackdown don't fit for me. If he wants to do it, fine but in my eyes Triple H is Raw, more than Cena. I'm not sure how, but Trips will be back. Maybe trade Cena for him, I'd really like that. Or a tag team like The Highlanders and some random guy like Snitsky. Like King Jake said about the 2004 Triple H swap. I did love the reaction, though. "This isn't supposed to happen to me. What do I do now?" Trips will be back on Raw by next week, I hope.
i agree, we wont even see HHH on SD!, they do this every year, someone shocking gets drafted and then during the internet deals after the show, he will get traded back. theres no way they will leave RAW with no heavyweight title with all the stars they just acquired tonight (i dont count the ecw title as a heavyweight title...hell i dont even count it)

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